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🧵 A new 3D style.

Anonymous No. 933455

I went back to making my 3D models, and holy shit, I ended up making a new style, evolved from my npc style into a model developed one.

Seriously now I am impressed with this waifu, and clearly will start focusing on this new path that I just discovered.

This idea of making my game characters, with the idea of them being cheap and easy to be taken to produce merchandize, seems a winner idea.

This wifu is much much easier to produce some metal mold to produce some plastic toys and keep the cost around 2-5k to produce such mold for an injection machine.

Texturing would be just pretty basic stencil work, so shouldn't be any issue.

Honestly this style is a much better idea than anime styles which cost more than 50 grand to make.

And not just plastic injection shit, I think is a trivial model for cushion type of plushies and other cloth based toys.
Design is easy enough to be nothing more than trivial cloth patterns and some stich work.

Should be a great design to make something like plushies I think.

Clearly a winner idea I have right now with these wifus models.

Anonymous No. 933456

Stfu cris, don't come back until your minecraft mod is finished and there is a playable version available.

Anonymous No. 933463

This is just pathetic. You’ve fallen so far that I’m actually in disbelief. How can you be content with this?

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Captura de pantal....png

Anonymous No. 933464


npc can only think in the terms the industry media has told him how to think.

Anonymous No. 933465

>npc can only think in the terms the industry media has told him how to think.
What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing I wrote implies anything remotely like that.
Besides, your sole criterion for your model design is how easily it can be made into a physical product. Pretty sure that makes you the NPC.

Anonymous No. 933466

It matters to me because I don't have an AAA budget to make good nice weeb pornography.

I need to be cheap as fuck.

Anonymous No. 933467

Are you legitimately retarded? This isn't good or nice. It might be cheap as fuck, but that's it. This looks awful. How do you expect people to jerk off to this? Do you think everyone just has "dirt poor production" fetishes?

Anonymous No. 933473

Cris is the opposite of an NPC you little bitch, he is so schizophrenic he’s the most human. Get back to licking boots and grinding your gears, cog.

Anonymous No. 933480

>implying you need millions of dollars to make something erotic
Can YOU beat off to that shit? If not, put in more effort. Maybe you can find one guy who wants to jerk his gherkin to your ugly models, but then you're just wasting your efforts on making merchandisable models on an audience of one guy. You're already making a fucking loli porn game (see >>>/g/90899419), so that's some fairly limited appeal already. Don't set yourself up for failure more than you already are. You're cutting so many corners that you're leaving yourself with an ever-shrinking circle, all for absolutely fucking nothing in return. Well done.

Anonymous No. 933484

the face looks cute tbdesu

Anonymous No. 933488

How are you going to animate it with only one leg.

Anonymous No. 933497

Animating is outside of the budget

Anonymous No. 933498

it's on wheels

Anonymous No. 933499

You are dumb.

Anonymous No. 933504

are u stupid?

Do you even know the diference between an ingame model and a cutscene model?

For the cooming part, It's more likely I will simply use some Vroid or rip some koikatsu animation with some nice animations.
Or do some sketch and then use AI to polish it.
I never mentioned you fap to the dungeon model.
It's made in a cheap style so the game looks coherent, while still being cheap to make all the fucking models and other shit I need to make.

While having nice 2D cutscenes and other nice expensive goodies carefully placed to trick the player.
I'm not some low IQ npc to think, oh these toy garbage is so erortic, gotta fap to a beveled cube.


It's meant to be similar to using a toy/figurine on a IRL boardgame fantasy dungeon.

I want to look like the warlord of the firetop mountain, as inspiration.

Anonymous No. 933506

Maybe 3D is not for you. Maybe try RpgMaker or instead. You can focus on your story and publish it and then if it's good you could have a 3D version made.

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Anonymous No. 933509

kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 933517

you're missing the point.

It's not lack of skills, I've made sculpts and even got a nice anime chocolate girl that anons told me I didnt made.

the point is that is not sustainable to make an entire game where a finished character takes more than 3-4 hours.

I dont have an entire professional team.
So, my idea is more keep the entire game really low cost and very cheap.

That's why I brag about reducing cost, because well, It's not just reducing a single character cost.
But the entire game costs are reduced, because I have to keep the style coherent.

So cheap as fuck style, is well, CHEAP AS FUCK.
That's why I brag about it.

Then It's just a matter of adding some fighting game supers with a nice waifu 2D hand drawn animation.

