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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933568
Does anyone have any videos saved from LESLyzerosix? Whenever I catch his streams he's already almost done with a sculpt and he doesn't have any VODs or videos I can find anywhere, just random short clips.

Anonymous No. 934033

I don't think this guy streams or records his early processes. They have a Youtube but it's empty, maybe they'll upload stuff in the future, but for now there's only short 30 second clips that don't show anything you can learn from.
Don't even think they even have a stream schedule either, but if you ever do get in a stream early, best thing to do is record with OBS and hope you can record something you can learn from.
They could grow a huge audience if they wanted to, but the fact they don't record anything or stream often suggests they're probably making a lot of money just from their professional work and don't see a need to.

Anonymous No. 934035

You won't it anywhere, he doesn't save the VODs anywhere and he also DMCAs anyone who archives his streams. A shame this guy caved in and removed all his loli stuff he used to be one of my favorite zbrush artists.

Anonymous No. 934037

They is plural

Anonymous No. 934194

learn english

Anonymous No. 934256

Stop with that transgender bullshit

Anonymous No. 934263

He probably has a full time job and doing this part time for all we know. Sorry I am not nipponji.

Anonymous No. 934289

kys troon

Anonymous No. 934299

Read what you wrote aloud retard woke shit.

Anonymous No. 934305

Just looking at the model is enough to tell you the guy's gender and probable haplotype, there's no need to be artificially ambiguous with his pronouns

Anonymous No. 934603

Yeah sorry OP, lesly never saves his broadcasts and has the streaming cadence of a drunk schizophrenic wombat so you can't ever tell when he'll start streaming or how long he's gonna stream for.
All I can say is that if you do catch one of his streams as he's starting a model and manage to capture the entire process, well you're the homeless guy who's just come across the proverbial blank check on the street, hang tight onto that shit like your life depends on it and maybe don't share with the class so you don't end up losing it or spooking the man into not streaming anymore.

Anonymous No. 935085

>tfw people with english as a second language know english better than an american

Anonymous No. 935123

"they" can be used when you do not know one's gender. I don't know if lesly is male or female, barely know fuck all about them.
why the fuck has this thread devolved into an argument about trannies. you guys suffer from fucking brain rot. this is an amazing artist, and we could have had a nice discussion, but you have trannies on your fucking brain 24/7, you probably want tranny dick in your ass you freaks, none of you will ever be good artists if you this is all you think about.

Anonymous No. 935253

Pretty sure they is plural. Don’t know what stuff you’re smoking, but it must be bad stuff

Anonymous No. 935259

Are you being ironic? They can be both singular and plural.

Anonymous No. 935275


Language prescriptivists will always be faggots. Singular 'they' has existed for centuries before the trans meme. It just never made its way into standard English.

Anonymous No. 935280

you can't fall back to "they" after already establishing him as "this guy"
troons >>>/out/

Anonymous No. 935331

Is this semen demon an original character if not does someone has the recipe to the sauce?

Anonymous No. 935840

You're just showing off your lack of education, "they" has always been used when the gender of the subject is unknown. It's use has only recently been hijacked by dysmorphic weirdos.

Anonymous No. 935841

leslyzerosix is a MAN

Anonymous No. 935845

You're ruining America piece of shit
I'm not even American but your shit infects everything

Anonymous No. 935871

What the fuck does this have to do with America.
>I'm not even American
Could have fooled me you uneducated fuckwit

Anonymous No. 935950

Just run yt-dlp and download his streams. Its not that hard.

Anonymous No. 936277

Obviously you can do that with airing streams. OP's asking if anyone archived any past streams.

Anonymous No. 936278

>"they" can be used when you do not know one's gender.
Yes, but that's transphobic AF. If you think about it, "they" is plural. When you call a trans person "they", you are implying that there's two people, i.e. two genders at the same time in that person. That's why calling a trans person "they" is transphobic; you're implying that a trans woman is still a man. Don't go for the low-hanging fruit you transphobic piece of shit. Research their right pronouns and use them. Also
>I don't know if lesly is male or female
Can you be more transphobic if you try? I doubt it.

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Anonymous No. 936342

he's streaming right now
really wish someone was saving those streams

Anonymous No. 936366

Lmao just study porn and anatomy. He will tell you the exact same thing lmao. separate each body part into poly groups and let the clay brush fill the seams. The head is what you really want to focus on because the front of the face is not flat like your typical anime figurine with stickers anime eyes. His is dimensionally accurate on any angle. I bet he models the aesthetics of the face after ball jointed dolls.

Anonymous No. 936380

I like seeing the pros work and he is definitely one of the best

Anonymous No. 936413

i recorded all but the first 15 minutes. comes to about 5 hours, 1gb. not sure where to upload it.

Anonymous No. 936420

Fuck, this makes me want to get into zbrush again. What matcap does he use?

Anonymous No. 936422

Google drive

Anonymous No. 936424


Anonymous No. 936425

he uses materials from zbro
but the materials he uses for skin and hair appear to be custom, they have zbro in the name still so he's most likely just made slight adjustments.

as for which zbro mats he's using as a base my guess would be:
Zbro_IP_Mk2 = zbro_IllustPaint
Zbro_SS_Mk3 = zbro_Viewport_Skin3

Anonymous No. 936431

Thanks mate

Will check those. Ty

Anonymous No. 936441

I realized despite having twitch prime mr bezos doesn’t allow you to record streams unless they are your own or skip ads what a sack of shit. What did you use to record btw?

Anonymous No. 936447

I am just recording my screen with OBS

Anonymous No. 936451

here is today's stream:
only missed the first 7 minutes. i recorded higher quality this time

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Anonymous No. 936456

I was saving it too lol
5.7 GB highest quality missing the first 10 minutes, bonus 2b at the end

Anonymous No. 936458

Anyone hosting a torrent archive of his older streams and newer?

Anonymous No. 936507

This is very based and compiled his ohisashiburi sculpt is making me hard as fuck coom bros I think I’m gonna UOHHhhhh!!!

Anonymous No. 936544

Please keep sharing anons. I have 500 unused gb to host the files too if needed

Anonymous No. 936545

I can share all day but I'm not sure about my speed. I'll try making a torrent

Anonymous No. 936547

Ah fuck I think all my pc ports are closed. I've only done port forwarding years ago when hosting warcraft 3 games. Might look into it later

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Anonymous No. 936598

today's stream

I will start removing them when I run out of google drive space so please do save them

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Anonymous No. 936600

these are the girls he is modeling, they are OC by ohisashiburi

Anonymous No. 936605

Guys I just clicked on this board accidentally, but set your shit straight:
>record stream
>upload torrent
>make a GitLab repo with the torrents
>make a free page for it with GitLab pages
>now everyone can go to the page and torrent the latest video
>find other people who are interested in recording/sharing/downloading
>get a comfy hive of about 30 dedicated people
You clowns are acting like amateurs. This shit takes like hours to make.

