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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 936902

/wip/ - Works in Progress - True Image edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>932540

List of free resources:

/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 936910

who the fuck made a discord

Anonymous No. 936911

wipanon, though he hasn't been sighted for some time. He made it last year I think after some other anons expressed interest.

Anonymous No. 936918

This board was fun before that discord got created

Anonymous No. 936937

You mean the one app killing 4chan.

Anonymous No. 936938

Advertising discord and other Social media apps on 4chan is a sin.

Anonymous No. 936940

Don't know if you mean board or thread, but I remember some posters being expressly against the discord because these threads were slow enough with little activity as it is. Creating a discord took posters away and made the threads slower and less active.
In essence though you are correct.

Anonymous No. 936943

Hence why you should never have a discord server for 4chan and its general threads; it kills the board.

Anonymous No. 936988

>anons complain about discord boogeyman instead of posting wips

Anonymous No. 936991

Theyโ€™re retarded, anon. It canโ€™t be helped.

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Anonymous No. 937001

early wip Will Smith

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Anonymous No. 937017

been working on one of those diorama things I see. trying to give it an early final fantasy vibe. gonna work on it more tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 937021

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Anonymous No. 937022

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Anonymous No. 937024

Had to split all of these as the full image wouldn't upload for being too large despite being below the 4mb limit. Sorry for the spam!

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Apustaja Profile ....png

Anonymous No. 937028

How should I project the 3rd pose in 3D ?

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Apustaja first tr....png

Anonymous No. 937029

it looks like shit...

Anonymous No. 937031

You've taken a deliberately deformed Pepe and made him symmetrical. Why would you do this?

On top of that, on the original 2D image, look just above the center of his lips. He clearly has a small but wide nose, or at least an upper jaw.

Above all, remember that is not a normal Pepe. That is a fucked up, retarded pepe. If you are trying to make that specific Pepe in 3D, don't try to make him look right. He needs to look wrong.

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Anonymous No. 937034

probably my last post here before i finish this one, still have to touch up on the lighting, improve a few stuff here and there (especially sky)

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Anime Shading test.png

Anonymous No. 937035

Trying to figure out some way to do a proper anime waifu. I've been a complete information sponge this last week with how much stuff I've learned from tutorials. Not quite 0 to hero since I did have some prior 3D knowledge but haven't used it in over 5 years or so.
Still haven't messed with textures at all and mostly keeping it to messing around with node editor.
After I finish modeling the hair I'm thinking of trying to replicate what this guy showed in this video since I do want to get the shading right even though it's been a bit tough to implement it.
Then I'll go into textures, finish modeling the eyelashes properly (going to make 2 version in different styles), some more busy work adding the teeth ,tongue and nails. Then move on to rigging which I'm pretty curious about, make a some short animation (already did a 3d animation tutorial before working on this to get a feel for what I was aiming for with the model) and maybe I'll try to export it into unity or whatever.
Don't really have any long term plans though, it's really mostly a hobby.

Anonymous No. 937036

Purposefully splitting the wip-thread in a board this slow should get OP banned.

Anonymous No. 937044

How? I can't visualize his rear.

Anonymous No. 937047

this ticks all of the boxes for me, good work
one thing I'm not really sold on is the stylisation of the tail, I can tell it's wip but the way it's going it'll be at odds with the hair and ear fluff

Anonymous No. 937050

the fact this somehow looks like will smith is hilarious

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Anonymous No. 937067

Takin a break for today. Here's my progress on my scene as of now. Will add fire particles system and other stuff tonight and eventually my character model

Anonymous No. 937072

I dont really like the shaders on the foliage (trees, leaves, branches)

curious how the car has no rear license plate. Needs better layered materials, too. Try lama.

I would like to see some detail in the illuminated windows - some shapes - instead of a flat emissive colour

Anonymous No. 937073

Lol i actually really like the shader even though it's not pbr, but thats just me.
For the car the original art has no rear plate, but it could be a interesting idea adding one dangling from the car, same for the shape in the window

Anonymous No. 937075

The thumbnail reads really clearly now anon, nice job

Anonymous No. 937101

how would you do it?

Anonymous No. 937125

that's why you need to think like an artist retard

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Anonymous No. 937130

Here's what I'm working on.

Anonymous No. 937136

if you want to visualize something that you don't have an image of, you write and use a neural network. That's what cutting edge researchers do.

Anonymous No. 937140

It looks like shit to you right now because you have virtually no experience and you stopped in the middle of the process to second-guess and deprecate yourself.
It's okay, anon. Keep going. It will look like shit right up until the point it comes together and suddenly doesn't look like too much shit anymore. Add some subdivision, touch the sides of those eyelids together, finish up that lip, add some flat colors with a shader and then paint those eyes. I guarantee you it won't look so bad to you when you get to that point. And when you do, that's the point where you should go 'hmm, okay, this is like xyz% of the way there in terms of the accuracy I want, what can I tweak and add and change and remove to go a little bit further?'.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937143

What is Sakaki's workflow for making sexy base meshes with sexy topology and beyond? I'd really like to get my hands on his book and his dos and don'ts but it doesn't seem like there's any other option than pirating it and google lensing the writing.

Anonymous No. 937148

As far as I can tell only a handful of people actually post on the Discord.
But feel free to keep bitching instead of posting wips.

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Anonymous No. 937193

fox i made for class

Anonymous No. 937195

newfags, the lot of you
this board was always slow

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Anonymous No. 937215

Continuing the Will Smith challenge. Got about as far as I can get with poly modelling to understand the forms. Now I try to recreate him from a sphere in zbrush and see if I can get a better and faster result when i sculpt symmettrically instead of asymmetrically modelling in maya. Wish me luck bros.

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Anonymous No. 937225

Use less symmetry. Psychonauts is a good example of translating 2d cartoony designs into 3d. Even the models are asymmetrical.

If you're going to use the pepe for animation, you can use key shapes and deform the model for the camera to look like the original picture.

If its going to be a sculpture/still model, then you'll have to pic one picture, then make him "look good" at a certain angle, but it'll look 'disadvantaged' in other angles.
try spinning the model to the side view, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 937230

A thread used to not be able to survive for nearly an entire month without being bumped.

Anonymous No. 937231

>used to not be
>without being
what are you saying, kid

Anonymous No. 937237

Anon is not wrong, this board has always been chronically slow. Probably significantly slower than /jp/ on its hayday even, before vtuber content took over.
The discord link is an eyesore and I wish it was gone. Make no mistake though: it changes absolutely nothing. I've perused /3/ in particular since 2015, the threads are the same as they've always been. If you can't see that, then you really are new and need to spend some more time here for perspective.

Anonymous No. 937238

An inactive thread couldn't survive for an entire month.

Anonymous No. 937244

do your work and post in the wip thread and questions thread. Dont pollute the board with stupid questions in their own threads.

Also, this is not the place to be discussing your meta shitty opinions. This is the wip thread

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Anonymous No. 937283

The main asset in a short animation I was working on in blender evee...I haven't got much further because this project was abandoned for other more pressing things I've been working on.

