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Anonymous No. 933592

Is this an acceptable amount of work for 4 months?

Anonymous No. 933603

I don't know about 4 months, but that looks really good compared to a lot of "3D trying to imitate 2D" renders that I've seen.

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Anonymous No. 933616

forcing perspective in 3d to imitate 2d never ceases to amaze me

Anonymous No. 933637

There are a ton of little cheats in blender he could have done to get the same amount of animation in a couple of weeks. I’ve been experimenting with the 2d animation tools and it’s wild how so many traditional animators are sleeping on Blender, but then, it’s not the easiest thing to learn initially.

Anonymous No. 933653

Yeah I'm surprised how Flash animators haven't completely switched to Blender I can only assume they don't know because you don't see Blender advertising the 2D stuff much. The Oneyplays guy made a tutorial on animating in Blender. He used to be an animator on Newgrounds and from what I've learned watching his videos the grease pencil workflow just seems like in improved version of Adobe Flash with the added benefit of being inside a fully 3D environment.

Anonymous No. 934020

There’s also a lot of neat little time saving tricks you can do with the 3d aspect. I plan on eventually doing a series on it myself as I think it kinda changes the game. There was a French guy years ago that used the method I do, but I haven’t seen it used since. It’s funny because it isn’t really advertised for its traditional animation tools, but I’ve used Toon Boom, Flash, Clip, Krita, and TVPaint, and so far Blender has a leg up on all of those except TVPaint, and that’s only because TVP is completely catered to traditional animation and does it’s absolute best to feel like a pen on paper.

Anonymous No. 934021

I really feel like traditional hand crafted animation is gonna slowly die by 2030. You can do so much with 3D already and the AI tools are gonna help to make it look like it's hand drawn.

I'm pretty sure that if you take those frames and do even light img2img using the NovelAI model, you can make it look indistinguishable from hand drawn.

Japanese voice synthesis is lightyears ahead of English (, so animation can be "automated" and then voice acting can be automated on some parts. Maybe few of the main characters are real and all supporting actor's voices are AI generated.

Going to be scary next 10 years for the average people in anime industry.