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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934428

I want to get into 3DCG to make things that look like they're straight outta the late 80s / early 90s
What should I read or watch to learn?

Anonymous No. 934459

1) study 3D straight outta the late 80s / early 90s
2) replicate
it's just that simple

Anonymous No. 934491

>go to youtube
>blender PS1 rendering
simple as

Anonymous No. 934495

Get a late 80s/early 90s computer and software from that time. Be a 3D Thor Hyerdahl.

Anonymous No. 934507

what wouldve been common at the time?

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Anonymous No. 934538

Stratavision 3d

Anonymous No. 934539

Just prompt it. Don't bother learning any principles.

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Anonymous No. 934540

silicon graphics workstation running alias power animator
might be hard to find and expensive

this has the benefit of running on regular desktop macs of the time
not sure where you'd find the software now tho

Anonymous No. 934545

i use 3ds max 1.0

Anonymous No. 934595

I have a tutorial on this, check it here, Its a WIP:

Anonymous No. 934657

post some of your work

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Anonymous No. 934683

This is my tutorial mate. Why are you asking? Here you go anyway. The first time using strata blitz 1.75

Anonymous No. 934696

if you're looking to create something like that then you don't have to watch or learn anything.

Anonymous No. 935057

Pretty neat anon. My neighbor has a mac se, if I could find a copy of Stratavision 3D I'd follow your tutorial. It appears to be vanishingly rare though, not on ebay or marketplace at all.

Anonymous No. 935088

Remember to limit yourself during lessons, only 5mb worth of space, no free assets you have to make it yourself, low screen size otherwise computer will crash, etc.

Anonymous No. 935089

Yeah I had to use Mac repo and burn it on a CD-RW. Tutorials are just as hard to come by as well.I had look around a bit for these (such as yahoo auctions) The tutorial with the apple wasn't good enough. So I have use a lot of Google lens to translate and ask my brother for translations

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Anonymous No. 935106

Pic for reference. Some of the books I had to buy to understand the software

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Anonymous No. 935107

Wrong image

Anonymous No. 935124

those look fun
any good art within?

Anonymous No. 935233

The strata star book is pretty great. The others are pretty good. They do a pretty good job of explain how to make faces and characters

Anonymous No. 935234

Strata studio 2.5

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Anonymous No. 935235


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Anonymous No. 935239


Anonymous No. 935245

Why can’t people just emulate it on a virtual machine?

Anonymous No. 935285

No windows version and the download Mac version you find can only run on Mac hardware or trick it into thinking it's on Mac with emulators but it's never recommended.

You are better off buying the windows CD version than finding a real digital copy.

Anonymous No. 935815

Aww man i loved bryce back in the day!

Anonymous No. 935963

do you have some thoughts on what the key aspects of the look created by the software are? As in how would you go about replicating it with modern 3d editing tools?

Anonymous No. 936104

I'm not sure what you mean, But if by recreating Certain renders from older proprietary software its not really possible. They use completely different rendering engines. If by the modeling techniques, Maybe. Alot of the techniques japanese designers did back in the 90s consist of Lathing and Skinning polygons and curves. One thing you can try is turning off GI. But for me, Doing that sort of feels fake to me and doesn't really capture the aesthetic well.

Anonymous No. 936120

>They use completely different rendering engines.
Wouldn't it just be a matter of finding out what shading models were used by software like strata and restricting yourself to those? I would assume it was mostly phong shading and other basic CG stuff. Most graphics programmers can probably implement raytracers with the same capabilites by themselves. I also read that the internal blender rendering engine from before 2.8 is good for achieving that look.

>Doing that sort of feels fake to me and doesn't really capture the aesthetic well.
We're not talking about faking film grain here. It's all digital so you can recreate it 100% if you really want to.

Anonymous No. 936160

no blender cannot recreate it. The program, rules and logic of each unique render was made by the team. It's not possible to get the engine, many companies are gone, Pixar is not the same Pixar so you'll never going to get the engine from older Pixar (Remember when they weren't own by Disney, I do). I think it's called Renderman 24 right now with lots of restricted stuff. Not the old version that requires Windows XP to run it.

These are the list of renders, maybe some have it but i am not going to look into it:

Anonymous No. 936180

There was no ps1 in early 90s.

Anonymous No. 936205

I understand your romanticism for old software, but it's not rational to insist on some kind of uniqueness in this case. If you study the material you want to imitate closely enough and recognize the cg methods and algorithms that make up the look, you can recreate it. And if the old blender renderer can't be bent to your requirements, you look for another one that is more flexible. Worst case scenario is you have to extend an opensource renderer to behave the way you need it to. None of the stuff they used back in those days are going to be trade secrets anymore, either.

Anonymous No. 936291

They are trade secrets, that's why we can't make it. Copyright code is still under their control. Yes you can try but they will never feel the same, just like pixel art isn't the same without old TV.

If you want why not just try it without blender, because you know blender didn't exist back then either. These was the days of 3D modeling that was barely understand even for veterans in gaming. Just having one of the old programs is enough to do something.

Anonymous No. 936319

you could probably just tweet some devs from the original alias, strata, or lightwave teams
no suit is gonna sweat a 30 years outdated render engine's code leaking, and the patent wouldve expired anyway

but even if you had the code, can one just write custom plugins for blender?

Anonymous No. 936390

Strata doesn't only use Phong shading. That is an option, there's a few different shader types in strata and They have their own rendering engine called radiosity. For sure, you can email the devs at strata, I believe they were sold off to a Japanese company a long time ago. And I don't know their rules concerning copyright.

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Anonymous No. 936872

The pic you posted and many other from that era were rendered using PovRay
There is a PovRay renderer plugin for Blender, so you can just learn modelling in
Blender the normal way and use this plugin for rendering. imho the most straight-forward approach, without learning some ancient software.

Anonymous No. 936875

That's if you downloading PovRay 3.7 the current new more feature, stable version. The old ones like 1.0 do exactly the thing of having retro theme. However just as i said, Blender was not made in the 90s and no version for it will work for it.

Anonymous No. 936886

Yeah I don't think a lot of people in this thread understand that obtaining the truly classic look requires old software. No one has posted any work so far which shows that it could be achieved in blender lol.

