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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933617

What do you think about my modeling skills?

Anonymous No. 933619

They're pretty good but you failed to capture the likeness imo

Anonymous No. 933622

That's perfection

🗑️ Anonymous No. 933623

SSP is made for BBC

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Anonymous No. 933624


Anonymous No. 933626

damn bro, you got him...

Anonymous No. 933631

Very good. You can still improve a bit though

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Anonymous No. 933635

what did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 933641

garbage, ngmi.

Anonymous No. 933643

walks like a fag

Anonymous No. 933657

quite good, his face is a bit longer but it could be the perspective too

Anonymous No. 933693

no, he did capture it and then caricatured it

the chair nerd No. 933695

Love it.

Anonymous No. 933718

It's obviously a caricature, but a good caricature should still preserve the essence of the likeness so that it's instantly recognizable.
imo, this tate sculpt is not quite there.

Anonymous No. 933723

You are ridiculous and a crab

Anonymous No. 933725

its perfectly recognizable and the likeness is there you absolute retarded smoothbrain

Anonymous No. 933727


Anonymous No. 933728

If it didn't have a picture of Tate next to the model I could still tell it's him from 2 miles away, you're just being critical for the sake of being critical.

Anonymous No. 933735

that's way too good to be made by someone from this board. make his nose twice as long or draw a dick on his forehead and I'll believe it

Anonymous No. 933739

I want to pound that ass so much
Dudes like tate are the horniest bottoms

Anonymous No. 933741

Unironically based and well sculpted (assuming its actually a sculpture and not some AI fake)

Anonymous No. 933743

pleasing to look at. i'd personally prefer it if the hair was more apparent and his skin tone was a bit less sickly pale looking.

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Anonymous No. 933746

>pleasing to look at

Anonymous No. 933792

Are you that argentinian who did all the gamergate pfps

Anonymous No. 933804

skyrim npc

Anonymous No. 933807

its argentine

Anonymous No. 933849

>the "I was a shunned faggot and only had girls for friends" walk
kek, I wonder how long it took him to learn to hide the feminine speech patterns. Unfortunately, body language is harder to unlearn.

Anonymous No. 933928


Anonymous No. 933969


Anonymous No. 933986

To think you'd find a tate simp in a place like this.

Anyone looking at the creature to the right knows immediately it imolies the creature on the left. Stop trying to push the round peg on the square hole because it triggers you.

Anonymous No. 933999

I admit it's pretty close, and it shows good modeling skills, but I still think it's missing some important part of his character.
Maybe it's the fact that you would never guess the version on the right had african ancestry.
I'm not a tate simp either, the e-girlfriend scams he ran were truly morally repugnant

Anonymous No. 934210

my only gripe is that whoever made this gave him dark eye bags that don't exist in the original which makes him look more Caucasian

Anonymous No. 934216

That's a punchable face.
Can you make it happen OP?

Anonymous No. 934226


All of you are faggots. Tate for getting caught and all of you acting like he wouldnt shit on you in every way

Anonymous No. 934227


he was fuckin around. Full video shows it

Anonymous No. 934231

The real question here is why is your throat shaped like his cock

Anonymous No. 934232


Anonymous No. 934239

I think that’s very good, I would nudge the skull here and there to get the flatness at the back of the head and also firm up that hard plane shift at the temporal line
I’d watch your tutorials

Anonymous No. 934328

it looks good but it looks nothing like guy on the left, looks like his meth addled brain damaged sibling

Anonymous No. 934345

lol, pol fag here. saw your post. if it is you who actually made this, pretty funny. Your perspective of the face is off, and the ears are too big. this should be a meme.

Anonymous No. 934348

That's actually beautiful caricature

Anonymous No. 934366

chin too small but still good

Anonymous No. 934461


its more sculpting than modeling

look's amateurish but that doesnt matter, op was proud of his work and wanted more praise like a little faggot

Anonymous No. 934483

top kek
this board is underrated

Anonymous No. 934486

Honestly, bro, coming from someone who has sculpted hundreds of faces, this is top tier

got contact details?

also did you base it from a 2d caricature or did you sculpt it directly as a caricature?

Anonymous No. 934488

>look's amateurish

Anonymous No. 934490


Anonymous No. 934524

this, he's not brown and scraggly enough, looks more like a tweaker from Tennessee

Anonymous No. 935197

Quit now, you're really bad at 3D, you wont amount to anything mostly because you can't even replicate something that's so easy, the proportions are all wrong and doesnt look like him, you're probably some sort of leftist artist who doesn't agree with what he says

Anonymous No. 935230

>nooooo don't make fun of my idol

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Anonymous No. 935240

you have to go back to gab

Anonymous No. 935298

Tate is literally a 56% mongoloid who gets his opinions from copy-pasta. He's never uttered an original sentence in his life.

