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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 935042

How is there no real competitor to these fuckers?

the chair nerd No. 935043

There is. They are called Tablets. Where you can shitpost on 4chan, watch movies, have a meeting and also make awesome drawings. Only Huei is crazy enough to compete with wacom with a niche product that only does drawing. Yeah I know wacom is an awesome product and is designed to leverage the capabilities of a desktop to be the best drawing and sculpting tool for your workstation but that is still a tiny market and competitors are not betting on only making drawing boards. A huge chunk of designers and artist just use a tablet because its more practical and do not care if it is not the perfect drawing experience. Thata why I say tablets are eacom's biggest competitor.

the chair nerd No. 935044

I meant Huion

Anonymous No. 935050

high-end products from huion etc absolutely do compete (for half the price). the idea that wacom is in a league of its own is a relic from 5+ years ago.

Anonymous No. 935056

Because they cater to a small niche?

Wacom is really not that expensive once you factor in the fact that their products last forever.

>high-end products from huion etc absolutely do compete

No they don't because if artists weren't poorfags then Huion wouldn't even exist. A competing product means a product of the same price but better in some regards and worse in others.

If a Hyundai would be the same price of a Ferrari then nobody would even think of buying a Hyundai.

Anonymous No. 935062

That doesn't make any sense. Wacom ain't no Ferrari, they offer tablets from the cheapest tier up to the high end. XP-Pen and Huion offer better features at the same price at least in the low- and mid-end. Build quality isn't any different and reliability is similarly average.

Anonymous No. 935077

Stop being poor.

Anonymous No. 935091

>XP-Pen and Huion offer better features at the same price at least in the low- and mid-end

It's like you write these words without even thinking what they mean.

Is the high-end Wacom product more expensive than the Huion high-end product?
If they cost the same, would you buy a Wacom high-end product or a Huion high-end product?

If Huion posed any real competition to Wacom they would have lowered their price a long time ago. Huion only caters to poorfags who never used a Wacom before.

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Anonymous No. 935166

>>just get an old intuos3

best tablets ever made, durable, nibs don't fuck off after 2 uses, pads don't get scratchy after 3 uses

just a good fucking tablet, made to last
wacom switched to designed obsolescence for maximum profitability

all companies are evil, may they live a thousand years

Anonymous No. 935186

>No they don't because if artists weren't poorfags then Huion wouldn't even exist

you are literally braindead. kys idiot, not even going to type out the counter argument because you just proved beyond a doubt you are below the 80IQ range.

pls don't have children.

Anonymous No. 935196

>A competing product means a product of the same price but better in some regards and worse in others.

This is the exact line of thinking that gives you the apple drones and consoomers who worship brands and wear logos like they were religious symbols.
The only thing you should be making your choice on is utility. The numbers of features is irrelevant. The brand is irrelevant. The price is irrelevant.
The only relevant thing is what features do you ACTUALLY need. (And i insist on the word ACTUALLY because the trick with marketing is to sell you something that you will barely use because it has a thousand features that you dont really need, but were convinced that you eventually might)
So, yes. Any tablet capable of drawing is a competing product. Dont let the marketing department get to you. Ask yourself if you ACTUALLY need a wacom.

Anonymous No. 935203

>Ask yourself if you ACTUALLY need a wacom.

I need a large intuos with 8192 levels of pressure, and the best pens in the business so yes, wacom was the only choice.

Anonymous No. 935248

Objectively wrong. Tablets become heated and hot the more you work, because they have to render and run everything you do on them
Also energy, battery life is going to get fucked in less than a year
Did I also mention something about planned obsolescence? No?
Just get a 13HD or a wacom One and they’re yours forever, can fit on a desk and guess what? You get your pc doing the computer tasks so no heat, no stress and no obsolescence
>inb4 le no
Nigga I own a tablet and a cintiq, there’s no contest
These japs know their shit, but it’s expensive as fuck

the chair nerd No. 935254

Dude chill I own an Intuos 3 and it still rocks 15 years after. The question was: does Wacom have competition? My answer was yes because tablets are more usefull for some designers and no because wacom is top quality. Why /3/ is full of fanboys? Wacom can defend itself. Seethe.

Anonymous No. 935258

>chill out
Sorry bro, maybe my post was too aggressive. I got /ic/ PTSD
I’m don’t care about brand loyalty, I just want results and stuff that works efficiently, and wacom does it for me, even if it takes at least 5 months to let it “pay for itself”

the chair nerd No. 935262

I wont deny that wacom is best. Np dude. So many anime tiddies have been made tru rhose we all havec to be grateful.

