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๐Ÿงต How to start a business with basic blender skills?

Anonymous No. 933034

Any ideas Anons?

Anonymous No. 933050

Start a business with basic blender skills.

Anonymous No. 933052

model and rig horse, model and rig [insert famous game heroine] character. Make them fuck.

Anonymous No. 933056

create a gay dating account and whore yourself out, blendertard

Anonymous No. 933185

am I looking at a render? something is off but I can't tell what

Anonymous No. 934964

go work for 1 company for 1 year, then 2nd for 1 year, then 3rd and 4th.

you will have more than basic skills + tons of contacts that will land jobs for your business

any other way around is the absolute waste of time t. blender cunt having his own business for 12 years

Anonymous No. 934965

they're called females and solely exist outside of your apartment. the lack of facial hair is normal in non-indians.

Anonymous No. 934973


no need just download a rigged one

Anonymous No. 934974


>constant anime fapping