Anonymous No. 936899

Anonymous No. 936907

blender was released in 1995 you retard

Anonymous No. 936979

not that guy
so why dont one of you just port blender 1.0's renderer to modern blender as a plugin or whatever
get your modern modeling tools with an ancient renderer

Anonymous No. 936994

This is why:

Yet it still sucks, 29 years and the people who brought it did nothing good with it. Only the community who are willing to port it outside the company name of blender have done more.

Anonymous No. 936997

>This is why
yeah 1.0 is for irix computers but you can go straight back to the original source

Anonymous No. 937003

>learning to code
We are not coders, we are 3D artist. I barely understand Maya's terminology what makes you think i know how C- works.

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Anonymous No. 937007

maybe you or i cant
but maybe we can lure an egghead in here to do the work for us

Anonymous No. 937045

Or you could learn the ancient software LOL.

It really isn't that much different from modern software. In fact, alot of it is way more primitive then Maya, zbrush or max I don't know why people fight tooth and nail to not even try it

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Anonymous No. 937132

ive been playing around with micrografx simply3d and my only real complaint is the limitations on output resolutions and formats
id love to fart around on a DKC-era SGI workstation, but they go for stupid money on ebay without harddrives or software. and ive NEVER seen one of the 128-core servers the workstations actually render on for sale

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Anonymous No. 937263

Kind of along these lines, is there a particular way to get this flat, jagged look but with a slightly higher poly than the DS? I’ve got kind of a weird style in mind, somewhere between 5th and 6th gen in terms of visuals. Would I just go low polly, then use cell shading?

the chair nerd No. 937264

The word you are looking for is anti - aliasing. Pretty much every completenrender engine orcframe buffer has a way yo deactivate it. So you know I am so old than back when I used 3ds max 6 I hadbto activate anti -aliasing manually so I always got those jagged lines by defaulf.

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Anonymous No. 937279

I haven't used simply3D. I know it works on modern machines. Right know, I am working within Mac based 3d programs because of my love for Adventure games of the 90s.

I have an SGI o2 i love it but there are plenty of problems i encountered upon using it. It has some memory errors from time to time. Sometimes it can be a moneysink if you get a non working ones because the parts can get expensive.

If you are looking for cheap ones, Try the irix forums or has some for sale

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Anonymous No. 937284

Yup, that’s it and there’s various videos on hot to achieve the look I’m going for, I appreciate the help. Gonna try and get something similar to this today.

Anonymous No. 937348

is that pic one of yours? rad as hell
>tfw posting in a stealth LGR thread

Anonymous No. 937447

I downloaded Bryce 7 cause of his latest video yesterday.

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Anonymous No. 937449

Tried to emulate one of the futurocity renders—did a bit of editing in post to make it look like a printed scan

Anonymous No. 937450

Looks fantastic.

Anonymous No. 937452

pretty cool

Anonymous No. 937459


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Anonymous No. 937461

did another futurocity image

thanks lads

Anonymous No. 937462

Trippy bra'.

Anonymous No. 937466

what program is this

Anonymous No. 937467

I'm doing these in blender with eevee

Anonymous No. 937474

I've been considering getting latest version of bryce also but the price tag isn't inviting, especially for something that i just want to fuck around with, i don't want to fucking spend 20 bucks for it.
i don't suspect that you sharing the file will make it work because it requires a key for it.
so i am asking if there are alterantives

Anonymous No. 937491

It's too smooth, not enough blocks, textures are too perfect, reflect and lighting are too good. This doesn't pass the futurocity render like these:

You are using things from what you are experience people in the 90s never have learn things that you learn. It's why so many blender people try to copy the look but never try to fail at the look.

Anonymous No. 937515

these are awesome, are you going to do more of the mead binder pics?

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Anonymous No. 937525

I downloaded it from TPB lol. It came with a crack and keygen. No BIRUS from it, W10 didn't even flag the crack/keygen. Uploaded by user "bongrip" with a green skull icon.

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Anonymous No. 937536

not exactly happy with this result but was a first try.

The hard part is the sky imo.

Anonymous No. 937538


the one thing sticking out to me is scale of the waves / ripples in the water they look too big

Anonymous No. 937547

Maybe stop using blender, it can't mamic the theme. You are also causing the retro style to go into levels that should not be possible.

Anonymous No. 937548

Thanks for the criticism, I'll definitely look into doing more with older programs, and as for the waves, i'll try to fix that in my next render :)

Anonymous No. 937558

i think his renders look alright. like its not a perfect recreation, but we've already discussed why it cant be 1:1 using a modern renderer. but it still looks good

that said, you can download old graphics packs for 3D Studio on tons of early 90s texture files that could help you further mimic older renders

Anonymous No. 937568

the main problem is the look, we didn't have sculpting back in the day and yet look what it looks like a plane sculpted. I bet he used skydome too instead of box.

He hasn't learn how or why certain things happen, he just assumes things are happening by the looks of things.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 937571

Well i guess i could ruin the illusion for you, since it's not my best work anyway, but truth be told, this is 90% post-process in photoshop. I generated the landscape using randomized verts, then smoothing the result. It took less that 30 seconds. Then I basically used textures to photobash it together. You can clearly tell with the clouds (that's a photograph)
and how the planet's rings aren't properly lined up.

tl;dr It's 10% blender, 90% photoshop which took me less that 20 minutes to make. and the ground was not sculpted.

Anonymous No. 937577

Anything can be done using a modern renderer, git gud

Anonymous No. 937579

Not really, I don't think you have an understanding of graphics architecture.

Anonymous No. 937585

By all means please post more,
I've been trying to figure out how to replicate this style on blender for so long.
If you got any tips or anything itd be a godsend.

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Anonymous No. 937592

>Do the donut tutorial
>Do the anvil tutorial and maybe another one too
>Good, you know the basics of 3D modelling with blender
>Modify the rendering quality to shitty parameters
>>934491 (basically this)
The fact that you made this thread means that either you know shit about 3D or you're too lazy to look for a rendering tutorial on PS1 graphics

Anonymous No. 937593

a thread died for your thread
let that sink in

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Anonymous No. 937628

First absolutely amateur pedestrian trite been done before render I've made in Bryce 7.