Anonymous No. 935308


Anonymous No. 935310


Anonymous No. 935332

I can guarantee I'm more racist than you, I hope tate gets eaten alive by feral Romanians in prison and OP did a great job modeling him.

Anonymous No. 935372

>simping for a mistery meat muttoid on the internet

Anonymous No. 935433

youre a caricature artist. hope you know how to make him do the most idiotic shit and spread it on the internet

Anonymous No. 935459

Please be bait.

Anonymous No. 935461

I’ll give you a 7 out of 10 also lost my sides

Anonymous No. 935502

good bait, but fuck you unironically you asshole.

Anonymous No. 935503

doesn't capture the energy of the dude, he just looks like you're generic ugly guy.
you need to think of a way to express the guys personality more with the model.

other than that its a pretty awesome model.

Anonymous No. 935662


Wow holy shit, im so glad none of you work in the industry, you would get blacklisted for your faggoty blue haired transgendered fucking piece of shit views. I don't even know what your views are but the fact you can't even objectively say that OPs work is fucking legitamtely fucking trash is pathetic. The topology is probably all wrong the fucking texturing is plastic, it's fucking useless, imagine being so seethed you have to fucking model Andrew Tate, someone whos done nothing but help people.
>wahhhh muh mysogyny
stfu with that shit, there's a reason there's a rise coming and people are legit pushing back against you faggots, don't worry believe me you'll get what you deserve fucking cunts

Anonymous No. 935668


Anonymous No. 935669

Andrew Tate runs an e-prostitution ring and is a materialist. Disliking him doesn't make me "blue haired".

Anonymous No. 935674

He was a manager of a porn site? Are the managers of BRazzers and pornhub running an e-prostitution ring? They all had the freedom to leave whenever they wanted to.

You're the one seething now you can cope too

Anonymous No. 935679

Polished turd. You have to put more time into really understanding the features of the subject and then replicating them as closely as possible.

Take his nose for instance, yours falls flat, his is pointier and then curves ever so slightly.
The ear has a different angle, yours just looks flared for the sake of le funny.
Stubble should be darker, upper lip length doesnt look right. He doesnt really have a lazy eye.

I could go on but I think that should answer your question.

Anonymous No. 935694

tatesisters be seething

Anonymous No. 935701

tate has 2x the mass of that fag
tate might look weird, but the fucker is really well build and in great shape

Anonymous No. 935720

tate is a disgusting nigger

Anonymous No. 935722

your white girls love him, stay onions and blue haired, faggot

ops drawing in 3d is shit too, he probably used ai and is pretending he did it

Anonymous No. 935785

It’s not even his work oh my fuck you faggots are cringe.

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Anonymous No. 935787

I barely spent 5 minutes in photoshop. Edit on the left. Made the head longer, reduced cheekbone, made the eyes slightly smaller, touched up the lips

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Anonymous No. 935788

me again... sorry for the double post but I gave the guy more forehead

the chair nerd No. 935789

You are saying that anonymous is not Taylor Reynolds oh no. Here is your medal

Anonymous No. 935853

post your renders

Anonymous No. 936020

this is definitely an improvement

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Anonymous No. 936209

The Day of the Rope for you sickening jews is fast coming. You, and your BLM-funding heeb buddies at Autodesk too.

Anonymous No. 936280

nice photoshop, that's not him though this has already been debunked, he hates the jews too

Anonymous No. 936320

Honestly this. Looking at the ref I can see the likeness, but otherwise I would think he modeled the blacked coomer or something

Anonymous No. 936321

this caricature reminds me of the stuff aamon animations makes. pretty good stuff OP.
and to the people nitpicking a caricature - get a life

Anonymous No. 936329

It's him, I have it on good authority that it is 100% him. also I heard he loves jews because he likes to suck circumcised penis.

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Anonymous No. 936402

>What do you think about my modeling skills?

Anonymous No. 936829

You can't simp harder than this, by far. This poster is basically one of his eprostitues, and didn't even need to traffick this one.

Anonymous No. 938419

Listen man, I hate Tate, but the guy is a great fighter. I think he'll be fine in jail. He's rich enough to pay off guards and anyone giving him a hassle.

Anonymous No. 938496

He's wronglyfully imprisoned though, and this guy modelled him better anyway

Anonymous No. 938831

Looks like Snoke

Anonymous No. 938835

Now I’m going to call all Argentinians, fags. Thanks

Anonymous No. 938838

I bet he bottoms nick fuentes

Anonymous No. 938839

Actually pornhub is known for having prostitution and/or underage porn on their site. So… yeah

Anonymous No. 938986

Based that is incredible, OP should take a few notes

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Anonymous No. 939013

What the fuck are you talking about? This looks like a stock model.

Anonymous No. 939029


🗑️ Anonymous No. 939061

look up the ceo of autodesk then look up the ceo of blender foundation. moron.

Anonymous No. 939062

Lol go back to pol attention fag