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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 936472

Why do beginners and hobbyists on this board get antagonized?

Anonymous No. 936473

If you can't make triple A assets you need to stfu and get back to learning

Anonymous No. 936474

Because you keep posting your shit at a daily basis. I don’t need to see your your 2nd third 4th nth work lmao come back when you sculpted at attempt 100.

Anonymous No. 936480

>sculpting and not poly modelling in current year

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the chair nerd No. 936486

It's 4chan not deviant art what you expect?

Anonymous No. 936487

>doesn't know he's on 4channel

the chair nerd No. 936490


Anonymous No. 936495

I guess I expect this board to be more fun like it was when I first started browsing it. Now the board is a lot slower, the threads are less interesting with more shit flinging, and the /wip/ thread feels quiet. I get that we're on 4chan, but even most other boards have a good mix of different types of people and are more lively.

Anonymous No. 936497


the chair nerd No. 936500

What I love about this /3/ is the unfiltered conversation. I come from the days of old 3dtotal forums now defunct and what I hated about those boards is that people easily confuse constructive criticism with blind praise. I think that/3/ is the only 3dcg board on the net that goes in depth on the psychology of people that do 3dcg as a hobby or professionally. You have to admit that this profession/hobby is one of the least rewarding and you have to be a little bit mad to love the process.
I know someone that worked at Weta and let me tell you they are degenarate monsters in there as a 3d artist would be and he assures that industry heavyweights lurk this board on a daily basis.

/3/ is not dead as long as it stays weird.


Anonymous No. 936502

>You have to admit that this profession/hobby is one of the least rewarding
nobody is saying that

the chair nerd No. 936503


I am. For a beginner to get good at 3dcg is a steep process and for a pro it's hard to keep ahead of the curve. As a business, sitting on ass for hours is not so fun for many people so 3dcg artists tend to be introverted people and those are the worst online.

For me 3dcg is rewarding but I find it less and less as years go on just because of the long hours in front of a computer away from family.

My dream is for 3dcg to be my hobby again cuz today it's my business and its not that fun.

the chair nerd No. 936505


Lately I've been taking more and more architecture jobs and managing something get made even if its a new gazebo for a client is far more rewarding than any archviz project.

Anonymous No. 936508

a lot of the questions that get asked are so basic and braindead, it begs the question why they're even being asked.
It also doesn't help that when you visit a board for /3/ I think most posters would expect you to have some modicum on knowledge, even if you're still bad at it.

90% of the questions on this board are:
>How do i make money with 3d???
>should i poly or scuplt???
>I have an hour total of 3d modeling experience but I can't model a perfect human was I lied to??
>how do I do porn????
>what are some tutorials?
>is blender actually better than x for y???

Anonymous No. 936510

>90% of the questions on this board are:
>How do i make money with 3d???
>should i poly or scuplt???
>I have an hour total of 3d modeling experience but I can't model a perfect human was I lied to??
>how do I do porn????
>what are some tutorials?
>is blender actually better than x for y???

curious how legit questions dont get answered either

Anonymous No. 936511

You should add
>this is my first sculpt! What do you think?

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Anonymous No. 936563

everybody gets antagonized, it's the fucking chan you pleb cunt

Anonymous No. 936580

And don't forget the classic:
"Wow, I've been using Blender for 2 hours, it sucks so much blendelets! Hahahah so funny!"

Miss the forums, when people that enjoyed the craft would come together. Today, everyone acts like 'tards. Is either blindly praising bad animu art in Plebbit for virtual points or being an imbecile here for... Trying to be funny?

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Anonymous No. 938068

beginner here
just finished rigging up my crab tv

Anonymous No. 938073

>Now the board is a lot slower, the threads are less interesting with more shit flinging, and the /wip/ thread feels quiet.
Agreed. This board is pretty much dead. I no longer bother posting on wip, since maybe I'll get two (You)'s in as many weeks, so it's completely pointless to post. And if I'm not here to post in the wip-thread, I won't really bother to come comment on the works of others either, and then there is hardly any point to use the board at all.

Anonymous No. 938074

The TV looks pretty good, but the picture on it needs a ton of noise.