Anonymous No. 937285

ironically if you had rendered it in unreal engine it would look orders of magnitude better as well as render much much faster.

Anonymous No. 937291

Have you seen anyone that ever made it in that timespan? Iโ€™ve only seen anatomy anon but he fucked off idk if he ever made it in the industry or still working that day job.

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Anonymous No. 937299

tried my hand at zbrush. I get to a point where I'm OK with how it looks in the viewport kind of, but then when I save out a snapshot and look at a small version of the thumbnail in the explorer it doesnt read...opinions?

Anonymous No. 937321

Woll smoth is improving, how is this even possible?

Anonymous No. 937322

all you gotta do is believe in yourself, anything is possible if you weren't born from cris's mother

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Anonymous No. 937329

Progress, again. Gathered more ref. Something about the side angle is off, something with the forehead and the hair...

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Anonymous No. 937358

more progress

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Anonymous No. 937364

Been swamped with work hopefully get all the modeling on her done this weekend, C&C and ideas welcome, testing PBR materials, proper textures will come later, still tons left to do here

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2023-02-18 05 06 59.png

Anonymous No. 937383

Last update until I'm completely finished. Smoke simulation was pretty time-consuming to get it to act the way I wanted but I dig the results. Also, messed around with the depth of field and bloom in compositing (will probably be more adjustments later). Next step is pulling my character into the scene and making some final touches to the lights and animating the intensity.

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Anonymous No. 937402

Laurence Fishburne quick sculpt.

Anonymous No. 937408

your dark stuff is a bit too dark, m8. add a little bit more fill light

Anonymous No. 937409

agreed, i might add in a subtle sky light just to lighten things up generally

Anonymous No. 937410

Looks good.

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Anonymous No. 937414

Made a bit of progress on my 2b

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Anonymous No. 937415

really nice work.
chin is a little too pointy for my liking, but that's just me.

Anonymous No. 937416

this looks less like will smith now

Anonymous No. 937417

very nice

Anonymous No. 937435

gj when can I expect this on artstation ;)

Anonymous No. 937440

Thanks brahs, the pointy chin makes it look a bit more anime-esque i think but i'll keep refining the face even past the lookdev phase, i'll keep that in mind thanks

Probably around the end of march/start of april i've got a lot going on right now :) but i'll keep updating here once in a while

Anonymous No. 937460

I'm not going for a realistic look,

Anonymous No. 937484

Doesnt matter, it would still perform better. Eevee is literally dog's shit

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2023-02-19 05 45 46.png

Anonymous No. 937485

I don't know if I'm "completely finished" with this but the scene is definitely fully populated now. Gonna keep tweaking the lights and stuff until I feel it's about right. Eventually I want to make a looping animation with it.

I got some feedback on here that the scene was too dark so I added a subtle blue sunlight to the scene to brighten things up a bit. You think that's enough light now?

Anonymous No. 937486

top notch modeling/sculpting here. Hair looks excellent as well. Clothing materials could use a bit of roughness and texturing but it otherwise looks very polished.

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Anonymous No. 937574

should i give up bros
how long did this take you?

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Anonymous No. 937578

Making a goblin girl with some kinda crazy hair. I'm not sure if I like this result, though. Might just sculpt on some simpler base shapes instead.

Anonymous No. 937581

keep going

Anonymous No. 937583

This is dogshit

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Anonymous No. 937584

What is wrong with it? I like the face.

Pic related.
I still keep working on this lol. NGMI bros

Anonymous No. 937591

Neva givu appu, it's all about regular practice and keeping on trying, find a domain you like and try to max your skills asian-style (ex: props, characters, environments, FX etc...) if you work for it it will come wagmi

I started the project around January 5th, working on it only on evenings and weekend alongside regular school homework

Anonymous No. 937608

I see that you are using the curves for the hair.

Anonymous No. 937625

I'm keeping the hair for now at least until I rough in the body, will evaluate after that how it looks with a shader.

I like her face so far.

Yes, I just put in curves and twisted points, took me less than an hour that way. I'll sculpt the caps around at the end if I decide to keep them.

Anonymous No. 937634

This looks great anon :D

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Anonymous No. 937673

Rate face

Anonymous No. 937674

Looks cute, but I'd like to see with smooth shading.
Sometimes a face looks good with flat shading but scuffed once you turn on smooth.

Anonymous No. 937677

>generic animeslop
Your goblin is already infinitely more original and creative. No offense to the goblin intended.

Anonymous No. 937689

face is wrong

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Anonymous No. 937690

Here you go
need to retopo the rest of the body and then texture it

Anonymous No. 937692

looks pretty "masc"

Anonymous No. 937693

the face or the upper torso?

Anonymous No. 937694

everything. You need to study anatomy books

Anonymous No. 937695

Point the chin drop the cheekbones and eyes and adjust the brow, it's close but you need to tweak it some to make it look a little less transgender unless that's what you're going for

Shut up bitch

Anonymous No. 937696

>Point the chin drop the cheekbones and eyes and adjust the brow, it's close but you need to tweak it some to make it look a little less transgender unless that's what you're going for
so basically, "study anatomy", bitch. Sad.

Anonymous No. 937697

Everything has a bevel, if ur not using it as props but as a render scene, put some amount of bevel.

Anonymous No. 937698

not quite. you should use either render time auto bevel or subd creasing. Bevels are bottom of the barrel

Anonymous No. 937699

You could give the advice "study anatomy" to literally any artist and it would be equally helpful to all of them, which is why posting it instantly makes you look like a total fucking retard
Point out specifics or don't bother posting

Anonymous No. 937700

the mistakes are innumerable. Dont post anymore.

Anonymous No. 937707

his eyebrows go to the inner eye corners

Anonymous No. 937714

The chest is way too developed (The vertical line from the sternum to the throat is indicative of large chest muscles) as well as the shoulders.
Outside of that the rest of the model looks good to me. You could follow >>937695 s advice if you want, but the face doesn't need to be obviously feminine for it to be a woman since female faces vary greatly enough IRL that your model works just fine.

Anonymous No. 937718

Worthless retard

Anonymous No. 937722

Care to elaborate?

Anonymous No. 937726

thanks for the feedback, she has a penis but is not transgender since thats gay
thats clearly not me you are talking to, but yeah "study anatomy" is to vague of a feedback, thanks regardless
yeah I think Ill fix the body at least, I could tweak the face forever. Not to mention using real life reference images means that they wont be perfectly feminine either

Anonymous No. 937730

So they're a futanari then.

That's not a feedback nor a critique; it's a thinly veiled insult and you know it.