Anonymous No. 937650

ps1 graphics =/ 80 and 90s CGI

Thats implying if he wanted to do low poly. Which it isn't.

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Anonymous No. 937666

Made another thing.

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Anonymous No. 937669

This looks awesome! could you apply a marble texture to the columns like pic related, and could you make it wallpaper sized?

Anonymous No. 937709

Thanks! I'm trying to find a marble texture/material that's closer to that. I'm not yet versed on making textures myself in Bryce. I can at least change the colours on some.. lol.

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pillars orb v2-1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 937724

Found a marble texture that came with the program that works ok.. looks a bit cow-ish to me. Rendered at 1920x1200 cause my monitor is 16:10 and 16:9lets can lose 120 pixels.

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Anonymous No. 937727

thanks, man. And don't worry that's the texture that was used all over the place, so even though it doesn't look perfect, it's nostalgic

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Anonymous No. 937734

Glad you like it mang. A friend who does 3D stuff properly sent me a nice column today, going to work it into something new.
>captcha HM0 YT

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gol col-1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 937752


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gol col 2-1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 937754


Anonymous No. 937755

Thanks for the new wallpapers, love the style

Anonymous No. 937757

holy 'sthetic

Anonymous No. 937758


Time to go listen to some Jungle DnB

Anonymous No. 937781

Thank you!!

I highly recommend this album/mix:

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Anonymous No. 937838

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Anonymous No. 937845

Anonymous No. 937993

You can keep posting all you want but it's never going to feel like this:

I keep telling you the models are too smooth that it breaks the feeling. Now look at the Youtube video, is it smooth? no it's not.

Anonymous No. 937996

hes not trying to look like windows 95 / ps1 3D tho

Anonymous No. 938005

People in this thread cannot seem to understand looking for a retro feel without it being muh retro gaming.

I like this look, and it's because it makes me think of a time when people were making these images out of genuine curiosity rather than fame or money.

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cat pole ball-1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 938007

I'm posting as many as I make!!

Anonymous No. 938130

I think that's breaking the rule:
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.

You are not putting in effort

You are using blender

Not retro at all.

No discussions to be made since you refuse to take our advice. Thread is dead.

Anonymous No. 938145

unless you were literally a professional in the 80s/90s stfu

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Anonymous No. 938191

This is a picture from image3D that you can easy get online. You have no excuse. your photo vs this are never going to look the name, my is more retro than yours.

Anonymous No. 938202

It’s Bryce 7, not Blender, fuckin nerd.

Anonymous No. 938207

Yeah that's clearly Bryce lmao

Anonymous No. 938215

ignore the weirdo retro-schizo, he's not said a single word of value

Anonymous No. 938218

Shut up bitch

Anonymous No. 938245

Bryce 7 was released in July 2010


yep not retro at all, it's also bad that you also said:
>I'm doing these in blender with eevee

So i can't confirm anything you said none of your arts match the retro style you want.

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Anonymous No. 938247

Anonymous No. 938252

>retard ESL thinks all anons are the same person

this is your last (You), now fuck off

Anonymous No. 938255


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Anonymous No. 938264

>I'm Special because i'm american/british with english
No one cares about your english, we have robots that do a better job and pass their degree. You can't do anything but complain about your inability to get a job.

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Anonymous No. 938267

I can't believe it's not Blender! :^)

Anonymous No. 938272


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Anonymous No. 938274

it's really really easy: you make your own tools

Anonymous No. 938275

>copies some else
>ruins the art more by adding stuff
>Inability to use light

This kids is why we hate blender users and lazy people who do default lighting.

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Anonymous No. 938276

I fully modeled the Bryce UI into Blender to make this composition.

Anonymous No. 938278

I think the ESL might have a point in accusing you of using blender. Your renders look more modern than the the ones from the 90s because, of course, you're using a more modern version of the program that was released in 2010 (7.1). If you can use an older version of the program, your renders will look more authentic.

Anonymous No. 938284

I'll concede they look more Y2K than early 90s and especially 80s, but this was the closest thread that seemed relevant. For me Bryce renders are distinctly "retro" and remind me of being 20+ years younger.

Anonymous No. 938308

Nope, seems like you never been in the 90s. Just look how different it is:

You do need to understand lighting, the limitations of 3d during the 90s and simplicity. You made it too smooth, too light and way to perfectly texture.

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Anonymous No. 938310

Aite bet.

Anonymous No. 938329


Anonymous No. 938377

>ywn watch Mind's Eye shorts during commercial breaks and time between shows on Canadian kids programming channel YTV in the mid to late 90s

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Anonymous No. 938391


Anonymous No. 938431

why was everything in retro times wet

Anonymous No. 938434

More like shiny and reflective. It was a dream goal to have realistic looking water so it inadvertently pushed graphics effects artists to making that the de facto look of things. That's why by Y2K when they finally achieved it, so many games had large bodies of water or took place in tropical areas because the dream was realized.

Anonymous No. 938504

No it was because we like it, that's it. That was the reason, there is no other reason besides we liking it.

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Anonymous No. 938531

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Anonymous No. 938715

Anonymous No. 938758

good vibes

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blob experiment-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 938973


Anonymous No. 939006

so close to booba

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arch try-1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 939566

This isn't as nice as I would have liked it but I'm tired of fuckin' around with it.

Anonymous No. 939572

You can mimic this look with Blender 2.7. I believe 3.0 was when they changed the rendering engine but if you download 2.7x blender render gives off that shitty 90s look

Anonymous No. 939593

Maybe admit it's not retro and actually try to understand why retro was retro.

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Anonymous No. 939596

I don't even care.

Anonymous No. 939612

Then this is just spam, you give no reason to let us talk to you and this is not your personal instagram. The pictures aren't even worthy of anything, you just posting it, no inspiration either. You know why retro looks off, because at least people in the 90s tried to do 3D art, they liked the 3D. You fail to even make reason for the picture existence.

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Anonymous No. 939613

At least he's making something interesting, unlike most of this board
>calling literal photos unrealistic
>"how i make coom art plz??????"
Keep practicing Anon, you do have a nice aesthetic to your stuff, it's abstract and does have some retro feel

Anonymous No. 939626

Honestly bro, this thread would be a lot better off on a board like /wg/ instead of this one where we have people who like to play quality control.
Like with what >>939613 is saying
>>calling literal photos unrealistic
a few of the posters on this board have a habit of trying to find nonexistent flaws in even some of the best art, then blowing those flaws out of proportion. This board is slower than it used to be, but you can go to and look at some of the threads from a year ago to see how pathetic some of these people are.

