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๐Ÿงต on mario 64 graphics

Anonymous No. 935108

Why the fuck mario 64 has aged like fine wine but every other 3D game ages like milk visually?

Anonymous No. 935114

I agree with you that this game looks great, but I distinctly remember my younger self thinking it looked like shit. At the time, I had never played the original, but I had played the shitty nintendo DS remake, and so when I saw the original for the first time I thought it looked so ugly as to be unplayable.

At some point years ago I got really good at speedrunning the original, and then the graphics no longer bothered me.

I don't know when the phase transition occurred.

Anonymous No. 935125

You must be really really young and have no real worthy opinions on media, vidya especially. I remember playing og mario on NES

Anonymous No. 935133

Based as fuck. My first gaming experience was ice climbers on NES. I genuinely believe you have to at least have started with the SNES and also not skip Mario 64 and DK 64 to actually have a worthy opinion on gaming. Bonus points: Conker

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Anonymous No. 935142

Kids won't even touch affordable retro collection packs let alone figure out how to use emulators. I immediately ignore anybody who uses the term "aged poorly" for classics when they clearly didn't play it upon release and have no frame of reference of why ___ was the way it was for the time.
>resident evil is bad cuz tank controlz
>hurrdurr camera janky in mayrio 64
>daaahhhh graphics bad cuz is old

Anonymous No. 935144

I honestly think that it looks bad compared to other games of its time. It was the reason why I chose a PSX and not an N64.

Anonymous No. 935150


Anonymous No. 935210

>mario 64 has aged like fine wine
what makes you think that? the game from your pic looks like a classic late 90's game

Anonymous No. 935571

Because Toony style

Anonymous No. 935595

This, cartoony/stylized graphics tend to hold up better

Anonymous No. 935647

idiotic opinion. almost all influential games from that period aged well.

Anonymous No. 935800

It didn't, you just enjoy it artstyle and forced minimalism, so do I.

Anonymous No. 935851

I'm 23

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Anonymous No. 936140

god shut the fuck up that looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 936141

Mario doesn't control very well in 64. Only brainless Nintendrones and (autistic) speedrunners will try to "convince" you otherwise. The latter only care about 64 because of how easy it is to break. They're the same kind of people who will autistically screech at you if you so much as suggest wavedashing in Melee is an unintended glitch.
64fags are so autistic they'll attack their own franchise (throwing shade towards Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey despite all of them being overall stronger games than 64) just to make their sacred cow look better.

Anonymous No. 936142

Mario 64 is a broken ass exploitable game hailed by speedrunnes as the ultimate platformer because Mario can wall jump. fuck off and take your overrated fucking foreign franchise with you.

Anonymous No. 938110

Because it doesn't try to use realistic textures

Anonymous No. 938352

The visuals of Crash and Spyro aged infinitely better.

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Anonymous No. 938417

>Mario 64 is a broken ass exploitable game hailed by speedrunnes as the ultimate platformer because Mario can wall jump. fuck off and take your overrated fucking foreign franchise with you.

Anonymous No. 938423

Super Mario World really is the better game. Cry about it.

Anonymous No. 938435


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Anonymous No. 938491

>Super Mario World really is the better game. Cry about it.

Anonymous No. 938673

Why would Wario defend a game he's not even in?

Anonymous No. 938762

I think it's a good looking game personally, but almost every environmental texture and all the sound effects are from stock asset libraries. I guess it comes together in a fairly unified way but otherwise it's almost by chance it comes together coherently. It feels mostly like programmer artwork. The only really original assets are the models themselves, and the textures for those enemy/player/item models which are serviceable I guess.

Anonymous No. 938765

This, but unironically. I would argue that SMB3 was the best Mario game of all time, but that is subjective.

Anonymous No. 938767

Mario 3 might be the best platformer ever made period. I love SMW but it's obviously rushed and the gigaleak confirmed it was cut to pieces. I think Yoshi's Island is incredibly tedious and never liked it.

Anonymous No. 938770

Because Yoshi's Island is tedious because it is a collect-a-thon, who focused too much on having the player hunt down for flower points rather than making a good platformer, despite the numerous mechanics it had at its disposal. Waste of potential, really.

Anonymous No. 938771

Collectathon platformers are such cancer. It's one reason why Kirby's Dreamland for GB is still my favorite entry in that series, alongside Super Star.

Anonymous No. 938822

It doesn't matter why a game had shitty elements. Tank controls are shitty compared to proper 3rd person controls regardless of the age or era. The fact that proper controls didn't exist at the time doesn't excuse the game when compared to games that do have proper controls today.
Old games have great elements in them, and maybe that greatness outweighs the jankiness inherent in their age, but don't pretend the problems don't exist.

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Anonymous No. 938823

>bright, pleasant graphics
>more or less unified art-style
>a focus on style > realism
>everything is readable during gameplay, characters, items n shit are easy to tell apart from each other and environment
a lot of early 3d games tried really hard to push the tech to its limits / ''realism'' instead of compromising for a good artstyle, therefore a lot of them look like shit. picrelated.
Quake was a technological marvel for the time but an overfocus on tech > art really made its visuals age like dogshit.

Anonymous No. 938860

>32 but color depth
>weird ass brightness contrast problem not present in dos

go back

Anonymous No. 939961

Now I know you're just baiting. Either that or you genuinely don't know what words mean.

Anonymous No. 939975

Incorrect. There are games where tank controls would be preferable even today. Just because you never bothered to learn them(takes like half an hour) doesn't mean they don't have a purpose.

Anonymous No. 939982

Cohesive art style that for the most part don't exceed their technical limitations.
The look of SM64 is a result of thinking how you can make something look charming despite the minimal (by today's standards) texturememory and polycount.

Most early 3D is severely compromised in that the art style one wish the game to have was unavailable to it's creators due to technical limitations (anything gritty/realistic).
So it's obv how we pushed things as far as we could (with a number of polygons you can kinda count by hand if you're bored) and came up short.

I feel the Playstation 2 era is when 3D graphics came of age to the point there was enough headroom for artistic expression that 3D games acquired a look that has timeless appeal.