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🧵 An extreme cheap but very high quality style

Anonymous No. 933775

I felt like a retard keep debating in my head how to make quality (or at least the best quality I can make) and I already made this a year ago.

Honestly, I would use this if I rendered them as HD sprites in my game.
And honestly, it took a day to make.
And I could reuse pretty much 99% of it for another animation.

Honestly the solution was already made since a year ago and I was like a retard for not realizing I already solved my issue.

Anonymous No. 933778

fuck off chris

Anonymous No. 933779

Deje de llenar /3/ con cada pregunta malparido setenta hijo de la grandísima puta protíbula malparida puta ochenta hgranmalpariculilambeada gran gonorrea puta vida llena de burdeles repletos de putas vergas gonorreas malparida puta puta puta.

Anonymous No. 933783

>very high quality
fuck off chris

Anonymous No. 933784

fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 933787

Tell us more, please.

Anonymous No. 933886

Why? Why can't you look for ref? Look at other models and try to do something similar. Look at reference images to get the proportions right.

Anonymous No. 935337

Do you have more SNK stuff?