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Making money with 3D porn No. 937311

Is there anyone here doing this? I'm tired of wageslaving, I wan to model and animate boobas and get rich from that. Not having to go to a work is also fine.
P.s. and what about 3d furry porn? These nasty pervs must be paying a lot of money for their perv ideas being made in 3d

the chair nerd No. 937313

Niggers can tongue your anus.

Anonymous No. 937314

everyone wants to start a thread asking this but no one wants to just start doing it.
Download blender, gimp, and idk w/e the free open source video editor dejour is and start doing it. Post on some niche sexual art website. Grow an audience. Start asking for money.
There's no mystery just a lot of hardwork and inevitably a lot of very harsh critics telling you how much you suck.

Anonymous No. 937325

You canโ€™t. Inflation bites you in the ass and switching to 3d is like being raped in all four holes.

Anonymous No. 937469

Like >>937314 said.
>learn to 3d
>learn to create art in 3d
>create your own models or downnload one from smutbase
>use porn as reference for your porn art
>upload them to twitter or any platform
>grow an audience enough to be given money to create more.
I shouldn't even tell you this because anyone with common sense would know what to do on their own.

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St. Michael plung....jpg

Anonymous No. 937472

>>porn is immoral
>>worshipping mammon is immoral

use your skills to elevate the human spirit

Anonymous No. 937479

one thing i'm glad about ai is that all the 3D porn maker will be easily replaced

Anonymous No. 937480

>>porn is immoral
>>worshipping mammon is immoral
Yeah, but is it actually immoral to syphon money away from vax goyim cattle simps? Better for you to have economic power than them.
>use your skills to elevate the human spirit
This just gets you banned and makes you powerless to resist.
Just go with the flow, secretly and safely redirect what you can get into surviving and eventually sabotaging the system so you can usurp it back from jews.

Anonymous No. 937489

You dont know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 937490

I do actually, if I was a 3D porn maker I would be shitting my pants currently. Right now if you go on any porn image website (i'm a coomer aswell) theres a shit ton of ai generated porn image, wether they are shitty 512x512 jpeg or 2k images. You think a furry is gonna pay 500 usd to a dude for furry porn when he can have 150images generated himself ? lol

Anonymous No. 937494

You have brain damage

Anonymous No. 937498

Nothing is more disgusting than an uncanny valley vagina made by dumb AI proompters.

Anonymous No. 937507

often times furries want a commission of something specific involving one of their OC's, hence why they are willing to pay so much for it, because it's something personal to them. AI cannot do that unless it somehow happens to have a database of that furry's OC.

Anonymous No. 937508

Eh, I think you're underestimating it too much. It does fail at super specific stuff but it's not that hard to tard wrangle it with img2img and inpaint, and this is in the now, give a couple more years and those issues will be ironed out.

Anonymous No. 937510

i've seen some pretty good fake vagina made by ai, and it's only gonna get better. it's good enough to justify not paying someone to draw it

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Anonymous No. 937599

>You think a furry is gonna pay 500 usd to a dude for furry porn when he can have 150images generated himself ?
That's not the point of buying art. The point is bragging that own you some famous guy's scribbles to all your jealous friends.

And furries will pay four figures.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937601

When the shoeshine boys start telling you to make a Twitter and do furry porn commissions, it'll be time to get out of Twitter and furry porn.

Anonymous No. 937606

>Hey mom look I own this ultra rare furry scat porn image ! Cost me 2grands !


Anonymous No. 937612

When people talk about 3d porn they talk about animated 3d porn. Loops. Short movies.

animated stuff from studios on patreon, fan art like the MK11 sindel-cassie-sonya futa movie. Nobody gets off to stills. This isn't 1996, boomer.

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Anonymous No. 937618


Anonymous No. 937832

>immoral to syphon money away from vax goyim cattle simps
sounds as bad as any form of usury to me

Anonymous No. 939005


except normies wont bother, only people using it as a tool or get rich quick scheme thatll fail. Ai didnt slow any business for 2d porn. Infact it just made them more unique in the now saturated ai market.

I know you want them to fail cause they make more money than you and trust me i do to. But Ai isnt easily accessible to normies nor good enough to be specific.

Anonymous No. 939875

To be fair I'm yet to see any AI gay furry porn.

Anonymous No. 940327

omg Miles-DF!
This person went so far, im feeling proud I got to see them grow ^^

Fast-cut gay furry music video porn
The AI will certainly fry our brains and I'm excited for it <3

Anonymous No. 940749

What is with artists and having the worst type of personality?