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Anonymous No. 937492

>NOOOO You can't just pirate my course on Wingfox!
Imagine being a thirdie pirating courses starting out then get upset when you're own courses get pirated LMAO KEK.

Anonymous No. 937511

It doesn't even seem like it's being pirated though, he says they are straight up selling it and it's not even complete.
That's pretty shit honestly.

Anonymous No. 937513

who cares lmao

Anonymous No. 937514

It's alright posting it on a torrent site but they are making money off it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937516

Where the fuck kind of dystopia are you in to think piracy and selling pirated contented are not mutually exclusive? Have you ever bought pirated DVDs in the wet market stall before?

Anonymous No. 937519

ah, I see the thirdworlder deleted his comment

Anonymous No. 937534

There's a huuuuge difference between pirating and reselling pirated content behind intrusive DRM system like Wingfox does.

is 100% right

Anonymous No. 937537

you don't get to decide what is "alright"

Anonymous No. 937556

The guy seems alright. It's kinda bad his content is being sold by a third party. I don't think most creators like that care that their stuff is being pirated, because it's the inevitable nature of the internet that their content will get leaked. However, it is different if an actual commercial entity does it, fuck the corpos.

Anonymous No. 937557

So you are fine with me selling your work and not paying you.

Anonymous No. 937561

It is put behind a DRM too

Anonymous No. 937565

Only idiots pay for warez and people selling it are taking advantage of idiots.
Original authors being butthurt about that are too sheltered to realize it's free exposure either way.

Anonymous No. 937573

Not to mention the dude is one of like 5 who actually know more than basic tier shit, and gives extremely advanced rigging info. The dude knows his stuff, and actually works in productions so it's not some literal who giving info out that they've never put into practice because their only job is fucking Youtube.
It's incredible information if you can get past the horrible Frenchie accent.
I feel for the dude. It's scummy as fuck what that company is doing. Definitely grounds for legal action.

Anonymous No. 937587


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Anonymous No. 937603


Anonymous No. 937614

is this course good for non blender animation?

Anonymous No. 937623

I'm a huge proponent of piracy and a huge opponent of paying for pirated content, so to me what the company did was really scummy.
I hadn't looked into Wingfox and thought they were a legit company, but based on this and them being based in lawless China I guess they are not.

They removed the course without any comment now.

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Anonymous No. 937624

your post reeks of envy. how come you never published any courses? oh yeah that's right: because we all know you're a talentless blender beginner.

Anonymous No. 937732

is there a torrent for this course? I don't want to use courses club and their shitty paywall downlaod site.

Anonymous No. 937738

Pierrick Picaut is based, I didn't get the impression he was a thirdie either

Anonymous No. 938845

he lowkey says that its "fine" to pirate and its something you just have to expect
but profiting for pirating is another thing. You might as well buy the course

Anonymous No. 938848

>Imagine being a thirdie
american education

Anonymous No. 938849


Anonymous No. 938881

china doesn't respect american laws, which is unironically the most american thing one can do

Anonymous No. 938890

If you go to China, you will see a lot of Bootleg/Fake shit with say the
Nike logo on it. Even in my 3rd world country there still are fake shit with
"Asassa" shoes and bootleg "Harry Obama" with a red Sonic in front.
China does not give a fuck, and neither do I.