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๐Ÿงต the real reason why you're not an artist

Anonymous No. 935615

daily reminder that art fundamentals and tools and trips and addons and workflows and all that shit.

doesn't matter if you don't have something wortwhile to say.

Anonymous No. 935617


Anonymous No. 935619

I don't care about having anything "worthwhile to say", and artists who make art to prove some sort of point generally have rather shit art.
I'll take a nice landscape painting just intended to show beauty over some shitty dadaist statement piece meant to be a metaphor for starving african children any day.

Anonymous No. 935620

>old masters didn't have both
and this is why you suck.

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the chair nerd No. 935621

Art is not that important if you can't say it with art there a far more creative and powerfull ways to express yourself.

Anonymous No. 935622

technical mastery usually boils down to nature reproduction.

This is why such realistic mastery felt of use, because there's not point in art if it's just nature imitation.

the camera can easily out compete any master at nature imitation.

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the chair nerd No. 935624

...that's why I tell ya there are far more creative and more powerfull ways to express yourself.

Anonymous No. 935625

such as?

any form of creative expression, is by definition, art.

Anonymous No. 935626

When they did attempt to make some sort of social or political commentary with a work, they did so tactfully and in such a way that the piece can still be appreciated without context.
"Guernica" is still impressive regardless of whether you know about the Spanish civil war. A urinal with "R. Mutt" written on the side is not.

Anonymous No. 935627

because your brain isn't some dumb npc piece of shit and you will understand basic shit like body language, color theory and other fundamentals.

If I make a picture of your sister being raped by slavs in eastern europe, do I need some long essay to explain the piece?

It's basically learning to tell a story with pictures.
So film language.

the chair nerd No. 935628

Oh I dunno just ask the artist of picrel how he chose to express himself.

Anonymous No. 935629

expressing yourself is art, by definition.

even a videogame can serve as a vehicle for human expression, even if it's a videogame about geometrical shapes.

Anonymous No. 935645

exactly, they didn't. you're a pseudo-intellectual fag and your thread is garbage.