Anonymous No. 937731

>eh sculpts futa, doesnt tell anyone.
Probably a cope, not a futa

Anonymous No. 937742

I find the advice to 'just study fundamentals' or 'go study anatomy' to be odd. Are there people out there that really think that, if you save yourself from modeling until you can make an ecorche in your sleep or whatever, that'll make you some kinda art god? Just go 'study anatomy and fundies' with all the vagueness of a 1500's violin teacher telling his students to study bowing and scales for a decade before they were allowed to play twinkle twinkle little star.
That is laughable. If you want to make anime girl model, isn't it better to jump in, look up some kind of general anatomical reference if you're confused of course, but jump in and actually model what you want to model? Sure it's gonna suck, but if you're motivated and keep at it every day, in a few years time you might have improved so much you don't even need to look at an anatomical reference anymore if you don't want to.
Just get in there and make what you want to make. That motivation is more fundamental than any fundamental study will ever be. Sure, look stuff up if you're unsure of how something should look. Yes, share with the class and when someone tells you 'this looks wrong, here's the reasons', absolutely take note. But don't waste time looking at muscle names until you're blue in the face, just give it a glance *while* you're making what you want to make.

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Anonymous No. 937782

All I've done for some time. Work always comes first. I am liking the Blender 3.5 hair curve release. Got a new rig just to come in here and show you frogs what's fucking up. Salutations.

Anonymous No. 937786

the volume to the side of nose looks too turgid and bulbous, it looks almost level with nasal bridge protrusion which drowns out the prominence of the nose making it look too small, deflate it a small amount imo.

Anonymous No. 937801

You've been working on this for years and made no progress.

Stop playing kiddie games and get some better taste.


>it looks like shit...

That looks like it belongs on r/blender.

A blender user's full power.

What's the point in posting that so many times if no one can tell what's going on in the scene?


I'm guessing you got a poor grade.


>Realism is... le bad.

Yeah, we can all tell it's unfinished.



This post is like posting a loaf of bread when you haven't even kneaded the dough. Are you that desperate for attention?



You should put more effort into it before posting.

Anonymous No. 937805

>Are you that desperate for attention?
Glass houses lol

Anonymous No. 937806


I like that kind of comment. It gives feedback. That is the point of a WIP thread.


Anonymous No. 937808

>>>937574 (You)

Anonymous No. 937809

>half the post is complaining about people posting things they're working on because they're not done yet
Nah I think that kind of feedback can stay somewhere else actually
Might mean a bit more if they actually posted something substantial that they're working on

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Anonymous No. 937813

Think I'm done with most of modelling

Anonymous No. 937816

Beautiful sculpt anon Would tone down the roughness of the sphere surface but that can be solved shaderwize. Overall nice shit anon.

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Anonymous No. 937823

Love the vibe, looks like a cozy point and click adventure game.

Any feedback on this animation? Too busy? Not busy enough? Do the cockroaches stand out at all?

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Anonymous No. 937853

Almost done with the body sculpt, don't know if I'll bother sculpting the hands first or just box model them. Should probably smooth out the back some, too. I don't even know what I'm going to do with this model.

Having a light on the foreground roach might help. I think something about the background is making the look of it feel off - it might benefit from more props?

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Anonymous No. 937863

i think the lighting and shading lets it down a bit otherwise quite good
the stuff you're trying to get me to look at (roaches) is very dark. i didn't even notice the second one.

the bump amount on the vaccuum is too high and the texture scale seems off - similar story for the wall. the frosted plastic cover and bristle materials didn't read correctly to me.

the lightning actually glitches out for a few frames and is pretty distracting (pic-rel). it's also clipping through its own emitter at times. dust trails look like they're added in comp and are screen-space?

7/10, could be 9 with some changes

Anonymous No. 937884

Thanks for the feedback! I agree on all points. Got a couple of weeks left to work on it.

Only thing that looks off to me are the lower legs, maybe make them a tad bit skinnier than the upper leg.

Anonymous No. 937910

Artist who made the reference I'm following just does that with the calves, I may try to add some ankle definition though.

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Anonymous No. 937913

>You've been working on this for years and made no progress.
You're right. This is what I made 2 years ago. I was already doing well

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937916

or you might say - doing "Will"

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Anonymous No. 937917

or you might say - doing "Will". But, my anatomy is much stronger now that I have bought the anatomy books. You want to be a negative nancy - fine. Everyday I study anatomy. Pic related was literally me trying to sculpt and texture WS two years ago. Joke's on you. I have progressed. Imagine if I texture my will now.

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Anonymous No. 937926

Fixed the lighting to my liking. Rendering the animation overnight. Will post results

Anonymous No. 937927

I wouldn't sweat it. That person's a transgender. You can tell by the vindictive way they speak. Keep going.

Anonymous No. 937989

Looks neat, but the roaches don't stand out at all. I'd suggest either some rim lighting to separate them from the background, or even lightening the color of the wall since the roaches themselves are dark. It just needs some real contrast to differentiate your fore/mid/background elements.
As it is, the first thing I focus on is the lighting bolts since they're the brightest thing on the frame, and it's hard to pull the eye away from that.

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Anonymous No. 937995


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Anonymous No. 938013

Finished. I have a looping version but it's too big to post here.

Anonymous No. 938028

Awesome stuff i gotta step my game up

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Anonymous No. 938067

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Anonymous No. 938069

I've been posting in the wrong threads.
Made a Crab TV for a class. Just finished rigging it.
I hate how the transformations of an object gets fucked if you remove a parented bone in the wrong way. For what purpose is that the default?

Anonymous No. 938071

Move in the wrong way how?
I've not really had a problem with it. The only issue I run into is that the transforms of a child object don't reflect the actual position in worldspace (in the xyz coordinates), but rather the relative position compared to the parent. Which makes things like wheels that move with a car break when you parent the control object to something else. Since to Blender it means the control object, and thus the wheels aren't moving at all in 3d space.
Apart from that, everything else works as expected. Move the parent, the child moves, move the child, the child moves in relation to the parent.

Anonymous No. 938072

Ah fuck, I just realized you were talking about bones. Selective reading.
I still haven't come across that issue, I think, but bones can get real fucky sometimes.

Anonymous No. 938108

Nice cock

Anonymous No. 938113

New Discord:

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Anonymous No. 938121

slowly working on legs

Anonymous No. 938125

Looks great, you nailed the eyes really well. Do you have a twitter or somewhere you post your work?

Anonymous No. 938129


Anonymous No. 938133

Way to deliberately "misunderstand" what they were saying retard. Are you glad you got to type all that useless shit that nobody needs to read?

Anonymous No. 938155

Right, I totally missed a single word on purpose to make it all about me. You know, instead of asking for clarification of his problem and offering an anecdote in case that was the problem.
Eat a dick faggot.
Nice of you to offer up any help to them.

Anonymous No. 938157

i kinda agree. and im the guy who suggested the creation of it

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Anonymous No. 938160

>10 days later
>Finished modeling the hair
>Applied a deformation modifier with cloth physics to it
>Finished modeling the eyelashes
>Several minor improvements through the whole model
>Modeled clothes (There's socks and a jacket I don't have visible, she also has panties and a nice bra that both have a shape key deforming the skin properly)
>Did UV mapping and some textures though they aren't that noticeable and still need work. Cloth textures are just a placeholder noise map.
>Did the rig. Pretty messy overall and had a ton of troubleshooting on the foot but it works and almost done
Mostly stopped working on the shading since I can't properly export it to unity anyway.
Hopefully I'll be done with the touch ups today and still have time to animate a quick pose or something since I'll be busy next week.
Question. I heard that I can't export NLA animations to unity but am not sure. I think blender animation gets too disorganized without NLA so I'd rather use it if I can.

