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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 935238

>Were these bears perfect? Of course, not. AI art requires a post-production stage. Luckily, when your team has an experienced Senior Graphic Designer, such post-production is a piece of cake. Vlad fixed artifacts, tweaked important details, and added snow, shadows, etc. Among the required design fixes were weapons, eyes, and paws (AI always struggles with hands). So, all final designs were reworked and “approved” by a skilled human. But it doesn’t take away the AI’s help, not in the slightest.
>2d concepts require several highly experienced professionals, and even then concept artists take 1-2 weeks to create one location in 2d. With the use of AI, one skilled designer will most likely do it in one day.
>Basically, after crunching the numbers, we arrived at the conclusion: using AI reduces costs by 10-15 times while delivering comparable results. This is very exciting in terms of both time and cost efficiency.
Only Vlad the chad wil be hired im his respective industry.

Anonymous No. 935260

Nothing of value was lost. Games artworks were becoming soulless and woke by the day.
Maybe artist will reverse engineer AI’s tastes to connect with reality and put their heads back in place.
>It’s not artists it’s…bad corpo bosses who get investments from blackboulder

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AI image generati....jpg

Anonymous No. 935289


Anonymous No. 935290

If you don't want a computer to do it for you then use fucking oil paints, or better yet, a cave wall.

Anonymous No. 935291

Why not?

Anonymous No. 935297


People who proselytize that AI-art is going to take away jobs are like cab drivers who hate driving. They're looking forward to the day when they will no longer have to drive. If you hate driving so much, why become a cab driver in the first place?

There will probably be a brief moment in time when in order to cut costs companies will fire their artists and hire prompt engineers (LMAO). Only to later find out that they hired a bunch of people who only want a paycheck and don't want, if possible, to put any work in.

I'm looking forward to the day when prompt engineers (LMAO) will be replaced AI-generated auto prompts.

Anonymous No. 935309

world famous speed eater

Anonymous No. 935316

Idk why this is a revelation, human beings have to create conditions that they can comfortably struggle. A lot of what's happened with tech (and society in general) lately is the avoidance of not exactly learning, but struggle, infantilizing a majority of the population. Of course, that's in combination with social and economic warfare that keeps everyone participating tired (though in a sense, that too is linked to infantile behaviour, as above so below, yin and yang etc).

I can't wait for the new American Golden Age, people are tired of stupid everywhere.

Anonymous No. 935324

why dont you post the link to the article you fucking nigger

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post scarcoty bobs.jpg

Anonymous No. 935328


Anonymous No. 935330

This was written by an AI.

Also industry level 3d modeling is just tracing with crutches and semi-automated corner cutting. Fucking glorified human 3d printers

Anonymous No. 935351

If artists start getting replaced on a big scale the companies won't really have any reason to hire a new person as a prompter.
If you have let's say 6 employed, fire 5 and tell the remaining (cheapest) one to start proooompting. In case the AI shits itself they'll be able to deal with it on their own.
Possibly shitty comparison: If you needed someone to manage a group of self-driving vehicles you obviously wouldn't hire someone that doesn't even have a driver's license.

Anonymous No. 935360

didn't read but the AI is based

Anonymous No. 935362

>basically repeats himself 3 times saying 'it's about avoiding art!!'

No shit retard, your next profound discovery will be that people love instant gratification.

>And then the light went on.

Adults who graduated from a first-world english school and still write like this deserve to be neutered.

Anonymous No. 935364

It's horrifying, imagine having the minds of these people, cobwebs and rusted gears lmfao.

Anonymous No. 935394

first world english schools all teach you to verbosely write the same bs

Anonymous No. 935407


its an inner monologue retard, the guy is baffled at the reason as to why.

Also we dont know when this was posted you mongoloid. Couldve just realized it now or the day ai came out.

Sometimes people write shit out to make sense of it all. Things like why you were born or how a monkey was able to reproduce with a human and give birth to someone such as you.