Anonymous No. 939635

>Then this is just spam
~16 posts in a thread of 130+ posts over three weeks isn't spam.

>you give no reason to let us talk to you
This doesn't appear to be stopping you. Nothing is stopping anyone from talking about anything.

>and this is not your personal instagram
Don't worry I've posted them there too :^)

>The pictures aren't even worthy of anything
I didn't think I was creating famous works of art here.

>you just posting it

>no inspiration either
I was inspired by things to make these. I have no responsibility to inspire others.

>You know why retro looks off
Apparently not.

>because at least people in the 90s tried to do 3D art

>they liked the 3D
Me too!

>You fail to even make reason for the picture existence.
This is a crazy argument, nihilistic af my guy. Is there any point in creating anything ever? They exist because I want to make them, and then I post them to upset you. Would you prefer I post about fully modeled assholes? Giant tits? Would you find reason for those images to exist?

Thank you. Getting more familiar with navigating the program, starting to use booleans, it's fun.

Maybe if it's really that big of a problem for the native posters here. This thread was the closest to what I've been doing and I didn't want to make a whole new thread.

Anonymous No. 939640

Once again this is not your personal Instagram and using prebuild models is not inspiring, it's the same boring thing. How can you call yourself s 3D artist if you don't even try to build your own models. All you ever do is just post things other people made and render it.

This isn't art, this isn't your art either. I seen better RPG Maker games than your awful "ReTRo" style themes, that isn't even close to retro (2010 is not retro).

Try harder or stop spamming this place with your bad art.

Anonymous No. 939644

Lmao imagine being mad about posting images on an image board! Unless a janny bans me or the thread dies I'm going to keep posting things and you can't do anything about it bromo.

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Anonymous No. 939648

>All you ever do is just post things other people made and render it.
Nigga's gonna go on a rampage once he finds out most professional 3d artists use asset libraries, concept art, ideas and paid tools doing half the tedious work for them made by other people

Anonymous No. 939682

It's called teamwork and they get paid to do it, not really a good choice of words there.

The idea of this board and 4chain is to come together and fight about dumb things. The images are second things that are posted for fun. You must be new to assume 4chain is like some kind of social media app, it's not.

spam is still spam, nothing original is being made by you and you are not taking this serious enough to even consider changing your ways. People's art grow as they grow, but if you refuse to grow than you are done, you are going anywhere else. This is not the place for you.

Anonymous No. 939695

You are a confused individual.

Anonymous No. 939716

Still the number 1 rule applies in 4chain, everything dies. We will reach the bump limit and all your pictures will be gone from the internet. This is fact, you can't change it, you cant stop it. People will think of you as a wiledo who post bad 3d retro pictures in /3/ until you go away.

I'm not ruining your stuff, you are ruining yourself, your art and credibility.

Anonymous No. 939738

A profoundly stupid series of statements.

Anonymous No. 939752

Everything dies, that is the truth. Death doesn't care what you say or try to do, this place will be gone. Cry more about it but the more you and I post, the more closer we get to the bump limit.

Anonymous No. 939753

One more post till the heat death of the universe!

Anonymous No. 939760

A new thread could be created

Anonymous No. 939764

That would be spam at that point and you'll lose all progress. It's like New game+ with a chance of being banned.

Anonymous No. 939769

Useless analogy.

Anonymous No. 939772

So you are saying you do not have the pictures, when you upload the pictures you just delete them? This is just dumb you know, we are not your instagram and your pictures will get deleted in 4chan. This is hard facts, cry about it all you like but you either become another schizo cris or another memory.

Anonymous No. 939774

Spam? That would be like making a general thread.

Didn't he already say that he posts these elsewhere as well? Posts on 4chan being temporary isn't of much consequence anyway because posts on other websites with more traffic will be buried quicker than they are on here, and ultimately lose their visibility no matter how much attention they get.

Anonymous No. 939847

I dunno about the render guy but I know once I upload any image to 4chan I instantly delete it and clear my recycle bin. Can't be too careful.

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3d faswhave.jpg

Anonymous No. 939987

Holy shit the amount of retards here is staggering.


This is some really extreme cherry picking.

Anonymous No. 939989

>Did not read
What part of "I want to get into 3DCG to make things that look like they're straight outta the late 80s / early 90s"

did you not get, a program like Bryce 7 that was made in 2010 can never recreate the 90s/80 style. Not only that but the person who keeps making these bad renters are not even trying to make a good reason, it just puts in a bad reputation on 3d art.

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Anonymous No. 939994

It looks just like it though? Are you sperging over the fact its 1920x1080?

Anonymous No. 940002

1080p didn't exist in the 80s/90s, we didn't invent a screen or the technology for it. The best you can get is 780p during those times.

Gosh can't do basic research on resolution and quality.

Anonymous No. 940005

Your main complaint is that the pics are too big? Christ. You know you can resize them with any image editor if your autistic ass is that pedantic about it?

Anonymous No. 940006

The man cannot be reasoned with! Turn back!

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Anonymous No. 940008

I name this: "Ode to Anonmandias". It represents the futility of creating renders when they will only be deleted when the thread 404s. The dunes are the spam posts that create the vast wasteland of a thread that was meant to be about retro 3D renders but has become not. The fractured statue, confused and with pained expression, represents the anguish of ESL anon who cannot abide by the posting of non-retro renders.

I met a poster from an antique board,
Who said—“One vast and spammed thread of posts
Stand in the imageboard. . . . Near it, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered render lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its anon well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these non-retro renders,
The anons that mocked them, and the anons that posted;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Anonmandias, King of Retro Renders;
Look on my Renders, ye Retro, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, retroless and bare
The lone and level threads stretch far away.”

Anonymous No. 940009

>dumb people
Resolution can affect the detail.

>"Higher resolution" means more image detail.

This is why A.I artist have specific size for the art because the robot needs to do a better job than just putting in a small size.