Anonymous No. 938197

>Start modeling something
>It's fun I'm enjoying it
>Get down to the more nuanced parts of it
>I'll take a break from it
>Don't do anything at all for at least two weeks

How do I stop myself from doing this and convince myself to persevere? I know at least one of you was once like me.

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Anonymous No. 938222

Can you give us any feedback on this?

Anonymous No. 938225

I think it would be a good idea to add a particle system to get those little particulates to the water, just to give it a bit more oomph, do like it so far though

Anonymous No. 938228

I used to model and work on projects every day.
I haven't actually worked on anything in months. I just can't find the motivation to even though I know I should be.

That being said, sometimes it's good to step back and take a break from a project you're struggling with. That way you stop thinking about it constantly every time you go to bed and model in your head, keeping you up for hours. But mainly because it's good sometimes to approach problems from a fresh perspective. I'll often have projects where I struggle and take a long break from it (I think my longest was a year), and coming back I'm able to fix those problems easily, or come up with a different solution that's just as good.
Just don't make a habit of working for 2 hours and then taking the weekend off.

Anonymous No. 938229

Thanks friend. I'll try to keep that in mind. I do try to do as much as I can when I can. If anything 3D is the only thing I can start and then come back to the following day or week or whatever.

I have found that having a break and coming back does help too. Generally I can get over the modeling hump, despite what I said in the post, it's more the texturing I struggle with. In part because my computer is too shitty to texture in Cycles, but I prefer rendering in it so I have to do it in Eevee or even the material preview and then flick to Cycles to see where it's fucked up. It's just such a chore. The other part is because I'm just shit at it.
I'm sure if I stick at it I'll eventually get there.
Appreciate your help.

Anonymous No. 938236

top should be doing a lot more imo
just gonna direct you to these for some ideas:

Anonymous No. 938246

Wrap it up, next project. Take what little you learned and move on. This project you could only do 1% of the 'nuanced parts'. Tough shit. Next project you could maybe do 2%. Next one after that, 2.5%.
Taking breaks is not advisable. Find a pace that you could definitely do every day for the rest of your life. If that's just an hour or 30 minutes a day, then do that time and be happy with yourself. If you have to take a day off, okay. But do not take extended, week-long breaks. You must hone your skills daily, this is the key to your success.

Anonymous No. 938256

I like it. Good work. How did you make the flagella move?

Anonymous No. 938258

Do you need to persevere? I only do things I like to do. But for me it's a hobby, and that's all it'll ever be for me.

Anonymous No. 938351

I'm trying to wrap it up now. There isn't much left, only the texturing and that's almost done. When I talk about the nuanced things it's more like I don't know if the details are so small that no one would notice, and more skilled people know whether they can be ignored, or if they're the little subtleties that add to something being realistic so you need them.
I do understand what you're saying with the getting better every time with each project kind of thing. Even I know I've improved since I first started. It's just my progress seems to be slower than most, but I'm putting that down to age.
I try not to take extended breaks neither. It's just sometimes I get sidetracked or I reopen it and remember why I closed it in the first place. Usually I try to do an hour or two every night when it's around 10pm because I'm less likely to be disturbed and I can concentrate.
Appreciate our help also.

>Do you need to persevere?

Yeah, but only because I know it's the only way to improve.I like to challenge myself a bit and try to get better and I know the only way to really do that is by challenging myself.
I'm like you and only really do things I like to do, and it's also just a hobby and will very likely never be more than that. I don't know. It's a bit like I have to get it right otherwise I'll feel like a failure, but I have a massive fear of failure which is why I abandon so many things.

I don't mean to make these big rambling posts and derail the thread btw. Sorry about that.

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Anonymous No. 938359

feel free to critique :)

Anonymous No. 938363

I like long necks in designs, but that one's even too long for me. I also think that the arms are a little too noodly and that the feet could use a second pass, but I like the face and most of the silhouette.

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Anonymous No. 938365

green part needs to be smoothed out, don't know what that weird lump is

red (nasolabial fold) should not go right up against the lip

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Anonymous No. 938368

After taking a break to study anatomy after Tomoyo, I'm starting a new project. Richeh from Witch Hat Atelier

Anonymous No. 938378

My brother, you got that lolicon indomable spirit, is pretty good so far

Anonymous No. 938399

That's a grown woman with a flat chest. There are literal women who have the same physique.

Anonymous No. 938404

Thank you anon! Sculpting little girls is fun

Not in this case, Richeh is 12 years old. But there really are adult women with similar bodies

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Anonymous No. 938421

Anonymous No. 938429

Really nice, I feel you had fun with this one. I like the blockiness.

Anonymous No. 938442

Whoah I really like it. GJ

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Anonymous No. 938466

Do any of you know why my black looks grey? I'm going to assume everyone here is familiar with NES.
The black part looks the same as the dark grey. Even when I make it completely black it still looks that dark grey colour. I've tried it in Cycles too and it still looks the same.
Is my HDRI too bright or something?

Anonymous No. 938468

I'm migrating from 2d over to 3d, I want to make scenes, like I used to do with digital painting. right now, I'm doing a toasty spiderman in the subway. I was doing a mario last month but that was too simple
I don't know nodes

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Anonymous No. 938469

pic didn't load

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Anonymous No. 938471

Anonymous No. 938472

>I'm going to assume everyone here is familiar with NES.
You assumed dead wrong, boomer.

Anonymous No. 938473

The dark grey parts that are vertical and on the top should be black.
If you're just tricking me then :(

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Anonymous No. 938474

Anonymous No. 938476

looks to me the lighting in your scene is too strong
but I don't know anything about blender

Anonymous No. 938478

That's the only thing I could think of too. I'll try to tone it down and see how it looks.

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Anonymous No. 938493

That was with shapekeys however doing it with softbody seems like the better method

Anonymous No. 938502

Necc long, knees seem a bit low. Just a bit of general mismatch with the long and thin top vs thicc bottom.

I like it though, she should be great with some refinements.

Anonymous No. 938510

90% sure you just didn't assign the material to the faces you wanted.

Anonymous No. 938511

>I was doing a mario last month but that was too simple

Lets see that Mario and judge if it is too simple because that spider man is not up to any standard yet.

>I don't know nodes

Then start learning.

Anonymous No. 938520

When I seen how similar they were I had thought that myself too. Redid it three times just to be sure.
I'll just fuck the HDRI off and do a basic lighting setup instead.

Anonymous No. 938533

I'd just say "fuck it" and throw a bit of metallic in there.
Even if your material is perfectly black, if the roughness is somewhat high (0.3+), black will start looking gray since that's how light is "supposed" to work.
To counteract it, lower the roughness, or just add metallic in there to absorb more of the light.

