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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 935100

What in the actual fuck can be wrong with this simple object? When I try to remesh in Blender the pc goes crazy, cpu and memory at their limits, literally must physically press the reset button because you cant even use the mouse.
Theres no weird geometry/vertex/faces, or edge fuckery, its very simple, tried making quads from tris but its the same BS
Tested just in case and I can remesh anything else just fine
Happened in Blender 3.1, now using 3.4 but no change, what in the actual fuck open sores sisters???

Anonymous No. 935120

1.This probably shouldn't be a thread
2. If you don't upload the file it might be hard to answer.
I know the remesher hates holes in models, you can fill them (with n-gons even) before remeshing to fix it.
Remeshing to extremely high poly counts can also make it freeze up.
If it's some very specific weirdness in the geometry you could come up with a hack like adding subsurf and shrinkwrap before remeshing, but I'm curious how you created such a cursed object.

Anonymous No. 935141

Maybe its your remesh settings that are the issue and not the model.
Upload model, Ill analyze it in superior Maya and tell you whats wrong.

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Anonymous No. 935168

Just shrinkwrapped a mesh and remeshed from there, a couple tweaks and thats it. Thank you guys.
Fuck Blender.

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Anonymous No. 935185

>When I try to remesh in Blender the pc goes crazy, cpu and memory at their limits, literally must physically press the reset button
well yeah, I mean it's like 5000 edges... that is serious 1999 era graphics territory. blunder can't handle THAT!

better install actual software instead of literal freeware, anon.

Anonymous No. 935187

I tried remeshing a 500k vert object to a very high resolution to prove you wrong, but it hung blender for 30 seconds and then crashed.
However, it can handle remeshing 500k verts down to 200k verts in only a few seconds

Anonymous No. 935204

I also discovered that this piece of shit will slow down if you have other high poly objects in other folder, even if you put them on hidden and all, whats a fucking joke

Anonymous No. 935207

this kills the blendlet

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Anonymous No. 935218

The Maya theme makes me feel so leet, thanks for inspiring me to larp as a 3ro