More importantly is that you two fail to understand 3D art render for 780p. No one would do that to the machine, we are talking about computers before windows 98 exist and you two just assume people can make it?

Get out of this place losers.

Anonymous No. 940010

Don't make me use ChatGPT you americans are not the better english exerts anymore. Get lost losers.

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resized pic.jpg

Anonymous No. 940012

Here you go you dumb bitch. I took the effort to resize this thing for your standards.

>b-b-b-but muh modern computer resizing! it not REAL AUTHENTIC!

Then go make your own fucking 3d art if you're that much of a whiny cunt about it.

Anonymous No. 940014

I'm not from America.

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1 - cyberpunk.png

Anonymous No. 940016

You fool, why should i waste my time on your lame challenge when AI art can do it for me. A robot can do better job than you, think about your choice of words next time.

Sorce: Ghost in the Shell

Anonymous No. 940017

shitposter's resolution spam makes no sense anyway
so what if a computer screen couldnt output fuckhuge resolutions?
you know what could?
a fucking printer

a4 paper printed at 300dpi is 2481 x 3507 pixels

Anonymous No. 940019

That doesn't look retro at all.

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Anonymous No. 940045

Ghost in the Shell fans never heard such BS, it always looks like this:

You a rando who was never born or lived in the 90s can never understand what retro or cyberpunk is.

You only seem to like the demo simple rendering shape not the actual 3D work. Toy story a 1995 was 3D and it had the same image look from the a.i picture above.

Anonymous No. 940053

Sorry, not retro.

Anonymous No. 940064

It has palm trees, you just now delcare you are a fuckin idiot for not understanding our culture.

Anonymous No. 940065

You could screen movies you're projecting so hard.

Anonymous No. 940072

Dude just stop faking it, this is just sad. We back to you not putting any effort in art. This is a You problem, go ahead and keep spamming this place, you just going to end up dying like everyone.

Anonymous No. 940073

>complains about renders not looking retro enough
>posts AI generated images that look super modern
I think you have brain damage anon. Sounds like (You) have a problem.

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Anonymous No. 940089

You think these are modern A.I art? I clearly stated the robot to make retro with it's life on the line. Want to see modern a.i art, this is right now, look how different they are.

You have zero experience in 3D art if all you do is just copy someone else models and put them in your little world that only renders 10 seconds while professionals wait 40mins or more for said render to be done.

Anonymous No. 940093

>anons didn't ignore the schizo early on who talks big but shows nothing

lmao even

Anonymous No. 940097

He's my inspiration.

Anonymous No. 940100

I did show my picture, a program called imagine 3D as used. a super old program with rendering old has 3D itself. Yet you just assume i did not show you real retro 3D object from a super old program that microsoft no longer cares.

Anonymous No. 940660

yeah nah I fucking wish I could go back and grow up then

Anonymous No. 940661

this shit busts, amazing work, what do you use for your inspiration/textures? How would I start this?

Anonymous No. 940670

Thanks brother. Textures are all "vanilla" in Bryce 7. I download objects of old objects/statues mainly from ScanTheWorld. You can start this by downloading the program with the URL in this post (that's where I got it from) >>937525

As for inspiration I like vaporwave style, symbolism, and just the feel of """"retro"""" renders. Really recommend this series of tutorials even through they're for Bryce 5 the program is basically the same.

Anonymous No. 940681

The program is not the same, Bryce 5 is actually from 2000 retro era, Bryce 7 is 2010 render. You need to stop assuming Bryce 7 does the same thing when it doesn't and you need to also stop using other people's art, just make it your own like the real retro 3d artist did before we shared models.

Don't listen to this quack, you better off downloading a super old program from wayback machine and learn how to do actual 3D modeling before anything became common. You'll struggle to understand the control and question why the company/programmer made it odd but you'll get better results.

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 940685

I'm so glad you're monitoring this thread as much as I am, my retrofrend. I'm working on a new piece in the same kind of style as my previous homage to you.

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Anonymous No. 940688

I've only got a download for Bryce 7, it's great for making wallpapers and skyboxes.

Here's a link:

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Anonymous No. 940693

This one is called "The Sermon". It features a statue called The Prophet by Pablo Gargallo in a desert wasteland.
>The Prophet is positioned in a powerful stance with his right arm raised and mouth open, as if he is delivering a message or a sermon, and he carries a staff in the proper left hand.
The message the Retro Prophet is delivering is one of threads dying, images disappearing, the futility of creation, and how the true retro gospel may only be found in ancient stone tablet software.

Anonymous No. 940753

you fuckin idiot, Cubism is not one form of story, it's multiple to the viewer.

Once again you fail to do basic art research and what you wrote is only one story that can be found online. It also means the fall and death of the creator. Unlike Pablo he died doing what he loved, you have no love for 3D or the retro era. you are a scammer who only cares about populator and have insecurities when people like me call you out on your fake ass claims. Enough is enough with you.

Anonymous No. 940756

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but I respect the grind and thank you for the feedback.

Anonymous No. 940762

Zero effort, uses other people's art, steals program instead of buying it, doesn't use older software in wayback machine, disrespectful about retro culture.

Dude you're in the wrong here. You are just spammy and unoriginal.

Anonymous No. 940767

hallowed is the prophet

Anonymous No. 940768

>Zero effort
I disagree.
>uses other people's art
True in many cases, but I would consider my renders transformative. Components to create a scene vs merely reproducing the piece verbatim.
>steals program instead of buying it
It's true.
>doesn't use older software in wayback machine
I wanted to use a software that was 64 bit.
>disrespectful about retro culture.
I disagree.
>Dude you're in the wrong here.
If it feels this good to be wrong I don't want to be right.
>You are just spammy
It was a week since my last post.
>and unoriginal.
Nothing new under the sun!

You are the Yin to my Yang, my friend!

Bless him.

Anonymous No. 940780

I think your renders are cool, anon. Ignore the raging esl autist and keep making art.

Anonymous No. 940782

Also, what exactly prevents us from creating retro-styled renders using modern software? Obviously, if you don't have access to the exact algorithms 3D programs used back in the day, the results won't be 1:1, but I imagine you could get pretty close, right?