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Anonymous No. 938534

>Even if your material is perfectly black, if the roughness is somewhat high (0.3+), black will start looking gray since that's how light is "supposed" to work.
No, retard, not to that degree.

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Anonymous No. 938535

Looks pretty gray to me.
If the dude's model isn't perfectly black as well, the effect would be even more pronounced.

Anonymous No. 938550

>Lets see that Mario
>is not up to any standard
what am I missing?

Anonymous No. 938552

Was not aware of that Mario. Ok. That Mario has some beginner level modelling mistakes. The mustache has clearly smoothing artifacts derived from extruded polys for each strand you should model the whole mustache as a single perimeter in order to have the same smoothing conditions.The geometry is intersected, the head pops over the hat, fingers are deformed maybe from rigging weights.
>The mario was too simple.
No not too simple yet.

Now on to the spiderman:
>what am I missing?
Do I need to state the obvious? Am I the one who is missing something? Do you think this is a good model? Face is deformed and clearly modelled out of a box, eye pieces are too small, details are clearly made from a displacement map that is not correctly 8bit calibrated so the surface is janky, No one has a chest like that, look at references.There are far too much problems with the whole thing. Is this a subway wagon? Does it look like one? Have you looked at at least 10 references from the queens MTA?

I am not trying to be salty man. I may be worse than you at modelling characters but I don't need to be a character modeller to know this is bad. My honest recommendation would be to make something simpler first. Maybe go back to that mario model and make it perfect your first version was very promising. If you want to master, anatomy, lighting and modelling take all those areas bit by bit.

>what am I missing?
Don't fall for the typical Dunning Kruger mistake. If you don't know what you are missing I suggest you look at the best examples of spider man sculpts, models from the web. You will know then what you are missing.

Anonymous No. 938553

I haven't changed the roughness or metallic or anything just yet so I'll try that. Even with a basic lighting setup, and with different HDRIs with lowered intensity, it still looks dark grey.

It's not perfectly black, but it doesn't seem to make any difference when it is.
The hex code for the dark grey is #363636 and the one for the black is #262624. But even when I make it perfectly black it doesn't look any different and still looks almost interchangeable with the grey.

Anonymous No. 938620

you seem more invested in this than I do.
I'm just having fun man, chill out
now that 8bit calibration was a nice mention, gonna look more into that

Anonymous No. 938632

>you seem more invested in this than I do.
And that right there is the problem. You will never make anything good if you care about your own projects less than other people do.
>I'm just having fun man, chill out
You're deluding yourself and setting yourself up for disappointment if you think this trade is meant to be any fun. Society isn't going to keep running if everyone focuses on having fun while neglecting their duty to produce something of quality for that society that allows them to survive. Focus on performance so you can create something that earns you money and provides value to others instead of wasting your time having "fun" and being poor.

Anonymous No. 938637

>You're deluding yourself and setting yourself up for disappointment if you think this trade is meant to be any fun.
jesus man

Anonymous No. 938641

do you have money? prove it

the chair nerd No. 938647

This is me.

This aint me but yeah I agree. It's sad that he is not invested in his work, even if it is a hobby.

>You're deluding yourself and setting yourself up for disappointment if you think this trade is meant to be any fun.
Also agree. 3dcg is not easy and it may be one of the least rewarding hobbies/professions there is.
I wish you could improve as a part of having fun. Now if you are like Chris well you do you man.

Anonymous No. 938649

You can have fun, just don't back down from a challenge or else you'll stay a scrub.

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spider sense.png

Anonymous No. 938712

.....well anyways
this image is low res as fuck, but it does the trick.
still gonna fix the sweater, put a better texture on the hand, pose it better, change the lights a bit, maybe lay out some webs in it and such

Anonymous No. 938725

I've got a bit of a weird problem with a PNG if anyone wants to help me out.
I've added a few images that are all PNGs and they all have a transparent background. However one of them is black like when the alpha isn't plugged in, only it is plugged in. I've seen people have this issue in Eevee, but to make things even more odd the background is only transparent in Eevee. It's in Cycles where it turns black.
I made the PNGs last night so I'd assume that they'd all have this issue if it was something to do with how I saved them, but it's only one that it happens with.
What do?

Anonymous No. 938756

-saved as 24-bit instead of 32
-computer had a brain fart at critical moment during saving
Try resaving and confirm the settings, or resaving after a fresh restart before you RAM get clogged up with w/e else you do on your computer.

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Replay 2023-03-01....webm

Anonymous No. 938772

Anonymous No. 938774

I checked and it is 32-bit, but I'll try resaving it tomorrow and see if that fixes it. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 938780

Makes me wonder what Meakrob has been up to these days.

Anonymous No. 938783


I think I am becoming political prisoner.

I'm working hard before winter is over. I have to get a job soon but the americans scare the shit out of me now that I have been able to learn about american imperialism. I've lost all my friends becuause they liked me better when I was stupid. America bombed the nordstream pipeline but it's uncomfortably calm. I don't know if the americans expect me to "play along" or if they still are not political in real life. American work doesnt let people be political afaik so I'm scared they would not hire me. I have no "chill" around amerincas at the moment when everything is continuing to get so fucked by ameirca. Maybe when its warmer it will be easier.

I think they were not political with me in particular because they are not sure where I am from. I think I might be fucked but I'm not sure. Have to talk with some more americans to know if they will erase me.

I would want to keep working if I could but it's really hard to make things at capitalism speed.

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Anonymous No. 938790

Can you recognize who this is supposed to be?

Anonymous No. 938794

how ?

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Anonymous No. 938805

>yeah just box model everything bro

Anonymous No. 938819

skill issue

Anonymous No. 938824

It doesn't all have to be one piece, you know?

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Full_Body (1).png

Anonymous No. 938830

Been putting in some anatomy practice.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938832

use a subsurf modifier, dingus
whole thing would be like 10 verts

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Anonymous No. 938878

"insert something cringy"

Anonymous No. 938879

I've seen people do eight-packs by accident but this has gotta be the first ten-pack model I've seen...

Anonymous No. 938893

Some people have 8 packs. Technically everyone does since the rectus abdominis is separated into 8 sections, but some people actually do have 10 packs because their lowest section of the muscle also has some tendon between it. The anon in question didn't do it right, though.

Anonymous No. 938908


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Anonymous No. 938910

Wasent my intention, tried to smooth out the dam standard parts and add fat but it turned it into a 10 pack by mistake.

Anonymous No. 938911

The foot you're gonna put inside of that loafer better be cute and wrapped up in at least 70-denier stockings or a pair of mid-calf black socks.

Anonymous No. 938920

I wish I had a dick like that.

Anonymous No. 938921

is she Margaret Thatcher?

Anonymous No. 938924


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Anonymous No. 938925

Look up some references of what you're trying to achieve, anon. If it's muscular woman then look up some pics of gawain or geronimo or penthesilea. If it's just a fit, sporty woman, try to get some model rips from a fighting game like SFV, picrel.

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NES test.jpg

Anonymous No. 938947

How's it coming, bros? Dogshit?
I didn't want to do the controllers, but I got filtered by the empty ports so I was forced into it and made twice as much work for myself. I know the cable makes the Famicom cable look a mile long too so I'll have to go back to that.

