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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934379

*Sniiiiiffff* Hhhhwats up guys?! It's Justin here with thhhheeeeeeeee CGessentialsdotcom back with another blender tutorial

Anonymous No. 934380

the german guy from CGCookie has such an annoying accent I couldn't handle it for more than 5 minutes

Anonymous No. 934381

For me it's CGMatter with his 90 second tutorials that are 60 seconds of ads

Anonymous No. 934383

I actually like his tutorials but I hate how he basedfaces in the thumbnails.

permanently have them blacklisted because of their shitty background music loops and chris bailey's insufferable face

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baby goat.jpg

Anonymous No. 934384

SouthernShotty is comfy and useful.

Anonymous No. 934406

Why us he wearing a cap inside?

Anonymous No. 934407

he's balding

Anonymous No. 934416

He always reminded me of the Zucc for some reason.

Anonymous No. 934418

That's harsh. He might not be handsome, but he at least looks human.

Anonymous No. 934421

It's true, you guys really use ANYTHING as excuse to not learn and rather spend time posting about how your software of choice is better

Anonymous No. 934447

when you start watching a series of tutorials and you start catching a pattern of such annoying gimmicks, it becomes unbearable to watch, I agree with OP

Anonymous No. 934494

one of the flippednormal dudes talks like he's sniffing his own farts
godawful tuts too

OP guy has one or two useful vids

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Grant Abbitt head....png

Anonymous No. 934499

How is no one mentioning this chad?

Anonymous No. 934506

>flippednormals said Blender isn’t industry standard
>godawful tuts
Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 934508

This guy and Jayanam are great for learning blender

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Anonymous No. 934511


Anonymous No. 934519

i'll say though that blenderguru is unironically godtier

to the point, fast, thorough, articulate, perfect amount of wit, all that despite his faggy voice

who even argues that blender isnt industry standard?

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Anonymous No. 934556

Blender Guru is a /pol/ chud

Anonymous No. 934558

i can't tell who looks more autistic. zuckerberg or mind the tooth-gap.

Anonymous No. 934633

gonna cry, fag?

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Anonymous No. 934636


Anonymous No. 934637

I loved how that initially smug retard closed down her (his?) Twatter in butthurt after getting some mild blowback

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Anonymous No. 934646


Anonymous No. 934655

this pic is killing me, he makes me think of a groomed caveman

Anonymous No. 934658


Anonymous No. 934701

3d artists are either ugly or indian.

Anonymous No. 934714

holy fucking kek

Anonymous No. 934716

He read the thread on /3/ about her in the video response, hilarious.

Anonymous No. 934881


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Anonymous No. 934883


Anonymous No. 934936

see >>934646

Anonymous No. 934937

dude this guy looks like the missing link.

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Anonymous No. 935033

>Blender Guru is a /pol/ chud
not an argument

Anonymous No. 936956


Too bad the video is taken down now, anyone got a mirror? I want to hear onions guru go mask off

Anonymous No. 936957

NO exception

Anonymous No. 936960

>to the point, fast, thorough,
literally since when?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 936972

Oh no my poor transblender trannies exposed to hate speech

Anonymous No. 937018

Scarlett Johansson?

Anonymous No. 937040

>Jayanam is doing crypto shit and financial advice now instead of modeling and scripting advice

Anonymous No. 937110

>>937040're right. It's over.

Anonymous No. 937122

For me it's ChamferZone. Extremely autistic way of talking but the text script is extremely well written and the information perfectly condensed. it's like a middle school music band playing beethoven

Anonymous No. 937129

I unsubscribed literally years ago when he started to really desperately cling on view bucks, making literally anything else but the thing people subscribed for.
I also unsubscribe from any channel that starts doing nondescript clickbait titles INSTEAD OF FUCKING TELLING WHAT THE DAMN VIDEO IS ABOUT and the ones starting to push "shorts" faggotry.

Anonymous No. 937133

>Aaaannnd ya done
You all disappoint me

Anonymous No. 937152

We're making fun of actually shitty Blender tutorial YouTubers. Royal Skies is at least a competent teacher despite his weirdo weeaboo art style.

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Anonymous No. 938193

uh... they were...gone?

Anonymous No. 938199

these guys just ramble for 40 mins and give the most basic advice that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

Anonymous No. 938221

here's the vid

Anonymous No. 938250

Flipped Normals are a small step ahead of the average Indian tutorial. Vague, only show you a single approach, never explain the fundamentals, never tell the viewer when and where to use what, and have vague titles to garner as many views as possible. Clever on their part, but flipped normals is shit clickbait tier.

Anonymous No. 938251


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Anonymous No. 938784

Sho guysh, chewday ie eam going to schow you how I made dis schot in unreal enchin five.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 938788

This is like the most milquetoast use of the word fag I've ever seen. Can't imagine him being anymore of a cuck trying to justify it and female gook bug still tried to cancel him and wrote an entire thread seething about it.

Anonymous No. 941667

>Hey what's up, Andreewww Kramer here for Video Copilot... DOT-net
Bless that man

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The missing link.png

Anonymous No. 941834


Anonymous No. 943079

I don't get it

Anonymous No. 945319

The fun part is that not only is this pettiness useless, but I really doubt that someone who'd really do something like this would even be capable of putting out anything as useful or informative as the one being criticized- let alone at such a volume. If you watch tutorials and decide to snip implied opinions that don't align with the retarded current 'thing' and perceived sleights, you're probably not even going to manage to do the content in said tutorials and improve.

Anonymous No. 945327

fucking kek I laughed for 10 minutes on this

Anonymous No. 946055

I never got why these two talk so smug like they're some multi decade 3D industry veterans. Their tutorials are all very basic shit, sometimes actually crap, explained in a condescending tone with too much pointless chatting instead of getting to the point.

Anonymous No. 946085

I don't get that at all. It's just two guys talking in between having little orgasmic bowel movements, like at the end of the Tim and Eric vodka sketch, everytime they get to the part about a: super useful brush way of doing things that speeds up your workflow and it's just fantastic that feeling of menthol therapy on your balls when you get away with auto unwrapping those UVs.

If you're looking for the true patronizing, smug, fart sniffing dunning-krueger of 3D then it's Follygon. That guy has a talent for smithing obnoxious statements and delivering them in a way like he's performing a favor by gracing you with opinion, only to later just get called by people out for his flaw in reasoning. Forget Flipped Normals. Bengon's is an elitist in shill service to his industry lords, mainly Maxon.

Anonymous No. 947459

i though only furfags and fetishists use that acronym