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๐Ÿงต /Questions/

Anonymous No. 937323

Rules for this thread:
>ask questions
>try to answer questions
>Do not Troll.
>Do NOT Schizo post.

Previous thread: >>931469

Anonymous No. 937688

What is the smart thing to do - spend cash on an application that seems to do its job well based on the trial and specializes for one year to try it out, or suffer without it, not knowing if it will improve your workflow or not. Rizom uv. Sub.

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Anonymous No. 937848

very beginner question, is there a quick and dirty tool or command to merge two separate meshes together in blender, creating vertices at some intersections?
otherwise is it just a manner of manually merge commanding so and so vertices together?

Anonymous No. 937850

My workflow for that would be using Ctrl+J, then going into blender to manually remove and adjust topology so I can merge the edge loops together. It's a fucking hilariously terrible way of doing it, there's probably one better, but that's how I do it.

Keep in mind that any major edits to topology (for example, merging two meshes) REQUIRES a UV unwrap.

Anonymous No. 937862

It's called 'Boolean', look up tutorials on youtube

Anonymous No. 938063

I'm working on a model made of multiple objects in blender and while the model itself is complete, I'm struggling with UVs. How do I unwrap multiple objects within one UV tile? Do I have to merge everything and then unwrap it?

Anonymous No. 938064

In newer versions of blender you can enter edit mode with multiple objects selected and then unwrap them, and it'll treat those selected separate objects as if they were one object.

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Anonymous No. 938077

How do I use TOEH material files? What am I plugging in and all that jazz.
I'm guessing the T is transmission, O ambient occulsion and E might be emission? Dunno what H would be. Honestly, no idea and can't find anything online about TOEH files.

Anonymous No. 938078

Just realised H would be height. But does anyone know what would the node set-up would be?

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Anonymous No. 938099

does anyone have a digital copy of these 3 books? I might just buy them myself at this rate.

Anonymous No. 938112

Shit man I remember somebody asking the exact same thing 10 years ago.

Anonymous No. 938159

How can I learn to edit gore/horror vfx in After Effects?

Anonymous No. 938163

Cris has gone too far.

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Anonymous No. 938190

As somone who's been messing around with NSFW pin-ups, what are the main things that make a render look good?

I've looked at some videos online for posing and have spent most of my time posing a model, and placing lighting randomly, but not really sure if I'm suppose to be focusing on something?

Anonymous No. 938196

In this sequence, do you guys think grease pencil was used for those lines over the 3d blocks? And did they render out the sequence for final or did they draw over the 3d by hand?

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Anonymous No. 938586

Zbrush beginner here, got a question with the symmetry tool. The problem is that it won't reflect across the X axis, and a bit of google showed me that it's somehow been divorced from whatever center point that is. Does anyone know if there's a function to restore it to the center, or do I need to freehand/redo that shit.

Anonymous No. 938587

they're all done by AI now.

Anonymous No. 938597


Anonymous No. 938598

Hobbyist noob here. I've only watched the donut tutorial and the official Blender tutorials.
Should I pirate Zbrush or keep it up with Blender?
And if pirating Zbrush then what version?

Anonymous No. 938599

If you want to succeed at sculpting you need to learn how to draw in 2D

Anonymous No. 938600

Fair enough then I can make sketches and scan them.
Thank you.

Anonymous No. 938630

Thank you boss.

Anonymous No. 938667

In what instances is it better to use 2d mode in Painter than 3d mode?

Anonymous No. 938677

is wrap3d worth the money?

Anonymous No. 938688

cope chud, I can't draw for shit but sculpt well and I've been doing it since a year.

Anonymous No. 938689

Is safe for After Effects plugins?

Anonymous No. 938690

Depends on your UV layout, for example you might have some cloth stuff that's been simmed but unfolded completely straight so it's easier to do graphic patterns

Anonymous No. 938692

depends, if you ultimately want to do photoreal likenesses and things of that nature it's better to just start with zbrush - blender cannot currently handle the polycounts necessary to achieve that fidelity and i don't think that's going to change any time soon.
if you just want to do stylised stuff either is fine - might even be better to stay in blender because of other non-sculpting features.
zbrush of course, is more feature rich for sculpting, but blender does have the advantage of being able to do everything else in one package. there are ways to swap data b/w zbrush and other dccs pretty seamlessly though.
zbrush is not a replacement for blender - you need to know another DCC (like blender/maya) to actually do things with your sculpts.

>And if pirating Zbrush then what version?
check cgpersia

it just werks so if you think that'll speed up your workflow then sure.

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Anonymous No. 938695

How tf do i make a mask shaped hole through this rectangular prism? I'm extremely new to 3d editing and this completely stumped me.

Anonymous No. 938705

Prove it

Anonymous No. 938706

I'm also waiting on your post, hombre.

Anonymous No. 938726

Have you tried ehentai? Sometimes people upload instructional books there which are hard to find in other places. Not sure why they do it, but it could be worth a shot if you're running out of places to look.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938729


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Anonymous No. 938730

How do I practice anons? I got annoyed with materials during coffee tutorial and went and made my own things. While I feel like that's good, I also feel like I learned less this way. I'm not very good at organic materials but my next goal is to rig a character model (a simple one like a skin for a RoR2 model or some shit doesn't seem too hard)

Anonymous No. 938733

I'm also a beginner Anon. There's no really easy way to say this, but the key is to just draw (3d). Learning less or more is irrelevant when you consider that the alternative to learning at a slower pace is not learning at all until you find a goldmine of good info. And learning slowly will make said goldmine even better.
For example, I've had zero good tutorials that specifically teach you how to make a nice female torso in zbrush without it either being sped up blogposting crap advertising some sort of course. Just means I gotta take a look at anatomy for sculptors and real life refs.

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Anonymous No. 938738

you can learn how to sculpt by just fucking sculpting and studying courses every day
no drawing skills required

Anonymous No. 938742

Yea I figured as much as I thought about it more. Probably just going to do a tutorial a day and break off and learn whatever random little things as I fuck around making things on my own. Sculpting is something I'd like to get into now that I'm feeling more comfortable with modeling, is there any beginner stuff you recommend before I go off on my own?

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Anonymous No. 938747

How true do you guys think this is?

Anonymous No. 938749

Are you able to tell me how to count where the 3D cursor was relative to which I scaled the object, if I have the position and scale of that object before scaling?

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Anonymous No. 938776


Anonymous No. 938799

Not at all..
Sculpting the right one is way harder than sculpting the left one...

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Anonymous No. 938811

>Suddenly can't turn my sculpt with alt right click or zoom in and out with ctrl right click
>Clicking outside the sculpt still allows me to turn it round
The fuck did I do?

Anonymous No. 938812

More details. It still allows me to work as intended on non 3d stuff, but as soon as I polymesh, right click and ordinary taps both just sculpt and don't turn.

Anonymous No. 938813

figured it out, but I'll leave this here in case it helps someone out.
Wacom tablet was fine, zbrush had right click navigation enabled, but for some reason it glitched out and refused to acknowledge my right clicks from the pen (While still obeying right clicks from mouse). A restart did the trick.