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Anonymous No. 938948

>mid-calf black socks.
Dark blue. But close enough.

Anonymous No. 938949

its horribly lit

Anonymous No. 938950

Yeah that's just the HDRI I'm using for the time being. It was discussed further up when I was having an issue with the dark grey which is why the black is now too black.

Anonymous No. 938951

Its obviously lookdev. Why do you talk like that?

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Anonymous No. 938956

2 days of R&D on this toon shader

Anonymous No. 938958

not much of a work in progress but i have been posting the "donut" i made in blender like 2 years ago on Reddit for years now with different account and its making people genuinely mad should i stop doing that or keep doing it

Anonymous No. 938959

Post the link

Anonymous No. 938963

How much of that R&D was spent actually learning how to crosshatch shade IRL to replicate it in 3d? Because it doesn't really resemble it at all.

Anonymous No. 938969

You're a remarkably talented artist who I've followed since you started posting here, we've talked from time to time and I respect your work.
I read your gfm and based on personal experience with a friend of mine, you are having a schizoid break. You will probably dismiss this as me being part of some machine out to get you but I've watched this happen before. I'm sorry and I hope you can find help that you don't think is out to get you.
Please stay in contact with us here if nowhere else.

Anonymous No. 938970

this is a sad way to get white women interested in you

Anonymous No. 938976

It looks to me like a stylized 2d cartoon or drawing on book cover. The hatching darkness or lightness is all procedural and could be less stepped if i chose

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Anonymous No. 938978

You HAVE to bevel those edges a bit more, If I fall on them my nuts would get cut clean off with how sharp they are. You should also unclip the controller wire where it loops.
Anon put it in a slightly less eloquent way than I would but I wouldn't bother with warm lighting for something like this, unless the scene is a bedroom or whatever. Just do pure white and if you want to make the plastic seem a bit old, then darken or yellow out the material instead of doing it with the light.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938982

keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 938994

>You HAVE to bevel those edges a bit more, If I fall on them my nuts would get cut clean off with how sharp they are

I honestly don't know why I have such a problem using the bevel modifier. It's like I get limited to how many segments I can make. I can never add more than four and no matter the angle or what I change it just stays sharp.
That's why I always preferred the ctrl+b method because I had much more control over it, but I learned the hard way that if you fuck that up it's a real pain to undo.
I even watched a tutorial on the modifier and they had no such issues. I'm going to have look into again because it does nothing, but piss me off.
I also didn't even notice the clipping in the wire. However, I am redoing that and making it longer. It was just a test to try and make one. Still, thanks for pointing it out because I'll be sure to look out for it when I redo it.

The lighting was just the first one I clicked on in my HDRI folder. I really should have already changed it, but I'll be changing that too.
Thanks fren.

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Anonymous No. 938999

Blocked out the clothes, now it's time to pose

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Anonymous No. 939001

What I currently have, super far behind in terms of schedule, gonna need to keep working on it.

Redoing some stuff like the folds/armour pieces that just look off right now.

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 939002

Wow this looks super cute, I like folds, simple and fits the style
Some stuff like folds I am currently needing to redo, overdone and repetitive looking :(

Anonymous No. 939030

zbrush? Teach me your ways please.

Anonymous No. 939045

Thoughts on this workflow?
>finish model
>set up UVs
>texture paint different areas
>take map to photoshop
>fill each painted areas with a pattern of material
>set layer to multiply
>save texture
>make a copy of the texture and turn into normal map
>send back to blender

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Anonymous No. 939095

Anonymous No. 939108


Anonymous No. 939122

Thank you anon, your project already looks very good to me too!

Yes, all the sculpting was done in Zbrush. I'll try to post the process until I finish the figure

Anonymous No. 939123

cute af

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Anonymous No. 939125

>that face
My condolences for being forced to sculpt that. It ironically looks like a racist caricature despite it being created by those wokesters.

the chair nerd No. 939128

Top notch. Love the Inuit sunglasses.


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Anonymous No. 939153

Been a while but here i, ended up shelving this style because it takes too much time to paint a shot

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Anonymous No. 939154

i know this looks completely different but i had to downscale since my due date is coming up and i still havent rendered or animated any of my shots

Anonymous No. 939194

i love this

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 939204

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Anonymous No. 939208

thanks, I think I feel a little more comfortable sharing

feel free to tell me to fuck off and I will go fuck off to somewhere else

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Anonymous No. 939210


Anonymous No. 939229

Slap some eyebrows on that anon, even just placeholder low poly blobs

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 939230

Does it look that bad? Could I get some tips on improving it?

Thanks big man

Like them socks

holy shit this is great HAHA

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Anonymous No. 939252


Anonymous No. 939253

no this is amazing, like actually

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Anonymous No. 939258

I don't think you can improve it without deviating from the original 2d concept >>939001

Like I said, its no fault of your own and I assume your working for the industry which is full of fat women who are insecure and spineless s()yboys.

While characters don't all have to look the same, there's a point where you make it so ugly, that its repulsive to look at. Sometimes the 'old fashion' way of making the girl pretty is the way to go.

Anonymous No. 939259

>step 1: finish
I like it

Anonymous No. 939260

Also for context on pic related, the left picture was the original trailer and it was so hated that the devs eventually made bearable/pretty on release.

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Anonymous No. 939261

Hmm, I see where you're coming from, maybe once I finish it up I'll come back to give it another go.

Thanks again man

Anonymous No. 939262

Yeah I get ya HAHAH I think I think I remembered hearing something along this lines with their early trailers

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New Canvas.png

Anonymous No. 939263

>by will alone I set my thoughts in motion

Anonymous No. 939264

"accurate portrayals" and "racist caricature" mean the same thing.

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Anonymous No. 939280

Anonymous No. 939307

love this, followed

Anonymous No. 939309

Back to >>>/lgbt/ you go

Anonymous No. 939310

Women have narrower abs

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Anonymous No. 939315

Searching the ground for food.

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Anonymous No. 939318

I don't know what to do with this. I'm thinking maybe a castle or a little house.

Anonymous No. 939324

Out of curiosity what's the design philosophy behind these characters? I get the world Respawn is trying to make, but why is everything so cluttered? I assume you made most of her attire in Maya right?

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the chair nerd No. 939351

Something clichรฉ like this maybe?

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Anonymous No. 939368


Anonymous No. 939376

gravity well holding the land up via those big chains

Anonymous No. 939377

What version of Blender is that?
Seriously, is it something like sPatch / Hamapatch?

Anonymous No. 939378

Maybe a game. You could call it Chrono Trigger and let it be a metaphor for dependency on fossils fuels.

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the chair nerd No. 939397

Just having fun.

Anonymous No. 939398

No, I think they're just in Australia.

Anonymous No. 939403

Wow, that is a very specific character from the old mario & luigi games. What brings you to model that?

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Anonymous No. 939476

Still looking.