Anonymous No. 936611

Secretive guy sees this. Shuts down his channel and social media. Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 936612

yeah it's better to keep it in this thread

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kek (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 936614

lesly-sama I am learning so much from you pls don't dmca. Here's my work senpai.

Anonymous No. 936634

hey lesly here, pls stop recording my streams. i record timelapses and intend to release these on patreon at a later date. thank you for your understanding.

Anonymous No. 936637

Kill yourself off my board.

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Anonymous No. 936639

Yeah right like Lesly would ever check this shithole of a board.

Anonymous No. 936659

I think he doesn't save his streams because he uses copyrighted music. Probably.

I will, but how do you record them? I managed to record 1 hour some days ago but I can't leave my computer until he finishes all the time, I need to do my own work or other stuff.
I think this should grab the stream but it's not working for me:

Anonymous No. 936669

>but how do you record them?

Anonymous No. 936670

whoever this nigger artist is, they need to learn anatomy, and also how fingers bend

Anonymous No. 936671

>muh anatomy
He is not an anatomy-fag, which is why his models have such a unique look.

Anonymous No. 936672

It’s easier said so than done. Pyw let’s see your perfect anatomy, fag.

Anonymous No. 936675

Show your work fag

Anonymous No. 936691

Thanks, I'll try that





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Anonymous No. 936703

you can just create a second desktop in windows and let it run there, that's what I did

Anonymous No. 936704

>It’s easier said so than done.
So it shouldn't be said?
>Pyw let’s see your perfect anatomy, fag.
>Show your work fag
I'm not that dude, but why does it matter?
>his models have such a unique look.
Can I get a quick rundown on this? They seem like generic anime models that you could buy for 5 bucks to me. I downloaded a video and the guy wasn't even talking, just sculpting in silence. What makes this streamer so amazing? I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 936706

his 3d models are sold as figurines, that's why it's special, and they just look good

Anonymous No. 936707

Unless you are a larping faggot, anatomy is the only domain specific knowledge in art that is very easy to fuck up and be 100% dunning kruger about it. It’s really important to take things with a grain of salt.

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Anonymous No. 936711


Anonymous No. 936726

Go back to /ic/. Retard crab.

Anonymous No. 936730

No idea what /ic/ is about (and don't care) and I don't know what being a crab means. Why are so many getting triggered by a few questions about a mediocre streamer?

Anonymous No. 936731

There were no question asked, only retarded bait by someone who doesn't know shit about 3d.

Anonymous No. 936732

How do you know whether something is bait or just a question by somebody who doesn't know? Also
>retarded bait by someone who doesn't know shit about 3d
How could somebody that knows nothing bait? Don't you need to know stuff to come up with the right bait? The only thing clear to me is that you're reacting emotionally (But why?), and that is not useful to me; I didn't ask for a queer to sperg out, I asked for insight.

Anonymous No. 936734

>Don't you need to know stuff to come up with the right bait?
No. Just being retarded is enough. That schizo third worlder cris posts here and people still fall for his bait.

Anonymous No. 936735

OH SHIT it's this guy
God damn, these stream archives might motivate me to finally learn Zbrush

Anonymous No. 936737

Because you're a lunatic to even imply he's mediocre. GTFO

Anonymous No. 936739

>the sound of the stream is silence and some static
Anon, I was being generous, he's a terrible streamer actually. He streams as if he were 60 years old. Are you claiming that he's a decent streamer?

Anonymous No. 936740

Is it? Maybe it's the video. I've seen his streams. He plays music. But even like that, I don't care about sounds, I care about his skill and workflow. Go watch MrBeast or something.

Anonymous No. 936741

shifting the discussion to him being a nigger at anatomy to him being a terrible streamer. What's next? You being kidnapped and thrown inside a barrel in the equator?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 936742

>chuds: heh this AI is so shitty look at those terrible hands

Anonymous No. 936744

Is his anatomy terrible by anime proportions? I don't know enough of anime to tell. What makes his anatomy bad?

Anonymous No. 936745

So according to your expertise, what's wrong with his anatomy in the related image? I do see the middle finger is bending a bit too much to feel comfortable but what else? Because you talk as if he doesn't know anything and you ofc do.

Anonymous No. 936748

>The lesly hater is an AI tranny
like pottery.

Anonymous No. 936753

Not him, but I just spent ten minutes looking at it and I agree that many parts are terrible.
>neither anime or real shoulders narrow like that near the joint
>the bit that connects the shoulder and neck looks awkward as fuck (what is flesh?)
>belly button is about 10% off going by the ribs and pubic bone
>hip joint slightly aiming in the wrong angle
>scapula about 25% longer
Is that a bone connecting the scapula with the neck? I hope it's a shading artifact or something, otherwise back to school my dude. Also, while the 1:1 ratio of the leg and thigh is a standard anime deformation, that concavity under the knee certainly is harder to justify; the leg bones are not curved like that. You can understand that it's to make her look lewder, but then the right way to do it was making the roundness in the back of the leg more noticeable, not misaligning the whole thing.
>the tits
Think about how they look without the shirt and they're disgustingly deformed. Also I suspect these things aren't coincidences:
>the clothing always covers the back of the knee
>we don't get a clear view of the neck
I think the guy might be pretty good at hiding the parts that suck the most. No wonder he doesn't record his streams lol. In anatomy I would rate 4/10; he's about the same level as somebody who has studied anatomy for ten days. I hope he's really good at explaining the workflows or something.

Anonymous No. 936754

>In anatomy I would rate 4/10; he's about the same level as somebody who has studied anatomy for ten days
alright that's enough, post your work

Anonymous No. 936758

Are you talking about OP's image?
In that I do see the back is a bit off, but it's a wip, you can clearly see the parts are not fused yet. Besides the back I don't see any of your points.
Can you post a sculpt you consider great? I want to see your taste. To me his sculpts are pretty erotic. In that respect, they work great even if they're animeish.

>ten days
You is trollin

Anonymous No. 936759

Nothing makes it bad, it's just some jealous autist sperging out.
Since his models are stylized, the anatomy doesn't need to be realistic.

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Anonymous No. 936760


Anonymous No. 936762

you seem very inexperienced, just from your lack of observational skill. you looked at that image and assumed incorrect anatomy in the hand, without even taking into consideration of perspective focal distortion, the hand most likely looks completely fine at other angles.
>They seem like generic anime models that you could buy for 5 bucks to me
again, you display your ineptitude. the face may be "anime" style, but the anatomy of the body is actually very realistic, and shows a great amount of anatomical understanding, which is required to create compelling stylised characters.
>I downloaded a video and the guy wasn't even talking, just sculpting in silence. What makes this streamer so amazing? I don't get it.
you didn't have to say you don't get it, you've made that very clear. why do you need to hear the streamer? if you want a parasocial relationship go simp for some e-thot. you can learn a lot just by watching their methods, which is why this artist's streams are so valuable, their methods are industry standard in regards to figure production, on par with the likes of sakaki kaoru, qi sheng luo, etc.