Anonymous No. 935678

They said the same thing about digital painting and concept art, now everyone has a tablet and pen hardly anyone does paper

Anonymous No. 935686

I’m an old artist and I’m happy about AI art. The only people pissed are the powers that be that wanted to control it, the artists who viewed art as more of a business and see it as a major threat (instead of a new tool they should be using), and the ignorant artists being strung along by the previous two groups who have them believing it’s stealing art to create cp.

It’s really cool that it lowers the skill ceiling so much, enables anybody to create (thus allowing the real creative types to shine through), and it’s practical applications to speed up various working artists workflows. I’ve been using it to assist with backgrounds and generating concept art and refining character designs. It’s already saving me a ton of time and I’m glad that they can’t just throw a tantrum and make it go away like they usually do. I’m just sad wasn’t released in such an open manner as it’s already being neutered like crazy.

Anonymous No. 935702

They are not looking forward for future like this, they are pessimists that want to avoid it but know the effort is futile, also yeah prompt trannies wont get hired next year. You either want something generic enough that somebody with low prompting skills can deliver it to you trough Midjourney that takes no effort to get pretty looking pictures, or you need something too specific for the AI to do, so you might as well just photobash it or ask artist to make it from ground up. No reason to hire prompters who want just bunch of money for their bellow mediocre skill.

Anonymous No. 935703

True, art died the moment AI learned how to do pictures. The rest is just cornercutting and monkey work doing repetitive dogshit people can describe in a single sentence. Writing and pictures are not automated, the purest forms of art, animation, 3D and other stuff is just more technical application of the previous ones. Even making movies, videogames, songs and so on is just more technical knowledge applied.

Anonymous No. 935751

I've been saying this since day 1. AI images definitionally aren't art.

Anonymous No. 935754

Give it to me straight, /3/, how much longer do I have left as a 3d artist before I get replaced by AI?
I'm guessing I'm safe for at least 5-6 years

Anonymous No. 935760


Even if true, thus doesn't change the outcome.
AI gets 'er done. 10 times faster than you.

Anonymous No. 936108

So true.
I also do not use cars, because I want to struggle and walk 20 kilometers a day. Using toothpaste? Not for me. Technology is evil. Unless of course it's about hundreds of different AI tools in my Photoshop, that use of AI is of course ok. I can still be an artist like Da Vinci when I use one click to remove the whole background from an image

Anonymous No. 936116

That's a bad faith argument and you know it. PS tools automatize certain repetitive tasks while Ai basically replaces completely the human artist from the creation process. Instead of a creative or artisan position, you're just someone who searches through the Ai's iterations, no more skilled than someone who uses google search to find a particular type of image.
What's weird to me is that you people push for this stuff without understanding that the areas where Ai will be implemented will see a steep drop off in value and earnings. You are actively cheering for Ai to pull the rug from under you. Now you can still earn money from being a mediocre 3d artist, if Ai will do to 3d what it did to 2d than pretty much only the highest tier level artists will still find jobs, the entry and mid level will die. Even for coom shit.

Anonymous No. 936127

If you're doing art for the money you really are a dumb motherfucker

Anonymous No. 936130

What's wrong with earning my living doing something I like? I've been working in a studio for a few years, and although sometimes the schedule is shitty for me is still much more fun than any other work out there.

Anonymous No. 936132

Everyone does it for the money, and I'd rather see something made by someone who found a way to monetize their passion than something made by someone who's solely in it for the money.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 936317

ITT: non-artists with delusions think they've figured out the meaning of art

Anonymous No. 936335

Yup. I can draw. But I'm lazy. I welcome AI with my arms open wide. I'll never talk about gatekeepers though. If you're lazy like me you fucking deserve to be mediocre.

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Anonymous No. 936757

Other than the things required to keep you alive, the most important resource in life is time.

AI is a tool that lets me pump out concept art (with my own input) at a rate I've never been able to. I'm still grabbing images to make reference boards as I come across them online of course but I've also cut that lengthy process down significantly by just using AI to get what I'm looking for when I want to build my pureref larger and faster.