Anonymous No. 938080

Currently just using True Detective as a placeholder to test out the video texture.
Yea, for the final render, I could add the proper filters and overlays in Vegas.

Anonymous No. 938088

>He abides by retarded politically motivated language changes

/ic/ strikes a great balance in their /beg/ threads. Generally, nobody is there to just compliment things, especially trash, but it's mostly constructive criticism and unfiltered opinions. Actual content outside of 'give up'. Their standards are much higher than my own when hiring artists for one off pieces.

Anonymous No. 938089

the colours on the tv / all textures look blown out and horrible

Anonymous No. 938090

nobody cares about /ic/. They have been buried by ai

Anonymous No. 938095

its an anonymous board, so monkey brained shit heads risk nothing for flinging some poo because there's no accountability for bad actors, and an anonymous poo fling that makes somebody else feel bad activates those primordial subconscious almonds in the monkey brain that are the same kind that get activated from a group of kids kicking the shit out of a loser at school or spitting on someones head from a balcony

there's some part of the human psyche that enjoys malicious, spiteful mischief and makingo ther people feel bad, and anonymous forums allow people to indulge in that without any consequences.

add to it that this board is SLOOOOOW and has bad self moderation from its community, and its just asking for pain.

if you want to actually learn, get actionable feedback, tips, and improve as an artist, unironically go to reddit, polycount, 11 second club. any of the 3D forums that are reasonably moderated where people have account names and can be held accountable for just being poo flingers.

Anonymous No. 938098

wrong, all of those places are terrible.

You want to go to discord.

Anonymous No. 938105

i kind of figured that was covered in the "any of the 3D forums that are moderated" statement, but i guess if you want to call it out specifically, yeah discord can be good if you can find a good server. its been my experience that discord can be a bit too much of a "hug fest" where you'll just get compliments or the loosest and most tepid feedback

the other places are not terrible though, i've gotten plenty of help from them over the years

Anonymous No. 938109

polycount and 11 are obsolete boomer shit and reddit is a mess by its upvote / downvote nature

Anonymous No. 938116

Discord is fucking cancer

Anonymous No. 938120

you just can't go without spewing hatespeech for 2 seconds.

If you do, you will be permanently banned and your artwork you previously posted will be forfeit and forever marked as racist / sexist. You can't handle this, and it shows.

Anonymous No. 938124

the reason discord sucks for art posting and critique has nothing to do with hatespeech, racism, or sexism, and the fact that you go there right away says more about you than me.

the reason it sucks is because its fast. its a fucking fast scrolling narrow chat. on a server with anything resembling an active population, you post a render and its fucking 100 posts up in the chat feed in anywhere from minutes to hours, with no good way to go back or isolate someones portfolio or their progress log without linking to an external site, which no one is going to fucking click on.

discord is a fine format for very quick tips or help with very specific problems, or general feature discussion, but for portfolio critiques or work in progress logs its a terrible format and the technology is actively working against you.

this is where "boomer shit" forums and reddit and even this site succeed where discord fails. the format is long form enough, the threads live for long enough, that you can get actual detailed feedback and your work isnt swept out of sight out of mind within seconds of posting it (this is maybe a bit less true for reddit, which can be faster depending on the subreddit). the only discords that are slow enough to function like this are the discords with extremely low populations, and at that point you might as well just use one of the forums.

Anonymous No. 938142

Wrong. Discord is not there to be your mentor and "teach" you and hold your hand every step of the way. Do the work, do the research, dont ask dumb questions, use the search features. If you post beg crap expect to get ignored, as you should.

Anonymous No. 938156

Not that anon but Discord is shit, period.

Anonymous No. 938164

You are really rubbing those 2 braincells together to try to find anything to say here. Discord is a shit medium for anything but the most casual and substance less conversation about 3d. The format and speed just dies not suit the medium, and you have yet to point out a single way it is actually good as a 3d modeling forum replacement for things like polycount.

You legitimately do not know what you are talking about. Discord is good for a chat room and voice chat and not much else.

Anonymous No. 938178

You want your hand held and a personal tutor instead of learning how to do the techniques on your own. You are beyond hilarious

Anonymous No. 938181

Because we're sick of your shit.