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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 937630

Prove you're a competent modeler and make a Bender

Anonymous No. 937631

brown hands typed this

Anonymous No. 937648

Guys i think i misunderstood:

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Anonymous No. 937649

Anonymous No. 937785

>Bite shiny metal ass polys

Anonymous No. 937788

You want me to waste hours of my life to prove some random dipshit on the internet that I can sculpt a Futurama character?

the chair nerd No. 937789

>hours of my life

This is taking you more than one hour?!?!

Anonymous No. 937790

it's called practice you should get acquainted with it

Anonymous No. 937798

This fucking retard can't make a bender lol

Anonymous No. 937824

I'm not that guy, but it would probably take me like 2 or 3 days.

Anonymous No. 937828

Oh wow your honesty is appreciated. Better keep on practicing, this is literally a 30 minute 3d modelling job.

Anonymous No. 937831

post your work. I'll check back in 30 minutes

Anonymous No. 937834

I'ts been exactly 30 minutes and you did nothing. I just wanted to tell the whole board that I am a flaming homosexual.

Anonymous No. 937835

>this is literally a 30 minute 3d modelling job
There's no way this is true. Do you just add a bunch of primitives and intersect them mutually to form the shape of the character? I can't imagine how you can possibly do that in 30 minutes.

Anonymous No. 937837

epic fail

Anonymous No. 937839

Oh no I lost I failed.vhdns

Anonymous No. 937841

you're worse than cris

Anonymous No. 937842

No u.

Anonymous No. 937847

Fellas, please! There's no need to fight, no need for violence! Futurama finished airing ten years ago! It's okay now!

Anonymous No. 937851

Ya know, I wonder if I could actually do that, and rig it afterwards...

Could even make the blendshapes pretty easy with some work. Ya know what Imma set this idea aside this sounds neat.

Anonymous No. 937856

For real? I only watched a few episodes. How did it end?

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Anonymous No. 937857

My first model in 3D software period. 1.5-2 hours?

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Anonymous No. 937866

This was about 10 minutes of modelling...I can model the arms and feet and intersect them into the body, but I don't know how to actually connect them to the body if the character were to be rigged.

Anonymous No. 937867

For example the bottom of his body is just a single face of a 32 point would I cleanly connect two cylinders to that? (blender)

Anonymous No. 937869

you don't have to connect them just add a new object

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Anonymous No. 937872

You don't have to keep it part of the mesh of the original object? I haven't looked into riggable character design at all so I have no clue.

Anonymous No. 937875

If you can just create a new object for the arms and legs and intersect them with the body without actually connecting mesh then yeah I agree with another poster above, this is a 30min-1hr modelling project tops lol.

Anonymous No. 937886

Why do you feel the need to connect them? He's literally a robot built from parts, not an organic shape that needs seamless flow. Keep them separate, if you want to rig it just weight them together with the bottom of the body where they intersect.

Anonymous No. 937908

doesnt look anything like Bender

Anonymous No. 937909

doesnt look like Bender either

Anonymous No. 937914

>this guy can't model bender

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Anonymous No. 937918

Man cartoon shading in 3d is aids

Anonymous No. 937921

give up

why even bother at this point?

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Anonymous No. 937935

gotta figure out how to actually do a fucking toon shader that picks up his outline. toon shit is a bit out of my wheelhouse lol

Anonymous No. 937939


Anonymous No. 937941

this is not actionable feedback. this is just trolling.

people like this are the reason this board is fucking DEAD and no one comes here except shitposters

Anonymous No. 937942

IF and I mean IF you would take steps to learn how to create shaders you wouldnt have horrific results

Anonymous No. 937945

Badly after it got picked up by Comedy Central.
I couldn't stomach a single episode.
The rest is worth a watch.

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Anonymous No. 937946

Guys, I think I fucked up somewhere.... in 2007.

Anonymous No. 937948

3d guy?

