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banana to cube.png

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933086

This is impossible

Anonymous No. 933098

the textures matter more than the geometry, chumps

Anonymous No. 933143

I can convert a banana to a cube in literally 7 steps.

Anonymous No. 933151

Prove it.

Anonymous No. 933156

Not the same anon that claimed 7 steps, but I would use the Decimate modifier, reduce it to almost nothing, then move some vertices around, and done.

Anonymous No. 933168

You could have posted the video OP.
It's a very decent example of how blender is supposed to be used.
Not sculpting a super high poly mesh but utilizing subdivision surfaces, edge loops and edge creases.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 933175


Anonymous No. 933177

>It's a very decent example of how blender is supposed to be used.
stopped reading there.

Anonymous No. 933179

1. Peel it
2. Cut it
3. Cut it again
4. Cut it again
5. Cut it again
6. Cut it again
7. Cut it again

Anonymous No. 933183

You just morphed the shapes

Anonymous No. 933186


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Anonymous No. 933231

Cool. How I'm doing it?

Anonymous No. 933298

All right.
You can utilize the edge and the (new) vertex crease functionality to change the smoothness of the subdivision to match what you want without adding more polys.
The ripeness of the banana could be done entirely procedural from green to yellow to overripe with black dots.
You can do the uv-unwrapping and utilize textures for weights instead of vertex colors for higher detail weights. While the cube and a banana have the same mathematical topology and the cube uv works fine a banana is longer so you'd get less distortion with proper uv.

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Anonymous No. 933300

>Select one face
>Extrude along normals out into cube
>Delete rest of banana

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Anonymous No. 933421

>7 steps
too much work
>move some vertices around
too slow

Anonymous No. 933532

good job

Anonymous No. 933552


fucking based

Anonymous No. 933566


also phoneposting sucks

Anonymous No. 933581

dangerously based.

Anonymous No. 933585

Based levels rising to dangerous levels

Anonymous No. 934933

The lighting matters more than the textures champ.

Anonymous No. 934984

To /3/, "impossible" is just another word for "this will take too much time and effort on my part"

Anonymous No. 934987

>to sphere
>flatten out sides
>reset UVs
>find the greyest part of the texture

sage No. 935014


Anonymous No. 937844

>we're all just 4 degrees away from being square

Anonymous No. 938018

Shinjitsu... subete wa rippoutai da...