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๐Ÿงต /Bg/ Blender General:

Anonymous No. 935477


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 935650

What are some essential add-ons you guys can't use Blender without?

Anonymous No. 935651

What are some essential add-ons you guys can't use Blender without?

Anonymous No. 935719



Anonymous No. 935728

good and fast way to make eyebrows, pube hairs in blender?

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Anonymous No. 935729

I hope HIP-RT gives AMD GPUs a really good rendering speed boost when it lands in 3.5 (according to the schedule). It would be great not having to be locked into Nvidia to have a good rendering experience.

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Anonymous No. 935737

There is a publicly available branch for download to test the new VDM sculpting feature (D17080):
information about the patch and available test .blend files can be found here:
testing and feedback is welcome.

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Anonymous No. 935804

Top right is how the seam looks in-engine. Bottom right is what happens when I merge vertices and dissolve edges.

How do I get rid of the seam without destroying the UVs?

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Anonymous No. 935818

Anonymous No. 935821

I want to animate a rigged model I downloaded. I can move all the limbs and the waist and the spine and everything but it looks like the face isnt rigged. The model has eyeballs and teeth like it should be rigged, but I cant find the face bones. Is there a special menu or something I need to access to find the face bones? The face may also just not be rigged. In which case can someone point me to a beginner's tutorial for rigging faces?

Also, she's pointing her index finger and I cant figure out how to bend her finger back in.

Anonymous No. 935828

/Bg/ more like /Beg/ lol

Anonymous No. 935837

Blender's current hair system does pubes by default

Anonymous No. 935838

>pungent systems

Anonymous No. 935848

I wonder what the AMD scores will be once the HIP backend gets ray tracing acceleration in Blender.

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Anonymous No. 936026

how the fuck does the fucking view splitting work? where the fuck do I drag??? it seems completely random

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Anonymous No. 936027

FUCKING HELL how do I reliably join the fucking windows

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Desktop 2023.02.0....webm

Anonymous No. 936029

left-click betwen the windows

Anonymous No. 936035

the classic noob trap.
will never cease to crack me up

Anonymous No. 936040

It's hard to do you need to go to the dark corner between the windows and depending on which side of a small invisible divider you click you will either merge or split the windows. You can also right click the black line between windows and split or merge them.

Anonymous No. 936070

why dont u watch the donut tutorial nigger, he explains a lot of functions

Anonymous No. 936110


Anonymous No. 936129

LoopTools, TexTools NodeWrangler.

Anonymous No. 936192

newbie question
Is there a way to paint on uvs in the image editor with the brush not painting outside of the uvs like in substance painter?
I presume not

Anonymous No. 936206

You can paint vertex colors that way

Anonymous No. 936211

Topo properly next time... retard

Anonymous No. 936243

Does anyone have any experience using Blender to create isometric sprites for a game?
I've been following the tutorials by Clint Belanger and it works great for tileset but the characters look like shit? For example: low poly characters look flat and boring, but high poly characters have things like their fingers disappear. Are there any tutorials on how to correctly proportion characters for this?

Anonymous No. 936270

ahh, so I cant paint with stencil ( I know I can texture paint with a paint mask but that doesnt cut it in this situation)
that sucks balls
so if I want to have a texture image where nothing is over the borders of the uvs and the mesh consists of several objects that need different textures I basically need to apply a different material to each and then merge them together into one texture image?

Anonymous No. 936279

Anyone have a nice wallpaper sized infographic of common hotkeys/shortcuts in blender?

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Anonymous No. 936292


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Anonymous No. 936293


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Anonymous No. 936294


Anonymous No. 936315

Blender is cool as fuck but the controls suck. I just stick to Industry Compatible

Anonymous No. 936327

too bad 99% of the tutorials are like
>we start with pressing G+Z+1, now drag and press cmd+E
>Tab+2, left click drag with left eye closed! now push alt Z+K and do a spin. drag. that was ez
>open pie menu with Z, 3, cmd+nggr+Z, 4, cmd+E, I+while fingering your ass press ";" and coltrol+alt+C, control+V
>and you're done teehee
the tutorials never explain where things are in the menus, and if you don't start with Blendshit layout and then adjust it by yourself, you're fucked. there is also ton of shit missing from the industry layout. I started with the industry layout but just gave up and learned the blender one

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Anonymous No. 936460

>Spent an hour on stick figure rig
>Got it working with IK, limbs move properly
>Grazed something on my keyboard idk
>The entire thing exploded
>Cannot undo
>Tried to open the file again, still exploded.

yeah i know i'm a noob, but what the fuck happened? is this why its called blender?

Anonymous No. 936481

anyone know of a good stable solution to animating changing material variables? i want a model with different face textures to be swappable and i'm currently using empties and expressions but it breaks on linking and has other issues

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Anonymous No. 936645

How is the sculpting in blender? Should I just get zbrush?

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Anonymous No. 936653


I need a way to make a semi-transparent glass in blender that will also work in godot engine.

>How is the sculpting in blender?

I never used zbrush so I can't tell you but sculpting in blender seems fairly easy and intuitive.

Anonymous No. 936655

what do you want to do? blender lacks of some tools and the performance isn't great, i can't sculpt more than 16-20M faces with multiresolution (depending on the brush too because some of them are slow with >500k) but my computer is quite old.

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Anonymous No. 936663

So, i've been working for quite a while with some archaic models that combine several mapped textures for the character into a single texture.
It works perfectly and as intended, and i can swap any element however i see fit, but the usability is starting to grind my gears a little because i have to find every texture for the rig in the node tree, unfold the node, and only then proceed to choose the image.
I've been thinking if it's possible to make some kind of a rig UI that has options linked to the rigs' image textures that either shows a list of boxes for every texture with thumbnails (Kind of like the pose library does) that i could click to bring up the file selection dialog for the appropriate one, or at the very least a list of labeled texture node path options that i could access from the sidebar or something.

Any addons that could do that or pointers where i could read on how to make something like that? I'm familliar with blender scripting but i've never worked with UI stuff.

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Anonymous No. 936686

Wouldn't really be anything too realistic plus I have a beefy computer so it should be able to handle is well (3090ti+i9)
I'll try it out then and see how I like it. Never done sculpting and very very little 3d stuff in general.

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Anonymous No. 936692

I do a bit of normal scripting as well and got interested in trying to make an ui control, so I made a thingie.
Copy this node setup (make sure the node names - the first field in node properties - are the same as the node labels on the picture), then paste this code:
...into a text file in a editor panel and run it using the ">" button. A panel like in the picture should appear in the 3d view.
This is probably really hacky since it's my first attempt at this UI shit so make sure to make backups and such.

Anonymous No. 936714

Is Blender 3.0 worth upgrading to Windows 10 for?

Also, what's the best plugin for creating decent human rigs that are good for animation?

Anonymous No. 936715

>Is Blender 3.0 worth upgrading to Windows 10 for?
It is worth it if you want geometry nodes, it is not well developed as houdini though
>Also, what's the best plugin for creating decent human rigs that are good for animation?

Anonymous No. 936716

Zbrush is 100x better since it is optimizer for sculpting, but stick with blender if you are new or don't own a tablet

Anonymous No. 936721

What about the meshes for those rigs?

Anonymous No. 936723

From what I can see, it looks like you accidentally moved your mesh, hence the origin being off center and exploded

Anonymous No. 936724

Why not just download an open source mesh you like? Or use makehuman (decent for base meshes, at least)
Or learn anatomy and sculpting

Anonymous No. 936727

I'm fucking lazy and can't into proportions.
Does Makehuman come with a rig and weight paints or do I need Rigify?

Anonymous No. 936728


Anonymous No. 936743

I used to run AMD thinking the same as you. Then my one friend who works for AMD hosted a LAN party. He invited three of his coworkers and he was the only one with an AMD card, which was only because he could steal engineering samples from work and use them until failure. I'm all for the low cost alternative but in this case its not Ford vs Mercedes, its Ford vs an actual horse. Like shit, try and rent an AMD GPU on a cloud service. Not even Nvidia can lobby hard enough to make these razor thin margin companies refuse profit.

Anonymous No. 936750

Where's the line of when you will begin to sculpt compared to when you would begin to just edit the vertices?

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Anonymous No. 936906

nothing super great but i have nowhere to share this with anyone, how does it look?

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Anonymous No. 936920

is this where i can ask noob questions?

i imported .obj file, it has thousands of cubes.
i want to delete any cube that's totally surrounded by other cubes (impossible to see)

what process do you guys use to do something like this? it's my first week

Anonymous No. 936927

Enter Editmode.
Set the Selection type to Faces.
Select all.
Vertices -> Merge -> By Distance.
Deselect all.
Select -> Select All by Trait -> Interior Faces.

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Anonymous No. 936929

thanks, it's much closer but as you can see some faces are selected which ideally shouldn't be

Anonymous No. 936930

That merges the geometry so you don't have thousands ofc cubes but just 1 cube, that's why it is selecting that faces, idk if you want to keep that in cubes ...

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Anonymous No. 936935

it is in

Anonymous No. 937006

Left click the divider between windows.

Anonymous No. 937025

Really good beginner tutorial just came out two days ago:

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Anonymous No. 937063

Anonymous No. 937098

Android port WHEN?

Anonymous No. 937111


Anonymous No. 937144

is there a way to copy vertex order between two objects?

Anonymous No. 937150

>inb4 stable diffusion vector displacement maps

Anonymous No. 937174

What's the latest and greatest AI texture/material generator?

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Anonymous No. 937176

i cant stand how annoying blender is, something breaks or turns off regularly, have to constantly check if vertex merging or mirror didnt fuck up and weight painting is a nightmare while sculpting is even worse
also i dont like camera control

my question is: does other 3d software offer something usable or do i have to suffer for eternity?

Anonymous No. 937181

how do you just add a PBR image for the Normal? It's not a simply selection like the other maps.

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Anonymous No. 937189

Noob here. Anyone recommend this tool to export stuff from Blender into Unity? I've been using just the node editor to colour stuff and unity doesn't read them properly. Haven't tested grease pencil yet.

