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Anonymous No. 936733

Threw together an energy drink in Blender to test the droplet generator add-on

Anonymous No. 936787

why does everything from blender look like shit?

Anonymous No. 937092

cycles is shit
blendlets should just use renderman or octane

Anonymous No. 937120

it'd look dogshit in any renderer because of the piss poor lighting
why is the background lit up so much?
why is it in focus?
model looks pretty flat too, just look at the top of the can, it's flat with a 2d texture

Anonymous No. 937126

Looks thrown together. I threw together 20 bucks and fucked your mom last night. She looked thrown together too.

Anonymous No. 937170

Spoken like a true nigger.
Renderman or Octane won't magically make things look good, they all fundamentally solve the same thing in slightly different ways.

Anonymous No. 937172

you should add displacement to the top and maybe a bit of volume to the ring, the table needs more geometry too, also
>no kvass
the fuck is wrong with you?

Anonymous No. 937201

>texture for the top
you only had to model 1 thing on your cylinder and you didnt

Anonymous No. 940190

whats the addon?