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Anonymous No. 936252

The only way to grow as a 3d artist is to step outside of your comfort zone and do areas of 3dcg that you have never done before.

AI eliminates all this for prompting. Thus, AI is not art. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 936264

none of your statements makes sense. in all honesty: i think you have mental problems.

Anonymous No. 936265


Anonymous No. 936266

the entire thought-process behind your post is unintelligible schizobabble.

Anonymous No. 936267

>The only way to grow as a 3d artist is to step outside of your comfort zone and do areas of 3dcg that you have never done before.
umm yeah... weird how I got better at everything by repeating the same steps again and again, then.
as always: fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 936269

same poster

you only get better and truly grow by doing new things.

Anonymous No. 936322

The only way to become more physically fit is to lift weight that are heavier than you have ever lifted before. A forklift eliminates all this for forklifting. Thus, weightlifting is not exercise. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 936325

None. The future the lizard technocrats envisioned is now, we are already dead.

Anonymous No. 936328

"people" who get into artistic pursuits just because want to be labeled as an artist are retards who don't deserve to be taken seriously
imagine artists of the past complaining about paper, because real artists are only supposed to draw on papyrus
i want to be able to create what i have in my head and if AI helps me to achieve that, then good

Anonymous No. 936347

The only way to become more physically fit is to lift weight that are heavier than you have ever lifted before. A forklift eliminates all this for weightlifting. Thus, FORKLIFTING is not exercise. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 936349

that statement is complete and utter nonsense.

Anonymous No. 936477

>don't use this tool
>that's my "advice"
>x isn't y

Anonymous No. 936498

What exists in your head are ideas. Even the most cavernous monkey skull can house ideas.
It takes a skilled person to be able to realize and develop such ideas through something called the artistic process. You forfeit that process and any ownership you have over it if you use AI to create it. If you want to play art director that's fine good luck.

Anonymous No. 936618

based efficient and highly valued worker who creates things that look good and doesnt give a fuck about how they came about take notes retard get good you're never gonna make it

Anonymous No. 936619

maybe if it's your first month in 3D and you are starting to learn what 3dcg actually is

Anonymous No. 937309

what do you mean by "grow"
>AI eliminates all this for prompting. Thus, AI is not art. Thoughts?
you clearly dont understand what art is, i dont know what they teach you at gender college, but what you are confusing here is the lack of original thought. copying someones work is less artistic and more mechanical but its still art
for example of what im trying to say, drawing stickmen fighting as a kid doesnt give the proper experience of what art is, but its an introduction to art nonetheless

Anonymous No. 937310

>AI is not art. Thoughts?

Bro, taping a banana to a wall is considered art. Leaving a trash bag full of garbage in the middle of an art exhibit? Art. Crapping in cans and selling them, also art. Throwing up on a canvas and smearing it around… art. The battle for what art is and isn’t was lost a looooong time ago. At least AI can create some neat stuff if you take the time to learn how to do it properly and have the taste/art knowledge that allows you to pick out the pic that actually stands out.

People need to stop getting hung up over the “art” label as it genuinely doesn’t matter any more.