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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933947

>download blender
>watch 0 tutorials and read nothing about it
>there is a cube and 10 thousand menus
>i have no idea what im looking at
>give up
yep, im ticking off another potential hobby off my list. im not instantly good at it? off to the next one. who else low iq quitters?

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Anonymous No. 933953

>see a new potential hobby
>research for 3 months to produce the most optimal framework of learning filled with materials for every skill level
>never watch a single one
yep, it's nice to be retarded.

Anonymous No. 933954

ever heard the saying "divide and conquer"?, break down the thing into manageable chunks to stop feeling intimidated by it?

just use what you need to complete your project, don't try to learn blender all at once, its not even worth the time to do that.

learn the basics and a few of the hotkeys and just start completing projects and make utter shit at first, but learn from all the mistakes and failures.

Anonymous No. 933957

I think that most people who actually end up learning some 3d do it with some sort of purpose. I can't imagine just deciding to "do 3d as a hobby" without any context, then downloading whatever program and just staring at a cube not knowing what to do. I personally learned a little because of 3d game modding. It starts with basic texture editing, and then you want more and more of your own custom stuff in whatever game you're working on. When you learn that way, you learn to actually use the things you're studying "right now", rather than learning "something that people say will probably be useful in the future". Of course, it's not even close to being the fastest way to learn. It's actually the slowest. The fastest way would obviously be doing the latter of the above, meaning downloading learning material and systematically going through it without dicking around. Grind your fundies, so to speak. But the drawback of that is a huge hit to your motivation. Most people can't bear to just sit down and learn for months before doing any of the things they actually want to do.
But those are just extremes, you should push systematic learning just enough to not run out of motivation, and let yourself just dick around making really crappy, but fun, work when you're feeling low on it. If you have no patience for learning right off the bat, first think of what you want to do: things like porn, your own mini games in whatever engine, game modding, 3d sculptures and so on; and then just take the cube you have and try to mess around with it, googling every tiny step like "how do I select vertices" and then "move them" and "cut a face" and so on. You can even just ask chatgpt if that's still free.

Anonymous No. 933958

>I personally learned a little because of 3d game modding.
i wanted to do exactly that. i can't even manage to put a character model from one game into another game. all these file extensions that i've never heard of. and pngs that look like nothing so they're not even textures. what the fuck. i can't even open the model properly on blender.

Anonymous No. 933959

Well, that particular stuff isn't exactly "general 3d", a general modeling/sculpting/etc course won't help with that at all. When you're dealing with game modding, you first look for modding community guides for working with that particular game. Opening in blender is one thing, there should be a guide for importing to blender in any non-dead modding community. But for exporting to another game, I wouldn't start with a full, rigged model from somewhere else. First try to export an untextured cube, then try to get textures in there, then try a subdivided cube skinned to 2 bones and try to import the rigging. You first need to understand the general importing/exporting process, otherwise you'll run into all sorts of issues unless you get really lucky.

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Anonymous No. 933960

who stole his melanin

Anonymous No. 933961

i imported a fbx file and it's his model. but idk how to load the textures.

Anonymous No. 933962

you know the tutorials for the game i want to mod say that it only works with 3ds max and requests for help for blender users won't even be accepted. i don't know how to pirate it cause i've pirated movies and games my entire life but don't know reliable sources about software pirating.

Anonymous No. 933963

you're in solid view for a start. top-right above where it says options.

Anonymous No. 933967

Try looking for another guide then. Try not specifying software and just look for "importing fbx/gtlf/etc (or just models/assets) into [game]". Unless your game has a really specific model format that requires a specialized exporter plugin (in which case you may be forced to only use software with said plugins), there should be a way to port a general format into a moddable game. Again, this is specific to your game, and has little to do with general 3d.

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Anonymous No. 933968

messing around and trying to make illumination global. this is fun actually lol

Anonymous No. 933970

if i always had anons keeping me company and teaching me stuff while i mess around i would keep doing it and learn eventually. but i can't clutter the board and i don't want to do stuff alone cause i want frens.