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Anonymous No. 937950

20 minutes of tuts later

Anonymous No. 937951

lol this reminds me of my college days

Anonymous No. 937952

You messed up the eyes and the teeth as well as the rest of the linework being inconsistent width

Anonymous No. 937954

messed up the eyes and the teeth how?

Anonymous No. 937956

>people wasting their time making bender for this shitty thread, for some asshole just shitting on anyone trying

work on something you like instead, worthless fucking thread

Anonymous No. 937958

His "shoulders" connecting the cylindrical body to his head are curved like a partial sphere and don't have a large flat area on top around the head. >>937935 >>937950 got it right. >>937918 is close too but its curved towards the body rather than outwards.

Anonymous No. 937961

I don't know whether I should be flattered or insulted, but nah.

It was something I did for a school project back in high school a long ass time ago.

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Anonymous No. 937963

Anonymous No. 937964

I don't think I want to model a bender for the thread if half of the replies are just roasting other people's benders...

Anonymous No. 937965

Ignore them bitch. Also this means you cant model a bender.

Anonymous No. 937969

reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 937972


Anonymous No. 937975

>reading comprehension

I'll spell it out for you, retard :

>I don't think I want to model a thing
>this means you cant model a thing

>reading comprehension
>reading comprehension
>reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 937976

You are coping you can;t model a bender. That is the underline.

Anonymous No. 937977

Whether I can model a bender or not is besides the point. I do not think the thread is made in good faith or for the spirit of having some fun, unlike many 'can you model x' threads we've had in the past. If this is just a thinly-veiled excuse for anon to get bits of dopamine by judging other people's works inadequate compared to his own, then I do not think it's worth anyone's time to participate in this farcical bender factory. Good day!

Anonymous No. 937978

Yay! that is a good wholesome comment! This also means you can;t model a bender.

Anonymous No. 937979

post your work

Anonymous No. 937980

No I can't model. But if you are asking this means can't model a bender either.

Anonymous No. 937981

what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 937982

You also can't model a bender.

Anonymous No. 937983

what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 937984

what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 937985

what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 937988

The apostrophe is one key over, retard. It looks like this '

Anonymous No. 937992

I don;t know what you mean

Anonymous No. 938001

not bad / 10 in likeness, but I also think if you view it as a different stylistic take on Bender it's even better, especially the second one.
probably looks the closest ITT to what I'd imagine a 3D Bender model made for a Futurama video game

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Anonymous No. 938002

>Futurama video game
there apparently was a futurama videogame for ps2, huh... picrel

Anonymous No. 938012

no actually, hes dead on.

Anonymous No. 938019

Any comment on mine? >>937963 It's an SDF.

Anonymous No. 938022

Finish it.

Anonymous No. 938033

this looks like the guy from caravan palace.

Anonymous No. 938034

thats a surprisingly nice art style.

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2023-02-24 09 12 36.png

Anonymous No. 938037

here ya go

Anonymous No. 938042

get rid of whatever shader that is lol it looks like aluminum potmetal bender

Anonymous No. 938046

I totally won't rip the assets and create some rule34 content with this, why would I.

Anonymous No. 938048


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Anonymous No. 938053

This is also an SDF but it's ray-marched in my own renderer.

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Anonymous No. 938059

Here's my 30-minute masterpiece.

Anonymous No. 938076

i want pictures of the professor's wrinkled ass on my desk by tomorrow, parker

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Anonymous No. 938107

Small update

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Anonymous No. 938166

I don't get it, my doesn't look anything like what you guys have made...

Anonymous No. 938187

very nice

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Anonymous No. 938192


Anonymous No. 938201

Factually correct.

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Anonymous No. 938219

This literally took me 8 minutes and I did it from memory. You really bring shame onto the 3D community. I bet you charge like ยฃ30k for a simple model

Anonymous No. 938233

I think we have a winner.

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Anonymous No. 938235

i kneel

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Anonymous No. 938333

Realistically, took me about 2 hours to make this from scratch in Blender. Rigged with IK and Bendy Bones.
I think this was more of toon-shading skill check than a modelling test.