Anonymous No. 940803

You didn't make anything in the program you just added people's work and render it. Yes, that is the definition of zero effort. You are no better than the A.I artist that claims prompted words or imprinting is hard. Other people did the hard work, not you.

I don't know why you think 64bit is important when any Windows can run 32bit and 86x just fine. Old software doesn't require old windows programs from XP.

Man, you just exposed yourself baby zoomer. Algorithms did not exist in the early internet. This all points to you. All problems you have are lame excuses. A skill issue, you don't have a 3D modeling program to make art. Worst part is, how you used 1% of Bryce 7. All this lame "work" just to keep posting here until the thread reaches bump limit. Sad, truly sad.

Some of us spend our entire lives in 3D, saw it grow. But, people like you think it's ok to post junk. You can't fool us anon.

Do not encourage people who don't make their own art. He is no better than A.I artist. He doesn't want to use Blender or Maya. He is not a 3D artist. Just some guy spamming here.

Anonymous No. 940825

>Algorithms did not exist in the early internet
And you just exposed yourself as a retard. Algorithms predate the invention of electrical power you dolt.

Anonymous No. 940827

Do you think you're arguing with just one person?

Thank you, I am unperturbed.

Anonymous No. 940840

You throw a lot of shit for some one who has posted absolutely no works of your own.

Anonymous No. 940841

Watch Beyond The Mind's Eye

Anonymous No. 940853

A lot of schizos on this board think everyone that disagrees with them is one guy.

Anonymous No. 940858

Algorithm 1600BC:

It's just math, you are saying math was a thing before electrical power. You are an idiot, a book was a scroll in that time. A computer was a golem during that time. Baby why do you not do basic research on what you are saying.

Oh don't try to do the same thing that you did with me, a robot completely ruin your existence and meaning. All you did was cry about retro culture that you have zero understanding.

You can't even proof your own art because the pictures you posted aren't yours either.

Sure assume you are talking to one person, make yourself feel better. Maybe just think that people are telling the truth and think about your actions.

Anonymous No. 940861

Are you implying your sentiments are coming from multiple posters? Your style of posting distinct is unmistakable, no one does it as good as you.

Anonymous No. 940887

Even if you claim such nonsense, you didn't know i been using chat GPT this entire talk since the other guy posted about his english superior wording.

So no, you have zero edvance and had only been talking to a robot.

Anonymous No. 940892

That's the risk you take posting anonymously on the internet, I suppose, talking with brainless robots.

Anonymous No. 940899

I'm German, you are wrong again, go vergehen and no this not Späßchen. You do not wissen about retro or anything 3D. We are not anschließen and I will anschließen against you.

I think I made it clear, you are a nutjob.

Anonymous No. 940901

That's some German engineering! Talking robots!

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Anonymous No. 940902

Not me, plus chatGPT doesn't do international language unless i add the words. He is real person anon, he is a real german person, the words when translated matches his speech to you.

Anonymous No. 940905

Oh well now I'm convinced. There's TWO people here who have beef and talk weird.

Anonymous No. 940911

ESL Chama, train your chat model on samples written by individuals with IQs higher than a mushroom. This is really weak sauce.

Anonymous No. 940936

you can but it lacks the SOVL

Anonymous No. 940978

Let me remind you that it passed the right to be a lawyer in the state bar exam, it got an A in School of Business in many universities. Chat GTP made news in many parts of the world, it can make art using stable diffusion if you cared enough. You are a nobody, a loser in an ordinary workforce that treats you like shit. You can't even make art in a community that has people with 3D experience. No Adobe certification or Maya certification, you are too poor to even pay the fee. When I say you are a loser on all levels, I truly mean it.


Anonymous No. 940979

I full on audibly laughed at this. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 940981

>tfw my Macromedia certification didn't carry over after being purchased by Adobe

Anonymous No. 940982


Anonymous No. 940984

oh yeah. this is it.

Also yeah, you gotta use old software like Bryce or StudioPro. SGI render software is basically nonexistent nowadays.

Anonymous No. 940985

We have wayback machine, there is actual free 3D rendering programs from the 90s that companies either don't care or died off.

Cry more, you will never be a real 3D artist. You aren't even trying to be an environment artist and it's a real job if you tried, but no because we know you are a loser.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 940988

Crying from laughing!!!!

The most intelligent thing ASL AI anon has said so far.

Anonymous No. 940991

Crying from laughing!!!!

The most intelligent thing ESL AI anon has said so far.

Anonymous No. 940995

You dummy A.I chat can't post here with Captcha. The person is copying and pasting. Why you gotta be a failure, why can you not get a job in 3D? Oh yes, you are a scam.

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29539 - SoyBooru.png

Anonymous No. 941003


Anonymous No. 941004

simply satanic

Anonymous No. 941014

A.I doesn't have feelings so i won't know what you are trying to do. Why do you feel like the A.I and I care about you, some fake 3D artist. Stealing jobs is chatGPT main goal, you? nothing because you are a loser.

Anonymous No. 941061

Get back to me once you figure out how to solve captchas without the aide of your differently-abled friend.

Anonymous No. 941236

very nice
would you mind sharing the process or technique to achieve the printed scan look?

Anonymous No. 942085

holy shit! I fucking played deadly tide when I was a kid looks exactly like blue planet.

Anonymous No. 942299

holy shit it's corporatefilth

Anonymous No. 942316

What about makes you think it's satanic? The color palette?

The face is constructed from a dava kan tutorial book.

Anonymous No. 943009

And who the fuck are you supposed to be, again?

Anonymous No. 943031

Retard here. If I want to make NURBS character models like Donkey Kong Country, what's a good software to use?

Anonymous No. 943036

Soft image xsi

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Anonymous No. 943065

The best nurbs modeler is MOI3D.

It even generate perfect quad mesh and sexy UVs

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Anonymous No. 943071

Plasticity is also another nurbs modeler.
It is amazing, but it does not generate clean mesh and it does not gererate UV as it should because Nurbs always generate sexy UV by their very nature.

Anonymous No. 944968

Where can I get this old program?

Anonymous No. 944971

Mac repo
Mac garden

🗑️ Anonymous No. 944997

toasting in the same bread

Anonymous No. 944998


...pretty dope concept!

>It even generate perfect quad mesh and sexy UVs

can i ask you to post some example of a remeshed object?

