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๐Ÿงต newfag retard ask if outdated program can make porn

Anonymous No. 935027

Can Milkshape3d work as good as blender for modeling? I come from hammer and unreal modding and I was wondering if a grid layout can be as good for modeling as it is for other task? or if not as good as blender at-least be able to do something like this?


Anonymous No. 935038

You can make something sexy, but it requires talent

Anonymous No. 935041

No I mean like the water effects or the model quality and clarity or something

Anonymous No. 935063

I fuckin hate that song. But who's the character anon?

Anonymous No. 935068

PeePeePooPoo3D Studio

Anonymous No. 935070

Coom requiring talent could be debated

Beary nice from /s4s/

Anonymous No. 935076

>no one answers the question they just reply to the name of the thread

god damn it /3/

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Anonymous No. 935087

not going to watch your video

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Anonymous No. 935094

then look at t pic rel

Anonymous No. 935099

MilkyBooby3D Studio

Anonymous No. 935103

>Coom requiring talent could be debated
It sure takes talent if you're making it in fucking Milkshape.
No, sorry. You're going to need something more powerful.

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Anonymous No. 935113

are there any grid/blueprint style programs like milkshape with that power? the stickie doesn't mention anything about grids

Anonymous No. 935129

What do you mean by "grid/blueprint"?
You know that most 3d softwares (if not all) have some form of grid that you can snap to, right?
That's like the bare minimum thing that they all have.

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Anonymous No. 935132

like multiview grids like how a construction blueprint works? look at picrel

Anonymous No. 935206

You mean having front/side/top/perspective views at the same time?
Yes, any 3d program can do that. Again, it's so basic it doesn't need to be mentioned, it's expected.

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Anonymous No. 935208


Anonymous No. 935247

No need to be snarky, I answered your question that no one else did.
To be fair, it's also something you could have checked out in 5 mins or so downloading Blender, rather than waiting a few days for an answer.
Not that I'm saying to use Blender, but rather that if it can do something, 90% of the time the big dick "real" software can too, since Blender is playing keep up most of the time. Except when it isn't.

Anonymous No. 935274

so just stick to the programs in the stickie?

Anonymous No. 935458

Sticky is pretty outdated, but from a cursory glance, yeah, any of those programs have quad view (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called).
Some you might have to do manually, like in Blender you can split the window into sections, or use a dedicated layout with one of the buttons at the top, but they all support quad view.

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Anonymous No. 937468

Anon, if you're asking to replicate something like Hammer Map Editor (and Milkshape3D)'s UI, you can do that with Blender by creating 2 or 4 multiview windows, changing their perspective viewport like pic related and changing it to Wireframe view.

Anonymous No. 937509

(Is that model available anywhere)

Anonymous No. 937530


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Anonymous No. 937544

>Aging up a child and completely removing her appeal and turning her into a generic bimbo
I'm so sick of this shit.

Anonymous No. 937552

There's already nude models of her as a loli but you'll have to look further for it, because Smutbase doesn't allow it.

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Anonymous No. 937602

Can't be hard if women can do it.

Anonymous No. 937619

...or you could just press Alt + Q on Blender to do the same thing, you can toggle it on/off too.