Anonymous No. 938815

Should I model a Bender or continue with what I am currently working on?

Anonymous No. 938816

How can I keep an alpha channel when I'm using a mix shader and a noise texture node?
Basically the setup is

>Image texture
>Noise texture
>Mix shader

I can plug the image texture into the diffuse and then the diffuse and transparent nodes into the mix shader with the alpha channel of the image texture plugged into the factor of the mix shader and it looks as it should. But the problem is I need to use that factor input for the noise texture, but I need that factor input for the alpha channel otherwise the transparency is lost.

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Anonymous No. 938825

stupid weird quetion: How should I scale my work? I use to have a bad habit of drawing small, and i feel like that kinda carried over to 3D. Is it better to have something big that can be scaled down or small that can be scaled up? Should I try to match the real world size of whatever im working on at first?

Anonymous No. 938826

>Should I try to match the real world size of whatever im working on at first?

Yes because you can keep everything in proportion without just eyeballing it.
If you're using Blender you can change the units to whatever you want. Then when you have the real world dimensions of whatever it is, it's easy to keep everything right.

Anonymous No. 938827

Model a bender. Work can wait.

Anonymous No. 939083

I hate using proxies in Max. Should I use clarisse to work in big scenes or is unreal fine? How much can I fit in a 3090 before unreal shits itself?

Anonymous No. 939086

You can plug alpha into alpha on principled bsdf
Alternatively just use 2 mixes
>1st mix
Feed that into another mix / add shader node, with noise at the bottom, or as factor.

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Anonymous No. 939087

meant for

Anonymous No. 939090

In Blender how do you deal with modelling multiple characters and objects?
Do people seriously just toggle hide / unhide depending on what they want to edit / export / render because that seems tedious as hell
Can you set up different workspaces within the same project for all the different characters

Anonymous No. 939092

separate files for each character / hero prop / prop collection and then link things in

Anonymous No. 939093

also, this isn't a blender specific thing

Anonymous No. 939094

Thanks I'll give that a shot.

Anonymous No. 939100

>NSFW pin-ups
the Sexual art stylization thread in /ic/ might be your best bet.
that and to try to direct the viewers eye using lightning

Anonymous No. 939104

That's what collections are for
You can also do different scenes

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Anonymous No. 939272

How do I bevel like pic related?
Is this even bevel? I had a long break

Anonymous No. 939273

no, thats an inset

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Anonymous No. 939274

Can some anons give me ideas of what to do post donut? I was thinking Anvil, and then maybe play with a water sim for a bit, but then after that i dont have anything "big" id like to try. I attempted the bender for a bit but i dont know how to make 2 objects on opposite ends change with each other (does that make sense?)

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Anonymous No. 939276

Thank you!

I did the frog he talks about after donut and coffee.

Anonymous No. 939277

>i dont know how to make 2 objects on opposite ends change with each other (does that make sense?)

Do you mean a mirror modifier?

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Anonymous No. 939278

I recently subbed to him , but forgot about him thank you so much anon
yes! thank you lmao I literally couldnt think of the command so i couldnt google it and I tried looking on forums/videos for people using it. I feel like it would be good for making the bender model since its symmetrical

Anonymous No. 939292

How much of a gamechanger is Nuke?

Anonymous No. 939421

want to make a scene with lots of feminine shit in it like flowers of all different types.

is there a blender addon which helps with this? i don't want just cookie cutter assets but flowers with a specific look and color.

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Anonymous No. 939453

What's the correct way to add extruding details like this? Say I'm modeling a gun and the orange is a screw. Optimization-wise, is it better to have it all as one mesh at the cost of more vertices, or is it better to just create another separate object for something like this? Will it cause issues with shading?

Anonymous No. 939454

For things like screws I always use a separate mesh. I don't know if that's the best thing to do, but it's the way I do it because it's easiest and cuts down on any problems arising.

Anonymous No. 939467

Clarisse and don't even bother with unreal.

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Anonymous No. 939470

Anyone know why most of my subtool previews are black and white? Upgraded to Zbrush 2023 from 2022 on a new computer and this seems to be happening on all of my files. The subtools themselves are all fine, but I kinda need the previews to be the right color so I can recognize em.

Anonymous No. 939472

Didja pirate??

Anonymous No. 939473


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Anonymous No. 939506

How's the topology?

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Anonymous No. 939509

Is this a final game model? You can clean it up a bit, especially if you're gonna bake normals. Main thing is to kill all the extra edge loops that don't contribute to silhouette. Then you can add more subdivisions to the curved geo, maybe some bevels on all the 90 degree edges if you're feeling spicy. The little floating bolts are nice, you don't really need to maintain the quad grid for these since it's all planar, just cap it

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Anonymous No. 939511

Which 3d package has the fastest real time viewport rendering?
Mainly for the purposes of previewing skeleton animation with pbr materials.
Blender gets ridiculously laggy with certain features like auto smooth / subdiv / normal maps, something that shouldn't even dip below ~45 fps for my rig dips down to like 10 unless I optimize the shit out of everything for viewport performance (which also means reverting it for the final render)
Are there other 3d packages who's viewport performance doesn't shit the bed if you apply normal map and a subdiv to a rigged lowpoly model?

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Anonymous No. 939531

Where can i find a free model of Allister for Blender, that also has a rig so i can pose it?
Bonus points if the mask can be removed and he has his face.

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Anonymous No. 939534

I know this is just an art question in general, but I'd like to ask. How do I not get hung up on my work? I get I'm learning and so I'm allowed to suck, but if I look at my old work/day old projects I nitpick a lot. While there were some things I liked about my donut I will look at it and want to go back and just redo it. Should I just keep track of what I've learned and then lock all my projects away?

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Anonymous No. 939535

There's no true right answer here, it depends on what you want to achieve
you can sit on the same project for weeks and months and keep improving it while learning various skills that will translate to your later projects, like:
>make donus
>look at it
>hate it
>make a list of singular things you can improve
>glazing texture
>more interesting shape
>more realistic background
start researching the topics one at at time and improving them, render the same thing with improved thing, you'll likely learn something you can use for later projects

alternatively just start another project and try to apply what you'd learned, when you get stuck just google / research a specific thing you're stuck on, try to learn / improve that as you work on this project

Honestly there's no right answer, if you're just doing this for fun keep working on a project as long as it's fun and you want a better result, if you just cba or feel like you need a change, do something else.
The main thing is to understand concepts in a way you can apply to future projects, not just blindly following tutorials. However whether you achieve that through sweating on a single donut for 300 hours or by making 300 1-hour donuts does not truly matter.

Anonymous No. 939547

thanks a lot anon this really helped :D

Anonymous No. 939594

So I've found the problem. A couple materials my project uses, despite being the default ones from 2022, didn't automatically use their 2023 equivalent. Repainting the materials back onto the subtools did the trick. Still weird tho

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Anonymous No. 939599

For some reasons, the textures are not added, even when i did the "find missing files" thing.
Because i unzipped the 7z file in a specific folder so that the model coexists with the texture files.

