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๐Ÿงต Talentfags lose againts my big reliablefag huge art cock

Anonymous No. 935176

>be mocked by talented artfags all my life because I suck
>mfw I got a gamedev job simply because I was able to make some very mediocre (for this board standarts) 3D
>mfw I got the job over the talented fags simply because I could get something finished in 2 hours instead of 2 weeks, even if my shit is utter garbage compared to the talentedfags

Let this be a lesson to all the autistic fundamentals faggot larpers here.

The industry only cares if you can be reliable, not the most skilled fag on this board.

Anonymous No. 935178

You are an embarrassment and earn less than a waitress

Anonymous No. 935180

yea the skill cap for 3d jobs doesnt seem to be that high

Anonymous No. 935217

being brown and gay helped a lot too i bet

Anonymous No. 935219

If you can create passable art that's usable in a commercial product with only 2 hours of work, reliably, then you have some kind of talent desu