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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Is this an impressive ass?

Anonymous No. 936117

Consider the circumstance:
>made in 2003 with GameCube tech
>pic related is 4k resolution instead of 480 like the original
>polygon count and textures are identical to the original model
>her whole in-game model is made up of 10,000 polys

Could this be considered impressive for its time? Like, was she the 2B of the GameCube?

Anonymous No. 936122

Fuck off Sybb, you've been doing this shit for nearly twenty fucking years, fuck off already

Anonymous No. 936128

holy shit, QRD?

Anonymous No. 936133

There's not much to tell, Sybb is just an autist who has an obsessive fixation on certain video game asses. He always asks the same questions about the same characters, posting the same images, so he's easy to identify. Though this is the first time I'm witnessing him on /3/. Looks like he's adapted his material somewhat. But he always wants you to inspect the quality of the girl's ass in some form or fashion. So that much is consistent.

If you search his name, you can see him doing this "is this a good butt?" shtick way back in day on the gamefaqs forum. It's best to just ignore him, otherwise, he will pull you into an endless cycle of questions and demands to re-evaluate the character's ass.

Anonymous No. 936136

>Is this an impressive ass?
making your own thread about random coomer garbage when there are dedicated wip and dumb question threads does make you an inconsiderate asshole, yes.

Anonymous No. 936168

I was made in 2003

Anonymous No. 936169

Fuck I was going to report you but you are 20 fuck I'm old.

Anonymous No. 936219

Had a weird moment where I realized everyone born in the 90s is now of legal drinking age and it made me feel old.

the chair nerd No. 936221

Not only that. Everyone born before Constantine the movie. Yeah that was 18 years ago.

the chair nerd No. 936222

I you are an amerifag eveyone before Minority Report 2002.

Anonymous No. 936281

The roundness is impressive, plus her butt cheeks are actually individually animated. And the jiggle and bounce, something that most modern day ones don't.

Anonymous No. 936303

Bit too fat. Not a good ass.

Anonymous No. 936515

It's technically impressive for its time, but looks flabby and unattractive.

Anonymous No. 936535

He's the original Ass Man.

Anonymous No. 936583

>Could this be considered impressive for its time?
It was.

>Like, was she the 2B of the GameCube?
Not really, being lost into obscurity with scarce fanart tells you how much people cared. Back then I think there was more focus on the Soul Calibur women and Jill/Rebecca from the RE GC games, and that one chick from the edgy Prince of Persia game.

Anonymous No. 937089

A Neoseeker/GameFAQS shitposter that ended up at the chans, including cripplechan, where they made him, dubbed the ass autist his own board to stop spamming so much.

Anonymous No. 937161

Her butt was considered flabby already back when the game came out.

Anonymous No. 937165

Didn't they resuse Jill Valentine's head for this model.