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Anonymous No. 932964

Why is rigging in Houdini not nearly as developed as rigging in Maya?

Anonymous No. 932965

why the fuck is the uruk-hai swaggering like that?

Anonymous No. 932993

they've only really started working on it for a couple of years now. i think they have one animator on staff lol.

Anonymous No. 932995

> i think they have one animator on staff lol.
you do know that all vfx made with houdini are animated?

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Anonymous No. 932996


Anonymous No. 933015

I wonder if posters like this realize how retarded they are

Anonymous No. 933040

What I want to know is, and forgive my ignorance if this should just be obvious, but if blender is open-source then why is modeling and selecting vertices in blender still easier than houdini?

Anonymous No. 933062

a woman made this, respect women.

Anonymous No. 933099

>A technical artist is the same as a character animator
Bob Dylan sucks btw.

Anonymous No. 933119

>A vfx artist is a technical artist
Oh no no no no no

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Anonymous No. 933153

>selecting vertices in blender still easier
>selecting vertices

Anonymous No. 933241

Houdini was specialized in procedural modeling and sfx, then became a little more generalized over time

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Anonymous No. 935031

For the same reason as Zbrush. It's a toolset that's focused on a specific area of 3D graphics.

If Side FX wanted to they could integrate some really awesome anim and rigging friendly workflows into Houdini (every now and then they try) but why should they bother? They have cornered the market for FX, that's where the money is so that's where the dev goes.

Anonymous No. 936250

The technical artists are the ones making the software, retard. You are simply the glorified blender pajeet that pays them for premium geonodes.

Anonymous No. 936268

let me rephrase your question:
"why are there differences between softwares?".

or, alternatively:
"why is OP retarded?"

Anonymous No. 936416

what are you trying to do?

Anonymous No. 936432

95% of all posters just seem to be trying to shit up the board for the sake of it.

Anonymous No. 936442

So this is how you hyderabad pajeets cope over houdini missing basic features? As a lifelong western houdini professional, I'm seriously considering the switch to Blender with the new "Simulation nodes" feature, which actually allows for comparable procedural workflow without the price tag or clumsy UI. SideFX needs to catch up if they ever want me to go back.

Anonymous No. 936450

KineFX is great, what are you homos smoking?

Anonymous No. 936452

its a mess, just like the rest of houdini.

Anonymous No. 936462

this is one of the cringiest, most tryhard and uninformed posts i have read in quite a while. not only does it not even address or counter the points i made, but you clearly have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

i wish you disease, humiliation and torture, and i mean those words. rot in hell, maggot.

Anonymous No. 936470


Anonymous No. 936593


Anonymous No. 936595


Because he's a fucking beautiful masculine hulking beast with pendulous testicles that recruit his shoulders as counterbalance in a walking gait.

Anonymous No. 936596

>pendulous testicles
ok lol

Anonymous No. 936613

Cause the woman who made that used a template rig and applied generic animation meanwhile claiming she did 'all of it from scratch'

Anonymous No. 937391

is it? never touched houdini, but i know blender is a huge pain in the ass if it comes to selecting anything

Anonymous No. 937395

go back to blender then

Anonymous No. 937396

show prove

Anonymous No. 937527

>all these shitposts
>not a single mention of parallel rig evaluation
god damn it

the reason why only maya is used for film rigging is because of parallel evaluation, meaning that animations don't play at 3 fps

for video game rigs it's because it's got great compatibility with Motion Builder (most AAA studios use mocap), but KineFX may be even better, the problem with KineFX is that it's a new technology and it takes a while for the industry to catch up
indie games and titles that are in between indie and AAA use other programs, I'm not so sure if they're so heavily invested in maya

another thing is that because maya rules the rigging industry for decades because of the aforementioned reasons, it's way easier to find a maya TD, they're a lot more common
even if houdini gets parallel evaluation, it's going to take a few years to become popular because people don't just switch that easily (however, autodesk being hated across the industry may speed up that process, keyword being may because TDs don't have much of a say and executives will probably see houdini as an unnecessary risk)

Anonymous No. 937529

another reason why maya is so widely used is because of its extensibility. the fact is there isn't a single software that has all the tools that you're going to need, so writing custom tools is extremely important
if you want to write a plugin for maya, you have two/three (depending on how you count them) APIs to develop plugins, with python or with cpp
blender for example, even if it had parallel rig evaluation (it doesn't), still doesn't have a way to write custom c++ plugins, you either have to modify the source code (a monumental task for a small team needing to develop a tool fast) or you have to use python
and the worst part is that the blender foundation are adamant that they don't need a c++ api for plugins, which is absolutely retarded

Anonymous No. 937589

Houdini will never become Animation standard, because it is a shoehorned feature ona core aspect of a software that was not meant for it.

Anonymous No. 937609

>If Side FX wanted to they could integrate some really awesome anim and rigging friendly workflows into Houdini
I don't think you realize how hard software development is at that level.

Anonymous No. 937613

What level? Even blender can do it.

Anonymous No. 938176

I don't, you're right. But they are developing features for it regardless just more FX and crowd related ones.

My point is they have talented developers and they have funding, the resources could go into anim and rigging features if they wanted to but it makes more sense financially to stay ahead of the pack in the FX world.

Anonymous No. 938177

Everything in 3d is 'FX', retard

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Anonymous No. 938189


Anonymous No. 938220

I like this thread because you can see a very clear distinction between peole giving insightful responses and tourists from /v/. It perfectly encapsulates this board as a whole.

Only thing that would complete this thread would be if discussion fully devolves into Maya vs blender

Anonymous No. 938559

Why would that happen, houdiniggers are smart enough not to mention m*ya

Anonymous No. 938560

no it's not

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Anonymous No. 938562


Anonymous No. 938571

that's all you have, that's all you can say because I'm right

Anonymous No. 938588

everything you believe in seems right when you are delusional enough