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Anonymous No. 937868

how good is this for someone who's been learning Maya for 3 months?

Anonymous No. 937877

>all those seperate meshes
Its ok, now you need to completely change your workflow by learning how to do proper topology as few meshes as possible...

Anonymous No. 937878

post bigger image
post wires
fix your names

Anonymous No. 937879

so for example the vents shouldn't be separate parts?

Anonymous No. 937880

it depends on what you are doing, if you just want the render that could be ok, if you want to port it to unity/unreal or to animate it you could need a low poly, if you want to 3d print it you need a solid object etc.....

Anonymous No. 937920

a thread died for this.

Anonymous No. 937923


Anonymous No. 937966

Epic bait. (You).

Anonymous No. 938000

Don't listen to >>937877 this guy he has no idea what he's talking about. If things are made from separate parts in the real world then you make them out of separate parts. Having everything the same mesh when it doesn't need to be is absolutely braindead retarded. When making low poly meshes for video games, that is when things might need to be more unified. But your model is just a high poly and you are learning so don't bother combining meshes unnecessarily and making them water tight, absolutely no reason to do so. However, you should be making better use of groups and stop being so fucking lazy with your outliner. Rename your meshes appropriately and name the groups appropriately. A wheel for example can be the name of a group containing a rim, tire, bolts, etc. And again to get this in your head. You wouldn't combine a tire with the rim and bolts, they are separate pieces and should remain as such.

Anonymous No. 938006

High IQ + conscientious + NEET/full time 3DCG education = OP's results.

Anonymous No. 938026

Ngmi detected

Anonymous No. 938449

organize the Outliner plz

Anonymous No. 938516

This sounds legit but also I've never heard of it before. Where can I learn more of this design philosophy?

Anonymous No. 938527

Its called "talking out of ass to bait OP into increasing render times" philosophy

Anonymous No. 938530

not him, but you don't know anything about what affects render times

Anonymous No. 938589

This is correct.
Besides not getting an anneurysm when trying to UV and texture the thing, it keeps things organized and open to changes and other things like rigging and vfx

Anonymous No. 938590

everything you see from the 3d department(s) is vfx

Anonymous No. 938591

My bad, I meant "fx"/simulations (destructions, fluid, cloth etc.)

Anonymous No. 938644

Can't the internal geometry be culled in Blender or something? Your posts sounds like talking out of your ass. Also, even if Blender sucks and can't cull stuff, I would imagine that the time you save in the workflow makes up for the rendering; like, if you save 400 minutes of modelling/UVs/rigging but then the rendering takes 120 minutes longer, is that not a win?

Anonymous No. 938703

the word you're looking for is PHYSICS