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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 936103

Any blender courses that doesn't have a faggot with odd speech patterns, upspeak, and a triangle webcam in the corner? No Vocal fry either

Anonymous No. 936112

>Any blender courses
what for?
Thats like asking for '3d courses'
Be specific you retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 936126

this is unironically the reason i plopped down the 300 bucks for a maya license. i do not want to be part of the "blender community" nor consume any of their awful training materials. open source is cringe, and i say that from the experience of wasting my 20s as a linux crank.

Anonymous No. 936137

yeah, try youtube you dumb cunt

Anonymous No. 936147


No super basic "how do I even navigate the viewport" though. But once you manage that it's the best no nonsens blender tuts out there.
Mostly in the format "Today we make this thing, watch me do it and learn."

Anonymous No. 936148

cool story bro

Anonymous No. 936162

>paying for software

Anonymous No. 936650

I think that's exactly where you find the cringetard creator videos op is talking about dumbfuck

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Anonymous No. 936702

wow thx for clarifying that. keep us updated with more valuable information, brother.

Anonymous No. 937442

>triangle webcam

Anonymous No. 937604

Sirs plz do not redeem the cube.