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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933575

Give me an easy way to turn Vroid/Koikatsu kitbashed meshes into low poly shit that looks like synty garbage.

Bonus points if I can automate it by 99% using some retopo or AI retopo shit.

Anonymous No. 933576

lmao even

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Anonymous No. 933580

2 usd for a basemesh and I went from 70 minutes making a low poly waifu, to 20 minutes and got a nice basemesh to start doing my model.

This is too advanced for me.
Already faster than IA.

I'm a simple but happy man now.


Anonymous No. 933593

that would take longer than just polymodeling it yourself

Anonymous No. 933656

Decimating would give it the look but in order to retopo it and make it usable closest you can get is zremesher or quad remesh in blender. Instant meshes is a freeware that does something similar but honestly anon you need to learn retopogy already. There are no shortcuts when it comes to that.

Anonymous No. 933975

you retopologize it and then transfer uv islands/ bake on substance (or bake in blender if you wish to make your life absolutely miserable)

theres no automation you fucking dingbat you either sit down or you can be stuck with your highpoly le animu waifus

decimation requires way more cleanup than just dissolving edges by yourself desu

Anonymous No. 933984

stitch the meshes in zbrush and then run zremesher

>muh topology
Shut the fuck up, you don't work for a AAA studio.