Anonymous No. 935491

t. chinese idiot

Anonymous No. 935500

Take a look at this faggot. Huion Kamvas Pro 24 4K is 90% as good as the equivalemt Cintiq for 1/3rd the price. All these tablets are made in China and youre a retard if you think youre not paying a massive surplus for the Wacom name.

Anonymous No. 937251

Sorry if this is /beg/ shit but how do they not get super scratched up? I tried one before and it felt like I was permanently scraping it with every movement.
What about one with a screen? Is it better to just get used to drawing while looking up and away from the tablet? Also when you say "get an old intuos3" are you saying that intuos3 are old and good, or implying that they're is a newer version of intuos3 that is to be avoided?

the chair nerd No. 937266

Wacom tips are always designed to be softer than the surface. Use the tools rigth and you'll have no problems (dont eat around a tablet or any input device forcthat mattet). Toast is the worst for any surface cuz it has small carbon piecesxthat behave like abrasive charcoal. Also if they get a little scratched meh if meansctou arecusing them. Thats what tools are made for. To be used nocto be looked at.

Anonymous No. 937267

I have a vinsa not the best, not the worst. Some chinese knock off brand (VINSA 1060 Plus model). The driver software could use some work, cant change some keys. Supposedly has 8192 levels, but it feels like its somewhere around 5000, shit was 30 $ from aliexpress so i cant complain, even older wacom tablets go around 90 euro + tax or more where i live. Its acceptable for my needs (zbrush/krita etc). Got it for cheap before it became known and somewhat popular and then they raised the prices.

Anonymous No. 937298

michael pavlovich just endorsed huion, but I'm sure he's just a chinese idiot, too, right? fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 937873

All Americans are proud of being scammed, its in their constitution or something
That's why they all buy apple products

Anonymous No. 937881

What do you mean? Huion, Xp-pen, gaomon and a few others exist and are pretty good and usually less than half the price of Wacom ones

Anonymous No. 937883

Are you the wacumguzzler from /ic/ switching boards since they no longer tolerate you?

Anonymous No. 937887

That's the problem.
None of the competition is better than wacom, so they can only compete on price. Wacom can maintain their market dominance by simply making their products worse and slightly cheaper.

What's the smallest bit of force huion's styli recognize?
How much force do you need to activate the barrel buttons on the styli?
How much do the styli weight? Is there a lithium battery inside that needs to be charged externally?
Can you send all thee mouse clicks from the stylus? Are styli individually recognized in software by their serial numbers?

Anonymous No. 937888

learning 3dcg properly takes thousands of hours, so talentless noobies are always looking for shortcuts. believing the most expensive hardware (that they often not even own) to do miracles is a typical example of that. be thankful for these losers, they are the same crowd that buys tons of plugins, assetpacks and tutorials before finally quitting.

Anonymous No. 937889

>None of the competition is better than wacom, so
do your research, that's not even true. ignored the rest of your post, because you obviously know nothing.

Anonymous No. 937892

Grab your phone and your tablet stylus, and press one of the barrel buttons against one of the volume rocker buttons on your phone. Find out which one requires more force to activate, and by how much.

Anonymous No. 937903

I've been working at home on a Kamvas GT-191 V2 for a 4-5 years and had a Cintiq at work. Minimal difference in what it does and how it feels with a price 10x more bloated. I've literally made tens of thousands of dollars freelancing with the chinesium one without any major complaint or it failing on me. And the newer models are even better. I see no reason to ever buy a Wacom, literally money wasted. And for people with the general /3/ skill level, even that is overkill they can easily get the job done with a screenless tablet, which are in abundance and are almost indistinguishable in terms of quality to what wacom offers at 3x the price

Anonymous No. 937911

Maybe hardware wise they could compete but the drivers are so awful that wacom has a monopoly on tablets that actually work

Anonymous No. 937912

>smoothbrain take
all wacom tablets have adjustable ranges and "Tip Feel" under the adjustable Interactive Pressure Profile

Anonymous No. 937957

you have several entire industries that depend on this device, i dont think i'd call that niche. thats like calling forklifts niche.

buddy of mine had a huion, he said it was alright
pro tip though to anyone strapped. look for refurbished or used ones. wacom tablets are pretty damn hardy, used and refurbished ones tend to hold up pretty well and go for pennies on the dollar compared to brand new.

Anonymous No. 938015

>historical market share and brand strength
>high quality long lasting and performing products
>not the cheapest, but still completely affordable

They won't last forever. Their competition is slowly creeping on them. But for now they're still the go to drawing tool for most people.

