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Anonymous No. 937747

Why is /ic/ so much nicer than this board? You're both equally talentless coomers but at least they have a sense of humor about it. No wonder they mog /3/.

the chair nerd No. 937748

No that is some potato quality bait. Bye anon.

Anonymous No. 937750

It has more people but that's simply because drawn art is a far more diverse, popular field than 3DCG, and 3DCG has a much steeper learning curve than simply pulling out a piece of paper and tracing some other piece of art or working on rough anatomy (Blender is a full 3D suite with a UI that blows up peoples brains and its what 95% of people start out with because its FOSS and powerful).

Anonymous No. 937751

I’m starting to think it has something to do with the activity itself. Some anons on this board keep telling people to learn to draw, and I gave in to their suggestions a few months ago and I can see they aren’t memeing. Drawing may be hard, but at least it isn’t a technical pain in the ass where you have to wrestle with your computer on a project for months, only to end up posting your project and not getting much recognition for your efforts. I’ve seen many great models on the internet get ignored in favor of some crappy asset rip animation being applauded by a bunch of talentless circlejerkers, or people who don’t even know what DAZ is.

Anonymous No. 937756

/ic/ on Perma seethe due to ai for the past weeks
They all incredibly touchy