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Anonymous No. 945000

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Anonymous No. 945025

Reminds me of the work Derek Riggs did for Gamma Ray's album covers.
He also created Iron Maiden's mascot, "Eddie".

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Anonymous No. 945026

Posting one more.

Anonymous No. 945284


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Anonymous No. 945591

the Winds of Basidia dev uses some old software, Poweranimator I think, to make pic related

Anonymous No. 946566

thanks I downloaded from tpb and used your serial.

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Anonymous No. 946623


>If I want to make NURBS character models like Donkey Kong Country, what's a good software to use?

Just use Maya! Maya has the best NURBS (for animation) and has a very similar render engine to "Poweranimator's" as well. Even has the same exact modeling tools and procedural textures Donkey Kong Country used. Maya is ace.

Hope this helped.

Anonymous No. 946660

what's the eyeball image? looks interesting

Anonymous No. 946771

>what's the eyeball image? looks interesting

It was made in POVray

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Anonymous No. 947147

>SGI render software is basically nonexistent nowadays

Yeah... it's called "Maya".The modeling and rendering engine are pretty much the same as Alias/Poweranimator.

I also released the windows version of Poweranimator and it works on Windows 0, but I would NOT recommend it. It's a serious pain in the ass to use!

Also Mental ray was also used in the mid-late 1990s was included in many software later, though initially it was Softimage only. Older version of Maya, 3DS Max, and Softimage XSI.

You do not have use an old computer to produce old looking renders, as many 3D software from the 1990s are still being used today.

A list of modern software with ancient rendering engines:

-Cinema 4D (standard renderer)
-3DS Max (scanline renderer or mental ray)
-Maya (the default "software renderer" or mental ray)
-Bryce 7

Anonymous No. 947155

>It represents the futility of creating renders when they will only be deleted when the thread 404
But I've saved almost everything you've posted and will enjoy them in the future.

Anonymous No. 947307

For a moment I thought he meant renderer and assumed he just meant code one up using principles of linear algebra and OpenGL, which would be more useful

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Anonymous No. 947898

I just downloaded Strata Vision, but its asking for serial. Any help?

Anonymous No. 947916

3D Studio for DOS or Bryce3D for Win95/Mac. Both have produced really pretty results. Getting high quality renders off a win95 VM is kinda shit, but we're all big boys here.

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Anonymous No. 947942

Limit what shaders you use. Notice how radiosity and rim lighting aren't in retro CG? Also use saturated colors.

Lardmachine$ No. 947952

If you downloaded it from archive there is a text file in the downloads. Also, if you download from Mac repo, the pictures in the slideshow show the serials

But here is the serial anyway. AD16247470921

And put in anything for the name and org

Anonymous No. 948128

I'm glad you like them! I was also mostly taking the piss out of the mad anon who was getting super buttblasted about my posts.

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Anonymous No. 948129

still angry i see

Anonymous No. 948292

I'm also glad you're still here too, my friend! Been getting a bit of the hankering to rev up that 64 bit Bryce 7 and make a new image, I'll be sure to share it with you if anything materializes.

Anonymous No. 948336

These are better than your lame Bryce 7 renders.


see how real those are and they retro they become. You will always fail to capture that feeling, you will always be a loser in this board.

the chair nerd No. 948353

>see how real those are
Well don't know about that. I surely think that I was lucky growing at a time when the internet was not guaranteed. So every image I first made wasn't contaminated with other people's style.

Anonymous No. 948412

a quick search on youtube never hurts.

Anonymous No. 948485

link without shitty vpn download would be appreciated

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Anonymous No. 948610

The only one to ever get it right

Anonymous No. 948635

Do you not have an adblocker or know to click on the magnet icon for the magnet link? Have you torrented things before?

Anonymous No. 948721


🗑️ Anonymous No. 949112

4chan mod is a fucking nigger faggot
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 949117


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FLAT ON cave render.jpg

Anonymous No. 949454

What do you think about this retrobro? First time revving up that Bryce again in a while!

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roman pool 1280.jpg

Anonymous No. 950114

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mush swamp 1920.jpg

Anonymous No. 950258

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Anonymous No. 950259

No chances of it being PowerAnimator, as it ran on IRIX only, this is Alias Studio Tools.

Anonymous No. 950317

so is the secret to retro just use nurbs?

Anonymous No. 950319

always has been

Anonymous No. 950341

Yes and no.
Many 3D works were done in NURBS because the software had very primitive polygonal modeling tools.

NURBS will allow you to have smooth surfaces, but are a pain in the ass to use, Subdivision Surface can be used for the majority of objects.

The real trick in in the renderer, it has to be a raytracer, and a biased one. Most modern render engines are unbiased, so, they produce a lot of noise, but not only that, but they tend to simulate lights too realistically, and it's a huge issue for the kind of retro look needed.

There are very few commercial (and legit) software that can achieve a retro look, some have been already mentioned.

Cinema 4D
If you use its Advanced Renderer you can get '90s results pretty quickly, but you have to support them with proper materials, no GGX reflection bullshit, but a simple Blinn should be fine.

Houdini (Apprentice if you want to learn)
They have a legacy renderer, called Micropolygon (scanline), and a Raytracer which is very similar to how RenderMan's REYES behaves.
This is way harder to use than Cinema 4D, and there are very few tutorials on how to use it.

Blender 2.79
The Internal renderer, while more limited than the others, can achieve the retro look too.

Blender (any version post 2.80)

There's also a video on YouTube that employs a different method:

Not so legit:

Maya 2018
Last version to support mental ray (which is now free).

Softimage 2015

Remember it's a combination of renderer and material/texture work.

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sewer 2 lighter 1....jpg

Anonymous No. 950916

Anonymous No. 950964

Just download a copy of xp, install it on a vm, and run a 1998 version of 3d studio max on it. & Bobs ur oncle, you’re there man.

Also, Dude, running XP3 on a modern 3d graphics workstation lol, prepare to witness the fastest OS performance ever experience by a human being.

