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🧵 AI 3D models

Anonymous No. 934440

CEO of just said they hopefully start working on 3D generation in Q2 of this year.

So, hopefully in 10-12 weeks from now.

Anonymous No. 934445

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 934448

Put a bullet through your head, Cris

Anonymous No. 934456

fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 934576

It can't come soon enough.

Anonymous No. 934601

Please fuck off you are not welcome in /g/ let us jeets deal with this.

Anonymous No. 934615

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 934621


Anonymous No. 934628

Cris is the resident schizo. His crab-in-the-bucket mentality keeps him from becoming good but it doesn't keep him from trying to pull everyone else down.

Anonymous No. 934638

so he's basically condensed and refined /3/?

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Anonymous No. 934660


Anonymous No. 934665

His pixel art looks okay, should've stuck with that imo.

the chair nerd No. 934667

Bitch just give me the funds and I'll pay a visit to Chris's house in Jamundi.

Anonymous No. 934684

Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 934773

He refuses to stick with pixel art because it takes too much time to draw every frame, even though he spends years trying to find as many shortcuts as possible at the cost of making the shittiest art imaginable. Imagine how many games he could’ve actually finished if he never started this never-ending race to the bottom.

Anonymous No. 935758


Will you be driving truck, or operating a forklift?

Anonymous No. 935763

kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 935794


Anonymous No. 935797

If you were into 3DCG you'd know that modelling is a chore. If you tell me that we are gonna have a 3D model generator, that means I can make animations and all sort of stuff with less effort. I want it now.

Anonymous No. 938128