Anonymous No. 934048

just use the "stupid questions that don't need own thread" thread on this board. spam to your hearts content on there.

Anonymous No. 934054

that's how I felt, I downloaded 3dsMax when I was 15 because I wanted to alter a game model to my taste
saw the UV editor and closed Max, didn't touch 3D for a year after that
then I downloaded Blender 2.49 and something clicked, been modeling ever since
that's not to say Blender's (then even more godawful) UI helped me understand, it was more me seething for a year over how I couldn't wrap my head around how 3D modeling worked.

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Anonymous No. 934059

guys i think i got past the initial "overwhelmement's block" and i managed to do some stuff actually and im really having fun. i modified the mesh of a character by hand since it was a ps2 low-poly and it was feasible. and now i'm gonna do head swapping, and other stuff like that once i figure it out more.

Anonymous No. 934080

love to read this. keep it up. probably a bit reddit of me, make sure you don't give up.

Anonymous No. 934474

install a pirated copy of 3dsmax and try again

Anonymous No. 934481

You have no Idea how good you have it.
Before the 2.8 rework you couldn't even click on thins normally, it defaulted to right click instead of a context menu.
You had a bunch of tiny buttons without icons or text (those were your layers used to hide stuff), so as to make sure you couldn't just download a .blend file and discover out how it works.

Anonymous No. 934503

i will if you send me a link
yeah i have no frame of reference but it really seems overly complicated for no fucking reason. it's not intuitive at all.

i thought this thread would be long dead but i guess it's a slow board. i may post pictures of the thing im working on tomorrow so maybe you guys can help me figure out a few things that are causing me trouble.

Anonymous No. 934626

How do you feel about donuts?

Anonymous No. 934631

you should go through an "introduction to blender" tutorial, such as the donut tutorials. these kinds of tutorials will teach you the basics about the software and touch on all the features available to you (such as modelling, sculpting, material, texture, etc.)
it can feel overwhelming at first, but you should quickly start to feel comfortable within a week of following tutorials. don't care so much about what you're making or how it looks, just take notes about the hotkeys and various tools you're using and what you can do with them. any time you're unsure what something does, you can hover over it and holt CTRL for a description, or just google it.

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Anonymous No. 935257

This, I got around 120GB in tuts alone from bought courses and CGpeers, and havent dedicated time to any of them.

I fucking hate being so artistically retarded /3/ bros

Anonymous No. 935642

I remember back... I was still using a mac so in HS maybe? 2010-2014

>Art is life (2D Digital mainly)
>Use gimp because too poor for PS
>decide to try out blender
> oh this is kinda easy I get some of this
>Watch like 2 or 3 tutorials on basic controls
>messing with cube/sculpting
>accidentally press a button
>entire project vanishes

Really turned me off to Blender. I was too young not to understand that it was like a layer thing but it really soured me to 3D. Now it's a video editor too? I have it installed in my linux box but have yet to even open it.

Anonymous No. 935782

I've been revisiting Blender after 10 years just for fun and my god is this thing feature packed now compared to even 5 years ago. Honestly as a hobbyist it's incredible that you can create a studio level production and the animation Pose Library is legit one of my dream features, now animating dialogue is something I can enjoy from start to finish instead of constantly fighting to urge to just close the program and jerk off.

As another 2D art main, maybe you should take a look at the Greasepencil feature? The hybrid 2d/3d stuff people can make with it is super cool.

Anonymous No. 936323

>download blender
>watch hundred of tutorials that are way over my skill level
>never bother actually modelling anything
Being a complete fucking retard is hard but honest work

🗑️ Anonymous No. 936531

>spend a bunch of time trying to learn unity
>get pissed unity docs are out of date and a mess
>fuck these guys
>switch to unreal
>spend a ton of time trying to learn it
>update breaks everything and there is no acknowledgement or anything from epic
>switch back to unity
well that was a big waste of time. maybe i should just switch to apple scenekit or whatever, i'm only making shit for ios anyways.

