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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934723

This is 150 million 3D AAA next gen videogame.

the chair nerd No. 934724


Go eat a lithium battery Chris. Eat shit and die.

Anonymous No. 934736

imagine putting this much carbon into the atmosphere to create and render 3d niggers

Anonymous No. 934742

I'm watching some gameplay footage of it and it looks horrible, what kind of people are creating these games? Can't believe where the money is being spent. Camera movements are cringe, it's like they never watched a single movie. Better not to talk about writing and dialogues. Even environment art which is usually okay even in shittiest games is barebones here.

Anonymous No. 934744

what game is this? I don't follow aaa game news anymore.

Anonymous No. 934772

Games are made by wannabe filmmakers who don’t actually watch movies or play games now. It’s sad.

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Anonymous No. 934785

How do I make my game not look like this? Making a game in Unreal. Honest question. It can't just be the single directional light that causes all of these problems.

Anonymous No. 934791

the power of lumen

🗑️ Anonymous No. 934794

i watched a couple random minutes of it on twitch. looked so much worse than in the promo videos. are the graphics hobbled on consoles or something? how can it look so much worse than the promos? the whole theme seemed kinda cringe too like a bunch rich white people and some focus groups came up with it.

Anonymous No. 934796

>full gameplay walkthrough on youtube is only eight hours
what the hell, they want $70?

Anonymous No. 934803

Fall for the Nanite and Lumen meme and do little to no optimization while hiring unqualified people that jump from gimmick to gimmick instead of actually learning a half decent workflow and techniques

also political nepotism

Anonymous No. 934817

Uff... where do I even begin.
The single dir. light is not at fault here thats for sure. Im making my own UE5 game with lumen and dare I say my shit looks significantly better.
I can notice that the shadows are extremely down which causes the most issues with the look here.
Not sure if thats just how the game is at top settings or if someone is trying to decieve us here by having the graphics settings at lowest. Also the contrast between the parts of the face that receive direct light vs those in the shadow looks off and too strong. Feels like there should be more indirect light.

The model itself has some issues too. The eyes look very generic and boring. They lack a certain detail that makes them look more alive. The lower lip hangs down a lot making the character look almost retarded, also showing most of the lower teeth which have been unconveniently messed up by the artsits.

The whole model doesnt really follow a proper artistic style. It just looks like the devs wanted to go as realistic as possible and their skills only were enough to add asymmetric imperfections and flaws )(because we are taught in school thats what makes a character realistic lol) while completely disregarding aesthetic harmony. Had they gone for a more stylized approach the overall appearence could have been much less unpleasant under those lighting conditions.

Anyway thats my 2 cents. Take from it what you will.

Anonymous No. 934818

>The lower lip hangs down a lot making the character look almost retarded,
FYI its actually an age thing, older you get the more you lower lip sags down like that, and the less upper teeth show you have as the upper lip also sags.
basically her mouth looks too old for her face causing a weird disconnect, caveat for maybe the character is rolling lower lip down mid-speech or something.

...what's the context here? if its just an NPC then its fine that she's not a looker, i mean yeah the lighting is awful but if you are going for an average looking female this isn't really that disharmonious of a face structure, not enough to warrant critique.

also lens distortion, fish eye lens looking ass thing here.

asymmetry does not make a character look realistic, its a large part of the equation, but often its pretty much just flows and distorts the face slightly in along one direction, and therefore can be done as a final touch. if i recall most people have a more dominant left side which is interesting, point being its just like every other facet of the human face that you need to get right and not the magic touch.

Anonymous No. 934832

>what the hell, they want $70?
That's going to be $80 + VAT sweetie, hope you will have fun :)

Anonymous No. 934839

Wtf was Square thinking when they did that?

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Anonymous No. 934840

You don't know how bad things truly are.

Anonymous No. 934841

Which Oblivion mod is this?

Anonymous No. 934844


Anonymous No. 934852

Square has been completely "Americanized" - in other words, its complete irredeemable garbage now.

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Anonymous No. 934858

They literally have a mascot for trannies.

Anonymous No. 934859

That tweet is one of the most corporatist things I've ever seen. They just missed saying: "remember to buy my products, homosexuals".

Anonymous No. 934865

Tifa's milkers were perfectly sized to be honest.

Anonymous No. 934866

Perhaps, but she is supposed to have melons(巨乳), not oranges(美乳).

