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🧵 Honestly the only realistic path forward

Anonymous No. 933610

Honestly, I know we all make fun of me, and that my cheap 3D is fun to make jokes about it.

But talking seriously.
The only possible way forward for me now, in my now lucid period of non schizo kind of depression I'm having right now.

The only realistic path forward, of even remotelly finishing a commercial product.
The only realistic way I can even finish something that people will pay for it.
On a serious non delusional way.

That I can finish something in 8 weeks, that people would pay for it.

It's a light novel with 3D renders made using kitbashed assets from koikatsu/Vroid/3D gaming models repositories, backgrounds made using asset forge and synty.

This being used to make some 3D sketch to quickly paint over and then using AI to promt it into some photobashed finished render.

And then make a light novel and use godot to turn it into a CYOA book, and maybe some menue combat like rpg maker xp using sprites converted from the koikatsu kitbashes into sprites.

And keep the combat something like VS, but simpler.

Anonymous No. 933613

you know that you have no copyright with machine generated images right?

Anonymous No. 933614

The Photobash/3d into img2img workflow is extremely viable for visual novel content and concept art in general.
I think you could be successful with this plan as long as you can actually grind through it and finish the game instead of abandoning it for a new workflow next week.
Even if the game doesn't sell well, finally completing something and putting it on steam would be a great accomplishment

Anonymous No. 933615

He could photobash/edit multiple AI images together.
The resulting composites would be original work which he would have copyright to... I think.
But even if it were legal for someone to rip off all his assets... that's kind of a good problem to have, it means he actually finished his game and someone liked it enough to want to copy it.

Anonymous No. 933618

you shouldn't samefag cris, it's embarrassing. also no one is going to buy a game that will never exist.

Anonymous No. 933633

There are 3 ips in the thread silly

Anonymous No. 933644

Ese texto no tiene sentido. Generado por ai? Nadie va a pagar si ni siquiera te esfuerzas por escribir bien.

How do you probe it's ai generated tho? I've seen some ai art that really fooled me.

Anonymous No. 933645


Anonymous No. 933654

yeah there is me
the dude saying you can't focus
And you
And now the 4th this guy

Anonymous No. 933655

With how borked the entire copyright system is nowadays the guy who generated the art still has the upper hand, but if it ever went to court you'd better hope you don't have a history of using machine generation programs and better be able to produce a psd or other similar digital art file proving it was drawn. If it hasn't got individual editable layers, how can you prove you made it? Only a handful of psychos draw everything on one layer.

Anonymous No. 933667

You don't have to prove anything. They've to prove you're guilty. The people accusing you have to prove you've "stolen" their art.

Anonymous No. 933671

That's what I'm saying, someone could take your machine generated images, and if you tried to go after them legally they can say "these are generated"
at that point if you didn't have some proof that you made the images, the case gets thrown out or worse they might be able to counter sue for a frivolous lawsuit or legal fees because you knowingly brought a frivolous case against them.

Anonymous No. 933673

I see. But then just don't say the character design are generated by ai.

Anonymous No. 933717

The moment you make an iterative drawing based on the generated image, you own that image since the base generated image is not an owned intellectual property.

Anonymous No. 933744

I just make my own iterative drawing and say it's based off the original.

Anonymous No. 933747

go kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 935603

Cris I just want to say you are awesome and to NOT give up! You really are special and the gnashing of teeth of these beasts and cretins is just what the failed do when they know their fate and wants yours to be the same. Remember what the duckfag said

Never give up and don’t listen to the mediocre. That’s what you need to do! Never give up!

the chair nerd No. 935607

Shut up Chris.

Anonymous No. 935610

Why don't you get a job instead

Anonymous No. 936139

Make a stupid demo, then offer people to punish you butt for tips

Anonymous No. 936207

>a commercial product
It's not one because it has no market my dude.
>something that people will pay for it
Technically true, but you're probably imagining something in a completely different scale.
>On a serious non delusional way.
I don't know if delusional or just clueless, but either way not too realistic. I'm gonna eyeball that you can expect to make about 50 bucks total from it. Find something better to do, because this isn't even good for a portfolio (it would subtract value).

Anonymous No. 936820

Just don't tell people you use AI.
And don't use images that are obviously made by AI (with common artifacts like poorly drawn hands)

Even if someone suspects you use AI, the burden of proof is upon them.

>that people would pay for it.
You clearly have no vision. Your post is nothing but random buzzwords mashed together. But I've seen people wasting money on all types of crap, so good luck. You might be lucky and hit the jackpot.

Anonymous No. 939135

It's very easy to tell something is made by AI. Even if the individual pictures are perfect.
The dead giveaway is that SD is incapable of consistency. It might capture the broad details but will always fuckup smaller details like folds and lace in clothings. Without proper training, it'll get the hairstyle wrong most of the time.
That's why porn games you see on dlsite for example that use AI are all "fuck 100 different NPCs!!1! Never seen before!!11! Much cheap but great quantity!!1!". You only get one scene per girl so you don't have to worry about consistency.
You can have better consistency by better fine-tuning but also simpler character design, but not only it'll look extremely bland, but it's also pretty much impossible to fool a human eye that at least knows that SD exists.
People who don't know about SD will also have an uncanny feeling they won't be able to explain.