Anonymous No. 936769

Is anyone recording the current stream?

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Anonymous No. 936770


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Anonymous No. 936771

I would've but I woke up late.

>not him

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 936773


Anonymous No. 936780

>To me his sculpts are pretty erotic.
This is probably all you need to know to understand this thread. Even if the guy above listed many things that are terrible in the model. the reason why it is 'good' is because the audience cooms. This was never about art or skill, it's just about people wanting to sculpt coomer content. No wonder they get so mad.

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Anonymous No. 936781


Anonymous No. 936782

I feel like there are some angry artists in this thread who are upset over the fact that no one wants to record and archive their work.

Anonymous No. 936786

Or maybe they're mad because they are incapable of finishing a sculpt

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Anonymous No. 936792

today's stream:
he was showing off this model in the beginning on today's stream
thanks for reuploading them, I deleted >>936456

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Anonymous No. 936793

That was what I felt too, but then I reread everything and realized that every post using aggressive language was actually defending the models, not criticizing them. I asked my psychologist friend and she told me that people see their feelings on others because it causes them less suffering than accepting them. To be fair, the evidence does support that the coomers are mad when all they say is 'retard this, retard that' and so on. Let this be a lesson on how feelings don't make something true, but then we need to explore the thought that being horny is a feeling as well. I touched myself and now the models don't look so great anymore. Hold me bros...

Anonymous No. 936795

>I asked my psychologist friend
you lost me there

Anonymous No. 936826

Thanks anon. I've re-uploaded it too:


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Anonymous No. 936827


lmao you are just nitpicking at this point. You've shown how pretty useless you are. We're still waiting for you to pyw btw.

Anonymous No. 936828

anon... these files sizes are stupid. lesly streams at 960p. 1080p 24fps is sufficient enough, should be no more than 1GB for a 5 hour stream with no audio like that other anon posted.

Anonymous No. 936830

I don't know about encodes but 1.5 hour movies are about 2gb at 1080. How can 5 hours be 1gb?

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Anonymous No. 936831


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Anonymous No. 936833

pic related is a little more than 1GB 1440p @60fps for 4hrs. under that is what i think is the best settings to use.
if you want to convert to mp4 you can remix in OBS once recording is finished at no cost to file size.

Anonymous No. 936834

You guys are still in the I can learn sculpting by watching someone else phase eh.

Anonymous No. 936835

I'm just uploading whatever I download directly from Twitch.
7.8 isn't that big for a 960p 48fps, but I suppose it could be made smaller if reencoded.

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Anonymous No. 936836

1gb vs 5gb
I don't mind large sizes. I would prefer a smaller sized files if it keeps the quality but I don't know about codecs. I might try and convert the files but it's not a priority. If you want to help with that I'll be glad to upload the smaller files too.

Oh I'm not recording this, I'm just re-uploading them to Drive.

Anonymous No. 936837

You watch someone else do it, and you pick up their techniques and ways of doing things, then you use them yourself and maybe improve on them. This is the best way to learn something.

Anonymous No. 936838

don't you only get 15gb capacity on google drive? if the file sizes are that big you're only going to be able to have 2 or 3 up at a time.
I tried re-encoding your 7.8gb recording, but whatever encoder you are using isn't supported in my media encoder or premier, had to switch to .avi but there's no ETA on it so not sure what's happening there, so I'll probably just re-record the video playback with OBS.

Anonymous No. 936839

If you can't, I feel sorry for you kek. There are great things to learn from and apply in his streams regardless of your current skill.

Anonymous No. 936840

I pay for my account. I currently have about 500gb I don't use

Anonymous No. 936996

How long does it take to model a character on average? Just wondering since I've been watching these 4-hour recordings and they're mostly just minor tweaks.

Anonymous No. 937012

2-4 weeks if you are autistic.

Anonymous No. 937026

Some sixty hours, give or take. If you do five hours a day, you can more or less pump one of these out every couple of weeks.

Anonymous No. 937027

Just wanna say you fellas recording the streams are doing god's work. I know at some point you're gonna get tired of this and stop doing it, but until then I'm really glad you're doing it and sharing it, so thank you.

Anonymous No. 937039

bless you

The hands are fine, and the anatomy is fine for anime. Do the pose yourself, right now.

Anonymous No. 937057

so what have you learned from watching the streams? i've tried watching a few streamers and they always boil down to them just shooting the shit while wordlessly grinding with tips/advice being like 1% of the stream.

Anonymous No. 937083

hilarious when begs try to give technical critiques

Anonymous No. 937088

you learn by watching their methods, such as how they sculpt anatomy detail, hair, clothing, accessories, etc. you also learn their overall workflow, their approach to sculpting characters - something that cannot be easily learned outside of a recording or stream. these things vary by artist, and is generally good to learn from artists who produce a style that appeals to you.
lesly doesn't interact with his viewers, only making like 4 or 5 comments in the chat throughout a 5 hour stream, giving very few tips. but you don't need to be spoon fed information to learn, just observe and take notes.

Anonymous No. 937128

i prefer a more focused-learning approach than watching someone fiddle with an armpit for 2 hours hoping to catch wind of some subtle technique. not doubting there is something to learn here but it's just not that productive.
maybe if someone wants to make a digest version explaining what is happening with sped up footage i'd watch it.

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Anonymous No. 937135

Watch Speedchar, he specializes in sculpting fast and explaining good fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 937145

Damn, do most 3D anime figure sculptors just do crazy long sessions like this? There's this other dude who does figures for big franchises and he's been hospitalized twice for working for so goddamn long.

Anonymous No. 937149

average japanese work day

Anonymous No. 937151

I think that's the time the capture software kicked in and started recording the stream, in this case at 3:40PM of whatever local time recordanon is at.
You can't voluntarily do 14-15 hour shifts of this, 5-6 a day sounds about right. There's people here that say they can do it and if it were up to them, they'd just 3D every day from the crack of dawn to bedtime, but that's real larping hours. That kinda pace'll just get you burned out in a week's time, tops.

Anonymous No. 937156

I'm going to reencode everything to VP9 webm overnight with same quality and resolution settings as the original. If the space savings are significant enough I'll upload a link here.

Anonymous No. 937164

You want a structured approach? Learn to draw and no I am not memeing, it actually works. Drawing translate well to sculpting specially for understanding the underlying anatomy of an anime style figure so you can break down your work and fix any major flaw you encounter. Fyi lesly also draws evident from his very old works.

Anonymous No. 937210

It's 5 hours. I'm not sure why it says 15 in the title.

