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Anonymous No. 934645

so gfxpeers is kill and i dont have cgpeers.
is there any other cg related private/public trackers out there or are these the only two so far?

Anonymous No. 934654

you need to get a job

Anonymous No. 934674

thats why i need to pirate. how do they expect me to have "5 Years experience in Maya is required. Experience in 3ds is a plus" bullshit?

Anonymous No. 934676

You need 5 years experience while working at a company that uses that software.

Anonymous No. 934682

Why don’t you just use torrents? All the malware in the world will still cost you less than an Autodesk subscription.

Anonymous No. 934686

a cgpeers invite costs 15 (fifteen) USD (united states dollars)
just go on a random tracker marketplace and buy it

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Anonymous No. 934693

mmmmm... sweet sweet piracy...

Anonymous No. 934695

this happens every x months
it'll come back in a few days

Anonymous No. 934707

look at all those trojans / miners

Anonymous No. 934728

It’s not the same anymore when a few users that regularly uploaded torrents vanished into thin air for some god damn reason then you have the mods just taking cgpersia courses and uploading them to cgpeers lmao. It’s been 2 years since there was a major 3d course drop and that will never happen again.

Anonymous No. 934729

it's not done, they do this every 4 weeks without exception. server belongs to third-worlders and they basically shut it down for 4-5 days per month to extort 50$-100$ from gullible idiots.

in their forums someone even mentioned that their donations-ticker doesn't even update/include their donations after they were successful.

i honestly don't mind since pirating 3d software is never an urgent thing and they have every important release that cgpeers has.

if you want a cgpeers invite desperately you literally just have to google "buy cgpeers invite" and spend 50-90$.

Anonymous No. 934730

I bought mine for 15$ from a random pajeet and it just werks

Anonymous No. 934731

pyw. Lets see what you really learned.

Anonymous No. 934733

>he bought lmao
Ohnonono anon, cgp mods aren't idiots btw.

Anonymous No. 934740

I just like to hoard/archive stuff
2 years and counting anon-kun

Anonymous No. 934741

>I just like to hoard/archive stuff
thats what I thought. You are probably glowing visible from space

Anonymous No. 934926

there's so many of them on bilibili now that never get upped because of rules against watermarks