It has saved me weeks of busywork at this point and I've been replacing that seemingly wasted time with other things that are more beneficial to me. I don't really give a fuck what people who are old enough to have felt the same way when drawing tablets came along think.

AI is happening whether you like it or not, you should learn to use it to your advantage in your own workflow just like programmers who resisted autocompletion in their IDEs did. You're gonna be fucking goofy if you don't.

Anonymous No. 936774

You sound utterly unskilled


Anonymous No. 936805

he wont because he is an unskilled hack looking for easy cheats instead of just learning the fundamentals and putting in the work

Anonymous No. 940101

I love how you mongoloids read that time is extremely important in your life then you act like wasting it on an insignificant skill(thanks to AI) is a good thing. Actual retards.

Anonymous No. 940683

you're not doing anything, cuck. you're a retard messing around with a toy. you'll not "replace" anyone, there is hardly anything to 'learn' involving AI as the process gets more and more streamlined anyway. you're a fucking retard if you think your pathetic scam will end up in you "making it" whatever the fuck that means

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 940686

this, as mostly all anti-AI rants, is just cope
what this guy is saying between lines is "I sacrificed time, emotional health and other opportunities to learn how to make my craft, am I not entitled to be the only one that do it? why does anyone with a machine can now make stuff like me without all the sacrifice I did? why is life so unfair?"
life isnt fair? oh wow, who would have thought?
AI is fine, it makes things easier to make as stated in OP's post and also gives people with lots of ideas but for whatever reason lack skill, create the stuff they think about
besides, AI can't do everything perfectly (at least not yet) so humans are still part of the equation

Anonymous No. 941857

>programmers who resisted autocompletion in their IDEs
autocompletion to see what to do next is for juniors - who the fuck reads the drop down menu of options? At best it is useful to save a few keystrokes. Cannot be compared to AI where you actually outsource cognitive, creative direction and execution.

Though I have seen a mid-level dev who had trouble writing code on paper. Apparently due to using autocomplete. Boggles the mind.

Anonymous No. 944272

Replace AI users vs fagartist with writing vs long term memory the argument remains the same

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Anonymous No. 944273

>AI art will only be used by self-aggrandizing lazy dickheads who wont follow instructions or learn from square one
Brainlet take. I use AI art because UI design is a skill set that takes literally decades to get down properly. Rather than hiring someone to do it or going through that process myself, I give to an AI and have a graphic design buddy of mine touch up any blemishes. I was never going to do the art anyways because I’m a software developer, not a god damn painter. How is me using an AI art generator any lazier than me paying someone $20 on fiver?

Anonymous No. 944274

that's pretty funny but no one here has mentioned it yet

Anonymous No. 944277

>UI design is a skill set that takes literally decades to get down properly
UI design is the most basic bitch field in design.

Anonymous No. 944279

Download any open source app with a GUI and tell me again that UI design is basic bitch shit. Maybe you think it’s easy, but most people who do it are retards, so getting a competent AI-generated result that can be touched in a few minutes of photoshop is way easier from a dev perspective than commissioning figma prototypes and UI assets.

Anonymous No. 944386

These anons are worse than goofy brainlets. They may even just be tourists with a hate boner for AI just short of running a web scraper for AI threads. They're pretending to be artists on a board where the consensus on "making it" amounts to getting your foot in the industry door; a teleological industry where whatever would be perceived as cheating is irrelevant because what matters is the end result that people down the pipeline can work with. Also, you say you're a software developer, so it makes natural sense to think logically in terms of recursion and that's not the frequency these epic gamers are operating on.