Anonymous No. 938337

You're talented but this guy >>938219 did it in 8 minutes.

Anonymous No. 938348

Off model and looks horrible

Anonymous No. 938349

terrible toon "shadows" when toon never has shadows, inconsistent toon edge width, eyes off model, pupils awful tilted squares. Terrible, stop posting

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least insane wart....png

Anonymous No. 938355

trips of winrar

Anonymous No. 938407

You're not really wrong, pretty talented nitpicker. Would love to see the perfect Bender you can make.

Don't know what you mean that toons never have shadows though. They almost always do have at least one shade of shadow color.

The line work is all done with a single Grease Pencil modifier so it's all exactly the same width except for the chest plate square which I drew on in Texture Paint mode.

Yeah the eyes are a little fucked up.

Surprised you didn't notice I missed marking a couple lines, around edge of his right foot, and around the edge of his left hand.

I know there's a better way to do toon shadows by editing the vertex normals but I just learned about it recently and didn't use it.

So instead of being strictly based on the angle of light and looking too precise and shitty, it also factors manually edited normals to influence where the shadow/highlight areas are. It helps keep consistent, manual/unrealistic, more toon-like shadows to ensure you get lighting like the Rembrandt triangle on the face if the lights are simply close to that angle.

Here's some tuts (toon-shading shadows via editing vertex normals):

Anonymous No. 938414

the goal of a toon shader is to look 2d. This doesnt look 2d. You fucking failed so hard. To succeed you need to go much further, beyond even guilty gear. Your shadows and highlighting are an abomination

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Anonymous No. 938416


Anonymous No. 938424

By all means, share some examples of 3D models looking more 2D than that, and how that would be achieved. Not saying it's impossible, because I'm sure it is and I would like to learn.

I already included those links of how to get better shadows, but I don't see what else really could be improved.

To truly look 2D, you need to draw it in 2D using Grease Pencil or in 2D software.

The premise of this thread is to make a 3D model.

Anonymous No. 938426

>but I don't see what else really could be improved.
you are blind then. A 2d artist would never _ever_ shade bender this way>>938333. Just shows how old you are.

Anonymous No. 938428

You need to go back.

Anonymous No. 938430

you need to stop using memes kiddo

Anonymous No. 938754

What program and where can I get it

Anonymous No. 938755

Autodesk alias you can get it for 7000 usd withvan authorized autodesk reseller in your area. Autodesk. Making the world a better place.

Anonymous No. 938760

In 2007 wouldn't it have been Maya?

Anonymous No. 938761

my guy, alias has been around since '85. autodesk acquired it in '05. shits been around about as long as 3D has been a thing, maya was even developed by alias and wavefront.

people still use alias to this day though in industrial design, particularly automotive design

Anonymous No. 938766

>alias in 2007
what, were you running the 1997 version?

Anonymous No. 938775

Both based AND cringe...

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Anonymous No. 938801

Bender is 40% aluminum

Anonymous No. 939207

>he doesn't use the lightning boy cartoon shader
lmao holy shit u are retarded

Anonymous No. 939306

I'm impressed, this genuinely looks 2D

Anonymous No. 939375

I don't know why that anon responded to you that I was using Alias. I wasn't.
We were using 3ds Max in that class. I don't really remember what version, but since it was a HS class I doubt it was the latest and greatest.

Anonymous No. 939401

thx man

Anonymous No. 939402

I was fucking with you guys.

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Robo Dance.webm

Anonymous No. 939494

Ay, fair enough.

No problemo. I think it's more my young ignorance and naivety with 3d modelling that contributes a lot to the "look" more than anything else. Not that I'm claiming it looks good or anything.

Anonymous No. 939521

I've seen this before

Anonymous No. 939552

Yeah, I've posted it once or twice.
It ain't a Bender though, so I'll stop.

the chair nerd No. 939558

No no no good shit keep on posting is has sovl.