Anonymous No. 937191

Is the Steam version ok? I've just started using the program, used it for six hours according to Steam and I've had it crash at least six times. Usually on something seemingly innocuous like pressing undo or clicking in the outliner or properties. PC is kind of old, 4790k 980Ti and 32GB, but drivers and Windows are all updated.

Anonymous No. 937200

>vertex merge
Workflow issue. But I don't blame you, sometimes you do something that spawns in duplicates, and you undo the action after duplication, and the visuals are not clear enough to spot the double geometry.
>Camera pivot
Vanilla pivot in blender isn't 3D cursor, which it should have been by default. Which means vanilla behavior is that zooming moves the pivot point slightly.
>weight painting
If its that bad, let it auto assign, and then clean it up. Or limit usage to vertex selection before assigning

Anonymous No. 937203

>Is the Steam version ok?

Why? Blender is a free a standalone program, why are you using it on steam? It's been nothing but stable for years now.

Using the wrong kind of generation modifier can lock it up from trying to make millions of polygons, but other than that no issues.

Anonymous No. 937240

Do I use normal bones to animate a big gut or is there an easier path?

Anonymous No. 937242

please respond.

Anonymous No. 937247

what duplicates and how is that supposed to be related to what i do
>visuals are not clear enough to spot the double geometry
clipping is very easy to spot, different thing is with multiple vertices in a single position, which is what i have a problem with
> zooming moves the pivot point slightly.
didnt even notice that. my problem is that when it is at the top, the sideway rotation reverses, obviously this is annoying
but the biggest problem i have is the "camera roll", which is crucial for using graphic tablets. usually software for 2d drawing has identical rotation, but its more precise, you can reset the rotation with zooming out and you can type in exact angle you want to rotate
>let it auto assign
not only this didnt work last time i tried to use it, but it also doesnt make armpits work well, so this wasnt ever an option i can rely on

Anonymous No. 937253

>multiple vertices in a single position
Yes, but why would you have multiple overlapping vertexes in the first place?
Because by default they are going to be workflow induced. You are excused if you are using extrude into vertex snapping, both otherwise its a workflow flaw.

>what duplicates
You extrude, do something, hit undo, but stop the undo with the extruded duplicates there
You delete geometry, but the selection is incorrect, leaving floating vertexes
You are using some form of snapping, but you accidentally drag along more points that you intended, but you don't see it until you are doing a more complex operation or are trying to clean up the model

>auto assign
The point isn't that it does the job for you, its that it will assign everything a value to speed up the assigning process.
But rigging past entry level is a fucking nightmare, so trouble is par course, and its been in every single 3D software I've used.

Anonymous No. 937257

I like the hours tracker. Idk what's going on with the crashes I'm not bothering to troubleshoot it I just made autosave more frequent and save more often.

Anonymous No. 937269

Is there a skin with volumes or spheres or something instead of the brush? I have a model with genitals and I'm trying to make sure they don't get skinned to the thigh bones, otherwise everything prolapses when I spread the legs

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BasedChad No. 937270

Rate my first creation

Anonymous No. 937282

>extrude into vertex snapping
close, i generally reshape the mesh or connect something and then i use snapping for individual vertices, but the selection is very glitchy
>"what duplicates"
fortunately those are not my problems, happens regularly, but i notice it right away as most of the time those unwanted vertices have different edges connected to different vertices, they light up and i can clearly see something is wrong
im slow and careful, but that also is the problem, i dont want to waste my time checking things when it all could be done by the software
>and its been in every single 3D software I've used.
thats what i was asking about, i dont know if i should get used to this chaos or move on to different workflow

Anonymous No. 937304

Is there any reason I shouldnโ€™t sculpt my model and then retopologize it rather than doing everything in edit mode? I find I get a lot better results with sculpting, but in the end I need to use these models for animation so I donโ€™t know if thereโ€™s a major downside to that method.

Anonymous No. 937305

Because box modelling is insanely much faster.
But sculpting is faster to create a texture(the RL word), which is also importing even if you are just going to retopo and bake down the model to use it.

Anonymous No. 937306

Gotcha, so itโ€™s just the optimal workflow. I guess you are immediately working with the topology youโ€™ll be using instead of sculpting a whole model and then creating the topology again. Iโ€™ll have to experiment with it more, but that does make sense. Guess Iโ€™m gonna need to watch some videos on getting proficient with box modeling. I was using Blender to sort of supplement my 2d animation before, so I didnโ€™t really have to worry about proper topology or modeling, but after playing with some properly made models Iโ€™m sold on just moving everything over to 3d

Anonymous No. 937315

Are there any good videos that get into making a model like this? Is it just keeping count of the vertices?

Anonymous No. 937327

I think what makes most sense is to look at models for PS1 and PS2 games. Often the same base model is used for FMVs and promotional art, but the gameplay characters are retopoed from that model to get it running realtime.
>topology youโ€™ll be using
That is the wrong mindset. Either the topo is used, or its throw under the buzz to live of a few billion modifiers to can look high poly or smooth.

Anonymous No. 937328

After a few hours of trying to learn this program I've come to the conclusion that 3d modellers, riggers etc are gods.

Anonymous No. 937392

Keep going anon!

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Anonymous No. 937420

anyone knows who is the developer working on the paint module? it seems that this project has stalled

Anonymous No. 937421

whoever he is you're not his boss so stfu

Anonymous No. 937422

does blender natively support select-through without x-ray yet?

Anonymous No. 937423

sand in the vagina again?

Anonymous No. 937425

>anyone knows who is the developer working on the paint module?

Anonymous No. 937427

Been kind of studying and messing around with this model, and one thing I canโ€™t figure out is why trying to pose it absolutely CHUGS my computer. I disable all the modules and it still is so slow itโ€™s completely unusable. Anyone know why itโ€™s tanking the performance so hard? I have a pretty beefy rig so I didnโ€™t think it would be that much of an issue if I disabled all the fur and textures.

Anonymous No. 937428

Iโ€™ve also just tried outright deleting the modifiers, but posing it still slows the program to a crawl. I guess Iโ€™m just trying to figure out if itโ€™s the model, or something going on with the computer/program. The topology is rather simple so I wouldnโ€™t think it should be causing such a slowdown.

Anonymous No. 937448

Any tips or good tutorial on how to make hair with curves?
I tried my hand at those, but the result looks always flat

Anonymous No. 937482

I followed this one last week

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Anonymous No. 937528

Blender starts badly lagging and blows up my model whenever I add something to Vertex Group.
Trying to follow this tutorial but blender just isn't having it. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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Anonymous No. 937575

Is there a node setup to basically mask the top ColorRamp to only show on the white part of the bottom ColorRamp?

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Anonymous No. 937576

nvm this kinda got it to look the way I wanted it

Anonymous No. 937617

Blender (and Donut) mention

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Anonymous No. 937627

Or if somebody with a decent rig wants to just download and try moving it real quick to make sure it isnโ€™t a โ€œworks on my machineโ€ situation, Iโ€™d appreciate that too. Youโ€™d assume deleting all the nodes and modifiers would make the posing not chug.

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Anonymous No. 937629

Oh no something has gone wrong with my donut

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Anonymous No. 937632

looks kind of tasty though

Anonymous No. 937635

is there a community that shares shaders for extracted video game assets? I either have to figure out how the multi-textures are used every time or find out someone has a shader hidden on some unpinned message in a random discord.

Anonymous No. 937638

are these still accurate in the current edition? these look like they are from the pre 2.8 overhaul

Anonymous No. 937639

I think they are outdated, sorry.
But a lot of them didn't change.

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Anonymous No. 937640

asked in the questions thread but didnt get a reply, maybe this is a better place to ask

when i create surface patches in blender, they have this strange display of being much smaller than the CV cage. in the other software i've used the corners of the patch should extend to the corners of the CV cage. this is making it really difficult to model with patches.

is this just a display issue or do patches behave like this in blender? im not sure whats going on here

Anonymous No. 937644

Looks like you need the control points outside of the central quad to establish the derivatives of the central control points

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Anonymous No. 937645

those....are words alright.

but no, that hasnt been the behavior i've experienced in any of the other surface modeling software i've used like fusion360, alias, catia, etc. the patch usually extends to the bounds of the CV cage, at least in the corners. this looks like the patch has been trimmed on all sides, its definitely irregular behavior, or at least would be considered so in any other modeling suite i've used. pic related is what it should look like

Anonymous No. 937651

Okay, turn the Order U and V down to 2 and it might behave how you want.

Anonymous No. 937653

that didnt quite work, it extended it to the bounds but it also turned off the interpolation.

checking the endpoint U and V boxes seems to have worked though, but am i going to have to manually check these two boxes for every surface i want to add? is there a way to make that the default behavior?

also if you dont mind indulging me, where are all the trim, bevel, offset, intersect, extend, etc tools for working with surfaces? im not seeing them in any of the edit point menus

Anonymous No. 937654

*Fillet, not bevel. sorry

Anonymous No. 937655

The NURBS code is one of the most incomplete and/or broken parts of Blender. It was put there 20 years ago probably to be able to import from other software but it was never used or reviewed.

Anonymous No. 937656

If you want to know more about NURBS in general, you can read here:
At the very least it'll help you understand why 90% of the industry went to subdivisions surfaces instead.

Anonymous No. 937659

nah, thats okay. i've been fiddling with it all day and it seems like the functionality just isnt there. theres some hard surface stuff thats easier to do in nurbs that i was hoping i could do in blender so i could model it into nurbs, then convert to poly, then keep poly modeling on top of it after i got the major shapes and stuff, but its proving to be more trouble than its worth.

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Anonymous No. 937725

I'm following the Donut tutorial right now, and whenever I try to add a plane pic rel happens. Please help sirs

Anonymous No. 937745

How to get depth passes in the compositor in 3.2
when i shift+a in the compositor window and search depth nothing even comes up anymore

Anonymous No. 937749

Not sure if this is what you mean but you can render out the Z depth of individual render layers if you tick the box. Then it should appear as one of your sockets.

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Anonymous No. 937774

following this tutorial, trying to change the color of the whole box but whenever I scale and grab in the UV section it drags between two points, instead of letting me just drag the single dot for the whole box
any ideas?

Anonymous No. 937777

It's because you've got bad topology on your donut.