Anonymous No. 934868

Breasts are fine (32DDD as per Remake canon). It's the lack of muscle and tone that I have a problem with.

Anonymous No. 934869

its the main character

Anonymous No. 934874

Shamfur dispray Toshi.

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Anonymous No. 934876

In retrospect, this wasn't that bad.

Anonymous No. 934877

>Remake canon
As approved by the Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion council.

We were all robbed. Rubbish.

Anonymous No. 934878

I get what you mean, but it is still the ugliest Link ever.

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Anonymous No. 935034

>but it is still the ugliest Link ever.
not anymore

Anonymous No. 935082

hire only white men

Anonymous No. 935097

>Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion council
In my studio I will never waste precious funds for this sort of bullshit role. Only based devs with the goal to produce beauty and quality.

Anonymous No. 935117

The combat is what carries this game. Definitely not enough to call it AAA or nextgen though. But if it were to go on like a 80% sale I'd buy it.

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Anonymous No. 935119

Should have been a 32J with a very slightly more muscular body.
We were truly mugged.

Anonymous No. 935146

Tried the demo and lasted a minute in game horrible combat bland visuals runs like shit terrible writing and voice acting

Anonymous No. 935171

>How do I make my game not look like this?
Disavow sanctimonious identity politics. There is no doubt that this is intentionally bad to avoid "the male gaze". Someone probably tried to add a constant eye highlighter and got called out for muhsoggyknee. Bright sun and dark sky is also a queasy combo, even if it's meant to be alien world or whatever. Mainly though this is just terrible rigging.

Anonymous No. 935183

130million in marketing
20 million in production

Anonymous No. 935200

What the fuck happened to Square Penis?

Anonymous No. 935214

Ballinzka is cute af but her model looks like shit, specially when she emotes

Anonymous No. 935215

Why is this shit infecting Myurica??? Aren't they less than 5%???

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Anonymous No. 935783

GOP says fags are bad. So Dems say fags are good. Blacks say fags are bad but vote Dem so by default 50% of America loves fags at any given time.

Moral of the story is two-party system leads to faggotry.

Anonymous No. 935790

Trannies, women and onions faggots

Anonymous No. 935829

/pol/ shit

Anonymous No. 935880

Am I missing something? This game didn't use UE5.

Anonymous No. 935883

did your feelings get hurt? again?

Anonymous No. 935897

Did you stop beating your wife?

Anonymous No. 935899

This is why people think artists are fucking dumb. Imagine getting confused because of similar words

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Anonymous No. 935951

>Topic about the state of 3D in a recent AAA game
>Somehow it's /pol/ shit
Just go back to your containment board

Anonymous No. 935961

Maybe it's because I'm a zoomer, but I think toon link has the best design of all of them.

Anonymous No. 935974

You have a really poor sense of aesthetics.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 936008

Jews ruined gaming all we can look forward to is hidden gems from Asia and some indie games that isn't plagued by LGBT shit

Anonymous No. 936591

why do they need a whole department? what do they do all day?

Anonymous No. 936651

>what do they do all day?
They sit around seething and dilating

Anonymous No. 936652

Prop up the prestige of some manager who is the lord of that particular fiefdom, their personal retinue that signifies "I am important" to others in the organization.

What, you thought business in this 21st century clownscape was about "work"? KEK

Anonymous No. 936676

The quality of this game is equal to the targeted demographic's tastes. They don't have any.
Also, brown. Very ,very brown.

Anonymous No. 936693

I'm brown and I fucking hate it.

Anonymous No. 937131

why does she have orc teeth?

Anonymous No. 937385

prob fake job for someones family/friends

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Anonymous No. 937691

Anonymous No. 937901

more details on those dick sucking lips than the whole hat

Anonymous No. 937928

Pride cometh…

Anonymous No. 937970

Before the monkeypox.

Anonymous No. 938003


Anonymous No. 938004

"...making the character look almost retarded."

Anonymous No. 938009

Jesus christ, I thiink the problem might be the fucking camera and crazy close up scene, what in the fuck facial expression is that??? lol.

Just kidding, looks dope, way better than I could do.

Anonymous No. 938010

Kind of looks like she's getting fucked in the ass.