Thanks I'll be sure to check that

Anonymous No. 937276

nico is pretty based. been following a couple of his paid courses. apparently maxon banned him for some reason, so he now uses blender.

Anonymous No. 937280

>"it made his way into standard english"
Kys fags, he's xy a male a he

🗑️ Anonymous No. 937336

Lmao'ed at faggot using "they" as a pronoun. Kill yourself faggot, you will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 937338

"they" has always been used when you don't know the sex of the person, it's gender neutral. it has nothing to do with trannys. what should i refer to you as? you could be male or female. should i just assume you're a girl? should i say "that one anon is a fucking idiot, SHE has tranny on the mind 24/7"? what is wrong with using "they" in this context? fucking educate yourself, stupid american.

we don't know if lesly is male or female. going by their name they are most likely female. but without knowing for certain, we can just use "they" because that's what you fucking use when you don't know.

Anonymous No. 937339

Well, Maxon are a bunch a fucking faggots and are currently shitting all over Pixologic's legacy and the good will of its fans so they did him a favor honestly.

Anonymous No. 937343

I was never taught THEY can be used as singular. I've been learning English all my life and when I hear someone calling a singular unknown person THEY it sounds fucking wrong and retarded. Don't lie, you know it too. If you're not sure you assume the gender. If you don't know him you should assume LESLyzerosix is female, because the name sounds female. Using THEY has only gained popularity recently due to Twitter leftoids and trannies.

Anonymous No. 937345

Holy shit, the trannies have gotten to you so bad they left you mindbroken lmao.

Anonymous No. 937349

Talk about yourself. My country is trannie free for the most part.

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Anonymous No. 937354

Just download the course from pic related lmao. Not even Sakaki Kaoru or Lesly can compare to Qisheng Luo. Chinks have very methodical workflow compared to nips because nips just copy what they see. Chinks actually practice their art fundamentals seriously hence why they can deform a realistic woman into a simple moeblob anime waifu in a matter of hours. Chinks also deviate from the source putting in artistic liberties into their sculpts rather than blindly copying what they see.

Anonymous No. 937359

Is someone recording the stream?

Anonymous No. 937360

>when I hear someone calling a singular unknown person THEY it sounds fucking wrong
People have spoken like this for ages. Trans folk have unironically mindbroken you and are living rent-free in your head.

Anonymous No. 937361

i have this course, and a couple of others. have you been through it? it's a little difficult to follow, have to keep pausing to read the subtitles, but it seems good.
i've only just started recording, an hour late sadly.

Anonymous No. 937363

My recording is 40 minutes late, didn't expect him to stream this early.

Anonymous No. 937366

I hope this shit is bait
>ESL policing native english speakers on how english works

🗑️ Anonymous No. 937367

You're joking friendo. Look at this:

Suppose I don't know the dentist.

>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard they are a really good professional"


>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard he's a really good professional"

Please tell me which is correct.

Anonymous No. 937369

both are correct, you use "they" when you want to be polite and don't want to assume someone's gender

🗑️ Anonymous No. 937370

You're joking friendo. Look at this:

Suppose I don't know the dentist but I've heard Dr.Bown is a really good doctor.

>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard they are a really good professional"


>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard he's a really good professional"

Please tell me which is correct.

Anonymous No. 937371


🗑️ Anonymous No. 937372

Oh fuck I deleted it, sorry.

But no mate. That PC stuff is only recent. I would've noticed it. 25+ years of being fed English culture and I haven't noticed "they" as singular until recent years.

For context:
You're joking friendo. Look at this:

Suppose I don't know the dentist but I've heard Dr.Bown is a really good doctor.

>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard they are a really good professional"


>You went to the dentist, right? Oh I heard he's a really good professional"

Please tell me which is correct.

Anonymous No. 937373

>That PC stuff is only recent.
The 14th century is not recent. Both examples are correct, but if you must die on this hill, do so elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 937374

it's obvious the use of "they" is correct, since the dentist's gender is unknown. Using "he" here is incorrect, you're going to get "no actually, the dentist is a woman. are we talking about the same dentist?" as a response to that, your use of "he" here just causes confusion in situations where the assumed gender is incorrect.

you should also contract "they are" into "they're" to sound more natural. and use "their" if possessive in place of "hers" or "his".

Anonymous No. 937375

Nah you are right and wrong in the old internet everyone assumed any internet person was male
So nowadays people use "they" (which is correct) MORE when referring to any account/player/"internet person" or whatever who they don't know the gender of. Because everyone has seen instances of someone calling a random fucker a he on twitter and getting shit on because they are female or some weird shit

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Anonymous No. 937378

today's stream:
it's missing the first 40 minutes but it doesn't seem like there was anything interesting there

Anonymous No. 937384

Gets about half way then the download fails baka. Idk if it's my internet or the file. Wish these file sizes were smaller.

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Anonymous No. 937389

>have you been through it
I haven't watched everything yet but he is a very good instructor someone who actually problem solves before tackling something as simple as an anime head which beginners tend to fuck up alot. You want to learn from someone who knows his shit, anatomy, form, proportions, cloth folds, etc.. I've seen his works in artstation so you can expect to learn good things from him.

Anonymous No. 937445

Streams recorded by me from april 2022
One link — one month
Pass: WhyDoYouLive

Anonymous No. 937470

he seems to create his geometry by making poses with body parts and then merging them to the body and then kinda blending it into place, does he use some kind of prefabricated body part library or something? i was expecting them to be sculpted from scratch.

Anonymous No. 937473

nice collection anon, thanks for sharing

Anonymous No. 937478

Thanks anon
I hope theres nothing shady on those zipped files!

Anonymous No. 937481

from the looks of it he often uses older projects as a base mesh to work from. just skimmed through all the archived content, don't think any of it shows him creating a character from scratch. but his methods generally involve splitting the body parts into separate subtools, separating them further at the joints, posing, smoothing out the seams, and then tertiary detail.

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Anonymous No. 937487

bless you anon
here's today's stream if anyone needs it:

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Anonymous No. 937540

It would be great if as you guys go through the recordings you could share any sort of timestamps for sections of the streams that you find interesting for whatever reason

30.04.22 at 02:15:00 he starts going through the process of redoing the hair and face from an existing model

Anonymous No. 937553

Google drive links:


Thanks for sharing

Anonymous No. 937595

whats the torrent link anon ?

Anonymous No. 937600

you can learn a lot from his malenia sculpt, it includes face/hair/armour.
Folder 08.22
File 12.08.22
Time ~3hr
it's on cgpersia, just search "wingfox" and you'll find it. it's only 10GB or so but it will take like a day to download through the crappy hosting sites.

Anonymous No. 937607

I can't download ThUMfA, everytime I click download it always get marked as phishing malware can anyone reupload it to gdrive?