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Anonymous No. 939483


Anonymous No. 939487

as if anime wasn't already a dead giveaway

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Anonymous No. 939490

Me too

the chair nerd No. 939491

Lacks my anus my man.

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Anonymous No. 939553

i am a pr oefesionnshinal

Anonymous No. 939582

kamala harris?

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Anonymous No. 939625

I really enjoy sculpting stylized characters (because my own art style is very stylized and angular) but I don't really know how to refine things and they end up in a state like this where planes aren't uniformly smooth and edges aren't crisp. The whole thing ends up looking like something made of clay and rubbing it down with the polish tool doesn't really help. Anyone got any youtube vids or tutorials on smoothing things out in zbrush?

Anonymous No. 939654

bomberman 64

Anonymous No. 939655

do you use the polish tool? It looks like you do, but if you're having difficulty getting the planes very smooth you must not bet. In which case it's actually very impressive that you made angular planes that flat.
Otherwise the answer to you problem is the polish tool. You've chosen a very difficult road to sculpt crisp facets onto organic characters. You'll need to do a lot of practice.

Anonymous No. 939659

Are you masking out areas before polishing? Other than that maybe plan your angles a bit better. They don't resolve well when they meet and you can probably simplify the shapes more.

Anonymous No. 939663

I do polish it's just that I'm having trouble polishing a surface while maintaining that nice smooth curvy plane that makes me go "mwah". I guess I'll get better with practice I suppose

>Are you masking out areas before polishing?
This is actually a good idea, I never mask but my biggest problem is the brush affecting areas I don't want it to, thanks

Anonymous No. 939664

you just have to go back and forth refining the plane and then fixing the edge and little by little you'll reach equilibrium

Anonymous No. 939706

well done, this is really becoming an impressive piece of work.

The skin color is a bit too red.

cut the shit out right now faggot, listen to the people telling you this is not worth it.
It's a den of pedophiles/degenerates and it leads to the inevitable fall of those who use it. It only bring degeneracy and drama.

If you want a place for more permanent conversations with people make a fediverse account or if you need to even use twitter, but don't for the love of god use discord (or guilded) it never does anyone any good.

Anonymous No. 939707

anon you don't sculpt women with an Adonis belt, it immediately looks too male.

Anonymous No. 939711


You're right about discord being a bad idea, especially since I hate drama and being a moderator. But at the moment, I think I need a designated place for people to "do community things." Once it reaches any notable size though, I'll probably close the server and ask members to create their own "unofficial" one.

As for alternatives, I don't think they will be any different because imo the problem lies within human nature. I think small private social platforms with self moderation just end up attracting people who want to share publicly unacceptable opinions.

I'm still unsure about this whole thing though so I'm open to more suggestions

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Anonymous No. 939721

Early WIP, just spent 6 hours on that, box modelling from scratch. I'm focusing on topology now as I want to make a base model for later use with morphs/blend shapes

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Anonymous No. 939722

And since it's 4chan, here's a back view

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Anonymous No. 939732

ใใ“ใฏใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ ใ„ใ“ใจใงใ™
ใƒฏใƒฌใ‚’ใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ ใ„ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ™ใ‚‹ใ‚‹

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Anonymous No. 939733

shut up blendernigger
i have FURY

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Anonymous No. 939742

Came back to this character after a couple weeks and I'm finally happy with her design. a little more texture tweaks and i'll be done

Anonymous No. 939749

you're making your job really hard for yourself by working at such a high resolution. Keep you poly density very low when you're blocking out the base mesh except in areas that absolutely need it. You have so many edges defining gently curves and you have to mind and rework all of them every time you want to change something.

Anonymous No. 939759

I want to get back into 3D modelling but I have no creativity or personality. No passions.
I want to improve but I don't know what to make or why to make it.

Anonymous No. 939763

What are your reasons for box modelling an organic object such as a human at a very dense level when there are better ways of going on about it? Itโ€™s not 2008 any more bro.

Anonymous No. 939768

Very nice. I really like the segmented, yet volumetric look of the tail.

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Anonymous No. 939776

I did notice some loops were unnecessary, but most of them actually support the models shape and it'd be hard to omit them while modelling. As for right now if I disable smoothing, I'm at 2k polys, that's low for modern standards. I've painted quickly the lops that I want to maintain in model.
Call me a boomer, but I dislike the sculpt-retopo approach when designing a base mesh for animation, especially when the topology is meant to support varied bodyshapes.
There is a morpheus rig for maya that is being used to this day as a rig example for universities and I want to make a personalised version of it
It's not that hard to box model since I'm using the quad draw tool with soft selection which works similar to move tool in Zbrush

Anonymous No. 939780

what software is this? looks like it was modeled back in 2003. Model itself isn't awful though.

Anonymous No. 939781

It's a Blender plugin.

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Anonymous No. 939795

Haven't box modelled much. This is taking forever haha....

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Anonymous No. 939800

Haven't finished sculpting or anything. But can't figure out how to do the lighting properly.

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the chair nerd No. 939801

First draft of a house. Materials are placeholders.
Is it a technical dificulty or a lack of references? I,ve seen too many artist tryingvto get a look right without having references.

Anonymous No. 939802

Bit of both honestly. I am messing around blindly with no references and I'm also not familiar with the compositor tab and what all my options are to deal with issues.
Like, the emerald wasn't shiny enough so I took it to another view layer and surrounded it with light sources but now it overlaps with the finger when I mix the two layers together and the look of the emerald itself still isn't exactly how I envisioned it- but that might just be geometry related. Then another issue is how it all reflects on the glasses or the hair.

Anonymous No. 939804

No, sorry. It was some Japanese gravure idol.

Anonymous No. 939806

Pair of pirate boots using the Lightning Boy Shader, hoping to get a full character soon

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Anonymous No. 939807

Forgot the picture because I was fucking around with the Captcha

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Anonymous No. 939810

I'm almost done with sculpting, what else to fix?
Inb4 feet, i'm not a footfag

Anonymous No. 939812

Why are the knees turned inwards like that?

Anonymous No. 939814

anime girls tend to have that inward knee

Anonymous No. 939815

Not bad. I'd question the side belt as it doesn't seem to serve a purpose, but as a stylized item for an RPG it looks very good.

Anonymous No. 939817

its clearly a 3 dimensional sculpt that has to be rigged with a straight up and down pole vector

Anonymous No. 939819

This is really cool, but I think the hair should have a more defined shape or look more deliberate to match the smart shapes of the body.

Anonymous No. 939820

You know, I got so caught up in the design that I didn't even consider it. I'll maybe change it to a clip or something so it can look like it serves the purposes of keeping the flap down

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Anonymous No. 939821

rate my asian femboy, still need to do retopology and rigging.

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Anonymous No. 939822

heres back view

Anonymous No. 939823

my eyes

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Anonymous No. 939825

Maybe texturing will fix it but right now it looks less like an asian femboy and more like picrel

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Anonymous No. 939827

damn is it really that bad?
its my 1st attempt at character creation :(
here, it tried to fix it a bit.