I doubt the player will remember in his mind the ingame model being shit, but because memories are fucked, the player will replace the shit model with the nice details from the waifu AI art and the 2D cutscenes.

That's the genius thing of my plan.
Smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous No. 933519

see >>933509
it's been 9 years and you did nothing

Anonymous No. 933521

But why do you specifically need "CHEAP AS FUCK" 3D models? Classic JRPG pixel art characters have more detail than your Lego thing. In fact Lego men have more detail.

Anonymous No. 933524

And I had no skills a decade ago to make it.
so what?

To keep a coherent style.

If 99% of the game is cheap as fuck to make, but there's a very polished and pretty 1% that I keep showing on your face on top and it being the thing that gets all the nice attention.
Then doesn't make sense that gaymer cattle wont notice background elements being shit, but they will keep talking about the 1% that is hot as fuck?

Do you know how memories work in our brain?

We don't have a 2 hour film memory of something.
We remember a few details and then we ignore 99% of the rest.

The 99% being cheap to make is just there so that nice 1% is stuck in your memory.
That's my 4D schizo 4D chess master evil plan.

Anonymous No. 933526

But why do you specifically need to make bad 3D models yourself?

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Anonymous No. 933529

What do you mean?

I specifically bought asset forge to kitbash my 3D models using his kitbash libraries.

The thing is, there's not such thing as such low poly indie character generator I can legally use.
Every character generator is for high meshes.
Character creator, makehuman, Vroid.

They are for high density meshes.

I agree I should look into something like Sinty models.
Which is like what I need.

My issue with sinty is that well, I can't legally afford it.
It's not like I have thousands of USD to buy them, and they can get a bit pricey to my thirld world wages.

If you mean that I can behave like a nigger.
Dunno, maybe?

But I feel, something behind my head tells me I should only use what I can legally use and that It's not a good idea to go and just steal other people work without their permission.

Dunno, maybe I'm not a nigger and that's why I am a loser.
Who knows.

Wonder how many people on the industry are like, mmm, let's steal and then when I make money I'll legaly buy it.

Dunno really about doing that.

Anonymous No. 933531

You should work within you limitations whatever they are. Low poly models are not less labor intensive to make than high poly ones. In fact it can be the opposite.

Anonymous No. 933534

yes, but honestly I'm still figuring out things.

It's not like you wake up one day with the perfect polished ultimate indie workflow that will destroy everyone.

It takes time, and you can't magically gain the experience without well, doing these experiments.

At least you gave me now the motivation to try something with Synty.

Anonymous No. 933569

So are you actually going to make a game

Anonymous No. 933574

I do hope so.

Anonymous No. 933584

itt cris mogging retards

Anonymous No. 933605

Holy fucking shit, you made this how fast? That's an incredible workflow. Super streamlined I can see this becoming huge !! You need to stop posting these low poly ultra sexy characters before someone steals your workflow and makes it rich!!

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Anonymous No. 933729


Anonymous No. 933730

Figuring things out... Things like "how to stop being a lazy pretentious ass" I hope.

Anonymous No. 933733

Looks ok. But why are you rendering it? Bring it to Unity or Unreal and start messing with the editor.

Anonymous No. 934439

pixel textures with dynamic lighting look ugly and plastic

Anonymous No. 934501

Is that because of the specular reflections? Seems like it could look okay under purely diffuse lighting

Anonymous No. 934610

Good job!

Anonymous No. 935066

Honestly it looks cute

Anonymous No. 937741

Hey cris can you make some 3d models like in you're op for me?

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Anonymous No. 937746

Same energy.

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Anonymous No. 937807

>new style
thats just a minecraft skin but avoiding squares rather than being entirely squares

Anonymous No. 937815

Su mamá en bola hijueputa

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Anonymous No. 938027

don't listen to the haters cris. nobody who makes it big does it in their first try. let it take 20 years of work if it has to

Anonymous No. 938306

I enjoy reading a cris post with the little minecraft model t-posing in triumph while whatever board he's on flies into a rage.
Cris baited someone so hard they took the time to make that image. I'd think he's pretty flattered.

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Anonymous No. 938307

zoomers don't understand the pressures of limited hardware. it's like watching a cargo cult

Anonymous No. 938309

>Cris baited someone so hard they took the time to make that image. I'd think he's pretty flattered.
Yeah wasting 10 years of your life to create epic bait, nice use of time