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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934982

cheap fast workflow artstyle good. cuhds btfo

Anonymous No. 935008

based thread. mods, sticky this pls

the chair nerd No. 935009


Anonymous No. 935019

All along cris should have been making a game in the doom engine

Anonymous No. 935026

trees aren't facing the camera fully, btfo


Anonymous No. 935546

id sticky this desu

Anonymous No. 938204

bumpin to keep the thread alive because important

Anonymous No. 938205

Just wanted to add that niggers tongue my anus

Anonymous No. 938223

Very beautiful OP. I'd like to fuck it's ass. Keep up the solid work.

Anonymous No. 938224

can we rename /3/ to /cris/ instead? It would be very useful, as I'd be less inclined to bother coming here

Anonymous No. 938226


Anonymous No. 938238

damn. impressive

Anonymous No. 938304

Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 940224

this thread really makes cris stop posting. good job faggot you've just killed him

Anonymous No. 940237

Finally... an artstyle that AI can't replicate...

Anonymous No. 940502

*don't want to replicate.

Anonymous No. 940523

what happened to cris? why has he stopped posting? has he finally btfo'd forever?

Anonymous No. 942665

bumpin the bread to keep cris away. looks like this thread demotivational purpose is working.

Anonymous No. 942671

Who is Cirs!?

Anonymous No. 942686

Shut up Cris.

Anonymous No. 942687

Seriously, who is cris? I am new.

the chair nerd No. 942689

Ok Cris I'll bite. Cris is you, he is me, he is all of us. He is the ghost of stagnation in this board because everyone in this board is bad at 3dcg. He is the holy trinity of retardation ,schizophrenia and stagnation and he had a son Cris from Jamundí Colombia. He is the personification on Cris on this earth and he has spent 10 years doing nothing for our sins.

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3 schizo.jpg

the chair nerd No. 942690

Welcome to /3/ here is a summary.

Anonymous No. 942692

And based on some of the comments it appears that he has been vanquished for the moment? How bad is it?

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Anonymous No. 942695

Mommy, I'm scared! Come pick me up! I would have stayed on Reddit had I known the state of this board.

the chair nerd No. 942698

No he is just in stasis in this moment maybe his mum did not receive the full pension check so they are getting by using only candles.
This board is pretty harmless. Unless you have an allergic reaction to retardation.

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the chair nerd No. 942710

Omfg anon is correct Chris hasn't posted a new thread!

Anonymous No. 942711

Hallelujah! Now who wants to become the new Chris?

the chair nerd No. 942712

No one can imitate a fraction of his power.

Anonymous No. 942713

there was one you did just miss it.

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Omfg v2.png

the chair nerd No. 942715

Yes you are right had it wrong because I have a lot of hidden threads.

Anonymous No. 945005

bampin to keep the protection on

Anonymous No. 945007

It's too late

Anonymous No. 946992


Anonymous No. 947722

Bumping in hopes, cris sees this once again and shits himself hard enough to prolapse his anus permanently.