Anonymous No. 936763

it's a difficult trap to get out of, many beginners fall victim to it. first step is understanding that there's a problem. second step is committing yourself to practice, you cannot learn without practice. so get practicing. think about where you'll be at the end of this year - you will either be where you are now, with no progress made whatsoever, thus continuing a perpetual cycle of misery. or, you will be where you want to be, a much higher skill level than you are now, thankful of your past self for getting over that initial hurdle, and enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Anonymous No. 936808

lol I remeber doing geometry with planes to make a triangle because I didn't knew about the edit menu.
based no-tutorial way

Anonymous No. 936843

u are supposed to follow tutorials with practice to actually learn, its either retards not watching any education or not doing any practice

Anonymous No. 938254

I've helped babysit a few friends new to blender before and really the most important thing I do is watch them like a hawk making sure they don't press any buttons that would result in difficult to fix issues.

Anonymous No. 938327

>watch 0 tutorials and read nothing about it
How do you even know if you're low IQ if you haven't even applied yourself to the first thing that needs doing?

You're not low IQ, you're low spine. No one knows things straight away, and that you expect that you should also shows an inflated ego. So you have zero spine, and have set yourself to ridiculous expectations.

Anon, you just need to stop being self centered. You're not special. You have to go throw the same process of learning slowly over time, by reviewing learning material and practicing, like everyone else, and 99.9% of people who are abled at something have been through that process.

The remaining .01% savant type freaks never even do anything with their talent because they're already bored of it, and it's not something they earned. They're usually bad at socializing and can't form relationships.

Anonymous No. 938344

I like you.

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Anonymous No. 941592

>download blender
>download a character ref sheet
>can't even follow a ref sheet to make a 3d model
Am I too retarded for 3d modeling and sculpting?

Anonymous No. 941626


low spine

but can we

just talk about



high line


Anonymous No. 942053

this is me too anon. except that happens with every other hobby or a subject of interest i find.
i hoard alot of tools and materials. then drag on and procrastinate till the initial passion dies off.
being terminally online sucks

Anonymous No. 942930

If you find you dont want to take the time to do something one step at a time, then you know it's not for you. Nothing wrong with that... but own up to it, dont be a bitch OP.

Keep at it, some day you will find the hobby you like!

Anonymous No. 942932

And before you know it, you are already 65 years old who has to work until he dies without knowing what he's good at.

Anonymous No. 942933

Thats not what I said though

Anonymous No. 942935

Do yourself a favor and don't watch Youtube Blender tutorials because most contain information that's so wrong they'll actually slow your progress.
Disreagrd what Blender people say most of the time because they've watched way too many Youtube tutorials and they're just propagating whatever wrong information they've heard there.
Did you know that according to research 99% of Blender people give other people advice they haven't event tried themselves?

Anonymous No. 942960

Good. Less competition in the game.

Anonymous No. 942968

The only time I watched a intro video, was when 2.8 released and I hated the UI. It didn't help at all, and carried on using it.

try to have fun despite it all, and make some steady progress doing little things that make you uncomfortable, and you'll learn much quicker than if you sit around watching tutorials
>I've been doing it this way for months, maybe I'll try using these weird looking tools for a change

Anonymous No. 944843

not posting a thread of my own but literally starting using blender today. very fucking normie of me but BlenderGuru makes the beginnings easy.

I think it will make my learning a lot easier once I get the hotkeys down and learning the tools.

I'm not even going past part 5 on the series until i rewatch 1-5 again. i want the bare-bare-bone marrow basics type shit. quit being a fucking coward about learning something in private for fucks sake you're dramatic.

Anonymous No. 944846

What's even your goal with 3D though? For sure it's overwhelming when first starting and looking and a UI you don't understand but what is your end goal? Remember the 80/20 rule. You most likely will only ever need to learn 20% of the program for your needs.

Anonymous No. 944872

if you did tutorials every day you'd probably make impressive ground in just a week or two, it's easier to start than you might think

Anonymous No. 944873

dogshit advice.

you will always do this with every single hobby for the rest of your life if you don't pull your shit together.

take 2 hours every day at the same time for whatever you want to do (put it in a schedule), and imagine you will fucking die if you dont do it.

its not about interest, its about being a modern day ADHD retard and arranging your life accordingly.