Anonymous No. 937637

I'm uploading

Anonymous No. 937672

some more — lesly figure — two missed steams from may 2022 — CKB Yor — CKB Sakamata Chloe — CKB BlueArchive girls
Pass: WhyDoYouLive

Anonymous No. 937675

>lesly figure
did he give this away for free? where'd you get this?
thanks for your uploads, lots of learning material here

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Anonymous No. 937676

I found figure in internet(I don't remember where.), but i think it's from his patreon from 2017-2018 year.

Anonymous No. 937678

Pass: Course

Anonymous No. 937680

thank you anon!

Anonymous No. 937719

Awesome anon. Thanks

Google drive:











Anonymous No. 937761

thank you anon!

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 937833

Disgusting porn sick creation
Seek help or ngmi

Anonymous No. 937846

you mean sex?

Anonymous No. 937864

thx for the zbrush file
i hope some of his other models get uploaded someday, they're great to learn from

Anonymous No. 937871

Do everyone a favour and go back to Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous No. 937890

porn implies sexual provocation. if you interpret it as such, that is a you problem. if you cannot control your sexual urges upon seeing nudity, it is you who is a degenerate.

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Anonymous No. 937987

>lesly fig
damn, I like the balance between realism and anime. Makes me want to practice real anatomy.

Anonymous No. 938029

Can we open up a lesly spreadsheet or lesly catalogue to keep everything organized... it's getting a little hard to follow with all the links and dates and different file services...

Anonymous No. 938036


Thanks for the figure, someone from twitch chat had shared with me that one + zone-tan one, but I had lost it, there must be someone out there which has all his stuff from patreon back in the day.

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Anonymous No. 938230

Anonymous No. 938432


Anonymous No. 938448

these keep failing during download. anon, please record with OBS and reupload with much smaller files size.

Anonymous No. 938490

Yes, for some reason for me too big files keep failing when downloading form Drive. Eventually it succeeds. I don't record them.

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Anonymous No. 938507

Do we actually know anything about how he got this good, what sort of background he has? I just really wanna know more about him

Anonymous No. 938518

This guy is classically trained in drawing and sculpting lmao you know japs take art seriously bro it’s embedded in their genes since the day they were born.

Anonymous No. 938519

he just has a lot of years of experience, that's it. you can get to this level too with enough practice.. this level of work can be achieved with ~4 years of practice depending on your approach and how much time you put into it. the majority of lesly's workflow is just digital sculpting, he doesn't involve other areas of the 3D pipeline, at least not in his livestreams. you can improve fast if you focus on one particular area like this.
let's say you put 4 hours into practice a day for 300 days each year. you will have practiced nearly 5000 hours across 4 years, that's more than enough time to get this good with digital sculpting.
the important thing is to not get so caught up with things like "how to get good" "how did they get good" etc., and just start practicing and keep at it.

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Anonymous No. 938996

Short stream today, he was showing off some of his old models at the end of the stream.
Sorry for the big file size. I don't know how to reencode, and I always download the direct Twitch stream at the highest quality.

Anonymous No. 938997

How does he fuse all the subtools together at the end?
Or does he keep them separated? I dont think he uses dynamesh at this stage, or even retopo/zremesh

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Anonymous No. 939146

>but you have trannies on your fucking brain 24/7
>you probably want tranny dick in your ass you freaks
what a bizarre logical leap.

Anonymous No. 939162

what's not to understand? if you have trannies on the mind 24/7, you are projecting your own insecurities, your subconscious desire for tranny dick. fuck off back to pol, faggot.

Anonymous No. 939163

NTA, but its gone. Can you reup?

Anonymous No. 939332


Anonymous No. 939450

Any of you lesly fans tried out the Wandah Kurniawan from Coloso? It just recently popped up on online-courses.
I tried the Qisheng Luo course posted here but the subtitles aren't great in places. The Wandah course may be a better alternative.

Anonymous No. 939462

Okay, I checked out a couple of the videos, seems really good. The subtitles are bad, but he speaks clear enough english, it's a lot easier to follow, and he seems to explain a lot more compared to Qisheng's course.

Anonymous No. 939474

Which weirdo ever established that anime noses translated into 3d should look like pointy spikes?
It looks ridiculous desu,

Anonymous No. 939480

Every anime/videogame/vtuber or even 2D 360º animation of a character or design sheets show the same kind of nose
unless you were expecting western big noses with nostrils + nasal septum, which.. arent anime. at least the most common ones

Anonymous No. 939493

Just having nostrils doesn't make it western.
I get it it's supposed to replicate a certain stylized look and with a NPR renderer it looks fine.
But if you combine that super stylized face with a realistic (detailed) body it out of place imo.

Anonymous No. 939746

i don't think i could handle listening to this man's voice for hours on end, and reading a video tutorial seems like a really shit time.

Anonymous No. 939866

I'd prefer to listen to him than some unskilled american who only knows disney/cartoon western style. You aren't going to find a high quality course like this from someone who isn't ESL. His English is clear enough, whether or not it sounds pleasing shouldn't matter.

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Anonymous No. 940247

Anonymous No. 940341

Do these characters have names.

Anonymous No. 940350


I'm re-uploading these friend, thanks for taking the time to grab them from Twitch:

Anonymous No. 940452


*lesly figure:

*two missed steams from may 2022:

*CKB Yor:

*CKB Sakamata Chloe:

*CKB BlueArchive girls:

*Stream 03-04-23

*Stream 03-17-23

🗑️ Anonymous No. 940593

Only turd workers think "they" can be used for singular lmao
And troons I guess but they hardly count as human

Anonymous No. 940595

This. The fact that the singular they wikipedia article is a recent and highly opinionated text says a lot about it. Those nerds will make anything into an article, and get this is somehow a recent topic hmmmm almost like it wasn't prevalent or a thing at all.

Anonymous No. 940596

>inb4 you made a typo therefore facts are no longer facts

Anonymous No. 940613

american education

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Anonymous No. 940785

Ok bros, I've sculpted this base mesh, it's high poly as fuck and I have some questions: how would you cut these hands and feet to make fingers? how do I hair? how do I ass? and most importantly how do I clothes

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Anonymous No. 940786

Here's the back view

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Anonymous No. 940787

I think I've improved the ass quite a bit

Anonymous No. 940792

These are very basic questions about character modeling. Have you watched any tutorials at all?

Anonymous No. 940794

Well no, I just took a drawing I made and used it as reference. I guess I'll watch some tutorials then

Anonymous No. 940946

Your anatomy is pretty bad. I'd suggest Qi Sheng Luo's course, he's a master at anatomy.

Anonymous No. 941184

The background of having discipline and motivation to make art every day, that's how he got good.

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Anonymous No. 941342

How do you set up a camera and have an ortho view to the side like this in zBrush? Seems like it'd be real handy dandy to keep your proportions in check.

Anonymous No. 941349

Thats a screenshot from zbrush

Anonymous No. 941356

you use snapshot ()shift+s by default). it's not a live preview, it just takes a snapshot of the angle you were working on at that time.