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Anonymous No. 939600

Does this means the textures are "loaded"? Because i still don't see them on the actual model.

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Anonymous No. 939601


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Still white.png

Anonymous No. 939603


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Anonymous No. 939604

Anon just watch the basic donut tutorial on youtube, clearly you have no idea of the basic software UI and no one here is going to spoonfeed you the most basic shit you can figure out if you spend 5 minutes on google
I'm gonna be nice and tell you that the texture tab is useless and you should look at the materials tab in combination with the node editor. But chances are you have no fucking clue what this means so go and watch the most basic blender UI tutorial, then watch the most basic materials tutorial, you'll fix your shit in like 4 minutes once you stop being retarded and learn to use google.

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Anonymous No. 939605

Maybe you tried to import the FBX version?
Works for me to import those models.

Shut up. You and your donuts.

Anonymous No. 939661

is there any meaningful difference between doing a loopcut and moving the geometry vs extruding?

Anonymous No. 939718

blentard here. trying to animate a character tied up with arms behind their back. The rope itself is just an empty cylinder parented around one of their arms. However, it doesn't follow very well and doesn't stretch nicely when i move the arms (obviously).
Shrinkwrap doesn't help and I thought about having two empties for it to be parented to, but I still need to manually scale it/stretch it to encompass both arms nicely

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Anonymous No. 939719

guys, any advice for glass? I'm pretty new, so I don't know what I'm missing here.

I'm trying to make some glass shards, that would kinda blur whatever is in front of them (the letters), while having a reflection of the stuff that's behind them (the building).

However, it all looks either boring, or not that realistic. The bottom one is my latest one, and I guess it looks the most realistic, but it's also pretty faded and not that interesting looking. Is there something I can do to the glass material, or perhaps add some lightning or something?

Anonymous No. 939723

Add some noise / smudges. Add more jagged edges, it looks way too smooth for something broken. Add more smaller pieces. Add motion blur / depth of field. Add an actual background, try something as simple as a gradient, it may improve the overall look of your image.

Maybe add some fog / dust / shadows as so it doesn't look so artificial. No place IRL is fully and evenly lit from every angle.

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Anonymous No. 939725

I don't know much about blender but I saw this tutorial and I was wondering if i can just make a 3d model of my face and body and just make myself wear any clothing and put myself in any environment i want. An example would be me my 3d double wearing a hawaiian shirt and shorts on a beach, even though i'd never actually do that.

How hard would this be for a noob?

Anonymous No. 939726

Thanks for the suggestions :) I was actually trying to make the edges more jagged, but I have no idea how. Would there be a relatively simple way to do it?

As for the background, the grey it's just a temporary placeholder for now. I'm gonna add a background for sure.

I'll also add noise, smudges, and fog/dust for sure. Thank you!

Anonymous No. 939727

At least a few months of practice to be like your picture.
However you can do a rough lower rez and jankier variant within a week or two of practice.
Specifically something like this you can do pretty easily, but cleaning it up will take actual artistic skill and a lot of practice.

Anonymous No. 939728

Ok that sounds fair. And if I needed to pay someone to do this, where do you suggest I can hire a person to do something to the quality of the thing I posted before? Also, how do I know they won't just use that model somewhere else and start putting my 3d face next to viagara ads haha?

Anonymous No. 939729

jesus that course is absolutely embarrassing

Anonymous No. 939730

I love that big statue thing Ian Hubert made with photoscans of his gf. I think it's a statue. Whatever it is it looks cool.

Anonymous No. 939731

Could you perhaps suggest a better course?

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Anonymous No. 939736

for photorealistic portraiture from scratch? you will need:
- intro to zbrush by michael pavlovich
- intro to blender/maya - somewhere you can retopo
- facial anatomy and portraiture by scott eaton

- chinkshit course from yiihu (vagrant knight something course) or
- cgma character creation for film/cinematics - you want these just to see workflow for the most part

there are also these free likeness walkthroughs on youtube:
- - start to finish, uninterrupted
- - timelapse / talk over

then if you're a crazy person you can look at the kris costa courses

it will take several years to reach an acceptable level

Anonymous No. 939737

also, if you just want to cheat a bit, these days you can download a vface from texturingyz and just modify it. it'll take a lot of the pain out of it and you can effectively skip retpology and texture painting and do some hacky shit to glue on a body from somewhere else

when you get a vface though the scanned mesh is not symmetrical (obviously), but there are ways to symmetrise it or just start with the default basemesh they provide and work using that instead.

since you know literally nothing though you'll have trouble figuring out what the workflow is though and since they're new, it's a little poorly documented.

Anonymous No. 939739

thank you man

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Anonymous No. 939766

I just started learning 3d and I've been doing a few projects and tuts, but should I try sculpting? It seems cool and I'd like to learn it but I have no tablet and I'm just ok with Anatomy. I blocked out the model and I think that came out good, but the rest is quite messy..

Anonymous No. 939783

How do I turn off clamp overlap so the bevel modifier works without everything getting retarded?
If I turn the amount down too low I might as well not even be using it, but if I turn it to an amount where it is worth using parts of it get retarded.
I can't win bros.

Anonymous No. 939788

What do you do when you want to make stuff to get better but you're empty inside and you're not sure what to make?

Anonymous No. 939789

A Bender

Anonymous No. 939798

empy on the inside but want to make? PORN!
MAKE PORN! that's the answer, everyone in the porn industry is empty on the inside, i make women with 2 big boota and boota and big gun and scifi outfit and she has nipples that poke through and yeah

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Anonymous No. 939803

how would I go about making this sort of fancy scrolling rainbow border?

Anonymous No. 939805

Non-artist here. Why is it that sometimes there are pre-rendered 3DCG scenes in movies, anime, or vidya with very low framerate leading to noticeably choppy looking animation? Its not rendering live on the users PC, so they have all the time in the world to make it smooth.

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Anonymous No. 939809

>so they have all the time in the world to make it smooth.
Not always, sometimes studios are pushing deadlines and the devs have to ship what they got, even if its 40% done you either ship it or you lose your job
Sometimes they hire cheap pajeets that suck at their job, and they dont give a shit about quality because they know you'll pay for it anyway

Anonymous No. 939811

That makes sense, but theres no way rendering is whats actually pushing back deadlines right? Even at 4k, if you think about what some random Joe Shmoe can do on his gaming PC... an actual studio can surely knock out some 30+ fps footage within a few hours of rendering?

Anonymous No. 939830

i haven't personally seen this for a really long time. i don't play a lot of vidya any more though. any recent examples?

Anonymous No. 939860

So sculpting good for organic objects with lots of small imperfections and hard modeling is good for hard surface, but can I tradionally block model a human or is it much more tedious, time consuming, and technical?

Anonymous No. 939862

Most good sculptors block out their models before sculpting, you can get ~70% of your model done without sculpting, 100% if you dont care for super fine details like scars / laugh lines etc, you can also fake them with normal / displacement maps if you really want to.
You can 100% fully model a good character without sculpting (especially if you're not a full realism fag) but it is a different skillset, which is honestly hard to compare. If you're a beginner give both ways a try and see which one suits you better, go from there.

