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Anonymous No. 935450

What is a successful way to create a full 3d model from a single photo, single angle, concept photo from Stable that is an exact replica, but has depth? I know researchers are working on this, but it only works on human heads in a trained neural network, not wildly differing concepts

Anonymous No. 935462

there isn't one

also give up on 3D, if you plan to make AI do everything for you why bother with it in the first place? if you don't like the work, why do it?

Anonymous No. 935467

"Hey guys, what is a successful way to do a spinning jump kick without spinning, jumping, or kicking?"
>if you don't like the work, why do it?

Anonymous No. 935476

Implying modelling is all there is to this. Again, there are cutting edge papers that can do this on a few objects like the head and researchers are working to bring it to generalized objects including new 3d version of stable.

Anonymous No. 935479

>Implying modelling is all there is to this.
>Implying that the best way to get a 3D model is to not do any 3D modelling
You're on an art board asking for advice on how to avoid doing art. It's like going to /fit/ and asking them which brand of steroids will give you the best gains.

Do the work to get the result you want. It's that simple. Don't let the computer do the thinking for you, anon- you're better than that

Anonymous No. 935483

>cutting edge papers

The "cutting edge papers" are written because someone had to write them. If you actually understand the value of your work you would not write a paper about it and give the whole world a recipe to copy and monetize.

I've developed a few things myself. Out of curiosity I've searched the literature for similar stuff. Actually found 1-2 papers detailing my idea. The papers didn't even reach 10% of the stuff that I did on my own. The idea was there but they lacked the understanding and foresight to even develop something usable.

I even applied some of the stuff featured on Two Minute Papers. They were laughably primitive.

Here's a blackpill for you. When he says "just two papers down the line" it means absolutely nothing. Because the way academia works is that each new paper which copies a previous paper has to "improve" on the previous one lest it be called plagiarism. The numbers are all manufactured btw because nobody has the time and patience to check the data. Not only this but the supervisors themselves plainly admit to it and you can get in some serious trouble if you don't spice-up the numbers.

Academia (i.e. "muh cutting edge papers") is not about creating a product. Academia is about getting a job as a tenured professor and you can't become a tenured professor unless you write papers. And you can't remain a tenured professor unless you keep writing papers.

Anonymous No. 935486

stop looking for shortcuts, you are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 935493

The 3d version of stable is going to happen - do you deny this? Are you anti progress and anti AI?

Anonymous No. 935494

>Are you anti progress and anti AI
fuck yes I am. I do art to express and find out more about myself, not to impress people or be wowed by pretty images that I never had to drop of sweat for.

"progress" is unironically a synonym for satanism.

Anonymous No. 935496

smoothbrain take

the chair nerd No. 935516


Anonymous No. 935523

I'm not into that kind of perversion. opinion discarded, didn't read the rest of your post.

Anonymous No. 935601

>"progress" is unironically a synonym for satanism.


the AIbros are promoting a product which will make their whole existence obsolete. AI will never be able to create, invent, or be original in any way. All it does it mix and match which means jobs in the future will favor only those with the creative spark in them and people who just follow a series of instructions will be weeded out.

Basically if you have never created or designed anything original in your whole life, and all you did was just copy what others did, then AI will fuck you over so hard it will give you a new hole to poop out from.

Anonymous No. 936022

I atleast need 2 angles front and side to make a 3d model, although top is not necessary but it helps

Anonymous No. 938988

No don't give up, he might be a director, the sooner they can just select the type of chraatcer they want they can use it and film it and how they want.

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Anonymous No. 938993


Anonymous No. 939580

If you want depth just use img2img with a low denoise value and use the depth controlnet model. It'll generate a depth map for you.