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Anonymous No. 939632

Is it a joke that most of you are terrible, i havent even applied for my first job yet and you have all offended my eyes

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Anonymous No. 939684

Made this months ago actually. Was this thread made for me?

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Anonymous No. 939685

Neither have I and your bender looks like shit. Mine mogs yours. Cry.
This is my favorite in the thread, I like his eyes, he's cute.

Anonymous No. 939686

the rendering leaves much to be desired and looks like you should have left out the background and the accessories. They are not helping you.

Anonymous No. 939689

I did it for an animation, Final had a better background. Not posting it, but thanks.

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Anonymous No. 940511

Pretty new to Blender and 3D modeling, but here's my Bender
I want to figure out toon shading next
Also haven't applied subdivision surface yet

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Anonymous No. 940512

and heres my reference

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Anonymous No. 940513

you're gonna go far, kid

Anonymous No. 940621

What is an SDF

Anonymous No. 940633

"Stable Diffusion Faggot"

Anonymous No. 940938

i am reminded of the original south park game on playstation

Anonymous No. 940948

Signed Distance Fields. It's a way to describe shapes using primitives instead of polygons. Like Metaballs but better.
You're being AI phobic.

Anonymous No. 940998

>You're being AI phobic.
time to come up with a new slur and fend this cancer off
enough with the schizo scaremongering, i wanted to see shitposts made with stable diff, but instead i have another source of demotivation to use internet

Anonymous No. 941001

>All this critique
>Refuses to post his bender
Faggots like you are what give this board a bad reputation, literally nobody cares about your garbage opinions
>muh 2d shading would never look like this
Post your bender, faggot. If not, opinion immediately discarded. His is the best in the thread. You are clearly upset that other anons are more talented at 3d than you so you act like a nigger in these threads to demotivate the competition

Anonymous No. 941034

>i wanted to see shitposts made with stable diff
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Anonymous No. 941035

lol, not what i meant but thanks for letting me know about this

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 941318

i have returned
with subdivision and toon shading figured out

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Anonymous No. 941319

ive returned
with subdivision and toon shading

Anonymous No. 941327

thats not how toon shading works

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0006 - BenderChan.png

Anonymous No. 941712

Here you go! A Bender made in blender!

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Anonymous No. 941717

You're Doin' Good Lad

Anonymous No. 941723

Have you tried applying the scale?

Anonymous No. 941770

thats a mighty fine blender bender render

Anonymous No. 941788

ican do this not quickly

Anonymous No. 941815

This is good but I'm gonna drop a bunch of steaming feedback on it.
His eyes are slightly too small and they're usually not perfectly round unless he's doing a surprised expression.
He never has a glossy sheen like that.
The arms are lumpy because there's actual geometry in the edges of his arms. In the show his arms are just smooth tubes with dark lines, which could be a texture instead of geometry.
His eyes and mouth are tinted yellow or yellow-ish green.
The linework color is not usually straight black, it's tinted a darker color of his base color.
He needs a couple more vertical lines in his mouth and the two horizontal ones are generally closer together unless he's yelling.
And what is this pose?

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Anonymous No. 941846

Best Bender comin' through.

Anonymous No. 941856

>And what is this pose?

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Anonymous No. 941872


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Blender Bender - ....png

Anonymous No. 941913

please give me a job

Anonymous No. 941914

nice job

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Anonymous No. 941921

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pim model.png

Anonymous No. 941948

mine came out fucking fucked up

Anonymous No. 942021

I guess it just looks off balance because of the turn table rotating around his antenna.

Update your Blender, UI hasn't looked like that since 2.7.

In general you guys keep adding geometry to the rings of the arms and legs, which is off model. Those lines should just be flat texture lines.

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Anonymous No. 942032

>Update your Blender, UI hasn't looked like that since 2.7.
haha youre gay and like to suck dick which is of black color. people who updated blender past 2.79 are black dicks worshipers and trannies.

Anonymous No. 942089


Anonymous No. 942121

Have you applied your scale?

Anonymous No. 942223

Nta but what made you decide to stay on 2.79?

