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Anonymous No. 933894

Are there any plugins or shortcuts to put on clothes on 3d models. I don't want to do the whole weight paint thing.

Anonymous No. 933895

No. You have to do the whole weight paint thing.

Anonymous No. 934201

wouldnt you have to weight paint the entire rest of the model too
why is this clothes specific

Anonymous No. 934220

I don't believe you

Anonymous No. 934250

I use the naked mesh as a base for all the clothing, unless it's super bulky, so that it has the same topology. Then I transfer weight data based on world space. Only have to mop up little areas.

Anonymous No. 934623

Depending on what you want to do with the 3D model, Marvelous designer can be pretty good for accurate cloth sims out of the box

Anonymous No. 934687

wtf is the difference between those two?
they literally look the same

Anonymous No. 934755

Use marvelous designer to make the clothing. If it's skin tight cloth, copy skin weights from the character in Maya to the cloth. Topology doesn't need to match for good results, although you should make sure to do the skin weight copy in a state where the base mesh is in its starting pose, else the weights will be slightly off and you'll get some clipping here and there. You might some times have to do some very minor weight tuning in parts where it's not a perfect fit, but nothing too time consuming.

If it's baggy clothes, you simulate the clothes in marvelous designer, after you've finished animating the character. Only an idiot spends time weight painting baggy clothes these days. Unless your final output requires it for whatever reason.

Anonymous No. 934761

>Use marvelous designer to make the clothing.
the only good tuts - by Daniel - were scrubbed. Now we have no relevant tuts left.

Anonymous No. 934764

There's enough on youtube to get you started, and help you figure out the rest of it yourself. Losing his vids wasn't ideal, but it doesn't change the fact that the software itself is by far the best option for clothing.

Anonymous No. 934827

>the only good tuts - by Daniel - were scrubbed.
I have most of them saved in my head :=)

Anonymous No. 935267

I always wondered how to make a skin-tight clothing in Marvelous if I have only the basic .obj file of it.