Anonymous No. 939863

block out is essential in any medium, they just have different names for it.

Anonymous No. 939865

The online? In blender I would have a different texture for a hull outline, a rough rainbow texture or something, and I would animate that texture. Outside blender it depends on the shader.

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Anonymous No. 939889

I know this question is dumb, but im new to the hobby and want to have good workflow and organizational skills. would I name this hand Left hand because its my perspective or right hand because its the models hand. yes im avoiding sculpting rn, anatomy and mediocrity scare me

Anonymous No. 939890

Name from the character's perspective as you won't always be posing from the front

Anonymous No. 939980

i have msi laptop with shitty 3050, is external graphics card connector worth it for my renders? have 1000$ to spend

Anonymous No. 939981

The 3050 isnt a shitty card, its just that you are a shitty artist. I can still get gigs on a 750ti

Anonymous No. 940080

did any of u dudes try out moonray yet?

Anonymous No. 940085

Anyone know if there's a way to get a paid file for free on cults3d?

Anonymous No. 940096

how do you get good at maya i'm sick of sucking ass

Anonymous No. 940124

New to blender but for some reason when I move a face on one side of my object it works fine but on the opposite side it's like, extruding.
Why is it doing this and how can I fix it, it's annoying. I don't know if I hit some key by accident at some point that like, changed all those face on that side for some reason.

Anonymous No. 940148

Do you have a pic or something to show what you mean?

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Anonymous No. 940197

Trying to learn sculpting, but im learning quite slowly and redoing things a lot. Would it be retarded to do the same model but with normal box modeling? Also is slowing down/watching sculpt/modeling timelaps videos a valid way to learn a little in my free time or is that retarded

Anonymous No. 940198

if you want to learn how to sculpt, first you have to learn how to [italics]draw[/italics]. See you in 2 years.

Anonymous No. 940199

I have a rough understanding and form, ive drawn in my free time for awhile

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Comfy cushions.jpg

Anonymous No. 940277

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm doing that high poly to low poly meme and it does work, the high poly one is something like 17k and the low poly one is 900, but the low poly one looks more dull.
First time I tried I only did the diffuse and normal map and it looked like rubber. This time, while admittedly still not really knowing what I was doing, I did diffuse, metallic (which I had to choose as glossy for the bake, don't know if that's right or not), roughness, and normal. It doesn't look like rubber anymore, but it does look really dull.
The only thing the high poly one has that the low poly one doesn't in terms of shading is a displacement map, but in truth it doesn't seem to make a difference whether I have that on or off on the high poly one anyway.

Anonymous No. 940279

A shot in the dark here but are you maybe baking with lighting enabled? Try baking with direct / indirect lighting disabled @ the bake options, I've not done what you'd done but I had noticed that fiddling with which lighting you bake can make a notable difference and sometimes leaving both off, or only one of them on, can result in more visually pleasing bake.

Anonymous No. 940280

Thanks, but I did have both of them turned off. I'll try it again with one or both on and see if that makes a difference.
Am I right to do maps for the roughness etc too or is it fine just to do the diffuse and normal?

Also noticed that it looks blocky as fuck, but that's just because I have the subdivision viewport set to 0. Just in case anyone was going to point it out.

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Anonymous No. 940293

first stime sculpting, how do i make a more convincing big booty

Anonymous No. 940371

In this field - /3dcg/ - making convincing coom is a goal for many. Yet, to create pleasing 3d animated coom is 11/10 difficulty. Why?

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Anonymous No. 940374

I know zbrush is more powerful and is what all of the professionals use, but I just dont like it. I've been using it for a few days now and I just want to switch back to blender. Is it really so much better than I should still use zbrush regardless?

Anonymous No. 940375


Anonymous No. 940376

Its furshit, and amature work at that. You probably wont like it.

Anonymous No. 940378

Jeez this is bad

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Anonymous No. 940380

Zbrush advantages are not crashing with millions of polys and generally better retopology tools, but if you aren't sculpting at this level you can fully complete something like what you posted in the trash thread without leaving blender
Honestly people on here are autistic faggots stuck up in boomer software war when the redpill is that you should use w/e tools get the job done fastest / most efficient
You can always make base in blender, scult / retopo in zbrush, then go back to blender to finish it

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Anonymous No. 940381

Cheers. I'll keep that In mind I think I'll just do what you said, do the first and last 30~% in blender and the rest in zbrush.

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Anonymous No. 940449

Does anyone know how to get a normal map from something I subdivided and then sculpted details onto?
I would say thighs, proportions, and looking at references would help with your ass sculpts.

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Anonymous No. 940488

yea i worked on it a bit just an hour ago, still not happy with area in red and need to sculpt the thighs at some point. Prob need to just let it go since i went off model for all of this for fun and i want to proceed with the sculpt lol

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Anonymous No. 940494

I have plans for a ship
The image in the middle represents the contours of the ship, one is the contours of the ship hull from the front and the other is from the back
I am wondering how I could translate this into a 3d model

Anonymous No. 940496

Btw I'm new to 3d modelling
I'm using blender

Anonymous No. 940497

If you hit Shift+A you can add a reference image, you could chop these images up a bit and make them into a reference. I would also insert an plane and fit it and the image to the proper dimensions. From there you can use the side, front, and top views of the images as references for modeling the ship.

Anonymous No. 940501

Which part of 3D will be safe from AI?

Anonymous No. 940505

AI is a nothingburger and about to be destroyed in court

Anonymous No. 940507

Not sure what you mean about being destroyed in court, but I always assumed it was nothing to worry about anyway because you can't copyright AI generated things.

Anonymous No. 940535

I recently bought a new PC rig with 13700k and just wondering if this is normal - I'm starting to notice a bit of lag in the viewport when my sculpt has 20+ million total points, at 3000x3000 viewport resolution. I would have thought even that should be easy for these CPUs. I mean it's still fine and easy to work with, it just isn't as responsive with that point count.

Anonymous No. 940637

Does anyone know why my Y and Z axis sometimes randomly change so Y is up and down and Z is backwards and forwards?
In blender btw.

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Anonymous No. 940645

tell me why toshino kyoko.obj looks like this in blender and how to fix it
i just imported her model from models resource cause i wanna use it for something but it looks fucked, im new to blender and have been using it for days now but i dont know where else to ask no i wont use discord

Anonymous No. 940650

>tell me why toshino kyoko.obj looks like this in blender and how to fix it
That's the consequence of being a fucking pedo

Anonymous No. 940653

I think its your normals. try setting them to face outside.

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Anonymous No. 940671

Can someone give me tips on sculpting hard surface.

Anonymous No. 940674

Here are my issues. The edges are wobbly, the back of the object tends to get sucked in because of being able to draw from the back, and If I disable that, Its impossible to work on edges without flipping it back on.

The flatten brush is ruining curved edges, and same goes for Scrape.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 940699

can you actually make a living doing 3d?

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Anonymous No. 940704

Need halp badly, anons. What the hell am i doing wrong?

