๐งต Can you use Sweethome3D to import to Unity?
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:01:55 UTC No. 935852
I made a house model in Sweethome3D and imported it to Unity as an .obj file, but when I try to add textures to it, they just become blurry as fuck and seems there's nothing I can do to alter them.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:18:54 UTC No. 935854
Take a look at this article.
Thai is a typical UVW mapping artifact due to huge texture scaling. You can do it inside unity I don';t know about Sweethome 3d. I know it has tiling options but i dunno if that affects the uvw coordinates of the exported geometry.
Also use /sqtddtot/ >>931469
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:26:09 UTC No. 935855
thank you for the reply.
anything in specific i should do to understand this problem and figure out where to go from here?
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:36:00 UTC No. 935856
changing the tiling within unity did not help the issue. it doesn't allow me to change the tiling, only offset.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:45:52 UTC No. 935857
Yes. Basically mapping coordinates are the dimensions of your texture projected onto your geometry. Imagine this. Every face of your geometry has a plane that determines how the assigned map shoul project itself onto the geometry. Those coordinates work on the UV plane and the W dimension determines the rotation of that plane.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:49:39 UTC No. 935858
Humm not familiar with unity but you may be right that it's not capable of changing the scaling of uv's.
Are you using obj as the export format?
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:52:44 UTC No. 935859
Been doing UV mapping before in blender and such but I don't really model and definitely can't create house design and such as a level for my game. So I tried sweethome3d, but it turns out that it is a really bad choice.
Apparently Unity, because its not a modelling software, does not have UV, only basic settings like tiling and offset, which have not helped. Figured, Sweethome3D is just a shitty option overall... And yes, .obj is the only format i could use to export from that software. I don't even know if Sweethome3D is used for video games, I just heard of it and it seemed like it was easy to use. But apparently not practical.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:55:43 UTC No. 935860
Well Sweethomes 3d seems to have the flattest learning curve for someone not familiar with architectural modelling. So it may be a good option for some.
If you have blender then its simple , import your house model to blender, apply uv mapping and the reexport.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:58:20 UTC No. 935861
tried. but its retarded. my entire model is broken into small bits all linked to one object, and if i unlink, it will delete everything for some reason. in unity at least i can edit every bit, but in blender its like all the same object or some shit.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:58:49 UTC No. 935862
>I don't even know if Sweethome3D is used for video games
Err no. Professional environment artists do like control so they basically model architecture in a similar way they would model characters: combining geometry with displacement maps, normal maps and in some cases parallax maps.
Sweethome 3d is a process on rails for simple architectural modelling.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:01:45 UTC No. 935863
i see, so where should i start? this has been helpful, thank you for staying with me for all this time
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:02:09 UTC No. 935864
Not familiar on how blender parses objs but yeah. Making a model in sh3d and then reprocessing all uvw in blender seems a bit too convoluted of a process for somenting you could have done directly in blender.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:03:49 UTC No. 935865
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:05:40 UTC No. 935866
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:08:08 UTC No. 935868
Sorry the link was meantto be this playlist.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:10:03 UTC No. 935869
ohh, alright, thank you!
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:15:03 UTC No. 935870
There is no easy wat to start creating game environments. But you should learn from the start concepts like modularity and asset managment.
I have 0 experience in games creation, except that one time at college I made a 2d game about a drug escape to mexico....
Anyways I am a fan of the topic and one general advice is to look for the workflows the industry uses before making something. There are harsh lessons to be learned if you don't t look up to the pros and start making mistakes the industry has solved ages ago.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:27:19 UTC No. 935872
i see. thank you, i will attempt it this way and maybe even post my results here if i succeed.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:28:59 UTC No. 935873
been trying to make some models right now, just not sure if its ever good enough. maybe thats why i should start with concept art first, so i know what kind of assets im gonna need?
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:29:24 UTC No. 935874
Cheers now fuck off faggot this is 4chan.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:30:51 UTC No. 935875
o-oh okay sorry fren :(
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:30:55 UTC No. 935876
Yes exacly that is what concept art and asset planjing is meant to do.
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:32:38 UTC No. 935877
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:33:09 UTC No. 935878
so i guess i could just use my sweethome3d model as a reference
the chair nerd at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:34:43 UTC No. 935879
That is a great idea if you don't have basic architectural proportions figured out.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:46:19 UTC No. 935885
thanks. im not making any low poly project in that sense of style, so i guess i might have to make my own for the most part.
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Feb 2023 14:15:19 UTC No. 935959
None of these people had help yu, let me explain why everything is wrong. First problem blender, it's always blender because blender crzy rules of models UV and such, everyone hates it and always updates it with more useless tricks.
Next is sweethome 3D, it's only build to make house, the students are then encourage to use UV tools like Substance. After you done that you sent the final model to rendering software and produce a movie like scene. People had use it to upload it to games but that is rarely the case.
I also recommend leaving Unity for another program, https://www.stride3d.net/ is the next best game engine. You don't have to pay royalties, better UV editor, open source and nearly zero lag.
the chair nerd at Sat, 4 Feb 2023 14:45:51 UTC No. 935960
Yes yo betta follo very helpfu advice from anon dude very generic and very good. Yes. 1000% spot on professional advice.