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Anonymous No. 937712

Katana vs Solaris for the 1MA.


Anonymous No. 937720

pros: has layout tools, which katana lacks
cons: is a buggy mess and not ready for production, half the stuff they advertise like the physics layout tool doesn't work as expected
pros: works a lot better
cons: extremely hard learning curve, doesn't have layout tools, have to write your own scripts to make it usable, half the new features expect you to have a Weta Digital tier rig and you most likely won't even be able to use them

I would go for Solaris, or for none at all.

Anonymous No. 937728

>4.5 grand a year

Anonymous No. 937729

>mfw know houdini
>mfw do nothing in solaris except sop import and wire up render nodes


Anonymous No. 937739

well first of all, it's a huge myth that the foundy will go after individual pirates
they will only go after pirated licenses from medium to large companies, more often than not because of some retarded employee using the company's wifi from his laptop with pirated software

katana isn't a program made for individual users, that's why the price is so high
you're most likely not even going to be able to do anything with it, even if they gifted you a license, it's a complex software and there are almost no learning resrouces
the reason why it's so expensive is because companies can just write the licenses off from their taxes as operating expenses

again, just look at most of the new features like simultaneous renders and networked interactive rendering, do you think that's something made for individual users?
you pretty much need a $4.5k PC to even use Katana to its full potential, hell you probably need two or three

Anonymous No. 937740

a composition arc is a set of rules that USD follows when combining layers A and B
you can think of composition arcs as math operations, like the +, -, *, / signs
you have a layer, and another layer, depending on the composition arc the new layer is applied in different ways
it's like photoshop, you have normal, multiply, overlay, etc. it's just a way of combining those two layers

a sublayer is kind of like a normal blend mode, you have a scene and another scene and you combine them
inherits are like surgery, you may have a Tree xform with a 'leaves' mesh, then you may have TreeA which is the default tree, and TreeB which inherits from the original tree and overrides the material for the leaves, but all it does if you read the ascii file is changing that one line where you change the color

composition arcs in USD can get pretty complex, but the general idea is pretty simple, at their core they're just rules to mix layers together

Anonymous No. 937767

while i appreciate the explanation, i was mostly implying that i refuse to learn solaris because it is new and i am a luddite, not that any part of it is particularly hard to understand. i just don't see a lot of benefit in doing layout there for my needs.

but they have gone and put karma there and karma xpu is actually turning out to be pretty decent so i will begrudgingly pick up a lot more of it once h20 rolls around.

Anonymous No. 937770

pros: Shoehorned feature for now, still in beta phase
has usd authoring tools
cons: not reliable
is limited to Houdini environment and capabilities
pros: Made specifically for LookDev
Has ability to include custom tools/dso/addons made for the production pipeline
has nukebridge now - which lets you do shots variation easier.
cons: It is not for someone who has no idea about scrpting/is not strictly a lookdev/lighting/compositor artist.
usd authoring is in the works still

overall, if You do not know anything about 3D scripting/writing Your own addons, stay with Solaris.

I would not agree with 'not for individual users' but now that Foundry went full SAAS - they require full sub price every year, which makes it absolutely something -for studios only-

Anonymous No. 937771

>overall, if You do not know anything about 3D scripting/writing Your own addons, stay with Solaris.

Writing your own addons is simple with the maya C++ and python apis.

Spending $4k USD per year on one program is not so simple

Anonymous No. 937787

>Brown hands wrote this

if you code/write addons, you will have enough money for that.

Anonymous No. 937826

Coding is easy and writing plugins for maya is also ez with the massive amounts of documentation and example code along with the affordability of the program. I only do this as a hobby - I would _never_ work for someone else in this terrible industry - and use Houdini 2 year at-a-time plan for $400. In that timeframe, I would have to pay $8k+ for katana. That's 20x more. I don't have that type of money. I only have 14k in checkings.

Anonymous No. 937885

>its a hobby
you are not coding plugins that are needed then, and you are not on the level to make anything remotley good.

like i said then, dont fuck with katana - its not for you.
keep to solaris.

Anonymous No. 937893

I disagree. I made an RBF that can easily be trained amongst other things. I also have multiple forks of blender where I manipulate raw source.


Anonymous No. 937902

>'blender forks'
Blendchuds illusions are always dead giveaway

thanks for proving him right, now go learn production requirements.

Anonymous No. 937904

Go back to your ivory tower