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Anonymous No. 940705


Anonymous No. 940724

I have a 4080
is there a demand for people with higher end graphics cards rendering stuff for those with less powerful graphics cards?
could I rent out my graphics card?

Anonymous No. 940726

Don't think it would be worth it when render farms are available.

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Anonymous No. 940744

You mean like the new puss in boots movie or the black spiderman? It's purely a stylistic choice

How do i get the shading on the left with the geo on the right?
I need the mesh to be beveled but it ruins the shading. How can I apply the pre-bevel shading to the post-bevel mesh? Or achieve the same effect differently?

Anonymous No. 940746

it might help to explain what you are trying to do, dummy

Anonymous No. 940755

Nice wilson weave, bro.

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Anonymous No. 940793

It was UVs overlapping tee-hee.

But basically i kinda don't understand all this high to low poly baking stuff.
Let's say i want to make some smooth curving surface. Am i supposed to make a low poly and subdivide it? In this case a subdivisioned mesh is slightly smaller than a low poly and they don't bake properly.
Or am i supposed to make a high poly first and than make it a low poly? So should i remove every second edge manually or what?
Yeah, and fucking bevels. How do they work? Every time i try to bake something with bevels in substance painter, it ends up being a mess of pixels.

Anonymous No. 940795

chatgpt blender addon

does not work good for me crashes blender , maby makes a cube 1 out 3 tries XD

Anonymous No. 940808

Hello, serious business question.

I want to know any 3D studios to do some work.

Anonymous No. 940831

What program you using? Markom does a decent tut for it, but it's in Blender.

Anonymous No. 940969

Ive been learning to sculpt with a stylized character tutorial but ive been having more fun looking up muscle groups and trying to replicate them on the model. Should I just go do a mroe realistic tutorial?

Anonymous No. 941176


something like this is probably what youre looking for

Anonymous No. 941259

Is it worth learning 3d modeling but only for designing replacement parts for 3d printing? I don't think I will ever be skilled enough to make anything involving human/animal anatomy or fantastical stuff in general.

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Anonymous No. 941320

How can I fix this?

Anonymous No. 941340


Also what the fuck do I open a .x_t in? Something free is preferred.

Anonymous No. 941357

i want to get into 3d modelling specifically for the purpose of creating and 3d printing addons and conversion kits for my scale models, so will need to be able to create models of particular sizes so they're properly in scale with the rest of the kit that i'm not replacing and possibly even utilise existing connections and joints.
am i right in thinking CAD software would be better for this? i've had a bit of a play around with freecad and blender and much prefer blender, but i feel like freecad might be the better program for what i want? or can blender be used for this purpose well enough? which program should i go all in on?

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Anonymous No. 941381

Out the door it goes.

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the chair nerd No. 941383


>Is it worth learning 3d modeling but only for designing replacement parts for 3d printing?

Then don't learn anything else. I've made some animal and human models as a hobby but 100% of my work is architecture, engineering and furniture modelling. Of course its worth it if you have the wit to turn it into a good hobby or a profitable business. The skill is just a step not an end goal.

the chair nerd No. 941387

>which program should i go all in on?

You and only you can answer that. I'd try them both for a couple of projects maybe you could be proficient in both.

Anonymous No. 941388

3ds max

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 941393

i don't care about being proficient in both, i just want to know which is the best tool for the specific type of tasks i want to do

Anonymous No. 941394

i don't care about being proficient in both, i just want to know which is the best tool for the specific type of tasks i want to do. i'm told blender is bad for cad, but i'm not sure if my use case is something that i should be using cad for

the chair nerd No. 941395

Ok then use this

Anonymous No. 941421

is that free zbruchcoremini whatever worth installing or should i just cough up the dough for the full one?

Anonymous No. 941425

use the free one, if you like it buy full one

Anonymous No. 941560

Miners went and made asics for their hash algorithms
How come we don't have asics

Anonymous No. 941630

got a question/request

can someone with cad software make a 20mm x 10mm x 3mm box?

I need a sacrificial spacer to hit a switch but due to +- variance in the switch need to make something bigger and sand down to what's required.

Anonymous No. 941631

not true at all, though sculpting higher resolutions is usually easier than low res modeled correctly.

for art, the rules is typically you have to know how to make it to know how to break it. take a look at comics as an example, it is VERY clear when someone who knows how to draw correctly draws in a style, and its very clear when someone draws in a style because they cant fucking draw.

for drawing, the ONLY way you can teach fundamentals is having something objective to start with, and realism is the objective starting point. ANYONE is able to draw realism to a masters level with observation alone if trained correctly, you would need to actually be retarded to not be able to, its why art teachers are against you drawing anime or cartoons, weather they understand the reason why or not (have encountered some who just hated them and didn't know the reason why you don't draw that when learning art)

anonymeows No. 941644

so, dumb question but i have entry level skills, while they are definitely good enough for my line of shitposting but if possible i would like to take up making animations of good manga/ln. does this have precedence? can a indie animator animate a anime solo then have the official anime studios record the audio for it? there are so many good manga/ln/webcomics that i would love to see in animation but are too unprofitable for a actual full studio to animate; as with most things i enjoy i figured fine, i'll do it myself but i have no idea if just being able to make the animations and syncing the mouths to audio with exceptional quality is enough. should i just develop the skills anyways or is this a waste of effort?

Anonymous No. 941814

Vinci vs Nuke for the beg?

Anonymous No. 941828

Is Grant Abbit a good free source to learn sculpting from? Using him and Danny Mac for the most part. Any paid courses that are worth my time as a beginner?

Anonymous No. 941909

how do i retopo goods? is the goal to never have triangles?

Anonymous No. 941915

nikolay naydenov courses, particularly those involving anatomy are great

Anonymous No. 941916

Anatomy is definitely something I need to improve immensely so thank you a ton!

Anonymous No. 941918

if you want an anatomy reference, get constructive anatomy by bridgman. for an art book, it's cheap, like $9.

Anonymous No. 941965

Is retopology something specific to sculpting due to the absurdly high poly count you sculpt with? A hard surface modeler would just need to try and not have a crazy high or convoluted poly count right?

Anonymous No. 941986

How do retarget character animations in blender without going insane?
The only thing I can thing of is baking the animation into empties that take the place of ik targets.
Also why is any animation I could find already baked?
This makes them not editable in the curve editor unless I decimate the curves by hand.

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Anonymous No. 942011

in 3ds max and rappatools ins there a way to set the "turbosmooth add" shortcut to add turbosmooth with 2 iterations isntead of the default 1?

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Anonymous No. 942017

There's a YouTuber FlyCat that makes incredible sculpts. I can see the process from his videos and it looks straightforward, but obviously it is not.
As a beginner now, I want to eventually follow his timelapse videos and recreate them. I'm just wondering how difficult it is to get to that level (just to be able to just follow his video) and recreate it?

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Anonymous No. 942034

>learning to sculpt
>shitposter here keeps spamming learn anatomy
>start learning anatomy
>go online
>see grotesque disproportionate sexo model
>thousands of likes
>it's just a base mesh with a head hacked on every day

Anonymous No. 942042

do You want to learn or do you want to earn money

stop being a faggot and get your priorities straight.