Anonymous No. 941418

>how would you cut these hands and feet to make fingers?
Do them separately/use poly groups like in zbrush(lol)

how do I hair?
youtube/twitch is filled with those.

>how do I ass?
-try copying the flow of the ass muscles from the pelvis to the trochanter with your strokes
-add a bit of bottom fat
-smooth it a bit

>most importantly how do I clothes
again youtube

Anonymous No. 941426

There are many ways of doing things in zbrush. You can't just suggest they go to youtube without referring to specific artists to learn from. You won't learn much about sculpting anime scale figures from western artists, and that's mostly what you'll find on youtube - western artists churning out low quality tutorials.

One of the few videos on youtube you can learn to sculpt anime scale figures is Sakaki Kaoru. He has hundreds of hours of demonstrations, you can follow him from start to finish. Lesly's methods may be slightly different, but in general Sakaki Kaoru is a good place to start, all figure scale artists are using his brushes.

After going through some of Kaoru's demonstrations, you should have a good idea how to shape different body parts, as well as the whole sculpting process. You can then use what you learn here to go through Wandah Kurniawan's anime scale figure course.

At this point you probably need more practice with anatomy, so next best artist to follow is Qi Sheng Luo, who has a anime scale figure course, he is a master at anatomy.

After Kaoru's demos, and two full courses, you should feel a lot more confident with the process, and may be able to start working independently on your own projects. It's at this point where you can follow along with Lesly's streams to shape your style and understand his specific methods.

Anonymous No. 941445

zbrush have some 'new' cloth brushes, test them out, they are quite useful

Anonymous No. 941734

this is good stuff, i assume that LESLyzerosix just models stuff right? not selling STL and so on? He have a Patreon account but dunno what type of content shares there

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 941810

anon how do you make LESLyzerosix's eyelash ?

Anonymous No. 941885

just create a different subtool for that.
you cant sculpt a detailed eyelash out from there. then merge down for example or keep it separated

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Anonymous No. 941901

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Anonymous No. 941902


Anonymous No. 941906


Anonymous No. 941951

I'm currently halfway through the course and he's amazing so far. Sure, he does mispronounce some words but he diligently explains everything he does and does lots of practical applications.

Anonymous No. 941952

Yeah, I'm about 5 hours into it, currently at the hair section, Really impressed with it so far. He doesn't talk too fast so despite his accent it's easy enough to follow. Tempted to pay for it once I've finished.
I notice he doesn't provide the references for the head sculpting, which I actually found beneficial because I used my own references letting me explore on my own.

Anonymous No. 941968

Yeah both proportion models and references are missing from the class materials available to download. It would be nice to have the models

🗑️ Anonymous No. 941974

kek troons always trying to slip their "they" garbage whenever possible and they always get berated for it. remember, your mental illness will never be considered normal no matter how much the government and corps want it to be.

Anonymous No. 941981

everyone on the internet is a "he" unless proven otherwise.

Anonymous No. 941985

The base mesh used in the beginning is included. For the figure head refs I just screenshotted it from the video then upscaled it.

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Anonymous No. 942052


Anonymous No. 942059

What's the point in archiving his streams if the file size is too big to justify storing? This one video is bigger than Wandah's entire 32 video length course on sculpting a anime figure from start to finish (~5GB), and almost as big as Qi Sheng Luo's 52 video course (~10GB).

Whatever method you're using to archive these streams is bloating the file size way out of proportion. Every 1 hour of video should come to about ~300MB.

Anonymous No. 942064

You can reencode with handbrake.
Most courses you can download through warez are reencoded. Wandah's course is like 65gb without reencode.

Anonymous No. 942078


Anonymous No. 942087

you can download the compressed video stream from google drive instead of the original file

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 942203

like this anon?

Anonymous No. 942205


Anonymous No. 942232

literally started the post "This guy" then proceeds to use they for every pronoun....

Anonymous No. 942234

america is tranny land. MKUltra has victims can you guess what they decided makes you maleable and isolated more than racism?

Anonymous No. 942239

That looks like shit lmao

Anonymous No. 942240

Spines broke doc. and some ai looking poses. >>936737
he's mid at best. His topology is fucking garbage. It looks good as a figurine but thats it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 942241

based art autist

Anonymous No. 942243

My uncle was cool, then they went to the store.

Never came back like your dad.

Anonymous No. 942275

ok of the like 9000 google drive links in this thread, which ones are actually good/information dense? i downloaded one and it was 3 hours of them sculpting creases in hair which could be cut into like, 3 minutes of useful content probably, i'm down to snatch, cut and re-encode some stuff with sane settings if y'all help me out a lil on selection

Anonymous No. 942276

imagine not knowing ffmpeg flags off the top of your head, baka amateurs

Anonymous No. 942301


ffmpeg -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuvid -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i FILENAME.mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -qp 28 FILENAME_COMPRESSED.mp4

if you're an a GTX1660 or later, should result in files about 6-8x smaller with barely any loss of quality for this sort of content, if you're on an earlier card use

ffmpeg -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i FILENAME.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc -qp 28 FILENAME_COMPRESSED.mp4

files will be slightly bigger, earlier cards don't support b-frames on HEVC which ruins filesizes for this sort of stuff, I don't have a lot of UL bandwidth so I can't transcode/reupload but if anyone else does it's appreciated

Anonymous No. 942325

Thats it, now you can go to Deformation\Polish to make straight lines out of it. (disable the point if you want it to have more effect).
You can also zremesh it to a lower polycount for adjusting it better. I'd also add creases and that would be all.

Anonymous No. 942326

thats quite useful, gonna try it right now

Anonymous No. 942328

that pointy bit on the inner side looks kinda weird, usually those are on the outer side for anime eyelashes

Anonymous No. 942331

I left it working and it just finished using the first prompt.
I used it with >>942052 and went from 8.34GB to 1.39GB which is quite good for a 5hours stream.

Even if your recordings have a huge size, I keep saying it during all this thread, you are doing a great work and helping the community. Thanks again. /3/ needs more people like you

Anonymous No. 942359

Yeah I tried converting too with

ffmpeg -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuvid -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i FILENAME.mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -qp 28 FILENAME_COMPRESSED.mp4

Went from 4.35gb to 0.77gb. And great quality. Ok, I'll convert everything. Will post in a couple of days.

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Anonymous No. 942494

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Anonymous No. 942797

Anonymous No. 942921


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Anonymous No. 943049

WTF man are you telling all figure previews at online stores are renders???!!! This is wrong man

Anonymous No. 943056

theyre usually pictures of master models

Anonymous No. 943075

I have yet to see a anime render that is comparable to an archvis render so I think it's a missed opportunity to get good in lighting a figure

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Anonymous No. 943783


Anonymous No. 944106

I've converted all files so far (the mkv files were small already so I've left those as is):

Thanks, I've added these too

Anonymous No. 944390

It's a big bummer that it'll never be a thing to just buy 3d models for stuff like this one >>936771 instead of it only being physical figure releases. Seeing the artists making the models just makes it even more of a tease.