Anonymous No. 939872

I'm wondering, how much is it patents. I tried an xp-pen it had a questionable nib with a spring under it and a dead zone. Wacom figured out the nibs years ago, I thought these patents were supposed to be expired.

Anonymous No. 940022

>buy drawing tablet to replace aging wacom drawing pad
>purchase Huion Kamvas Pro 16 brand new
>Stops working 15 days in
>contact support and get the run around for a week
>finally they let me have my money back if I leave a good review
>leave a good review and get my ~350 dollars back

never again

Anonymous No. 940040

don't care, buying huion next. this board is wrong about literally everything. your opinion does not matter. you don't matter.

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Anonymous No. 940046

>michael pavlovich just endorsed huion, but I'm sure he's just a chinese idiot, too, right? fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 940052

>tfw I have wacom intuos pro m and I don't even use the buttons on the side

Anonymous No. 940104

All I know is that they still have a fuck ton of patents, but no idea on what specifically. Never bothering look in to it.

I also know that many are expired(Wacom is old as fuck) and that's why there's growing number of competitors, but because they're relying on older tech they're still not as good a brand new wacom (they're still decent and acceptable for a fair share of the market though).

Anonymous No. 940382

my comment was fucking spot on, but wow I see that you are in possession of a mediocre meme image.

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Anonymous No. 940479

>you just proved beyond a doubt you are below the 80IQ range.
>pls don't have children.
Bad news anon.

Anonymous No. 940546

my little bro has a large tablet that acts as a second monitor, it was about the same price as my small intous pro

Anonymous No. 941157

How do i actually choose a tablet? I want to get one for zbrush, not sure if i want a screen on it but i definitely dont want an intuos and i dont want to deal with having to map or calibrate shit

Anonymous No. 941190

I got a samsung 2n1. cheaper and has been working great.

Anonymous No. 941233

like my wacom intuos is comfy for arts

Anonymous No. 941984

Xencelabs, Medium tablet is great. If I didn't have a wacom inutos pro I'd pick one of these up. Used it at a friend's place, and it was exactly the same, and with a better stylus than the default wacom one. Plus there's less buttons on the tablet, not like anyone uses them anyways.

Anonymous No. 941990

My huion inspiroy is really good. 2 years in and i don't have any trouble with it so far. Just make sure to install drivers from the website, not the CD. When you get comfortable with zbrush and sculpting and want to become a professional, invest in a screen tablet then.

Anonymous No. 942099

xp pen or huion are good brands, at end wacom is about 10%-15% better with some quality of build but that is all. In past, differences were far greater but today specs and builds are nearly same but for fraction of price. No calibration needed, just install driver and plugnplay. Classic tablets around a4 size are good for start, cheaper than screen tablets and good enough for intro.

Anonymous No. 943300

holy fuck if wacom is the best there is as far as drivers no wonder this space is in such a sorry state

Anonymous No. 943307

You are about 10 years late, anon. Huion have absolutely demolished Wacom in both the price and quality ratio (probably because Wacom got the Apple syndrome and relaxed, hoping that they could coast forever purely on the overpriced brand name and 0 innovations).

Anonymous No. 943311

>Wacom One
That shit looks prohibitively small.

Anonymous No. 943443

>competing means doing similarly well at the same price, not doing similarly well at a lower price
"Winning" the argument by defining words to win by default doesn't prove any point.
>nobody would by the competition if it was the same price
As long as people like you religiously believe they are getting a premium product regardless of reality, companies like Wacom can charge extra for their brand. If faced with a similar quality item at a similar price, most people will buy the one with the more established name on it, the brand they either have good experience with already or that they heard about, as in either their friends whose opinion they trust use it or they've noticed the brand's reputation. It's called corporate identity and lets you sell equal or even worse products at a higher price because you sell something immaterial along with it, either trust, or status.
This is Apple's entire business model, nothing new.
If you insist on using something of the same price, even if you could get the same quality for cheaper, that's on you for buying the feeling of buying from the market leader, which sounds like that's what you actually want.

Anonymous No. 945067

I can imagine.
>once you factor in the fact that their products last forever.
Cintiq Companion Hybrid. Support abandoned nearly from the get go. Build quality is also questionable with vulcanized rubber that wears down only a a few years later despite a decent, cool, dry environment. I'm glad other companies have been managing to put together functionally comparable products for far less money. Wacom is prestige pricing. Little to nothing more. They're no longer effectively the go-to singular option on the market for quality product anymore despite maintaining that sort of pricing. Though I haven't bothered checking if they've been more reasonable as of late.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 946018

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>>>/vg/428858839 come play dont be a furry nigger