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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933199

Can you make better 3D that AAA billion dollar companies?

Anonymous No. 933202

one simple non-interactive scene? easy

open world map with day-night cycle, simulated interactive environment, thousands of assets, procedurally generated NPCs with hundreds of animations? hardly

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Anonymous No. 933205

Anonymous No. 933206

more like no way, but you're right

Anonymous No. 933212

Also don't forget that all of that has to be heavily optimized for real-time rendering on a potato console hardware.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 933236

aзoв пpивид києвa пoвepтaєтьcя дoдoмy гeнepaл зeлeнcький дyжe зacнoвaний

Anonymous No. 933237

Yes, you reasonably can.

Anonymous No. 933243

you definitely can provided you keep the scope of your project relatively smaller if you don't want to dedicate your entire life to working on on project

Anonymous No. 933244

That's on the programmer not the artists

Anonymous No. 933246

I hate baiting faggots like yourself.

Anonymous No. 933248

You're a sfx guy, don't be so facetious. There's nothing wrong with being the artist. Playing with procedural nodes doesn't change the fact you're just plugging and playing with premade systems

Anonymous No. 933250

we are talkibg about the "AAA videogame graphics" which means all of that together. the artists alone produce far higher quality assets than what you see in the game when you play it

Anonymous No. 933256

You can see all these Last of Us remake models on Artstation. Something got fucked during the pipeline to make them look like that. The Mass Effect Andromida models didn't look half bad before they were put in that engine.

Anonymous No. 933452

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 933691

I've also stagnated.. because I'm lazy as fuck