Anonymous No. 944879

>download blender
>watch 0 tutorials
>play around with it
>read documentation
>know everything in a week

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smug rat.jpg

Anonymous No. 945799

>Anon, you just need to stop being self centered. You're not special.
This is a great advice.
I don't remember exactly how I started learning programming which in the long run got me a high paying job that I love. Imagine loving wageslavery, ridiculous. But I do remember how hopeless it was in the beginning. I thought I'd never have a job, wanted to kill myself.

Got stuck on one problem for half a year then. Skip to present: couple of months ago, at work, made a tech demo solving this exact problem in two days. And now our million dollar project depends on my implementation.

Anyway, here I am sculpting human faces all of which turn out to be deformed goblins. And having all the same blackpilled thoughts.

it is indeed depressing to start something new and being bad at it, event despite already being semi-successfull in another area. Gotta push through it somehow, that's all

Anonymous No. 945801

>I don't remember exactly how I started learning programming which in the long run got me a high paying job that I love.
with AI you wont have that job for more than the next 2 years maximum

Anonymous No. 945803

Why do you think I'm learning 3D. Patreon bux from coomers will save me.

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Anonymous No. 945962


really? are people dumb enough to buy into the AI fad? I think you’re just scared of trying something new and challenging yourself

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Anonymous No. 945973

>with Photoshop you won't have that artist job anymore
The funnies thing is that the majority of doomposters don't even use AI or understand how it works.
Meanwhile we productivechads just added it as another tool in the toolbox and moved on with our careers.

Anonymous No. 946126

If it wasn't like that, nobody here would have a job
the interface being impossible is key to making sure people on this board have a good income

Anonymous No. 946421

It's actually pretty simple to figure things out by just reading the tooltips or googling whatever problem you have

Anonymous No. 946768

okay, how do you learn in that case?

Anonymous No. 946770

paid tutorials by pros. gumroad, patreon, cgma whatever. There are good vids on youtube but they have like 10k views and are hard to find most of the time.

Anonymous No. 946801

>Start trying to learn blender
>School teaches me autocad
>Realise i prefer technical modelling
>Work in fusion360 instead
>But muh non technical (standard) details
>Work with fusion and zbrush
Good times. As much as i wish blender success its really kind of shit to use desu and also noot fun like the other two are to me.. in fusion i can work from a sketch which i really like, and zbrush ehile im not very good at it is good foor micro detail and texturing.

Anonymous No. 947592

It's one of the most user-hostile 3d modelers out there. Get trials of major programs and pirate the one you like.

Anonymous No. 947758

>pngs that look like nothing so they're not even textures.
A so-called material is made from multiple picture files. One of them is the "base color" (or "albedo"), which are the colors you see on your model. This is probably what you are referring to as "texture" (which is correct.)
The other ones that "look like nothing" are likely things like a normalmap (creates fake surface details and helps with making things look smooth and natural), metalness, roughness (these two influence how your 3D asset looks in light. There are others, you can look them up yourself.
A material can be as simple as a flat color with just the base color, or as "realistic-looking" as you wish them to be (within the confines of the game engine of course.)
A stack of these pngs gives you (as I said above) a material.
I hope that helps a little.

Also, you gotta grind through the basics to understand them. Once you're there and know what's going on, it's gonna get easier.
And ask your questions in Blender- and modding discords etc.

Anonymous No. 947777

fucking around for the fun of it can be better for learning than watching a bunch of tutorials.

Anonymous No. 947801

blender is not the kind of program you can just fuck around and learn how to use it. Just get a udemy course or youtube. I just learned the good stuff and skipped the super long animation lessons.

Anonymous No. 948380

You should give a try like this to Z brush.
3D software is inherently un intuitive and build to be obscura and Cryptic to use.

Anonymous No. 948620

Pls share on gdrive

Anonymous No. 949170

the first thing you should do to a beginner is to install powersave and set undo steps to 256

Anonymous No. 949172

Nope that's for cowards who don't want to learn how to fix mistakes after the fact.