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Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 13:48:58 UTC No. 935385
Gondola I put together this morning.
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 13:56:51 UTC No. 935387
eggs lent
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 14:27:56 UTC No. 935389
That's like my sitting posture
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:33:15 UTC No. 935422
OP here. Was kinda rushin out the door this morning and didn't get to write up what I learned.
I stepped away from Blender due to meatspace shit and haven't really touched it since 3.0 came out, so I wanted something simple but organic since I mostly just do hard surface modeling stuff. Gondolas a nice simple organic type of guy.
His body/head is just a sculpted sphere, same with his cheeks, nose, eyes, and feet. Mouth is just an extruded circle. Legs are just two cylinders. I just used appropriate shader materials from blenderkit and applied a hair particle system to the body and legs for the "plushy" effect.
The chair is just an asset I dragged in from blenderkit to give him something cozy to sit on for my render. Enjoy.
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 20:52:32 UTC No. 935427
Any way to make the leg hair seamless.
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Jan 2023 22:46:52 UTC No. 935436
You know I've given that some thought and there aren't but a couple extrusions there. I think when I re-approach this to actually rig it for animation I'm going to do the legs entirely separate from the body in terms of the particle effects. I have a suspicion that might be partially why they look a little patchy on the legs. I basically just copied the particles from the body to the legs. If I were to go back now and re-do it...that's one thing I'd do differently.
Anonymous at Tue, 31 Jan 2023 02:47:46 UTC No. 935453
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Feb 2023 14:40:51 UTC No. 935733
add texture to the tongue