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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 938038

3090 or 4070ti?

Anonymous No. 938039

>he's going to make a vidya gaem from his basement

Anonymous No. 938040


Anonymous No. 938041

How is this even a question? 3090 even for the vram alone

Anonymous No. 938047

(1) >>>/g/
(2) >creating a hardware thread without any fucking info on what you even want to do
(3) >highend hardware
not even required for almost all of 3dcg

all in all I'd advise you to stick a rusty knife in your sphincter and bathe in battery acid.

Anonymous No. 938049

>teenage edginess

Anonymous No. 938050

yeah I forgot that one, consider it marked as (4).

Anonymous No. 938051

no, you are being edgy to the point where you must be a teen

>all in all I'd advise you to stick a rusty knife in your sphincter and bathe in battery acid.

Anonymous No. 938052

aha, yes: demanding board quality and calling out spam garbage threads, the hallmark of immaturity. get your bath ready you fag.

Anonymous No. 938054

there you go again, like clockwork.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938057

Does anyone here know if you can train SD on 12gb?

Anonymous No. 938058

Does anyone here know if you can train SD on 12gb with DreamBooth?

Anonymous No. 938065

We already have enough of these threads.
But since you asked so generic I also give you a generic answer:
If this already is your main source of income or you can easily afford it: 4090
If not literally anything including no dedicated GPU on a potato will do.

Anonymous No. 938081

>If not literally anything including no dedicated GPU on a potato will do.
this isnt true. You cant run many xpu renderers on a potato

Anonymous No. 938082

40xx doesn't fit in my budget, but I was thinking about 3060 since it has 12GB VRAM, which is sorely needed when modeling in sketchup due fucking non-optimisation. I still have gtx 970 and it makes working with sketchup hellish experience.

Anonymous No. 938083

get it, but only msi

Anonymous No. 938092

You could have lead with that.

Anonymous No. 938169

I only have enough cash to buy one stick of RAM. Is the left stick or the right stick more important for 3D modelling? I also use the PC for listening to music and watching porn.

Anonymous No. 938216

You ask the wrong question because you don't know what to look for.
You need VRAM.

Anonymous No. 938217

The only thing that matters is what you have in your left-hand RAM slot

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Anonymous No. 938735

Worked for some people.
And it even has 3D renders.

Anonymous No. 938737

buy the one stick and cut it in half