I'd think that the market of people buying completed figures doesn't overlap that much with the people willing to 3d print stuff, but the unfortunate reality of knockoffs and file sharing means it'll never happen.

Anonymous No. 944400

I haven't looked into it but I might be able to cultivate that market if nobody, or at least nobody who's good, is already doing it.

I've been thinking of making coom shit and selling the files myself, only problem is I don't have a printer, so I wont be able to verify if they'd actually print successfully.

At least having the files of the models themselves would be worth it to some though.

Piracy will happen but who cares

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Anonymous No. 944407

There's a number of artists in that space from what I've seen but a decent chunk ends up being the same kind of stuff. The more unique stuff (like that leslyzerosix model) is way less common compared to way too many copies of more popular anime, film and vidya characters. I entirely understand why that ends up being the case something unique instead of another 2b model is always nice.

I'd also note that having the models fully prepped or at least somewhat considering the 3d printing makes a huge difference in the actual quality. There are a few groups/artists that split everything into parts partially to fit a wider range of printers and I would assume to also make painting and assembly nice and clean. Pic related has zero paint, just swapping material colors for example.

Piracy of the bigger name artists is pretty common place too. The telegram groups that I follow for stuff seem to have a policy of generally waiting 30 or so days after releases before sharing but you can otherwise find most stuff

Anonymous No. 944466

Isn't this already a thing for miniatures? I would research there. Perhaps the print cost is really high

Anonymous No. 944570

Lesly's playlist is based. It's like listening to a radio station made for me while getting a glance here and there how points of interest. Very comfy. Timelapses are just AMV jerk off spectacles for showing off terrible taste.

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Anonymous No. 944632

long stream, mostly hair modeling

Anonymous No. 944651

Thanks I've compressed it to 1.66gb and added it to the shared folder:

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Anonymous No. 944686

I have ckb's video. It's quite large, but not much happens. Would anyone be interested?

Anonymous No. 944689

I'm interested, share it please.

Anonymous No. 944701


>There's a number of artists in that space from what I've seen

I See I see

>something unique instead of another 2b model is always nice.

That's good then, because I'd rather avoid selling mainstream characters myself, if anything I'd just give them out unless they're from Mangaka/Online-artists etc. that are fine with people profiting from their stuff

That aside, I'd probably be making up characters on the fly or use random npc/background characters that show up in media once and never again

>There are a few groups/artists that split everything into parts partially to fit a wider range of printers and I would assume to also make painting and assembly nice and clean

I also already have experience in making print models for people before privately. However I'm not certain of how mission critically accurate things could get in the printing space depending on what printing hardware and materials are used etc, I'd autisticly over-research on things I'd have to take into account if I ever fully commit to that route. (I haven't used specialized software when making keys and whatnot so far).

I could also just simply ask people to test models too lol

Anonymous No. 944730

yes yes yes please

Anonymous No. 944772

Lul imagine exposing your face while doing nsfw figurines.

Anonymous No. 944776

bless you, anon

Anonymous No. 944881

Is it possible to do these courses in blender? I'm saving money for a good screen tablet (I have the cheapest wacom currently) and a zbrush permanent license but I wanted to start sculpting anime girls

Anonymous No. 944890

It's gone again, can you plz reup again?

Anonymous No. 944906

pirate it?

Anonymous No. 945141

The guy has a solid 2d fundamentals foundation that is absent in many 3d artists. He'll draw gesture lines on his models that he's constaltly reposing and looks at it from different angles looking at how the countours complement the motion. He then uses a combination of masking and clip brush to create those smooth S-curves that makes the form consistent and shine with the pose. If his character is bending side ways and stretching then the torso and shoulders will clearly reflect that. I've never seen anyone do this, but that isn't surprising because technique and art fundamentals are pretty much never a focus of digital 3D. You can be assured the one thing though. There is no shortage of are zmodeler videos out there, so you can spend most of your your time poly modeling very slowly without true 3D functionality in a specialized sculpting program.
I found some some tidbits in Wandah's videos I didn't find anywhere else except partially in a pile of one of lesbian's streams. Pretty sure I remember him giving a nod to Anatomy for Sculptors which explains why the body and proportions part reminded me of Nikolay's female anatomy course. Though like Sakaki, he's a sub-d modeler and barely uses dynamesh and blocks out the body with primitives. Unlike Sakaki, he doesn't go on a polygrouping spree. You get a nice clay smooth brush similar Sakaki's clayfill, but there's no smooth group intersections brush in the SK folder, as Wandah doesn't utilize that method that gets you nice eye pads.

Its worth is in seeing and/or confirming the workflow for this style and overlap from the guy that made the semi-realistic Eula.

I'm really curious to see this then. The fun in watching genuine mastery is that a person displays what seems like alien and idiosyncratic ways of doing things. If 3D artists are just going to keep operating as glorified human printers, then it's time to hop on over soon to Nvidia's Picasso and just AIbash for industry homos.

Anonymous No. 945161

Also keep in mind that Wandah's render isn't posed like in the reference, and his workflow is based constantly checking the model against the art.

Two things there to point out:
1. The latter is impractical to do mostly or only using one reference plane, especially one that's at an angle in a dynamic pose. When you don't have the concept artist to consult with you will need to reinterpret the design when it's too ambiguous or off where it doesn't translate well into 3D. Wandah makes figurines, so he's not having to make comprimises with riggers and animators in this element.

2. Wandah didn't pick up on the nuance of the usagi kuudere's gesture and I don't think he was keeping in mind what character archetype he was working with. In the art the torso is more upright and arms are foreshortened with left hand more suppinated and not limp. Her body looks positioned for battle saying with additional context "fuck around and find out I don't even need to use my staff on you" or is non-chalantly engaged in the middle of one. In contrast, the 3d model has a lobotomized affect doing an embrace or tadah bow pose looking like she's winging a magic trick while losing her balance on xanax with her usagi familiar nodding off on heroin below. The context isn't helped by the 3d cape flaffing about blending with and taking focus away from her upper body, which should be twisting toward (look at her right shoulder pad relative to the left and the tilt and position of her breasts in the art.)

Point isn't to shit on the guy but point out not to overlook a good example of when one shouldn't be stuck in copy mode, when learning, and switch to thinking mode while looking out for discrepencies. Don't neglect observation. Pay attention to the unseen, to context and the relationship between elements. Tracing form isn't what's important. It's understanding and capturing the design that you're not going to fully see here unless you breathe anime and manga.