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Anonymous No. 942045

Both. Currently the former desu. I'm mostly memeing. I guess my disgust with this kind of thing has evolved since it's something I care about more, but even then I thought it was gross before knowing anything about 3d. I've joined coomer discords and most of the people there are fucking brainless about a lot of basic things. Is there really just a whole small industry of people who know nothing but head hack and post animation that never improve? I'm in disbelief

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Anonymous No. 942047

For the love of God, I just can't stop having these fucking holes whenever I dynamesh/zremesh an extracted mesh (from a mask). I don't want to pinch it/ smooth an dredynamesh until I have no holes, it's fucking random as fuck and it's making me even more mad.

What the actual fuck, I never see anyone having these shit as much as I do.

Anonymous No. 942048

are ya pirating?

Anonymous No. 942049

Yes. Zbrush 2022.0.5

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Anonymous No. 942074

I fucked up and forgot to remesh this hand (tutorial forgot it i guess) can i sample my remeshed body its attached to and re-apply the sampled remesh?

Anonymous No. 942076

How do you know when to cancel a subscription to a yearly paid plugin or app?

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For illustrative ....jpg

Anonymous No. 942093

Couldn't find a /beg/ so I assume this is the right place to make /beg/ tier questions. I'm modelling a character, said character wears a skirt. Which of these three should I be doing?
I - Skirt connected to waist, legs are still part of the body.
II - Skirt is a separate mesh, legs are still part of the body.
III- Skirt may or may not be a separate mesh but the legs aren't part of the body.
If it matters, I've done the donut tutorial, the chair tutorial and made a few simple objects of my own but this is my first attempt at a character so I don't even have a workflow yet. I just want to make sure I don't shoot myself in the foot with a bad decision right now for when I get to the later stages like texturing, rigging and animating.

Anonymous No. 942094

Go for III. It's simple and effective.
I wouldn't do I. For II, you'd have to mess with masks or data transferring or shape keys, which you should learn after you've messed with III.

Anonymous No. 942095

Interesting. I crossposted my question to /agdg/ on /vg/ (Since gamedev is ultimately my goal) and the very first answer was "Most people just do I". Any particular reason why you wouldn't do it? I do eventually want to try doing cloth physics on the skirt so I thought II would actually be the best approach for that.

Anonymous No. 942097

Doing I you'd have (what I assume are) useless polygons, hence you'd be left with III when you optimize.
For me, it's easier to deal with clothes when they're not connected to the mesh. The only times I connect clothes to mesh is when I'm going to delete the polygons underneath.
I guess you could do I since pcs are fast enough to handle way more polys.

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Anonymous No. 942340

Does anyone know why her arm can't move/isn't attached to the FK bones that i moved?
Is there a way to fix this?
I wanted to simply move her arm but for some reason i can't I even got the Daz importer and MHX addons on.
Maybe there's some weird obscure settings that i should check, because with some other Smutbase models, i had to check stuff just to get FK bones working.

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Anonymous No. 942343

So apprently, pirated version of Zbrush might have some specific problem related to their pirated nature.
So what are the software that YOU HAVE TO buy in order to work correctly?

Anonymous No. 942355

Buy it all, goy.

Anonymous No. 942369

get a job

Anonymous No. 942409

Why is the grease pencil in any software talked up so much by hobbyists?

Anonymous No. 942430

He's really good, but he tends to start narrating instead of teaching.

Anonymous No. 942467

what kind of issue

Anonymous No. 942538

learning to use a tool is easy. Artistic talent, which is essentially the combined ability of developing a picture in your mind and then transmuting it to a physical medium, is something your born with.

Anonymous No. 942554

Because 2D Waifus are better than 3D Waifus.

Anonymous No. 942571

For example. Happends way too often

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Anonymous No. 942572

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 942573

is that actually because of piracy?
upload the tool and post settings, lemme give it a try

Anonymous No. 942597

Question about facial shape keys with blender do i need to parent or join things like eyebrows eyelashes etc so I can move them as well?

Anonymous No. 942599

lots of things dont work as intended in zbrush if you arrr harrr harrrr, kiddo

Anonymous No. 942628


Anonymous No. 942644

timebombs, even bsods, random app crashing - all dont happen in paid. GET A JOB

Anonymous No. 942647

Too much work just for someone to tell me "oh yeah you were right" later.
Do you actually know if there's a specific version of Zbrush that's more stable than the others? Still talking about cracked versions obviously.

Anonymous No. 942648

>Do you actually know if there's a specific version of Zbrush that's more stable than the others?

Anonymous No. 942651

>Too much work just for someone to tell me "oh yeah you were right" later.
I don't believe you

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Anonymous No. 942655

Blender ultrabeginner here. I'm trying to add a very simple skeleton to an existing moddel I ripped from a game but every time I parent it with automatic weights, the model flips over on its own, and flipping it back over the armature does nothing. I don't mind uploading the project if necessary, I'm at the end of my wits here.

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Anonymous No. 942656

> I don't believe
I don't care

Anonymous No. 942707

upload it

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 942720

Alright. You may or may not want to decimate with a ratio of 0.30 or so to avoid errors while parenting, let's just say it's a very poorly optimized model. I can only hope that doesn't mess up with anything later.

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Anonymous No. 942721

Alright. You may or may not want to decimate with a ratio of 0.30 or so to avoid errors while parenting, let's just say it's a very poorly optimized model. I can only hope that doesn't mess up with anything later. (Reposting with the actual correct file)

Anonymous No. 942791

Hey guys i'm a 2d artist/animator whos been learning 3d (would like to make a small game, likely in unity), that has 3d background assets and 2d drawn characters (similar to xenogears, that allows me to move camera in real time).
My question is in regards to level development. In 2d backgrounds, i pretty much define an idea and place a VP, and then draw the background/assets and its pretty linear. But in making a 3d "stage", do people make assets and then kinda "build" the level in the game, or do you build out the entire level in 3d (i use blender) and then export that to unity to use?

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scoot hoodie.png

Anonymous No. 942818

It's almost summer and I want to make something for the summer update. I got a regular hat to go on the characters heads, but I can't figure out how to get this shirt to go on correctly. Any tips or suggestions are super appreciated.

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Anonymous No. 942858
anyone knows how to port sfm models to blender?
i don't have a steam account nor source fillmaker but i'd love to have these models

Anonymous No. 942951

Ummmmm resume tips? resume advice? what do you put on your resume regarding 3d if you've never had a job in that industry but you have decent skills?

Anonymous No. 942965

this is happening because the mesh you're dynameshing is quite thin right?

Anonymous No. 942966

Just link to portfolio

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Anonymous No. 942967

Oh yeah maybe. I always have that when I do clothes or hair. Should I just inflate and deflate the shit to avoid that? Do you have a solutions when this happens?
People are saying to Pinch/Inflate/Smooth/Dynamesh on a loop until you don't have this effect anymore but it never works for me or it does but completly randomly and I don't like that.

