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Anonymous No. 934991

Why is it generally considered bad practice to do hard surface in zbrush? Pic related.

Anonymous No. 934992

its not bad practice, its just zbrush plays it fast and loose with topology so if you are trying to get some clean edgeflow you may need to take it into another software to clean it up, zbrushes topology tools fall into one of two categories

1: automated topology solutions. this is like zremesher. it will get you like 80% of the way there but its not perfect, and can occasionally fuck up particularly sharp edges and corners if you dont dial it in

2: retopology "brushes" between zmodeler and the topology brushes for zremesher you have access to addressing topology and modeling hard surface "by hand" but the tools can be unwieldy and zbrush generally doesnt let you highlight specific vertices or edges in the same way other modeling software do, everything is more or less handled with large radial falloff brushes, so for precision control, unless you are quite skilled with zbrush, you may find yourself wanting to use another software.

but the stuff in your pic is just a sloppy bit of kitbashing with subtools and is easily remedied with a few seconds of repositioning. in general Zbrush is excellent at handling large models, multiple components, and non destructive booleans without slowing down your PC at all. i dont know how they did what they did in the code of it, but zbrush can handle models that would make maya, max, or blender fucking shudder and chug. my personal laptop is almost 8 years old now and i can handle 20 million poly models with 15 subtools no problem

Anonymous No. 934994

It's not considered 'bad practice'. At least, it's not considered bad by anybody who actually does any work in the software.

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Anonymous No. 935051

>why is it considered suboptimal to create perfectly even shapes in a program where everything gets approximated by hand
hmmmmm no idea, anon. it's a fucking mystery. better create a thread about it and investigate some more.

Anonymous No. 935199

are you fucking dumb you can do sharp edges in zbrush fucking smoothbrains taking over this place or what

Anonymous No. 935263

lol, you are fucking retarded. how did you read my post and the takeaway was that you cant do sharp edges?

are you ESL or have reading comprehension problems?

you absolutely can do hard edges in zbrush. zbrush has trouble creating precise edgeflow, and fixing existing edgeflow. this doesnt prohibit you from creating hard edges, this just makes it tricky (not impossible, just difficult) to get 100% clean topology in the same way you could doing traditional subdiv hard surface in a regular modeling software

god you're fucking stupid. you're so stupid you didnt even understand the post. this board is a joke.

Anonymous No. 935292

it usually comes from 3dsmax/maya/cad modelers who are stuck in their ways

Anonymous No. 935294

topology isn't optimized or animation-ready like a well done sub-d model.

Anonymous No. 935392

who's the best hard surface modeler using zbrush?

Anonymous No. 935468

Thats because Zbrush is not really 3D, thats why you can process millions of polygons in Zbrush but Maya or Blender struggle. Zbrush uses pixols, theyre like pixels with height information, they simulate 3D kinda like isometric games do. It only looks 3D from your angle but its really a flat image. Zbrush was originally a 2.5D art tool. 3D packages on the other hand are actual polygons.

Anonymous No. 935484

Its not bad practice, its just unnecessarily difficult since the software is not made for it. With Zbrush you basically have two options

>lowpoly hard surface
Youre gonna be using incredibly unoptimized tools that dont allow you to do certain absolutely basic things that take no effort at all in any other software (like precisely selecting multiple edges and verts and transposing them at once)

>highpoly hard surface
Good for sketching and blockout, but at the end of the day you will have to do some sort of cleanup. They kinda added things like bevel options for highpoly messy models recently, but the entire process is overall pretty much trying to fit squares into round holes and is way more headache than its worth

Anonymous No. 935495

it's not bad practice, do whatever you want