Anonymous No. 937778

It's not that easy to create a scenario where that'd happen accidentally. I suspect you've created an object with a hair particle system or geometry nodes, and it instances objects from a collection, and you have that collection selected. So when you create a new object, it goes into that collection and gets instanced six gorillion times. So just select a different collection.

Anonymous No. 937779

I don't bother watching the video, but I guess that you want to colour the whole box a single colour. And to do that, you sort of create a degenerate UV-unwrapping by scaling the UV to a single point. If that's the case, just select all the points by clicking A, and scale it to 0 with S and 0. And move it to a different colour by selecting all with A and moving with G.

Anonymous No. 937811

What's a quick and dirty workflow for simple stuff if I don't care about topology? For example:
>be me
>arrange a bunch of cubes as a chair
>remesh mod
>it has 300k faces now
What's the next step? I just want to turn all co-planar faces into one so I have as few as possible. I could slowly select and dissolve, but what about an automatic way?

Anonymous No. 937852

>arrange a bunch of cubes as a chair

Anonymous No. 937855

I make a really dirty shape by intersecting a bunch of cubes. I don't do any of the loop cut -> inset -> extrude and all that. Basically I generate the right form with many objects, and then join them and remesh it. It looks really nice, but it goes from 100 tris to 300k. So I'm wondering what's the next step in this cursed workflow. Some things that could help me:
>a way to select all the faces that have the same normal
>a way to dissolve all co-planar faces into one big nasty n-gon
>a way to select all faces around as long as the angle is within a threshold
>a really intelligent way to make the model low poly again without losing detail
>something else that I don't know of but other people do

Anonymous No. 937858

my brother in christ, why are you doing that? you know you don't have to "merge" everything right?

Anonymous No. 937860

Go for what works for you. Box Modeling is faster than your method, but it also requires a level of anatomical knowledge that isn't far removed from surgeons.

Anonymous No. 937861

>you know you don't have to "merge" everything right?
What? Is this legit? Is that standard even professional or just something quick people like to do?

Anonymous No. 937865

>So I'm wondering what's the next step in this cursed workflow.
I sculpt that way, the next step is to decimate, you can try the quad remesh > Quadriflow from the object data or to get the ZRemesher too.

Anonymous No. 937906

did you press A?
i dont know why would you experiment like that when there are already well known methods all over the internet, but id recommend you trying out boolean
you dont need to if you dont use bones and dont care about polycount, of course im talking about mesh that interconnects with something else

Anonymous No. 937907

>but it also requires a level of anatomical knowledge that isn't far removed from surgeons
No worries there, to git gud at art I had to read a ton anatomy related books. (I also watched one uncomfortable dissection video from some medical school). Right now Iโ€™m just trying to find the optimal workflow for modeling and rigging. Iโ€™m starting to get a semi-good grasp on blender though, so Iโ€™m happy about that.

Anonymous No. 937932

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Anonymous No. 937998

Is there a way when importing an image sequence or video as a texture for it to automatically input the amount of frames the sequence/video has?
Any time I import one, it just defaults to 1 frame. For the longest time (read: years) I've just been bringing the video into the VSE to find out how many frames it lasts. There's got to be a better way, right?

Anonymous No. 938008

So after some playing around, it looks like I can import video/sequences with the correct frame value set up if I import them as a plane. Though the jury is still out in terms of adding a texture node in the shader editor and having it "just work".

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Anonymous No. 938020

some of the free textures are incredible

Anonymous No. 938021

great source of free textures.

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Anonymous No. 938025

Ah yeah, it automatically put the plane into the category I used for my geometry node sprinkles.
Here's the finished 'nut.

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Anonymous No. 938055

How do you make something like this?

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Anonymous No. 938079

It's impossible to smooth shade this in a way that doesn't look like shit.

Anonymous No. 938084

are you sure?

Anonymous No. 938085

Yes I'm sure I've been trying to do it for two days.

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Anonymous No. 938091

I feel obligated to say that a double data transfer made it not look like shit.

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Anonymous No. 938093

here's your problem

Anonymous No. 938094

I didn't say so but I was trying to shade the entire thing without any hard edges at all.

Anonymous No. 938096

Just add more loops around your bevel and disable auto-smooth then.

Anonymous No. 938097

That makes the bevel creased which might as well be a hard edge. It's supposed to appear round.

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Anonymous No. 938100

You need better topology.

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Anonymous No. 938101

For you.

Anonymous No. 938102

Non uniform rational b splines, kid

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Anonymous No. 938103


Anonymous No. 938104

Why do you wear the wireframe?

Anonymous No. 938126

Nobody cared who I even was until I put on the wireframe.

Anonymous No. 938131

So basically I just have to tesselate my mesh with a mixture of Penrose tiling and Sacred Geometry patterns and then... and only then... Blender will render it correctly. Got you.

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Anonymous No. 938132


Anonymous No. 938134

>install the F2 addon
>it deselects the edge whenever you press F, for some reason
>...unless you select vertices instead
What is the purpose of this completely arbitrary change? Why don't they want me to F > F > F > F > F > F in edge select mode?

Anonymous No. 938136

If you think about it that's a mathematical impossibility. You're trying to map a bigger area to a smaller one in a way that is biyective, but both sets are finite, so pigeonholing has to happen. In reality this would work with an infinite amount of 'sides', but otherwise you need to have an imperfection somewhere. Now, you can go high poly enough that the imperfections become small enough that you can't notice them, but maybe I'm talking millions of tris. Another thing you can do is fix it with post-processing, or if you need it for realtime stuff, writing a shader that fixes specifically that by faking it. Don't try to model retarded shapes if you don't know geometry friend; stick to lewd stuff.

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Anonymous No. 938137

Interesting theory but it's already shaded perfectly.

Anonymous No. 938139

There's an artifact about 1/3 into the curve.

Anonymous No. 938140

Normally when I move an edge, it moves the adjacent faces along with it
but I don't know what did I change, now when I move an edge, the adjacent faces stay still, and it creates new faces between them and the edge I'm moving
how do I make it work like before?

Anonymous No. 938141

bro that's color banding

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Anonymous No. 938143

just edit the normals, my nigga

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Anonymous No. 938144

>muh ngons
werks on my machine

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Anonymous No. 938146

quadniggers tongue my anus

Anonymous No. 938147

Are you sure you didn't extrude something by accident? Esc doesn't cancel extrusion, you have to ctrl+z afterward. Try using a subsurf modifier and seeing if there's extra edges or weird pinched spots, if so just merge by distance or manually select the extra edges and dissolve them.

Anonymous No. 938149

Are you a Blender developer? You sound a lot like one.

Anonymous No. 938150

Those would be correct shapes... after you've dropped them a few times from the 3rd floor or something.

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blender 0.png

Anonymous No. 938152

have this very simple model made out of several spheres joined together, not just sculpted out of one(probably what I should be doing). When I try to weight paint I think its wrapping around the forms and not only on the surface, so when I try to pose I get these glitchy triangles that shoot out of random spots.

Do I just go back to an earlier save where they are separate(not joined) or remake the model entirely?

Anonymous No. 938154

You should have made it out of donuts.

Anonymous No. 938161

I haven't touched Blender in months (mainly a 2d guy). Is the asset browser still garbage or did they fix it yet so you can add stuff on the fly?

Anonymous No. 938168

I don't see any glitchy triangles. But usually they happen because you have parts that do not have weights. A quick and dirty fix would be to smooth all groups. They can also happen if you have weight somewhere where it really does not belong. In such cases, you need to get rid of it. Just go to edit mode and select vertex groups until you find a selection that should not be there and remove it.
>Do I just go back to an earlier save where they are separate(not joined) or remake the model entirely?
If they are not fused, you can separate them easily in edit mode. P + by loose parts.
>not just sculpted out of one(probably what I should be doing).
You should do whatever is easiest, fastest and most comfortable to you.

Anonymous No. 938173

>did they fix it
I don't think it works at all outside of a little demo they made. Maybe check back in couple of decades.

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Anonymous No. 938175

It's hit and miss. Depends largely how much you use assets like material setups and stuff.
As for the "on the fly" stuff, not really. Though I proposed an untested fix at the end of the post, I don't know if it'll work, but I can't see why it wouldn't.
Add things to the browser and it show up everywhere? Nah.
Add things to the browser from a file in a specified folder and it show up everywhere? Yeah.

I've just got a few files in the folder meant as libraries. So one file has all my materials for a single category (floors/grass/tiles/etc), and I've got files for each category to handle those, another file with all my HDRI setups, several files with different categories for Megascans assets like rocks and shit (leveraging geo nodes and instancing to use the different LOD meshes based on camera distance), same thing again but for scans, another file for VFX overlays, and a few more object categories.

It's kind of tedious to get it all set up though, especially if you start trying to do custom thumbnails since the default ones suck. But if you're not looking to do all that, it's pretty easy to just drop the files you want to use assets from into the proper folder and just mark it. It doesn't have to be a file with all your objects (like I do), you can just use files with single objects too.
Though probably you can skip all that and just point the Asset Browser's default directory to wherever you save your regular .blend files and then mark whatever you want as assets from whichever file you want. In hindsight, that's probably what I should have done.

Anonymous No. 938183

what is a good way to transfer a weighted mesh from one skeleton to a different skeleton, while keeping the original weight painting? all the tutorials i have found are for two identical skeletons.

Anonymous No. 938185


Anonymous No. 938186

idk what F2 is, but most of the time stupid problems are caused by rushed and inexperienced coding

>not just sculpted out of one(probably what I should be doing)
you shouldnt, thin objects can get fucked pretty fast

i use hide and gradient to avoid any of this bullshit, weightpaint is pretty shit, so dont bother perfecting it
>I get these glitchy triangles that shoot out of random spots.
if you didnt yet, you have to add weight to some other bone, that is the only way to get rid of it

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Anonymous No. 938195

got 3090 Ti and found this video

At 4:19 he rendered 1080p classroom in 17 seconds while I did it in 22. But he have i9-9900K while i have only ryzen 7 2700x . So, power of cpu matters too?

Anonymous No. 938200

you forgot to OC

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Anonymous No. 938206

how would you rate my Blender Apu. I wanna try rig him next and do some animations

Anonymous No. 938208

take your time anon

Anonymous No. 938213

but that's pepe.

