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Anonymous No. 932759

When you're sculpting a 3D face based off of pictures, how do you know the focal length of said pictures and work around it? Is there a focal length on Blender or Daz you can change to align your work to them?

Anonymous No. 932765

There's no reliable way to get focal length info for most photos like that. Side profiles are mostly unaffected by focal length though.

Anonymous No. 932766

Usually I eyeball it and hope for the best.
If accuracy is imperative for some project I use programs to scope out the focal length using the clues I can find in the background behind the head

Anonymous No. 932768

>There's no reliable way to get focal length info for most photos like that.
If there clues like room ceiling, walls etc. finding out the FL can actually be done quite reliably but if it's something like in the OP, yeah you're semi-fucked and need to use your experience and eyeball it

Anonymous No. 932773


Does nobody ask the client if there is a side photo or how big the face is. Communication people, that's how you earn more money.

Anonymous No. 932774

Ops probably trying to do a celeb likeness I'm guessing.
If you have access to the person you should just take your own photos and do some measurements obvs. Enough photos and you can probably get most of the likeness from something like zephyr or w/e

Anonymous No. 932775

I do indeed have plenty of side view shots. Looking up, down, side, e.t.c. Mostly every angle except looking 100% up or down, or looking away at the camera 45 degrees.

Anonymous No. 932777

Pretty much. If it helps, it's all from the same photography session, so I'm not scrambling through their IG to scramble stuff together. I just don't know if they'll turn up the focal length that much during the photoshoot.
t. both a newfag at 3D shit and photography

Anonymous No. 932857

>>932759 App for determining focal length of pics.

Blender has setting on N panel to change focal length of viewport. Also any camera you add to the scene can change its focal length to match the picture.

Anonymous No. 932864

Eyeball it. When using reference images in ZBrush I usually set the focal length to 70, block out the shape proportions based on references then I eyeball the rest of the way. It's not about accuracy, it's about whether or not it's pretty and recognizable.

However some faces are pretty generic, in such instances you need to also focus on stuff like neck/torso shape and hairstyle. I remember sculpting James McAvoy once, didn't matter how accurate I was, it only became recognizable after giving him hair and a short beard.