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Anonymous No. 942251


Anonymous No. 942309

Are you really so strapped for storage that you can't be bothered to have a program that's 100mb more than what you already have? If it's that much of a problem put it on a USB drive or something.
Your projects and resources no doubt take up way more space than the difference in space.

Anonymous No. 942320

that is ram

Anonymous No. 942361

Well still, my point remains the same.
It's not like you only have 512mb of ram, right?
Your internet browser probably takes up more than that.

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Anonymous No. 942366

Anonymous No. 943870

>tfw i paid a full 8 month tuition for a modeling class professor that gave us this assignment, lazy parasite piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 943871

>also remembering ive done this fucking assignment twice, one in rhino and another in maya
I didnt need to unearth these memories, fuck you op

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Anonymous No. 943931

you spent 8 months on a assignment that should have taken you 30 minutes.

Anonymous No. 943934

it was a 3 day project retard, class was paid through an 8 month tuition

Anonymous No. 943941

a project retard?

Anonymous No. 944989


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Anonymous No. 945130

Anonymous No. 945285

you are my favorite

Anonymous No. 945318

i want to see all these bonders meet up at a convention

Anonymous No. 945349

Someone make a collage of them

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id like to subscr....png

Anonymous No. 945534

Don't think I've forgotten about you.

Anonymous No. 945590

Hey can one of you modeling chads separate your model into arm/torso/head sections and make a Bender Automatron Fallout 4 mod real quick? could really use one of those and you'd get mad donations on the Nexus

Anonymous No. 945941


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 945950

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 945954


Anonymous No. 945965

>I'm gonna check /3/. I wonder what vibe they have.
>This looks like a fun thread
>So many people are giving this a shot, it must be a common thing around this parts
>checks date

Anonymous No. 946022

It's a slow board, anon.
Give it a week or so and a new Bender will probably be here.

Anonymous No. 946365

I don't play fallout 4 but I'll make a model for ya.

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Anonymous No. 946369


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Anonymous No. 946953


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Anonymous No. 946955

also tried to make Phillip

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Anonymous No. 947097

made leela a million years ago

Anonymous No. 947141


Anonymous No. 947143

blue board.

Anonymous No. 947145

I didnt post the naked version

Anonymous No. 947146

its a see through shirt and this is a BLUE BOARD

Anonymous No. 947149

Could you post the naked version?

Anonymous No. 947158

If Taki in Soul Calibur can have nipples poking out and have the game still be rated T, that Leela is hardly an issue. The ESR-fuckin-B even finds poking nipples fine.

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Anonymous No. 947167

work in progress

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Anonymous No. 947199

way to be wrong

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 947202

>If Taki in Soul Calibur can have nipples poking out and have the game still be rated T, that Leela is hardly an issue. The ESR-fuckin-B even finds poking nipples fine.

you're wrong, those are not nipples and see through. Thats just a polygon / triangle artifact. This is deliberate. You are breaking the rules

Anonymous No. 947203

>If Taki in Soul Calibur can have nipples poking out and have the game still be rated T, that Leela is hardly an issue. The ESR-fuckin-B even finds poking nipples fine.

you're wrong, thats just a polygon / triangle artifact. This is deliberate. You also can't have some big erection showing through the pants if male. This is a blue board and you are going against the rules by posting porn.

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Anonymous No. 947232

>thats just a polygon / triangle artifact
An "artifact" that's been present in every single game up to modern releases, figures, and even concept art. Alright, fag.
I'm also not even the dude who posted it, I'm just calling you out for you fake-ass puritanism.

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Anonymous No. 947241

These chodes, they think if something gives them a boner personally then it's inappropriate. Even going so far as to imagine things like transparency on materials.
IMO its good this is a blue board and not just "the 3d porn board" but frankly if you're on 4chan/3/ your probably trying to make porn and there's very few resources for that.

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Anonymous No. 947246

Anonymous No. 947247

reaction imaged fuckin SAVED