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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933933

Anyone else ever experimented with applying the SlapChop technique with 3dcg texturing? It makes sense, if it works.

Anonymous No. 933944

yes, you usually bake ambient oclusion and light maps to paint stylized models, they are used a lot in videogames and things like that too, you can take a look at the DotA 2 texturing guide

Anonymous No. 933946

Slapchop is way more than that and it looks better than dota 2

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Anonymous No. 933948

it is the same technique but digital, kek, yes that's how you make game props characters and thing like that, I'm glad you know it now.

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Anonymous No. 933955

Sorry bud but the DOTA2 texture guide has nothing to do with slapchop. You lose again.

Anonymous No. 934036

>Babby's first shitpost, the thread.
>Uhh durrf let's discus this.
>Ok, the technique is..-
How's that hrt working out for you, OP?

Anonymous No. 934058

This. It's just multiplying colour with AO/lighting bake.

And just like with miniatures, the result is fast but inferior to fully hand painting textures.

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Anonymous No. 934064

slapchop is not that and its also heavily dependant on a specific type of paint which was just invented (contrast)

Anonymous No. 934075

>Being this retarded
Kys, subhumans like you are not allowed to have an opinion. Bye.

Anonymous No. 934076

You cant slapchop without contrast paints which were invented just 3 years ago, braindead idiot. Its also heavily dependant on repeated drybrushing techniques which you cant even replicate in painting programs. Jump.

Anonymous No. 934111

Yes, you can. People used inks before GW made "contrast".

Anonymous No. 934112

TL;DW of this?

Anonymous No. 934117

it looked horrible

Anonymous No. 934121

Someone calling the painting style "slapchop" don't get to talk about what looks horrible.
Also "contrasts" were made by painters before GW made them. Acrylic medium and Inks or paint was the usual method.

Anonymous No. 934122

>Someone calling the painting style "slapchop" don't get to talk about what looks horrible.
that is its name.

GW contrasts are far above the rest and made the technique viable in the past 3-4 years. I've been painting minis since 1999.

Anonymous No. 934127

>that is its name.
Nope, its name is grisaille.
>GW contrasts are far above the rest and made the technique viable in the past 3-4 years.
lolno, Vallejo's offering is the curent best one.
>I've been painting minis since 1999.
Who gives a shit? Most mini painters are shit, and you being garbage at painting since 1999 don't make you king shit.

Anonymous No. 934128

everyone calls it slapchop. No one and i mean no one calls it whatever you just called it.

run along now.

Anonymous No. 934130

There is a large group of people that don't use that name, even youtube painters have said that they hate calling it "slapchop", and were only doing it for the youtube alogrithm. But if all you do is watch goobertown or similar trend chasing shitters, then yes, you would get the impression that was the only name wouldn't you.

Anonymous No. 934131

clear your history, anon. Do it for our sakes.

Anonymous No. 934132

Don't worry, I haven't watched any of his shit with any machine that is still operational.