Anonymous No. 942969

i don't zbrush much (especially not clothes) so i don't have a solution for you. if i were to guess, you probably want to get your basic shape in place, retopo it and then never dynamesh again.
just wanted to let you know this is just how dynamesh behaves with thin surfaces and it has nothing to do with your copy being pirated.

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Anonymous No. 943064

OK. So I'll begin by saying I'm retarded, complete novice, and this is probably easy.
How do I 'connect' this? I'm assuming this is what is fucking up when it gets a texture put onto it.
I cut out a large chunk initially, but pasted a new section on but they don't seem to be connected.

Anonymous No. 943456

sorry for the late response, I was banned for posting video gaems on /v/
You're issue is because the mesh is a child of another object.
Select the object, alt-p, clear parent. Then resize and rotate to the correct orientation, ctrl-a, apply all transformations.

Anonymous No. 943458

also, i forgot to suggest to retopo that monstrosity before doing anything else. It's fairly simple and souldnt take too long

Anonymous No. 943585

That helped a lot, thanks a ton anon.

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Anonymous No. 944144

I'm trying to figure out how to get an anime face's shadows to look right with raycasted shadows instead of painted ones. How would someone go about doing something like this? At first I guessed it was just normal editing to a sphere or something like that, but I kept getting bad sharp and jagged shadows around the mouth whenever the character would start talking. Pic is from a Girls Frontline mod for Call of Duty.

Anonymous No. 944155

I don't have any inspiration to do anything anymore. No references make me excited to make shit and opening a program just leads to me faffing around doing nothing until I close it. I'm pretty good at sculpting and ok at modeling but I just can't find anything I want to do.

Anonymous No. 944163

some drooling retard on blenderartists (mod) is claiming that you have to render 8k for tv and film. Is he a retard?

Anonymous No. 944167

why is the natron discord so useless? It's literally just a bunch of retards showing off the size of their node trees and larping as industry pros, and some pajeet posting text-walls about how his "ADD" has turned him into a tortured vfx genius (LMFAO). They won't answer ANY question in the help channel unless it's the most basic surface-level shit that lets these retards feel smart, because despite spending years on Natron none of them know jack shit.

Anonymous No. 944170

most stuff still gets delivered at 2k and upscaled.

Anonymous No. 944198

why did he say 8k

Anonymous No. 944201

scenario 1:
you're autistic and he was joking

scenario 2:
he's autistic and has never done any commercial work or interacted with anyone who's ever done any commercial work

pick whichever one you think is more likely

super ultra dumbass alpha edition 2 special schlong mode featuring 500 armed orangatans + Aile sex No. 944202

Alright lads, is Blender still good or are there a lot of better options?

I mainly wanna do terrain/building/game level asset type modeling for what I have in mind atm and trust 4chan to give me a better answer than a majority of the sources out there

Anonymous No. 944204

he was extremely serious. Hes a mod with thousands of posts, all he does all day is sit

Anonymous No. 944206

you should disregard his opinions and move on with your life

Anonymous No. 944211

>is he retarded
use-case ALWAYS dictates every aspect

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Anonymous No. 944841

I'm not an artist and know nothing about art styles. I saw this from YouTube and thought it looked really good.
But what art style is this? My guess is stylized realism. I'm trying to find an environment art style that fits this art style.

Anonymous No. 944919

Do you need to know how to draw well in order to use zbrush effectively?

Anonymous No. 944923

Just sculp bro.
Drawing might help but I think you should focus on sculpting instead. Some drawing resources that might help are anatomy and cloth books or vids.

Anonymous No. 944949

External pressure to get a job from others is turning into self sabotaging of my efforts in making pieces for showreel. I know I shouldn't be getting sidewinded by others but it cuts deep sometimes over think and it is getting harder to recover, balance on the horse to continue study but also apply it, Any tips?

Anonymous No. 944950

You wont get a job in cg. Its a terrible industry, too. Get a job in construction or landscaping

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Anonymous No. 945012

Still new to sculpting so what advice can you guys give to improve this model?

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Anonymous No. 945042

Could anybody help me real quick? I made a model and texture painted it in Blender, the problem is I didn't "apply" the mirror mods I was using before UV unwrapping, so I can't make each half of my character painted differently any more. Is there a way I could get the new realized halfs mapped onto the exact same spot as they are currently with the exact same texture underneath, but a copy of it so ti can be painted separately?

My first time UV Unwrapping so I really had no idea what I was doing.

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ask 3dcg.png

Anonymous No. 945043

Paperfag here. >>612666 >>612667
I cut up model into piece so i could make one of those cardbard assemblies but i'm kinda stuck on how to cut slides into them. I thought maybe i could pull all horizontal pieces out by Z axis half way and somehow cut out space where they intersect but even if that works i have no idea what to do with X intersecting piece or if that's a lost cause.

Anonymous No. 945044

Fucked up links to /po thread, second attempt.

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Anonymous No. 945047

looking at jobs that involve 3d, but what does it mean when a company says something like this
"Build asset generation pipelines and tools to make the lives of artists easier"?

Anonymous No. 945049

Afaik, Houdini shit is what they mean. Procedural stuff that can be dropped in and tweaked for the situation. Like modular stuff.

Anonymous No. 945050

Apply the mirror mod and then UV unwrap. This is the only way to do it in Blender.
If it was Max, you could simply put an edit poly modifier above the mirror and then add an unwrap on to of that. So you could keep the mirror modifier and also affect the halves separately. Just one situation where Max's modifier stack is dope.

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Anonymous No. 945051


...that you realy should know how to use and enhance the used software in the company. you will not be involved in the art process directly, mostly artist will contact you to write a piece of software to enhance, streamline, fix the current pipeline or write new tools that do a specific/multiple task that the art department needs for a project, integrating new software/tools into the pipeline ...

...tldr, you will be "the IT guy" in the art department.

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Anonymous No. 945283

I've got trouble baking a mesh in substance painter.
The mesh consists out of 13 intersecting objects - these may only be baked between the _low / _high variants in their respective low/ high poly file as anything else will cause problems.

The two solutions i could find are
>export each object to its own file (wtf)
>explode the model so there aren't any intersections (terrible for the rest of the workflow)

Am i retarded and missing the obvious solution here?

Anonymous No. 945298

is it ok to leave shading issues to the end for fixing? i'm a noob in blender with hard surface modeling.

Anonymous No. 945416

I have some mason jars with a discontinued mouth size (78mm), can I just scale a regular lid sculpt to 114% or will I have to start from scratch?

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Anonymous No. 945418

Any tutorials/course on Unity aimed at TV production specifically (3D news set for example and shit like that)?

Anonymous No. 945449

You are missing the fact You can export a "High" variant as FBX or OBJ, but the names inside that file has to have *_high you dont need to export every file.

Anonymous No. 945480

How the fuck do I link properties among lights in Blender? Parenting doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 946630

please tell me there is a way to pose the model while weight painting? Having to switch from the selected model in weight painting mode to the armature in pose mode is aids.

