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Anonymous No. 934663

I cannot model the human form no matter how hard I try, and believe me, I tried. There are too many things to pay attention to and it's too complicated for me to go from a cube to a body with all the forms blocked out, and don't even get me started on topology...What's the secret? Why does it come so easily to everyone except me?

Anonymous No. 934670

What courses did you watch?

Anonymous No. 934671

>model the outer form roughly
>now, go from within - model the important skeletal bones
>next, the muscles
>then, the fat
>graduate to purchasing a ziva license after your trial expires.

Wa-la you are now well on your way to making it on twitter with nsfw animations

Anonymous No. 934678

Use a basemesh no one makes humans from scratch anymore. If you’re trying to learn anatomy you should be sculpting instead of poly modeling.