Anonymous No. 938234

>just started rendering a 4k 400 frame animation
>didnt save first

Please dont crash please dont crash please dont crash

Anonymous No. 938239

this thread is better than the entire /3/ board

Anonymous No. 938241

just sad Blender tier 3D will be replaced by AI soon

Anonymous No. 938244

Are you talking about that pole in the all-quad topology?

Anonymous No. 938248

that huge face at the side has too many edges, definitely not quad

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Anonymous No. 938261

Doing the coffee cup, how do I fix this? When I change the crease amount it doesnt do much. Could I delete the faces inbetween and do the loop bridge like I did at the bottom? Why does this happen also?

Anonymous No. 938268

Try recalculating the normals
Also check the for unwanted faces you might accidentally generate inside the mesh

Anonymous No. 938332

I want to learn blender to make 3d models of tanks from tank plans and lots of photographs for things like shapes and the placement of bolts/rivets
Is blender going to be ok for this?

Anonymous No. 938341

1. Merge doubles until you start seeing it eating geometry, and then slide it down a little below that and see how much invisible double geometry it eats
2. then Calculate normals

Anonymous No. 938345

i heard someone say blender is better than maya for schematic-like models because blender has boolean modifier

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Anonymous No. 938346

Iโ€™ve spent some days trying to figure it out and I just dun get it.

Anonymous No. 938353

Bros, I'm trying to pose a model that I downloaded and the arms/legs move in sync with each other, is there a way to disable that? I'm oviously missing something really obvious

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Anonymous No. 938356

Disregard that, I'm an idiot

Anonymous No. 938357

thank you for reply, do you mean this or something else? it seems to be for animation

Anonymous No. 938367

It is.

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apu run 20001-0178.webm

Anonymous No. 938370

first experience

Anonymous No. 938394

I gave it a go, and it's the particle/hair systems chugging it. Dude who released it was fucking retarded and left 100% of the particles visible in the viewport.
I just went in, selected all the objects, disabled the particle modifier in the viewport, right clicked that button and hit "copy to selected". Some objects have multiple particle systems, so try to find one of those to do it from so it hits all of them. Even then, some might have some left over so just go in and disable those ones manually.
I'd also do the same for the subsurf modifier. Some objects have the viewport level set to 0, but other are like 1 or 2. I'd just disable it in the viewport entirely. Again, some might be left over, so do a quick look afterwards.

Also, if the ponytail disappears after you remove the particle system, I've got no fucking clue how to fix it. There's a mesh there that you can select, and the outline is there, but I can't get it to show up for the life of me. I checked just about everything I could think of.
But you should have way more performance after doing all that.

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Anonymous No. 938397

Is it possible to display the direction of edges somehow?

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Anonymous No. 938400

Edges do not have a direction. Or, technically, the bmesh data structure should be similar to the half edge data structure, which does have directed edges, but each edge actually consists of two directed edges going in both directions.

Curves do have a direction, and you can create a cycle like that with them. To show the direction of a curve, check the normals-checkbox in the viewport overlay.

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Anonymous No. 938402

>Also, if the ponytail disappears after you remove the particle system, I've got no fucking clue how to fix it.
Click the "show emitter" checkbox in the particle properties tab under the viewport display.

Anonymous No. 938408

I see.

Can i have curves with straight segments and no handles?

How much processing overhead could be with curves compared to meshes? I need to work with 1 000-10 000 edges.

Anonymous No. 938409

You can't do more than that in blender, it will always will look like chink plastic.

Anonymous No. 938440

God damn it. I didn't even think to look there, brain fart. I know about the show emitter, but for some reason it just wasn't in my list of things to check. Seems kind of obvious in hindsight. Nice save.

Anonymous No. 938441

>Can i have curves with straight segments and no handles?
Yeah, just set the handles to vector instead of aligned/free. The handles will still show, but they'll be straight.
As for performance, you should be fine. You have to think that most models will have around 1k - 10k edges already and many go well beyond that. Sure the faces are displayed, but that edge data is still there.

Anonymous No. 938475

I really appreciate you looking into it, going to give it a go later today and Iโ€™ll report back with the results. I think the particles may have been what was doing it, but weโ€™ll see. Thatโ€™s the one thing I donโ€™t think I messed with, but Iโ€™m gonna go down your list.
>Dude who released it was fucking retarded

I think itโ€™s one of his earlier models and he only released it for a short time because people requested it so much. The end result is around the quality I want for my animations, so Iโ€™ve been trying to break down whatโ€™s not working for it so I donโ€™t run into this issue when I create my own models.

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Anonymous No. 938500

That set me in the right direction, thanks.
I ended up changing the type to poly instead of bezier or nurbs.

Anonymous No. 938501

No problemo. Didn't even know that option existed. Neato.
Looks like I've learned something as well.

Anonymous No. 938503


Turns out it only displays arrows in 3D mode, not in 2D so bummer.

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Anonymous No. 938512

My glass material will load in cycles but render like this in eevee, how do i fix this?

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Anonymous No. 938515

You need to enable screen space reflections and refraction in the render properties and screen space refraction in the material settings.

Also, Eevee is actually quite shit with refraction, calculating only one pass. It's possible to create decent looking glass shaders with Eevee by using glossy and transparent layers and mixing them with fresnel etc., but it's not simple.

Anonymous No. 938522

thanks anon! my only issue now is theyre too transparent and it looks like theyre reflecting a stock skybox of some trees?

I think I'm going to stick with the uglier material now as to not complicate things, as this can be fun/annoying as is lmao

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room apu strick.jpg

Anonymous No. 938529

actually animated this a bit just to find out it would take an hour to render so here is just a picture to express my current mood for blender

Anonymous No. 938532

Is there a way to enable mesh collisions within the 3D viewport?

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Anonymous No. 938543

Amateur question: what is the best way to sort of like wrap the smaller object onto/around the larger one? I tried messing around with shrinkwrap but it distorts the shape and I can't find a way to get it right

Anonymous No. 938545

There's a few different ways.
You could use a curve and use the curve modifier on the little piece, use a lattice modifier and deform the lattice until the shape fits, knife project the shape onto the geometry and extrude out, model the shape into the object, or get rid of the thickness on the shape until it's just a flat object shrinkwrap it and then use the solidify modifier on it to give it thickness.
I'd probably go with the last option. Use project instead of nearest surface or vertex.

Anonymous No. 938554

I need help with vmt and vtf
how do i put them in blender?

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Anonymous No. 938555

learn to google

Anonymous No. 938558


Anonymous No. 938561

I'm on a mac anon(unfortunately) this shit doesn't work

Anonymous No. 938564

Oh ok, that would have been helpful to know.

Your best options are going to be using a windows virtual machine to use VTFedit
or you can try this plugin

My condolences for being saddled with a mac for 3D work.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938639

Is AMD HIP-RT (AMD's OptiX competitor) still coming in 3.5? I'm tired of Nvidia making everyone pay so much more for the same amount of VRAM AMD offers for cheaper.

Anonymous No. 938653

>My condolences for being saddled with a mac for 3D work.
But I thought Macs were "more creative"!

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Anonymous No. 938658

im losing my mind over this
i want to have alpha based on image, so i can draw the transparency, but partial transparency is completely unhinged
is there something to fix this or am i proper fucked?

Anonymous No. 938662

I'm not sure I understand your problem. You have some semi-transparent plane on top of another plane, and it creates those white artefacts? Or is the problem that black area to the right?

If it's the first one, just move the plane a little bit away from the background, so there's no z-fighting. Or add solidify modifier and set backface culling on in the material settings.

If the issue is the black area, make sure the blend mode is alpha hashed or alpha blend in the material settings. Or use cycles.

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Anonymous No. 938668

hey anons, i got bored of the coffee tutorial because my liquid keeps not render correctly. I decided to try making something on my own though, texturing the label and making a metal material were pretty simple. How do I get my can to be reflective in my render though? I keep having issues with renders so i'd like to learn. I put on the Screen Space Reflections thing and its metallic in my preview but not in my render. Also I made some grass (the bottom of the can sucks) to add a little something to the environment, how do I add something to the background so its not a patch of grass in the void?

Anonymous No. 938674

>partial transparency is completely unhinged
this, exactly this
the grey-white gradient on the left is the part from alpha.png affecting the mesh on the right(2 faces visible with horizontal edge in the middle)
the value from the image goes from black-to-white/0%-to-100%(opacity)

so if you couldnt tell yet from what i wrote, the value from the image isnt directly translated to value of opacity, while the grey color is more white than black it somehow gives near 0% opacity on the mesh, while it obviously shouldnt
the artifacts are a minor inconvenience as its small and i can increase image resolution anyway

>If it's the first one, just move the plane a little bit away from the background, so there's no z-fighting. Or add solidify modifier and set backface culling on in the material settings.
i hope you are not implying thats a clipping problem

Anonymous No. 938684

>How do I get my can to be reflective in my render though?
If you're using the principled BSDF shader in your material, lower roughness makes it more reflective, higher makes it more diffuse.
>I put on the Screen Space Reflections thing and its metallic in my preview but not in my render
If you enabled it in the render properties panel, it should be there in the render and preview
>how do I add something to the background so its not a patch of grass in the void?
Look into how to use HDRI (there's tons of tutorials for it, take your pick). Once you get one, go into your shader editor, and on the bottom (or top, depending on your UI setup) where it says "object" next to the button that changes the editor, click the "object" button and swap to world. Then just plug an environment texture into the emission shader there.
It'll have the added benefit for your reflections since your scene will have something to actually reflect. Right now even if you have reflections, your objects are reflecting the gray, homogeneous world color, which means that reflections don't look good and are hard to see.

Anonymous No. 938693

Yeah, I'm still not sure what the problem is. Have you tried using a colour ramp on the texture to get the exact values you want?
>i hope you are not implying thats a clipping problem
If it's a type of a decal, it could be. But it's impossible to tell what it is based on your screenshot.

Anonymous No. 938702

> I'm still not sure what the problem is
at this point im convinced you are pretending
>Have you tried using a colour ramp on the texture to get the exact values you want?
that is only editing colors before the conversion, which i already do in clip studio
>type of a decal

Anonymous No. 938704

You're clearly retarded and not worth my time. Fix your own problems.