I want to hear what self-described digital artists consider a "git gud" non-destructive workflow. Unless they're applying consistent restrictions, then drawing a line at AI is arbitrary. Pretend I'm a traditional sculpter who works with Carrarian marble; tell me how skillful it is to bypass physics, your leet default use of mirror and symmetry tools, that noisemaker detailed hair, or the souls style customized base mesh you imported from DAZ and later posed. Show me how deep the curve rabbit hole goes with IMM brushes and their modifiers and NURBs shortcuts with deformers. I learn that a brush can be technically anything, including a finished model, so I can only conclude those hostile to an AI brush are dementedly confused.
3D fundamentals boil down effectively to inuitive grasp of software, and muscle memory. Everything else is a foggy pilgrimage of trial and error, painful troubleshooting and setbacks, or your one set of 3 Quixel reps complete with Ikea chair tier instruction that you only revisit after making the Valium bargain.

A finalized AI collecting, compressing, organizing, and tutoring with regards to software would be a time and cortisol saving godsend. No more filler just your personal RoyalSkies on digital steroids or a copilot to summarize Sakaki's process and explain why and when he uses certain tools.

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Anonymous No. 944422

>opens with specifically chatgpt
>starts going on about image generation and doesn't mention language models

Anonymous No. 944433

art is expressing an idea or a vision

there's no glory in technical skill. you can find the most technically skilled paintpig in the world but his skill is useless without a worthy creative vision.

Anonymous No. 946926


Anonymous No. 946975

>Art is ____
You failed

Anonymous No. 946976

hes just mad that he as an "intellectual" is threatened by a technological development and not just some peon who does something useless like work in agriculture, a factory or on a construction site.

t. programmer who cheats on the job all the time with large language models

Anonymous No. 946980

Kys cris

Anonymous No. 947331

By what definition? If I use inpainting to gradually create an image how is that any different from painting it in photoshop as any other digital "artist".

Anonymous No. 947332

>If I use inpainting to gradually create an image
nope. You have to learn anatomy and underlying bone structure and proportion and create the image yourself. What you are describing is having someone else create the image for you, cover it up with a cloth, and then you slowly unveil it, exposing their (ai - not yours) work.

Anonymous No. 947356

Remember when people said that digital art and photography weren't real art?

Anonymous No. 947357


Anonymous No. 947359

And, how is this any different? It's just a new tool.

Anonymous No. 947360

Its not. For one, its theft.

Anonymous No. 947361

Please don't start with this. If so, any artist who has ever observed the works of other artists and created something similar is also a thief. Maybe they are, and all artists are stealing from some original artist but just putting their own twists on it, but if so they're just the same as the AI images.

Ai doesn't make collages or mashups. It "learns" what defines different styles and imitates them with user inputs, much like...human artists. Or most human artists, anyway. "AI" is a generous term, it's not truly an artificial intelligence (yet) but you get my point. Ever saw an impressionist painting and tried to make something similar? Same thing. You learned how to represent perspective in school, or through practice, observing various pieces and the techniques they used? So did AI.

Anonymous No. 947374


Dim-witted imbecile.

Anonymous No. 947375

You just admitted its theft. For me, when i do real art i learn proportion, underlying bone structure and musculature and thats it. I clear my mind. I dont steal.

I sure as hell dont take a billion+ copyrighted works, put them into 10k gpus and then process them and store the results onto hdds.

Dont even BEGIN to suggest that your weak AI simulates neurons

Anonymous No. 947376

You are imbecile.

Anonymous No. 947377

Stop replying to shitposters.

Anonymous No. 947381

Not an actual argument

Anonymous No. 947384

It's just stating the fact, no need to argue with imbecile.

Anonymous No. 947719

>waahhhh the printers are taking my scribe job waahhh

Anonymous No. 947735

no, he's right. For one, the AI is just outputting random noise that cant be copywritten

Anonymous No. 947736

Gacha artists on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 947746

I agree but what does that have to do with AI

Anonymous No. 947747

They job can be easily replaced with AI made assets

Anonymous No. 949394

>AI learns
If you're okay with the shitty output of a dozen models trained on different tags and different data, fighting each other, using words to express things that we use to avoid having to use words, then you're ngmi

>but muh adopting tools!!
You're adopting them because you're shit, and you think overrendered garbage or a steady supply of jank concept art is going to magically make you better, despite the fact that you already had that via Google.

keep this garbage on /g/