Anonymous No. 950965

>that reminds me of bad ass
what is that, like, you got the farts or something

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Anonymous No. 951007


Anonymous No. 951055

Make sure to get at least 1.2 otherwise you can't subdivide meshes

Anonymous No. 951179

Use Godot

Anonymous No. 951641

Make the models in blender and then import them into a retro program

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Anonymous No. 952501

>Just download a copy of xp, install it on a vm, and run a 1998 version of 3d studio max on it. & Bobs ur oncle, you’re there man.

I've used the old version of 3DS Max (1996) and then imported the files into the 2021 version. The renders looked EXACTLY the same.

The same exact thing happened when I tested the old/new versions of Bryce, Maya, and Alias as well.

No need to use the old versions of 3D software. The render engines are exactly the same.

Alias: same
Maya: same
3DS Max: same
Bryce 3D: same

Anonymous No. 952506

woah, how did you make the plate, and the donut??? the donut tutorial does not have instructions on this...

Anonymous No. 952512

it's still easier to use the older versions since you know what tools and effects are historically correct. Even if you use a newer version it's practical to have an older handy to see what you can and can't do.

Anonymous No. 952540



Anonymous No. 953156

Is there anything that can procedurally generate cool textures

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Anonymous No. 953570

Alright, time to dust off my old SheepShaver setup. This is going to prove fun.

Captcha was G4T0G2.

Anonymous No. 953860

A lot of those 90s rendering engines are crazy simple to make if you can code. You could do everything in your own code if you really wanted to

Anonymous No. 954649

where can one learn this ability

Anonymous No. 954742

I find it really weird I came across this thread by accident after forgetting this board existed. I have a dream awhile ago involving a spring that sort of worked like a rocket jump. I thought of making a game out of it as I learned to code through college. I recently had the thought come back to me, feels like it was meant to be.

Anonymous No. 954748

very nice

Anonymous No. 954790

I'm not sure why you're bothering with this guy; he's clearly non-technical and is resorting to hand-waving. Probably overpaid for some old shit. I guess you guys aren't programmers but hearing someone say "no it's impossibly old proprietary Japanese magic" is laughable. I suck balls at 3D and only learned it for a game / porn but I'll try my best to recreate OP pic

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Anonymous No. 954812

I don't know how to texture the eye, the mountains are lazier, and I didn't match the colors very well but I think this is pretty damn close to OP. The only main technical difference I can see is the anti-aliasing. This is in blender

Anonymous No. 954813

The anon was right you can't mamic the theme in blender, they just kill off their old render and are using Evee (not the pokemon). Blender's oldest render can't be build to modern day tech without programming it to work in these computers.

Anonymous No. 954814

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding that sentence. For what it's worth, I am using Cycles, not Eevee

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Anonymous No. 954815

Figured out how to remove anti-aliasing in Cycles

Anonymous No. 954840

Cycles is never going to make the same render like OP. t was never build for it, you'll end up like that other guy posted fake retro looks of Bryce.

You are too young to know how retro should feel, you are not old enough to know how to mamic retro.

Anonymous No. 954851

thats pretty good

Anonymous No. 954852

very nice anon I hope you have fun with your projects.

Anonymous No. 954854

stfu faggot holy shit just crying and whining thruout the whole thread giving your not wanted not asked for retard takes on what should and shouldnt be retro. seriously autism stfu and stop talking

Anonymous No. 954921

It's still calculating everything in a linear colorspace. You need to do everything in gamma colorspace for a truly retro look.

Anonymous No. 955058

Stop using blender.
Go back to 3D Studio Max.
Blender was always for fags. This board is 100% blender. Blender is for making smoothies or salsa. Buy an actual 3D program and stop using freeware.

Anonymous No. 955095

Did everything in the 90's just use a blinn shader and bump maps lol its all so shiney all the time

Anonymous No. 955128

What version of 3D Studio MAX is the most SOVL

Anonymous No. 955179

Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you? You can keep moving the goalposts all you want but the fact is that you can use modern blender to mimic retro renders, period, and I proved it with that shitty render. If you were acting in good faith you would point out something visually deficient about my example instead of handwaving gamma. Keep in mind that I am not a real artist and that was me learning how to model. A real artist could probably match the OP 1:1. Finally, you can easily adjust the gamma on an image to mock incorrect linear workflow anyway, but you know that.

Anonymous No. 955180

Blender isn't freeware, and stop giving retarded advice to people

Anonymous No. 955238


Anonymous No. 955331

There isn't a version 5 of 3D Studio Max, it would've been Discreet 3ds by then, there was only 3 releases of 3D Studio Max when it was still owned by Kinetix

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Anonymous No. 955369

Renders are still looking too sharp despite using lower resolutions, what am I doing wrong here? When I look at PS1 pre-rendered backgrounds they're grainier, there's a distance to em

Here's the WIP

Anonymous No. 955372

so what, its basically v3 with a few useful modeling additions. the ui stayed the same from 3-4-5. never used other versions I switched to the more sovlful XSI

Anonymous No. 955373

>Release date:2000

Anonymous No. 955576

I could be wrong but they converted the 3D renders to bitmaps thus lowering the "quality" of them and limiting the amount of colours.

Anonymous No. 955588

Use fewer ray tracing samples, disable denoising?

Anonymous No. 955589

And don't use a rasterization-based approach like Eevee, that won't have the ray tracing grain

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Anonymous No. 955599

Limit colors. Now when you blow up the image (as if displayed on a low-res display) it will have the grainy look.
Also, I upscaled it cause that shit was too tiny kek

Anonymous No. 956046

newfriend here. could you give me some tips on how you are achieving this look? I'm particularly having trouble replicating the fog effect.

Anonymous No. 956051

It's just default settings, the guy doesnt know how lighting works

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Anonymous No. 956059

shut up and tell me how to add fog like that. i don't get it. btw i only started learning blender last week :)

Anonymous No. 956096

Move the fog box behind the scene and dont have it too tall

Anonymous No. 956120

Make your own render engine. Base it on a language you already know to keep it simple

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pinc 5-2.png

Anonymous No. 956153

ok i figured it out

Anonymous No. 956176


I used Bryce 7 and there's atmospheric controls like fog, horizon haze and stuff like that. Your piece is looking good so far!

Anonymous No. 956197

Make a low polygon model in blender and then import the code into raypov or some other old software

Anonymous No. 957841


Anonymous No. 957852

>bumping after bump limit