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unknown (1).png

Anonymous No. 938707

classic /3/ faggotry
go back to making shitty tutorials on youtube/twitter entitled imbecile

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Anonymous No. 938711

I'm so glad I'm not you.

Anonymous No. 938713


Anonymous No. 938728

Are there any cool tricks for rendering in workbench?

I see tons of videos for playing around with cycles and Eevee settings, but no love for workbench

Anonymous No. 938731

i am once again attempting to turn blender into my secondary dcc. this is my third attempt.

Anonymous No. 938744

Workbench is Eevee, friendo. Or at least the material preview used to be called workbench/lookdev view at some point. All your Eevee settings apply to the material preview. Which is kinda fucking annoying when you want to change a setting for workbench while in Cycles and you have to switch renderers just to do something like turn bloom off/on.
If you mean just regular solid mode, all of the settings are in the little down arrow next to the shading switcher. It's all pretty self explanatory.
If you want to render from workbench (or any viewport view), go to view>viewport render image (or animation). Since it's based on the viewport though, it'll be from wherever you're currently looking, so if you want it to be from the camera, make sure you're in camera view.

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Anonymous No. 938745

I am new. Why the hell "measurement" tool's minimum measurement is 0.2cm? Even if I measure 0 pixel, it shows up as 0.2cm and linearly increasing from there

And measurements are only visible in measurement modes

I want guidelines/points/spheres etc that are not part of the mesh I am trying to create but want them to act as a guideline or snapping points. What do I need?

Maybe I am using the wrong tool, I want to create an object for a 3d printer. I am trying to design a box for an electronic tool so I want to say, create a rectangle of this size and then create a hole inside that rectangle at that exact coordinate with size of this etc

Anonymous No. 938750

You can turn on edge length display from the viewport overlay, and you can turn on grid snapping at least. But yeah, you'd probably be better off using actual CAD software.

Anonymous No. 938751

just learning blender, is there a way to lock a collection so the contents of that collection cannot be selected/edited?

Anonymous No. 938752

nevermind, found it. its just not enabled by default. its in the little nested menu hidden under the button on the top of the outliner that looks like a little martini glass

Anonymous No. 938753

how to calculate where the 3D cursor was relative to which I scaled the object, if I have the position and scale of that object before scaling?

Anonymous No. 938759

In terms of maths, it's like this:
x_1 = s(x_0 - o)
=> o = x_0 - x_1/s
where x_1 is the new position, x_0 is the old one, s is the scale, and o is the 3d cursor.

Anonymous No. 938785

I want to implement your formula. I'm going to assume that s(...) means s * (...) and that x_1 in the first formula is the same as x_1 in the second one. So, substituting x_1 in the second formula I get:
... o = x_0 - s * (x_0 - o) / s
Simplifying, s cancels out:
... o = x_0 - (x_0 - o)
Removing the parenthesis:
... o = x_0 - x_0 + o
x_0 cancels out and so:
... o = o
Am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 938787

how do i make the icon for 3d cursor smaller

Anonymous No. 938789

Not that guy above, but if I understand correctly: you had the cursor at some point in space, scaled an object (ie not a mesh, but an object in object mode) using it as the pivot, and now want to know where the cursor was given the initial transforms of said object? If so, then you don't really need both the initial scale and the position, you just need one of them.
Let's take just the initial position, say we're working in 2d and the cursor is at (2,5) and the position of the object is at (-1, -2). First take the initial length from the cursor to the position, you subtract the vectors (order doesn't matter since we only care about length) and take the length, which is ~7.61. Now you do it again but with the new position after the scaling. Say it's (-13, -30), so you do (new_position-origin) and take its length. Then you just divide the new length by the old length. Here's some code you can paste in a blender text file and check the console output:

import mathutils

position = mathutils.Vector((-1,-2))
origin = mathutils.Vector((2,5))

example_scale_factor = 5.0
example_scaled_pos = ((position-origin) * example_scale_factor) + origin

length = (position-origin).length
scaled_length = (example_scaled_pos - origin).length

scale_fac = scaled_length / length
print( "The scale factor was " + str(scale_fac) )

Now if you're talking about a vertex, you can do the exact same for vertex position I think. Just work in global space and not local.

Anonymous No. 938798

Oh wait, I'm retarded, I found the scale factor and not the cursor position. Sorry, I looked into it and I can't solve it. I tried asking chatgpt but it gave me an answer that didn't work. I tried googling but all examples of finding it I found involved tracing from multiple points on a cartesian graph.

Anonymous No. 938800

nta but the "second formula" is just the first formula solved for o.
So if you want to find o, just compute x_0-x_1/s

Anonymous No. 938803

let's say i've got a symmetrical model i've brought into blender and i want to continue modelling on it symmetrically - do i need to delete half of it and run the mirror modifier or is there a less destructive option?

Anonymous No. 938806

Is it allright to do modeling in blender and then send the fbx to maya? My uni forces us to learn maya but i have alot of time on blender. My plans currently would be to model in blender and then export to maya for animation. Is it possible? Or should i just learn how to model in maya?

Anonymous No. 938807

should be fine, but you should just learn maya; it's not hard and you'll need to get used to the ui/ux if you're animating in it.

Anonymous No. 938808

There's a mistake here:
>x_1 = s(x_0 - o)
It should be x_1 - o = s(x_0 - o)
Then, o = (s * x_0 - x_1) / (s - 1)

If you want to add or delete vertices, you need to indeed bisect and mirror it.

Anonymous No. 938809

ah fug, that's a bit unfortunate. i'll just have to work around it.

Anonymous No. 938814

How do you guys smooth stuff in RetopoFlow? Using the relax brush leaves some faces a bit bigger than others, while using the smooth vertex in edit mode works perfect. Is there a special setting or technique to make RetopoFlow smooth stuff as good as Blender?

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Anonymous No. 938820

how do I use physx and shit without nuking my blender? Following a guide and trying to have a cube vacuum seal around the object with some physics to make an animation. The issue I have is that even when i lower the pressure by fram 9-13/30 the vacuum effect will just (i assume) suck through itself and start going out into space. should i lower the pressure even more? Is there any way to update the physics on a key frame without going to that key frame (because it takes forever and will nuke my shit)

Anonymous No. 938834

I still want to implement your formula but... Suppose s = 1, then:
... o = (1 * x_0 - x_1) / (1 - 1)
... o = (x_0 - x_1) / 0
Am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 938840

The size of your brush matters a lot

Anonymous No. 938841

Are you sure it's not how you use it that matters? I've always suspected that proverb was bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 938858

I want to speedrun learning how to make something like picrel. House interiors and exteriors in general.

I did the donut already, but what should I be reading/watching?

Anonymous No. 938859

>what should I be reading/watching?
How to make boxes it looks like.
There's nothing especially fancy about what's in your pic. I'd say you can get there within a month of learning, probably even less. Within a few days if you're just dragging and dropping assets into a scene.
Just follow any basic modelling tutorial. This is 90% extruded boxes and the like. Then just look up some HDRI stuff and lighting and you'll be set.

Anonymous No. 938869

>Suppose s = 1
It doesn't matter where your origin is if you scale by 1.

Anonymous No. 938883

is there any way to reduce denoising strength?
especially without going into compositing.
i just want a little bit for quick previewing, but optix just turns everything into mush.

Anonymous No. 938889

Ok. I think I get it now. If:
... x_0 is the x component of the position before scaling
... x_1 is the x component of the position after scaling
... s is the scaling factor and
... o is the x component of the origin point
then >>938808 looks correct.

Anonymous No. 938894

Don't be silly.

I got confused initially because I didn't understand the problem in >>938753
It's a linear problem, so you can solve it using vector lengths like you did or component-wise like >>938808 did. Component-wise avoids a couple of square roots.

Anonymous No. 938906

I'm confused about the topology of the face. My understanding is that it's like a grid, but then some parts have to be loops. Are the rows and columns supposed to flow into the loops sometimes, or should everything in the grid take a way around the mouth/eyes? Where can I see pics of good face topology?

Anonymous No. 938931

Iโ€™m trying to get the onionskinning for grease pencil to work in the shading viewport but it just wonโ€™t. Itโ€™s enabled in the object properties, it shows up in wireframe (as a wireframe), but it wonโ€™t show up in any other display. Anyone know what Iโ€™m doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 938932

Scratch that, they hid it in a separate menu. Dunno why they didnโ€™t say anything about that in the beginning of the manual for it.

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Anonymous No. 938946

Hello blenderbros, is there sites where I can find some kind of asset browser collections libs of procedural materials?
Can't find much really.

Anonymous No. 938957

I used Blender to make a model for 3d printing
ffs how can u use that shit? it gets the job done, yeah, but at what cost? ux/ui is horrible and I had to google literally any action except for extrude, and google results suck lowpoly cocks bcs half of articles I get is for older versions where interface was different
about 15 years ago I used 3ds max and it was much easier
inb4 read manual

Anonymous No. 938964

>it's the program's fault I don't know how to use it the second I open it for the first time

Anonymous No. 938980

this, but 3ds max was more intuitive and user friendly
anyway I did what I needed, I just want to complain about how bad blender is

Anonymous No. 938992

There are frames A - B - C (B in the middle). When I insert A, C then B and A, B, C are of same value V for the Bone, it doesn't insert B no matter what I do. How to get over it?
(if I later make changes to A or C it interpolates in B and is not equal to V)

Anonymous No. 938998

>mfw just did retopo in blender without an addon
jesus christ that was horrible
for some reason half my mesh's normals decided to just flip themselves somewhere along the way

Anonymous No. 939003

is there any reason why specular is set to 0.5 on the principled shader by default?
it's a really strange choice.

Anonymous No. 939007

start the clay work, you will encounter tons of annoying problems and some donut video wont save you

Anonymous No. 939008

You're supposed to use table values to set it right for the material. Any default value is gonna be wrong unless it's an amazing coincidence.

Anonymous No. 939009

It should default to 1.0 for 'physical correctness' no?
I'm not talking about roughness value, spec contribution in the shader defaults to 0.5.
Obvs artistic allowances, but 0.5 is a non-sensical default unless their shader implementation is different to everyone else's.