Anonymous No. 946651

Also want to know. The outline and parenting system in blender has been so fucked for years at least it's gotten better recently

Anonymous No. 946655

Any decent tutorials for rigging characters for simple animations? (Specifically for blender)
Most tutorials I've been doing get to a point where they're like "eh the topology doesnt have to be perfect here since we arent animating" but I WANT TO MOTHERFUCKER

Anonymous No. 946739

Where can I find guides on framing and lighting? Also my poses look stiff and unnatural, would love something for that too

Anonymous No. 946742

I found nothing on sadpanda, and the copies available for sale are in used or poor condition. These are also nearly 13 years old, so the knowledge may no longer be relevant with current Blender versions.

Anonymous No. 946745

I am the same anon. I actualy bought these books. The knowlege isnt really useful, and I cant read japanese, but it looks neat atleast.

Anonymous No. 946748

Oh... that's disappointing. I was looking at other books available, and most of the reviews say "yeah, these books say the basics, then jump to more advanced subjects with no indication on how to accomplish them so you need to do your own research at every step".

I just can't find good reference books...

Anonymous No. 946749

If I were you I would just look at the models yourself. there are plenty of anime models on gumroad, and you can use kemono party to pirate them. Books on 3d are kinda bad since the software and techniques are constantly evolving, unlike drawing which has more or less stayed the same (digital drawing its the same but you have more options).

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Anonymous No. 946774

I am really lost here. I am trying to get this chest to get filled with the coins, but instead of filling it, the coins fall all over the place. What do I need to modify in my mesh so that the box responds appropriately?

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Anonymous No. 946777

To answer my own question, what I needed to do was set the collision shape to mesh. After that I applied the visual transform.

This retard is slowly learning.

Anonymous No. 946778

hey don't call yourself a retard, retard. we all on the grind together

Anonymous No. 947668

my short answer to that is:
1. Do not have a mirror modifier before painting (so either apply it or don't work with it. What's important is that you don't have it in your modifier stack before painting.)
2. Now you can paint. If you want to paint details that are mirrored, toggle the x or y or z buttom on top of your 3d viewport (you might have to scroll the top bar towards the right, or maximize your viewport with Ctrl + Space)

Anonymous No. 947669

annotation: unwrapping comes after 1 and before 2 of course.

Anonymous No. 947683

Is there any /3/ archive out there? I know many other 4chan boards have their own archives, but I can't find one for /3.

Anonymous No. 947684


Anonymous No. 947686

Thank you so much, anon.

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Anonymous No. 947794

why does the lighting do this? I'm using the newest version of blender with steam

Anonymous No. 947795

does it look the same if you remove the material?

Anonymous No. 947797

check normals direction.

Anonymous No. 947798

thanks! I'm watching a blender tutorial that better explains normal maps nowe lole thx :^)

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Anonymous No. 947914

where do I even begin to learn to texture like this?

Anonymous No. 947915

low res texturing is mostly good topology and uv maping. Start with simple primitives and work your way up to complex shapes

Anonymous No. 948224

I have 2 models with very superficial changes between one another and rigs that are 95 percent similar save for a couple of bones, one of them has a flowing cape and the other everything else I want, how do I transfer the flowing cape to the other model that has a slightly different rig and keep most of the accurate weightpaint in the process?

Anonymous No. 948229

Is Auto-Rig Pro worth buying?

Anonymous No. 948230

just pirate it and try it

Anonymous No. 948238

that depends on a shit-ton...
is the cape rigged too?
is there extra bones for the cape or is it going to use cloth sim?
does your software easily allow merging rigged meshes?
post some pics too

I gave it a go and ended up being more annoyed than helped, I suppose if you just need to rig shit quickly then it might work for you.
I have to make rigs with specific features or quirks , and fiddling with autorig or rigify ends up taking way longer for me.

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Anonymous No. 948247

Are there any good communities/forums or whatever for specifically making 3d women? I wish this board wasn't dead and had a general for something like that and I need an alternative

Anonymous No. 948255

How do you create rigs then?
I know you can create armatures until you get a skeleton, but how would you create a rig without using Rigify/ARP/AccuRIG?

Anonymous No. 948258

Clusters. Read a book on real rigging.

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Anonymous No. 948259

Using Zbrush. I'm trying to makes scales on a characters back. Is doing it on one subtool foolish or not? Should I separate it? Are there general guidelines for stuff this?

Anonymous No. 948266

Looks like a Maya thing. I'm using Blender.
I'm just a simple hobby gamedev wanting to create good enough rigs.
Do you think Auto-Rig Pro is fine for my use case? Or would you recommend something else?

Anonymous No. 948286


Everything except losers that make dead faced mannequin porn and "ultra detailed art" that communicates nothing and has no purpose.

AI is just an stochastic parrot, its accomplishment is doing stuff that appears human enough, new copyright laws will nerf to a meme.

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Anonymous No. 948415

why can't I uv map the legs? it just shows up as white and it's no where on the uvmap even though it has all those vertices

Anonymous No. 948486

I'm trying to get into animation, but something I've noticed is that with this particular model I am using (Memz3D's Seraphine Model) her hair has no bones. What can I do to pose it/animate it?

Anonymous No. 948492

add bones

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Anonymous No. 948513

What is the biggest hurdle in modern real time 3D graphics?

Anonymous No. 948514


Anonymous No. 950008

How do you go about animating a pose being held for a period of time while looking natural? Say for instance a person looking side to side without each 'stop' looking dead

Anonymous No. 950019

add a small amount of noise

the chair nerd No. 950022

100% this.

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Anonymous No. 950051

Where do 3d artists post their art? Especially now that Twitter is dying

Anonymous No. 950067

This looks good, I'll give it a go!

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Anonymous No. 951210

How do slide these edges to the center like on top picture? Whenever I try to edge slide it's always ended up like on the bottom picture

Anonymous No. 951281

Just because you didn't post what software you are using I'll just assume that you are using Imagine 3d v2.0 from 1998.
Yeah you have to do that manually with each segment.
Post the fucking software you are on next time.
Also this:

Anonymous No. 951290

Thanks anon, I don't know that I have to tell which software that I use, I just assume people will notice the 3d cursor in the image

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Anonymous No. 951292

Hmm push/pull doesn't give the results that I want, it scale the edges to the center instead of slide them to the center

Anonymous No. 951495

just do one segment and use the array modifier to make a full circle

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scaling stuff.png

Anonymous No. 951844

the direction of the slide is realtive to your mouse cursor. You need to this twice, once for each half.
Otherwise you could also just scale them untill they've got the right radius and then fix their size by scaling them around their individual origins.

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It s not the right illussion anyway No. 953454

Concept art question: is there a logic or model or method to "guess" physically correct rendering on 2d space AKA painting, especially refraction and reflection in translucent objects like glass or plastics and multiples of them being placed nearby

Anonymous No. 953573

>physically correct rendering
>2D space
pick one

Here i listen No. 953577

Ha. Lol. Correct. Rephrase: physically correct 3d rendering projected on 2d space

Basically like this

But more to point and line like

And especially on refractions and caustics... basically everything on translucent object like glass
And after everything has been laid over

Defining the final image, accordingly