Anonymous No. 945162

*should be twisting towards her right*

Anonymous No. 945168


just do it, stop being a faggot

Anonymous No. 945174


Anonymous No. 945186

Good observations. Can you explain point 2 a bit more clearly, without memeing?

Anonymous No. 945189

Are you guys buying these full courses or just looking at preview videos? $180 strikes me as a bit much to drop on an ESL course of unknown quality, regardless of how nice their example models look

Anonymous No. 945207

I think i am going crazy fellas. No matter what board i go there is some coombait waiting for me. And I'm not strong or disciplined enough to NOT click it.

Anonymous No. 945208

Just download it for free, you can find them on online courses club

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Anonymous No. 945245

Anonymous No. 945253

with high poly sculpts, if it looks good it IS good. if it was for animation and needed good topo then it would retopoed

Anonymous No. 945259

You're talking to a troll that got btfo'd weeks ago.

Anonymous No. 945315

Is there a video or vod for their process on how they do feet? i'm trying to sculpt feet and looking for a way to make them similar

Anonymous No. 945317

2023-04-09 stream

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Anonymous No. 945330

Anonymous No. 945342

Awesome. I've compressed both to about 1gb each. Uploaded to the shared folder:

Anonymous No. 945351

Damn that must take alot of effort to keep the smell of coom out of his room.

Anonymous No. 945366

what's the difference? I have a lot of space and can afford to save the 7G files, is the compressed version look identical to the naked eye?

Anonymous No. 945408

I have a really hard time noticing the difference. I think the compressed one it's a tiny bit less sharp. At about 1/5th the size.

Anonymous No. 945475

thanks, I ended up getting the compressed version because the uncompressed one kept failing at the end

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Anonymous No. 945527

Anonymous No. 945579

Compressed to 1.28gb and uploaded

Anonymous No. 945603

does anyone have Maria Panfilova videos?

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Anonymous No. 945649

Anonymous No. 945658

thanks for sharing this

Anonymous No. 945691

Nice to see lesly still keeps the 2022 version and didnt pay Maxon

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Anonymous No. 945733


Anonymous No. 945735

>be incredibly talented at making erotic sculptures
>refuse to make porn sculptures

Anonymous No. 945737

I've uploaded the compressed one and the previous one (may 12 and may 11) to the shared folder

Anonymous No. 945739

Here's something new.
I've used ffmpeg to remove all pauses from the stream by removing duplicate frames, so now it looks like Lesly is constantly working on a model.
This makes the stream a lot shorter, it went from 4:10 to 2:27. The video file is also much smaller now.

Anonymous No. 945845

Thanks, from now on I will only upload compressed streams with pauses removed and no audio

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Anonymous No. 945886

>make a change in radian
>This is what we call the logic of evolution
Alright I'm Shanghai missile now.

Anonymous No. 946108

Yeah no problem. Good optimization. Thanks for sharing.

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Anonymous No. 946326

Anonymous No. 946378

it sure is crazy how many hours this guy puts into one model.
i figured a professional would get these done a bit quicker.

Anonymous No. 946392

I think it depends on what he's working on. Some of his work like what he's currently streaming is not intended for scale figure production, he can get away with spending more time on it and usually creates various poses, it's more of a way to practice and develop his skills.
Whereas when he's working on something intended for scale figure production, I suspect he works much faster, generally the prototype is created within 2 months (I sourced this from good smile recruitment posting). I doubt we'll ever get to see that though as I'm sure there are stipulations that prevent him from streaming professional work.

Anonymous No. 946456

Uploaded to the shared folder too:

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Anonymous No. 947007

Anonymous No. 947019

thanks for putting me on this guy...

anymore artists like him you'd recommend ?

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Anonymous No. 947109

Anonymous No. 947165

Are these just 3D pinups, or are there any more raunchier stuff this guy does?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 947168

I don't know anything about game engines, since I am just a machinist doing 3D models now, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask.
What game engine would be good for turn based strategy games?
I think we'll end up using Unity, but are there other alternatives that might lend themselves better for something like that?

Anonymous No. 947169

Wrong thread, sorry, I've been working on tank suspension for 5 hours straight.

Anonymous No. 947323

I can't record today's stream because of the new Twitch API.

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Anonymous No. 947337

Yeah although he's not gonna stream himself working on it for obvious reasons.

Anonymous No. 947342

he only streams safe horny stuff

Anonymous No. 947344

He should stream them on fc2

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Anonymous No. 947354

Anonymous No. 947380

I've put these two in the shared folder too:

Well that sucks, nothing we can do about it

Anonymous No. 947595

All eras were shit

🗑️ Tot4 No. 947664

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1281
Summer Swimwear Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 947871

Thank you for continuing the recording

Image not available



Anonymous No. 948009

recording works again

Anonymous No. 948025

>safe horny
Stop using this stupid zoomer phrase

Anonymous No. 948036


Image not available



Anonymous No. 948092

Image not available



Anonymous No. 948217

Does anyone have recordings when he made the model from pic related?
Also based anons doing the recordings and sharing links as usual, many thanks

Anonymous No. 948221


Anonymous No. 948233

You're a fucking idiot and poorly educated

Anonymous No. 948253

should be in this folder

Anonymous No. 948278

Great, I've uploaded these 2 to the shared folder too:

Anonymous No. 948413

Zbrush is way complicated, is sculpting stuff like this in blender realistic?

Anonymous No. 948449

Yeah but the real into stylized waifu was mostly just smoothing out much of the structure into a blur but not completely out of existence. Aside from that he moved the jaw up from the chin, so the face is less elongated, and moved the back of the head in to be more spherical. I already knew all that from studying Sakaki's gumroad base model and glancing at the head portion of Anatomy from sculptors, both from the bird's eye view.

It's further easier to understand if you notice something particularly amusing about the real anatomy head.

Anonymous No. 948451

Blender has the advantage of real 3D environment allowing for a splittable view port for multiple camera perspectives and lighting that isn't faked. Hope you have the vram for it though, but that might just get you up to a certain point just like it was impossible to brute force your way out Maya slowdowns without decimation and splitting up island into their own objects (yes construction history was turned of; no I will not show you my dx.diag file.) I don't know anything about it beyond that. Why Zbrush doesn't have those is the price you pay for being able to handle 6 gorillion polygons. Could post tl;dr if you wanna read about how Zbrush works technically.

Other than that it's not Zbrush's favor that it was acquired Maxon. It's a kiked gluttonous graveyard leviathan posing as a company just like EA that turns trolling customer into an art.

Anonymous No. 948487

How big is this folder as a single download at this point?

Anonymous No. 948539

87 GB

Anonymous No. 948652

Dang, gonna need to wait till my new hard drive arrives to get that downloaded then, thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 948718

I think I have a few older ones archived I can share. I'll have to check in a few days.

Anonymous No. 948879

I got 111GB
I should check for duplicate

🗑️ 4chan mod is nigger No. 949256

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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
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