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Anonymous No. 939017

i am become blendlet.

combined with my houdini knowledge i have reached levels of smugness previously unknown to man.

on a serious note:
- nice modelling
- nice sculpting (not zbrush obvs, but what is)
- uv is adequate, not great
- retopo is painful - get addon
- 'feels' nice to touch geo with the mouse - complete opposite of houdini
- wish the knife tool was just maya's multicut
- too many shortcuts / machine tools helps

- on 3.5 beta with light tree
- crashy
- pulling geo information from high poly geo makes it impossible to lookdev with
- 'pointiness' is a silly way to describe curvature
- (much) slower than redshift, not as nice looking as arnold
- normals don't look right (yes, it's overdone on the render, i'm aware)
- expected eevee / cycles light behaviour to look closer, it's totally off
- filmic feels weird, switch to ACES

- find optimal houdini > blender > houdini workflow
- quick tour of geo nodes to see if they're worth looking at
- try hopscutter

how stable is the physics node branch?

also, the textures included with this tutorial were dogshit, jesus; flippednormals more like fuck you henning you cheap bastard

thank you for reading my blog

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Anonymous No. 939018

Very nice progress, Anon, keep it up!
How to insert intermediate keyframe for a bone when its value is equal to adjacent keyframes'?

Anonymous No. 939019

How is Blender's sculpting in anyway "nice" compered to ZBrush?

Anonymous No. 939020

>for some reason half my mesh's normals decided to just flip themselves somewhere along the way
Can't be so bad if something as common and easily fixed as this counts as horrible for you.
Wait until you reach that level where you often run into issues where you simply don't know where you've fucked up or if it's actually a bug. THEN the real horrors begin.

Anonymous No. 939021

Well done anon. Autistic persistence is what will help you make it.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 939022

Has anyone experience with Blender's video editor?
I'm kinda using it as my "notepad" for video editing. It's nice how quickly Blender starts up and works well for easy and quick edit jobs.

My problem:
>accidentally started project in 60FPS
>footages already lined up are at 30FPS
No matter what I tried to "convert" the project to 30FPS worked and it always fucked the position/layering of the clips up (basically always melted together into some fucked up pile of clips. Youtube is (of course) completely useless and only shows in 20 minute videos where the FPS field is where you type in your FPS number, narrated in Indian accent.

In the end I says fuck it and rendered the whole thing to PNGs+skipping every second frame and combing them all to 30FPS movie file in ffmpeg.
Still, would love to know if you can convert a basically done video project to different frame speed without fucking up your tracks and clips.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 939023

*nothing worked

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Anonymous No. 939024

Has anyone experience with Blender's video editor?
I'm kinda using it as my "notepad" for video editing. It's nice how quickly Blender starts up and works well for easy and quick edit jobs.

My problem:
>accidentally started project in 60FPS
>footages already lined up are at 30FPS
No matter what I tried to "convert" the project to 30FPS nothing worked and it always fucked the position/layering of the clips up (basically always melted together into some fucked up pile of clips. Youtube is (of course) completely useless and only shows in 20 minute videos where the FPS field is where you type in your FPS number, narrated in Indian accent.

In the end I said fuck it and rendered the whole thing to PNGs+skipping every second frame and combing them all to 30FPS movie file in ffmpeg.
Still, would love to know if you can convert a basically done video project to different frame speed without fucking up your tracks and clips.

Anonymous No. 939025

>retopo is painful

Anonymous No. 939026

To be fair it's just another flavor of misery in its current state

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Anonymous No. 939027

Can I save the materials I make somewhere in a big library or something so I have them across all my projects? I know it only takes like 5 seconds to make some glass but it could just take 3 seconds right?

Anonymous No. 939038

i have an amd 6800 gpu and 5600x for the cpu
if i enable both for cycles, would it be slower than just the gpu?

Anonymous No. 939039

The built in Asset Browser is what you're looking for. Shift+F1.
You'd have to specify in your preferences>file path where you want Blender to look for assets, but you can just point it to wherever you save your normal .blend files and do that. After that, just mark your glass material as an asset (right click the name of the material, or the material slot) and it'll show up in all your projects (assuming you marked it in the user library, and not "current file").

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Anonymous No. 939042

How do I make this wall look less like shit? I cant get my lighting like BGs, but thats whatever I can learn lighting later and its not why my wall looks retarded (i think)

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UI design.png

Anonymous No. 939046

What exactly is the purpose of having tool options appear in three different places in the UI?

Anonymous No. 939048

The one on the left is for people that are too retarded to learn shortcuts(better disable those icons entirely), the one on the right is less intrusive but the one in the middle is usually what you want

Anonymous No. 939049

i phrased that poorly. it's nice enough for most of my needs since i barely sculpt. the feel isn't totally awful compared to zbrush or anything, but yeah, really high poly stuff i wouldn't do here.

it was horrible in that it felt horrible to do, the faces flipping was just a thing that happened along the way.
i do wish the way they display normal direction was a little less intrusive; on maya and houdini i just leave that stuff on most of the time. no big deal though.

yeh i'll get this thx.

Anonymous No. 939060

Hello, I'm new to 3D modeling and I'm looking for the best program to start. I'm not even looking to make animations (probably), just static models for a game (or more accurately a VN) I want to make.

I've read the pinned thread and it says 3DS Max and Maya are the simplest programs, which after a little Google search not only is that true they also offer much more compatibilities and features than Blender, which brings me to my main question: What about Blender? Is it good enough for what I'm trying to achieve?
Difficulty doesn't matter by the way.

Anonymous No. 939067

It looks like blender is a slow when I use boolean modifiers. I have two objects, say A and B. B has a boolean operation that subtracts A from it.

When I move A, it gets really slow. Even if I hide B. If I remove boolean operation it is all fine.

What can I do other than deleting boolean until I need it? Is there a way to "disable" it? I tried hiding the object but it didn't help

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Anonymous No. 939074

I have these 4 cylinders that I want to move by specific X, Y. I can do it by dragging the move tool but I want to enter specific coordinates and change them later to another coordinate if wanted

I couldn't find a way to move a collection (by entering transform)

If I select them like this and enter X, Y in transform window, it only moves the first one

What can I do?

Anonymous No. 939075

was able to do this by setting 3 other cylinder's parent to first cylinder

Why collections has no transform jeez

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Anonymous No. 939077

I'm trying to make a quick wooden frame around a cube.
First I used the wireframe modifier, but I wasn't happy with it since it always comes out triangular and messing around with bevel and remesh to turn into square was getting convoluted.
So then I tried to use geometry nodes to make a wooden template go through the edges and hopefully save me some texturing work. But the only way this seems to go as intended is by converting the template into a curve and that removes the texture. Is there anyway to set it up like this but without sacrificing the textures?

Anonymous No. 939078

if you grab machin3 tools and enable the group tool, ctrl+g will do what you expect i.e. create a null (empty) and parent all selected items to the null - so it's a psuedo group with a transform.

collections feel like symlinks

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Anonymous No. 939079

I think using empties is causing issues with boolean modifier, I can't use a collection as boolean if it contains an empty

I am not sure if I did the thing you told me though. Ctrl-g does not create an empty for me. It shows a "create new collection menu. I manually created an empty and put my items in it

Anonymous No. 939081

the machin3 tools addon enables the quick grouping ctrl+g behaviour.

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Anonymous No. 939082

my bad, I missed that part. I will experiment with this and see if it is easier than adding as parent, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 939097

Let me guess - you *need* more?

Anonymous No. 939103

is there a way to add the old Internal renderer back into current blender?

Anonymous No. 939105

upbge maybe?

Anonymous No. 939106

i want to edit grease pencil strokes as curves, but hate working with bezier curves - i'd much prefer to edit them as nurbs curves, is this possible?

Anonymous No. 939109

What's the shortcut to click set the pivot? I swear I found it by accident but I forgot and all google says is Shift-S which is different

Anonymous No. 939110

1) Why?
2) No, because old renderer's materials & textures are incompatible with modern way blender handles them
Primarily because it's so ancient the devs gave up on making it work with node-based workflow.
You can just download 2.79 if you really want it and do some fuckery with exporting your shit as obj/fbx then re-importing it with the old blender

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Anonymous No. 939111

What measure tool actually measures? it is not real distance

This is a cylinder with 1cm height, yet it measures 6.8cm?

Anonymous No. 939112

finally figured it out, shift-right click

Anonymous No. 939114

I think she just loves you anon.

just use a solidify modifier on edges

Anonymous No. 939119

the render starts when the rendered scene starts being loaded into vram so actually faster ram helps speed up renders more than faster cpu if you're only GPU rendering

Anonymous No. 939121

>1) Why?
It's fun
>2)No, because old renderer's materials & textures are incompatible with modern way blender handles them
I know that's what the blender team said, but the excuse sounds weak. There's plenty of settings that effect things in Eevee but not Cycles, and vice versa. And then you've got Workbench would ignores a ton of shit you do in the nodes. So I'm not sure why it couldn't exist as a gimped render engine like Workbench
>You can just download 2.79 if you really want it and do some fuckery
Of course, I just like having all my tools in one place

Anonymous No. 939131

how the fuck do i change the resulting normals in geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 939132

HDRI Lighting.
Barring that, you can turn the roughness up a bit to make the bricks look less like plastic.
I'd honestly just move on to your next project instead of trying to polish off a tutorial result. Keep going.

Anonymous No. 939133

>better disable those icons entirely
I would, but there's operations there that for some reason I can't find elsewhere. Like offset loop cuts for example.

Anonymous No. 939137

auto updates

Anonymous No. 939138


Anonymous No. 939140

Add 1 more subdiv to the white plate as so it's less angular
Consider different table texture, stone table feels unrealistic
colors on the dough are a bit too uniform and feel unrealistic, study reference and try to add some variation
glazing needs some minor imperfections
the coffee is good but it looks like your spoon is clipping into the plate
the back wall feels fake, the base geometry work on the bricks is nice but the texture on them feels like weird plastic, I'd tweak that

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Screenshot (31).png

Anonymous No. 939143

Hey guys, first time poster from /k/+/int/ here

How do I transform/move a shitton of curves as one "plane" without joining? I did pic related with an SVG map of individual countries and states, BUT I had to join all the curves. So I cannot select individual countries/islands.
I either need to
A) unjoin the globe
B) do the same thing as before without joining

Stackoverflow was NO help whatsoever, place is basically a race to tag any new question as a duplicate now.