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Anonymous No. 939222

>My favorite artist got hired to do a small amount of illustration work for the game
>They didn't hire her as art director
Stupid retards.

Anonymous No. 939224

What is it with japs and texel density.

Anonymous No. 939282

It's strange how the tech demos for these engines looks gorgeous and seem to produce massive scale environments in no time
but then whenever we see a finished project it's a shadow of what was originally offered.

It's like we're at the point in time where the engines have eclipsed available talent to such a degree that AAA games
with multi million budgets come out looking like disjointed asset flips.

I have a difficult time understanding how you can burn 100+ million dollar and come out looking like this.
How on earth do you hire that much talent and have this little to show for it, what do they spend that money on?

As an indie dev watching a let's play I see so much ugly yank and jerky animation, sure there's competent art but it's juxtaposed with a bunch of vanilla skyrim tier assets everywhere, with budgets like that: why? I would not feel tempted to spend $100 on most of Forspoken's systems if they where on sale at the Unity Asset store.

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Anonymous No. 939326

we are going backwards

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Anonymous No. 939334

>It's strange how the tech demos for these engines looks gorgeous and seem to produce massive scale environments in no time
That's because there is a difference between
>rendering a trailer on a nasa tier computer a Triple-A studio can afford
>Trying to make the game run equally well on what's considered 'wide enough' appeal in terms of hardware specs for PCs
not to mention
>Appealing to Massive Console Market with hardware always 5-10 years out of date compared to PCs
Ontop of all that trailers are usually made before much work is done on the game, a proof of concept where they throw shit at the wall and it's fortunate if even half of it makes it to release.

That's ontop of executive meddling and shizo design docs that change every few months as they try to chase the latest trends making you scrap a lot of the work you'd already done, that alone will be a huge money, time and morale sink.

Anonymous No. 939407

The tech demo was 10 years old, the tech they were using wasn't even modern at the time, now it's positively ancient, mix that in with their half assed ray tracing and you get a really pathetic game technically, there's nothing about this game that makes it look like a 9th gen title, then again I have yet to see a single Japanese game that looks 9th gen.

Anonymous No. 939434

The money all goes to marketing. Seriously.

Anonymous No. 939442

But something that was whipped together for a tiny fraction of 150million dollar 10 years ago far far eclipses what we see here 10 years later. How is that even possible? It's not like they had been working on that tech demo since 2002.

That 10 year old tech demo still looks better than all last gen titles that where ever released.
Are they like rendering it at 1hz and play it back full speed or something. Same with epic and all them unreal engine showcases, same with Unity too and that blacksmith demo etc.

Anonymous No. 941159

make an engine from scratch. Unreal is a lost cause

Anonymous No. 941161

UE can look amazing, its the user who is at fault.

Anonymous No. 941229

looks like the tall actress I want to have romantic relations with

Anonymous No. 941835


Anonymous No. 941838

The problem with the game, is that they had a mid budget title, developed by B and and C tier developers, but they marketed it as their new AAA property. Probably because they had celebrities involved, so they had to pretend to be Hollywood and make it bigger than what it was. If it was marketed as the light, mid tier game it was, then people would be a lot more forgiving of the graphics.

The bigots try to spin this as a black and trans problem. But if the game featured a spiky hair anime boy, the same bigots would defend the game to death. In that case, they would say it's "camp kino", not bad. Like how they defended Stranger of Paradise.

Anonymous No. 944314

>Like how they defended Stranger of Paradise.
The black dude in that game was a bro.

Anonymous No. 944360

with models like this im surprise there is no kfc around in this game

Anonymous No. 944629

He's so cute.

Anonymous No. 946930

I don't know

Anonymous No. 946996

As an [spoiler]environmentalist[/spoiler] this really does make me salty.

I have an SJW friend who one day out-of-the-blue tells me "Incels are complaining about Tifa's boobs but they only look smaller because she is wearing a sports bra". Later on this article comes out. I point this out to her, noting how silly it is that these "ethics" departments don't go after real unethical shit like season pass DLC. She then insisted that "her boobs aren't smaller". These people literally live in an alternate version of reality from the rest of us.

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Anonymous No. 947046

>I have an SJW friend
>These people literally live in an alternate version of reality from the rest of us.

How and why do they get like this??

Anonymous No. 947054

Its the universities/colleges, they brainwash your kids with this ideological extremism and sell it as "the good side"