Anonymous No. 939829

It's ogre, just delete the face and start from scratch
You might need to research how to do more feminine facial proportions since this looks way too masculine for a femboy

Anonymous No. 939844

asians decided that being pigeon toed is not a disability but a cute trait

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Replay 2023-03-13....webm

Anonymous No. 939846

Anonymous No. 939854

Looks awful. Why would you do this?

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Anonymous No. 939864

Anonymous No. 939871

eyes are too round

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Anonymous No. 939874

I'm finally moving to 3D from 2D, wanted to see how far I could get using my drawing memory to make a sweet low poly ass.

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NES different light.jpg

Anonymous No. 939877

Changed my HDRI at least.
I'm having some really fucky thing going on with the bevel modifier and the black parts of the console. It's really filtering me. Am I better off separating it from the rest and beveling it that way? Right now the whole thing is just one mesh.
Console plastic is too glossy too I think. It's reflecting the game cases on the side of it. Still need to find out how to do that papery texture for the cases and how to do the little grooves you get in molded plastic. Both of which are simple, but for me they aren't.

Anonymous No. 939878

Look up some 3-point lighting my dude.
Add a nice fill light like you have right now on the left side of the image, another less intense fill directly to the right of Eggman, in a slightly different color to emphasize the mood you're going for, and then a very bright rim light behind Eggman on the right side to accentuate his silhouette.
I guess technically you don't need the first light since it's coming from your Chaos Emerald, but the rest would be nice.

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Anonymous No. 939891

Warming up, opened blender after 3 months of not touching it. 6.5k polys for a fucking 6 flower + stem, I'm trying not to care about it but still.
I'll rotate the flowers a bit after after texturing and applying the modifier.

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Anonymous No. 939900

I would really study shape design in facial proportions, can make or break a design. Eggman is too high detailed compared to every comparison so it gives uncanny vibes, but still good for meme potential.

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Anonymous No. 939915

Working on a simple lighthouse animation and learning Grease Monkey line art and cel-shading in the process.

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its taking me ano....png

Anonymous No. 939984

lmao nice

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Anonymous No. 939999

wrapped this upwvrxrk

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Anonymous No. 940025

Fuck, need to re-learn blender because my maya edu license is about to run out. The industry standard keymap isn't that bad I guess.

Anonymous No. 940048

it's very hard to get used to, but i recommend you use the default keymaps, besides any new custom ones you might wanna add. because when you try to troubleshoot or find X shortcut from a tutorial it'll be double painful.

Anonymous No. 940049

>Fuck, need to re-learn blender because my maya edu license is about to run out.
get literally any job.

Anonymous No. 940067

>what else to fix?
thighs should go out roughly 2x the pelvis and the pelvis should be roughly 1.5x the width of the shoulders. Breasts ought to be large enough to reach the naval at resting position.

Anonymous No. 940068

according to the numbers you've won

Anonymous No. 940070

The light should flash at the camera as it passes. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
Still looks neat.

Anonymous No. 940075

I'm not following you exactly could you elaborate more?

Anonymous No. 940081

It's impressive but the mask on her hair looks like she's missing part of her head. Make it more subtle.

Anonymous No. 940082

Love it mate, I love it (i'm jelly af)

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Anonymous No. 940111

rainbow blobby

Anonymous No. 940112

Someone else made a similar comment earlier. I think I might add a lens flare and bump up the bloom a bit. Thanks!

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Anonymous No. 940116

Polymodeling anime OC, I want it to look rough and it certainly does.

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racism man.png

Anonymous No. 940126

Racism man

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Anonymous No. 940204

Annoyingly the caustics don't work well enough.
Any hints what to improve? (Materials are all procedural at the moment)

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Anonymous No. 940225

workin on a pikachu

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Anonymous No. 940236

Are there any shader chad/gods in here?

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Anonymous No. 940239


Anonymous No. 940244

You might add some small circles to the lens of the flashlight and then hide their meshes from render view while still having them cast shadows. This might be a hack around the caustic issue. Here's a tut:

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Anonymous No. 940287


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Anonymous No. 940314

Calling the modelling finished. I guess it's time to UV-map...

Anonymous No. 940321

Man, Ubisoft is really changing gears for the next AssCreed, eh?

Anonymous No. 940339

looking forward to seeing the texture job on this. Are you doing the texturing natively in Maya or are your porting it over to Substance or something else? Fine work, love the details.

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Anonymous No. 940340

Really enjoying the sculpting learning process. Able to make some neat shit in Blender.

Anonymous No. 940347

how many objects are in there and can you show wireframes pls? GJ btw.

Anonymous No. 940352

looking really good
would smash

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Anonymous No. 940387

Texturing in substance.
No idea how many objects, probably over a thousand.

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Anonymous No. 940394

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Anonymous No. 940395


Anonymous No. 940396

WOW clean subd topology bro.

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Anonymous No. 940407


Anonymous No. 940446

for rigging big characters you usually model the bobs and legs spread pretty far apart then pose+cloth deform to get that kind of fat on fat look

Anonymous No. 940480

It's ok, I just wanted to check if I can thiccify her quickly, I won't use this model

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Anonymous No. 940514

Anonymous No. 940569

that's too bad. You should.

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Anonymous No. 940579

some sword attacks for the ladies
The pose-pose timings were pretty arbitrary but might be suitable. My next layer of animation will be adding duplicating keys at the key poses to she kinda hangs on them.

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Anonymous No. 940580


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Anonymous No. 940581


Anonymous No. 940623

Animations doesn't look good. I would start by copying a reference video because you don't seem to know the basics. The leg movement is specially aggravating.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 940816

I made her into a guy
But there's still something off in this model

Anonymous No. 940873

nice - how much of this is geo nodes? (unless this is Houdini)
Right now the leaves seem to snap into existence, maybe that could take a few frames longer.

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Anonymous No. 941452

Can't find a good solution to this.
The way I made is just having all the meshes overlap and then animating whether or not they are viewable in the render.
But this is super convoluted for animation
Is there anyway I make different meshes and swap them in as if they were shape keys? I also want to model 2 or 3 hand poses and then just swap them in instead of rigging them with bones.

Anonymous No. 941745


Anonymous No. 941761

they were working on an addon for this called keymesh, but i think they dropped it because it's easy enough to do using geometry nodes.
don't have a tut but there should be some way to swap meshes with an animatable index property in the geometry nodes modifier panel

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Anonymous No. 941765


Anonymous No. 941876

>Asian femboy
>makes it look like american

Anonymous No. 942035

You win this time Maya bros

Anonymous No. 942036

I'll look around, thanks

Anonymous No. 942083

Can blender not do driven keys?

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Anonymous No. 942090

just keep each mesh as a separate object and put keyframes (or drivers) on these properties

Anonymous No. 942162

Yeah that's what I did but it's to convoluted to use for more complicated animations.

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Anonymous No. 942492

any tips for this cartoonish mushroom guy character im making for game? I feel like the anatomy isn't quite right.

Anonymous No. 942493

looks chinese

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Anonymous No. 942495

Anonymous No. 942504

based beast wars poster