Anonymous No. 939145

What precisely are you trying to do?
What do you mean 'as one plane'?
Did you try to shift+select or press B to select only the curves you want?

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Screenshot (34).png

Anonymous No. 939152

>What precisely are you trying to do?
I want to make a model of the globe with clickable countries/states, and put it on a site with three.js
Mousing over a region will illuminate the region, and sort of extrude/"pop out" that particular entity a la a three-dimensional puzzle piece.
So I want to do what I did in >>939143 but with the individual regions separate.
However on the joined object "separate" does nothing/is greyed out, and 'add modifier' is not allowed on a group of curves.

>What do you mean 'as one plane'?
To make the globe, I imported the SVG, joined the curves (all almost-5,000) of them. I make an empty and then did a simple deform Bend twice on the joined shape around the empty.
But I had to join it into one curve. Is there a way to do what I did, but with an unjoined group of curves behaving as if they were all part of the same object? IOW, behaving exactly as if they were all joined, but without actually be joined.

>Did you try to shift+select or press B to select only the curves you want?
I want all the curves, but all individuality is lost upon joining.

Anonymous No. 939159

Is it possible to use the CPU AND GPU to render? Or is it solely one or the other?

Anonymous No. 939160

Ah I see, so you want each country to be a separate object? The simplest way I can think of is select your map (in object mode) press f3 -> type 'convert', click 'convert to mesh', go into edit mode, select everything, press p, press 'by loose parts'. If your country curves were separated in your original curves this should give each country (and island) its own object.
Downside is they won't be curves any more but that shouldn't matter for what you're doing.

Anonymous No. 939169

You can use both, but it might be slower, since the GPU might have to wait for the CPU to finish its tiles before they can both move onto the next frame (if you're doing animations).

Anonymous No. 939170

It doesn't have built in load balancing to assign the CPU less work so the speeds match?

Anonymous No. 939171

Hey /bg/, I'm a poorfag that wants to get into 3d.

I managed to make some tutorials (donut and some random pdf ones), everything good so far but I got a dilemma: Blender 2.80+ doesn't recognize my pre-historic GPU (quadro 2000) so I had to render using my cpu. Now, I know that if I keep doing that I'll burn my pc more sooner than later but my pc doesn't even have a PCIE 3 port, also buying a new pc with my 80 bucks a month is out of the question.

So, here's my is question: There's a plugin or a version of blender that I can use with my shit GPU?
>just use 2.79b, anon
Honestly that was my first choice, but I miss the node management and most utilities of semi modern blender.

Anonymous No. 939172

are there any particularly good videos on poly modeling or general tips to keep in mind?

Iโ€™m messing around with it a bit and so far I feel like itโ€™s a pretty easy way to go about it instead of sculpting and retopo/block modeling, but Iโ€™m still having a bit of trouble with some of it (for instance, keeping track of the faces when I fill them and making sure Iโ€™m getting proper quads

Anonymous No. 939173

>80 bucks a month

Anonymous No. 939189

>still no way to expose values in shaders for easy editing like you can geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 939193

Use a node group?

Anonymous No. 939195

that only exposes inputs to the shader using the node group, not the object's shader tab

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Anonymous No. 939197


Anonymous No. 939198

literally only exposes inputs of the last node in the shader

Anonymous No. 939203

after trying various ways, there's literally no way to make this useful

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Anonymous No. 939242

Holy shit you are a genius.

Thank you thank you THANK YOU you have no idea how grateful I am

Anonymous No. 939287

really good

Anonymous No. 939288

i'm trying to make a sprite particle effect like a flamethrower in a videogame i managed to get most things working except that all the emitted instanced are always on the same animation frame how can i fix that?

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BasedChad No. 939316

Thank you for the kind feedback, here is an update. I want to eventually get into animation. The journey has been pretty fun

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Anonymous No. 939390

i got model that's doing weird stuff and like this and is just black in cycles any idea what this is or how to fix it?

Anonymous No. 939396

Your normals are abnormal so you should go ahead and normalize them to get a normal looking model.

Anonymous No. 939408

i am trying to create edges around objects in water
so far my solution uses dynamic paint, but the result is blocky, even at large subdivisions
i can combine this blockiness with noise to create moving borders, but i want to figure out how to create a clean line at the intersections instead
is my only option aligning the edges of the water with the objects in question? am i doing this in a dumb way in the first place?

Anonymous No. 939409

i guess line art is an easier way of doing this
but it's annoying me that i can't enable it to also show a preview in the default workspace view, i have to use a camera

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Anonymous No. 939479

Is there some way to "ignore" some edge loops when scaling? For example, I have the shape on the left. I want to scale the top and bottom faces as if the two edge loops are not there, to get the shape on the right. Is it somehow doable without deleting all offending edge loops and then putting them back?

Anonymous No. 939482

Well, another way is to proportional editing with linear "curve" and try to guess the right radius. But the question still stands.

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Screenshot (38).png

am I having a stroke? No. 939484

Ok this is a pants-on-head retarded question. But I give up. It's over

How in the FUCK do I apply textures.
I have made a UV texture (pic rel)
I have added a texture in the materials editor (see next pic). Image texture --> Principled BSDF --> Material Output
I have enabled textures in viewport.

Why the FUCK isn't it showing up like literally every other project I have ever made?

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Screenshot (39).png

am I having a stroke? No. 939485


Anonymous No. 939492

UVs on the model are fucked?

Anonymous No. 939499

I really wish Blender warned you when what you were rendering wasn't going to be saved. I made a very simple simple 300 frame animation. Let it run for two hours until it finished. Only the files weren't actually saved because there was no output path set in Scene settings. A warning would've been really nice.

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Anonymous No. 939501

I'm a beginner and I've been trying to google this answer for 3 hours now and nothing seems to even remotely bring me closer to the answer and I'm about to break down.
How do I, if it's even possible, make it so that a slope is created from the green edge down to the red like a sort of dome shape?

Anonymous No. 939507

how do i get active camera/viewport information into a geometry node
should i figure out how to get it from the material shader
the current methods are otherwise clunky hacks that attach the geometry nodes to a specific camera and don't work with the viewport
to be specific i'm trying to fix some problems with inverted hull outlines - namely, the problem with sharp corners pointed away from the camera

Anonymous No. 939508

this would be much fucking easier if displacement maps just worked in eevee
then i could work out the edge angles in geometry nodes and create a displacement map that varies depending on the camera's relative angle in the shader

am I having a stroke No. 939512

Forgive me for the stupid question, but how?
It lines up perfectly, no?
How do I un-fuck it then?

Explain to me like you would a 90yo dementia patient.

Anonymous No. 939514

Do they show up in renders?
Also activate windows or switch to GNU/Linux

Anonymous No. 939528

I didn't realize your first screenshot was showing the uv. Could this be that Blender is picking up a wrong uv map, not the one you have in that screenshot? Maybe you can try to add a node that selects the right uv explicitly?

Anonymous No. 939533

I literally did nothing and it showed up

>Also activate windows or switch to GNU/Linux
It has been here so long I don't even notice it anymore lol.

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blender curve.png

Anonymous No. 939539

I want to turn curves into bones and meshes that are rigged to those bones and weight painted based on the distance along the curve. I've given up hope of doing this fully automatically and non-destructively, so I'm thinking that a simple spline IK constraint for the bones is fine. But how the hell do you use a Geometry Node to make a *rigged and weight painted* mesh?

Anonymous No. 939540

rig the curve instead?

Anonymous No. 939541

thinking about it more i don't think geometry nodes can generate armatures
they can probably paint vertexes but that's about it

Anonymous No. 939542

Would be great if I was sticking inside Blender, but the model is going in a game engine and that won't work.

>they can probably paint vertexes but that's about it
Yeah, that's what I really need. I'm okay with not generating the armature itself and just using spline IK to match the curve. I just have no idea how to do so.

Anonymous No. 939543

apparently it's unsupported and you'd have to use generic attributes and manually convert those into vertex groups

Anonymous No. 939544

Reading this it sounds like this will never be supported and we have to wait until modifiers are implemented as nodes using generic attributes.

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Anonymous No. 939567

this just a visual bug or am i fucking up my topology or something?

Anonymous No. 939588

Bendy bones. Give those a look.

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Anonymous No. 939589

Is there a way too completely turn of anti-aliasing on a render? It's ruining my tiles I'm creating by aliasing the edges into the alpha channel which creates gray lines once put into the map editor. I only want 100% solid color pixels appearing in my render.

Pic related 1/2

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Anonymous No. 939591


As you can see in this picture, it causes edge lines from not being 100 color or 100 alpha. The pain in the ass alternative is we'd have to literally go through full screen renders and cookie cut out the tiles which is ridiculous and I'm sure there's some trick with compositing or options or something to turn off the aliasing.

Anonymous No. 939597

i want to fill a volume with 3D noise in geometry nodes but can't figure out how

Anonymous No. 939617

The texture gets sampled outside of the green area? Try to shrink the tile in the UV, so that some green is outside?

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Anonymous No. 939618

So I have this thing and it has "links" to other .blend files (for screen part & button part. highlighted them using red rectangle).

Bottom model is the exported stl file (loaded in Cura, a 3d printing slicer software)

Apparently I can't export things correctly if it is linked like this? Tried exporting as stl and the linked parts are not included. Tried a couple other formats and they either fail or exports incorrectly

I guess solution is not to link items or am I missing anything

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Screenshot (42).png

Globe-anon No. 939628

I am making a globe from this 2D mesh.
I will Simple Deform it into a sphere and Solidify it.

How do I "cut holes" in Russia for the lakes (3 circled)?
When I new edge/face from vertices (press F), the face covers all of Russia, including/stretched over the lake.
Boolean modifier does nothing.

TL;DR how do I make holes? Why is it ignoring them?


Anonymous No. 939665

What does 'being a Sith' mean in the Blender community?

Anonymous No. 939668

What if you just manually cut Russia in several parts by connecting a pair of edges to each lake?

Anonymous No. 939669

If you make the green and red lines have the same number of verts, you could use Bridge Edge Loops. I think there will be a problem with the edge between the red and green because it won't be manifold.

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Anonymous No. 939683

I've been trying to learn more about working the geometry nodes so I tried out blenderguru's tutorial and made a jujube candy

So I wanted to apply that to the next level and use geometry nodes to fill a bowl with jujubes

Made a bowl, and made a filled in structure from the bowl to approximate a "pile" that I'd fill with candy. First I tried the node 'Distribute Points in Volume' which did a good job filling the volume, but it has no way I can see to set a minimum distance between points to stop the candies from clipping

So I made two copies of my pile structure, scaled each smaller than the last, and nested them. I applied 'Distribute Points on Faces' to fill in the pile, but obviously it's tricky to get the size of the nested structures just right to look like a naturally dumped pile of candy

Is there a better way to do this?

Anonymous No. 939688

merge the points by distance

Anonymous No. 939700

that did it
thx man

Anonymous No. 939702

you can still bridge edge loops without matching numbers of edges but it fucks up the topology completely

Anonymous No. 939713

>still no good way to work with metaballs in geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 939715

>Is there a better way to do this?
A physics sim

Anonymous No. 939724

im just a beginner, still working my way up to that

Anonymous No. 939744

i have successfully worked with blender and houdini in the same session without wanting to kill myself because of the two different navigation types

i would consider this a milestone

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Anonymous No. 939808

Is there a tool in blender that allows you to push verts around like this, kinda like the liquify tool in photoshop? I've got a bit of a complicated shape I'm trying to align with an overlaid picture and shift+w isn't doing the job. Or is there a completely different workflow I'm supposed to apply?

Anonymous No. 939816

Have you tried proportional editing?

Anonymous No. 939818

That's the one, thanks mate

Anonymous No. 939859

Is there any addon that can let you keyframe the content of a text string? For example, I have a digital speedometer for my car model and I would like to have its numbers change at different frames. Blender does not allow such thing unfortunately.

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Anonymous No. 939861


The grass isn't just a tile, it's actually geometry nodes I used alpha blockers to make a flat "tile" version to see that it's just aliased no matter what.

Pic related

Anonymous No. 939880

there's a string to curve node in geo nodes
not sure if you can full frame info in blender, but i would expect it to be accessible
i hate doing conditional stuff in nodes though; does geo nodes have a python node yet where you can just type code into?

Anonymous No. 939882

>pull* frame info

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re8 bedroom 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 939916

Anonymous No. 939926

I'll look into it, thanks!

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Anonymous No. 939964

What should I look for in terms of geometry nodes if I want to achieve this effect of objects rotating outwards the further they get away from a center point? I'm pretty new to GNs.

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Anonymous No. 939985

Euler angles
Unless you mean the way the branch spiral out, in which case pic related.
Anyway, this zoomer is pretty good at explaining how both work and this seems exactly what you need.

Anonymous No. 940001


Anonymous No. 940029

When will blender finally remove the completely arbitrary 64-character name limit? Never?

Anonymous No. 940030

That arrangement in plants is called phyllotaxis and it's well documented.
There should be a tutorial for it somewhere.

Anonymous No. 940184

Is anybody else getting a weird bug with vertex groups not updating properly when parenting an armature? They work fine but it's like everything is set to 1 on display.

Anonymous No. 940234

Advanced procedural shaders really are for smrt plp, aren't they? breddy demoralizing bros

Anonymous No. 940240

I vaguely remember having a similar issue a long while back. What's your material look like? cycles?

Anonymous No. 940255

a basic BSDF and it doesnt matter what engine it is + im trying to render it in blender, so i hope unity and unreal dont have problems like this

anyway i gave up on this and decided i will simply paint on the texture for now, which isnt really what i wanted as it doesnt stick out when looking from specific perspective, but i have a long way figuring out my options

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second model.png

Anonymous No. 940309

finaly i improved a bit
pretty happy about that.

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action editor.png

Anonymous No. 940401


I'm trying to create a few Actions on the action editor.

But one action keeps being played with another action.

How can I make each action a separated thing without interference from other actions?

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Anonymous No. 940448

Does anyone know how to make normal maps for an object? I am not understanding something about it.

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Anonymous No. 940453

I am having some weird problem, I am trying to bake a texture but one of the materials is rendering as pure white for some reason, this didn't happen to me before, normal and AO are still baking just fine with the detail, with roughness is hard to tell but I assume it is also working well enough, diffuse is just not working apparently.

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Anonymous No. 940521

I think my GPU is too old to be supported by blender's rendering system

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Anonymous No. 940549

How can I use the cycles render without everything going black?

Anonymous No. 940575

>not supporting every possible cpu and gpu out there

Anonymous No. 940611

this thread is on page 7 what exactly is the point of not making a new one as soon as it hits bump limit on this slow ass board.
not like the thread getting pushed off is worth saving.
man up, pussies.

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Anonymous No. 940652

is there some way to have one mesh follow other during animation? im tyring to come up with a method to have imitation of 2d highlights that i can export from blender

Anonymous No. 940725

I tried greasepencil for the first time but found the lines I draw clip through my model so they're always visible

Is there a way to fix that beyond using solidify

Anonymous No. 940737

it does matter you dingus. pick a color space that has white and black as values that translate to 100 to 0

Anonymous No. 940748

what do you mean by "pick"
and what the fuck did you think i was doing to get that transparency?
>im trying to render it in blender,
im not*
must have deleted it by accident

Anonymous No. 940818

Why doesn't Blender support Adreno GPUs

Anonymous No. 940898

>supports opengl
>even directx
good question

Anonymous No. 940966

Porn addict here. Is it possible to add "waves" to a volume preserving cloth sim to simulate breast/butt/belly fat?

Anonymous No. 941323

Bros I've been working on a set piece all week, a room with a bunch of furniture. All of a sudden pressing F3 causes the file to become unresponsive. It only happens in that file and otherwise no other hotkeys seem to cause the freeze. Driver update and reinstall did nothing. The fuck is going on? I worked all week on this man

Anonymous No. 941325

nevermind it turns out it was a random addon doing it. got rid of a bunch of old ones and the problem is gone

Anonymous No. 941326

how many addons are you running

Anonymous No. 941371

why did blender devs go all in on cuda?
It's open source freeware, they should've been optimized for opengl and opencl from the start

Anonymous No. 941373

cuda is far easier to program

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Anonymous No. 941436

Can't find a good solution to this.
The way I made is just having all the meshes overlap and then animating whether or not they are viewable in the render.
But this is super convoluted for animation
Is there anyway I make different meshes and swap them in as if they were shape keys? I also want to model 2 or 3 hand poses and then just swap them in instead of rigging them with bones.

Anonymous No. 941443

Le texture projection man did it again
Pretty kino

Anonymous No. 941453

hide them with scale and use constant interpolation
is the webm supposed to be related to your problem?

btw i'll ask my question: does someone know how to edit in multiple baked animation into single fbx file? ive got no other options and i tried converting binary fbx to ascii and editing it in notepad++, but seems something failed at "objects and armatures" although i only copied the animation (blender doesnt actually show it as an error for some reason, definitely a bug)

Anonymous No. 941462

>hide them with scale and use constant interpolation
So just set the scale to 0 on all axis? I might try it.
>is the webm supposed to be related to your problem?
Yeah, all the weird feet movements are just different meshes being viewable or not each frame.
It gets the job done but it's a hassle to work with. Not sure how I could turn it into a NLA layer that I could just move everything around freely.
>btw i'll ask my question
Not sure I can help you with that but I can share this video and maybe it'll help.

Anonymous No. 941464

It's out!

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Anonymous No. 941467

fr fr real no cap

Anonymous No. 941471

>Not sure I can help you with
surely you cant with youtube video, youtubers have only solutions for the most basic problems

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Anonymous No. 941522

Blender noob here. I am using a shape key to animate a blink but the deformation as it moves from 0.0 to 1.0 causes the eyelashes to become very squished. I'd like for them to keep the same shape the whole time. Thanks for any help

Anonymous No. 941556

my guess is you would need to make another shape key so it goes from top to middle and then middle to bottom as you cant just have it make 180 degree turn with a single keyframe

Anonymous No. 941586

So obvious now, thanks

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Anonymous No. 941595

How do I remove all the internal faces/edges of an object, leaving only the external surface??

Anonymous No. 941619

use booleans

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Anonymous No. 941624

I want to apply a bevel to an object but I don't want the bevel to be affected by object scale. It looks like the bevel applies the original model coordinates

For example check pic related. On top I have a cube that is not scaled and if I apply bevel, all corners are beveled by some amount.

If I scale cube Z by half I get pic 2. You can see the bevels are also scaled

While I want pic 3. Bevels only "move" as I scale the object, they are not scaled along with it (I was able to produce pic 3 by re-modeling the cube and halving Z coordinates for each vertex)

Is what I want possible without re-modeling? Tried different bevel settings but it didn't work

Anonymous No. 941643

CTRL-A apply scale

Anonymous No. 941655

>use booleans
How do I use booleans on 1 single object?

Anonymous No. 941657

>How do I use booleans on 1 single object?
P.S.: meant for >>941619

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Anonymous No. 941664

Hey, /3/ anons can someone post a quick tutorial to make a stylized face with sharp edges like wondies? Like the one on the right with the proper stylized sockets?

I tried sculpting it but I'm a noobie.
I'd like to learn how to box model it from scratch and I honestly don't want someone to make the model for me either can someone please teach me how I can do that?

Anonymous No. 941676

you could select outer vertices with mouse, invert selection and delete that

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 941699


Anonymous No. 941701

oh thanks anon, didn't know that was a thing

Anonymous No. 941702

can you select a different object in modeling mode and start editing it? Right now what I do is I switch to layout mode, select the other model, and switch back to modeling mode. Which is a bit annoying

Anonymous No. 941714

if the meshes aren't connected,
A to select all
P to separate by lose geo
Then use booleans since they're all different objects now
if the meshes are connected
manually delete the offending verts, use the "select by trait" function to help

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Anonymous No. 941716

>you could select outer vertices with mouse, invert selection and delete that
It won't work when there are intersecting faces/edges (which is: almost always).
See pic related

Anonymous No. 941718

Oh sorry I didn't see this
Thanks, I'll try