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๐Ÿงต Houdini General

Anonymous No. 938362

Houdini is built from the ground up to be a procedural system that empowers artists to create flower simulations.

Get started for free - it's is fun and easy:



Anonymous No. 938523

Houdini Battle #17

Anonymous No. 939091

Mastering Axiom Fundamentals Workshop

Anonymous No. 939096

Does 17.5 run on Windows 7?

Anonymous No. 939099



Anonymous No. 939101

Ah noice, thanks

Anonymous No. 939113

any reason you're still on 7?
loonix unironically seems like less of hassle these days.

Anonymous No. 939130

poast cracked axiom 3 then

Anonymous No. 939248

any decent tips to setup a decent rendering workflow? I have a mediocre-ish laptop (SSD + GTX 1050) and i tend to leave my project halfway done cause i get depressed with the rendering speed. I dont mind using Unreal or other apps to export + render

Anonymous No. 939249

>get started for free
>project files you create are incompatible with paid-for version
fuck off

Anonymous No. 939250

>eh thinks he can intermix student and pro versions

Anonymous No. 939254

they have a service that bumps apprentice files to indie.

Anonymous No. 939265

1:23 / 6:19
Optimizing the GameDev Pipeline | SEGA | Houdini Connect

Anonymous No. 939267

you can just convert it yourself:

certain things don't carry over like sticky notes and some org stuff but no big deal except:
everything inside SOP solver doesn't carry over either - but you can just paste those nodes into a temporary subnet and then just paste them back.
it's like 2 mins of hassle

Anonymous No. 939519

I need to make a procedural face generator. I have already prototyped this in maya cmds and gotten pretty far but I am scared about doing it again in spisghetti nodes in houdini because of the amount of nodes required and the spisghetti mess probability approaching 1. Should I do this or stick with written maya cmds and pyside?

Anonymous No. 939717

needed to audition a bunch of fbx assets quickly so here's a shelf tool that helps with temporary materials:

creates redshift materials for each shop_materialpath material in a new matnet and assigns them on a material node. random colour and roughness per material as well.

Anonymous No. 940258

are you guys still learning Houdini or have you given up?

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Anonymous No. 940281

Learned it, got a big check from it

Anonymous No. 940283

I did try to get into Houdini for an hour.
I am familiar with blender geometry nodes and a unreal blueprints.
But that didn't help anything with learning Houdini.

The nodes are so fucking low level that it might as well be a programming language, which if it was would be actually something I might get into.
Suffice it to say I didn't get anything done with it and I don't even see the purpose.
For my hobbyist or perhaps one day indie stuff I'm doing just fine in blender.

So what I did take away from it is that's a tool you either have to study while taking a degree, for the prospects of a job in the field or leave it.

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Houdini God of War.jpg

Anonymous No. 940800

>>the average salary of an Houdini Artists in the US is $45,594

WTF? is this true?
I want at least 6 figures for the pain and suffering of learning this beautiful beast of a software.

Anonymous No. 940886

I've done it, lads. I have unlocked some secret tech. I have a competitive advantage... And no idea what to do with it

Anonymous No. 940888

nice LARP

Anonymous No. 940950

>wants 6 figures
choose one.

Anonymous No. 940986

Is an i9 good enough to start learning and building a portfolio with? I've only delved into sops so far and it's already taking ages to cache short animations

Anonymous No. 941020

for anyone else? yes.
for you specifically? no. you're just too dumb.

Anonymous No. 941021

you can get 6 figures as a senior, look at glassdoor

Anonymous No. 941025

100,000 rupees

Anonymous No. 941048

>>do not redeem sirs
are pajeets panicking about AI yet?
they are after all the roto whores of the VFX slave trade

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Anonymous No. 941056

can you also make characters in houdini or should i just fuck off to blender if i want generalist tool?
I don't like to spread into multiple tools if i could go with just one

Anonymous No. 941114

>can you also make characters in houdini
you could, but you probably don't want to

Anonymous No. 941170

you're right, its so over for me...

let me ask another question, is it possible for someone smarter than me to produce smaller projects that parallel the levels of quality that houdini focused studios like MvsM, panoply, xk etc put out with a mid range personal PC?

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Utilising the rea....jpg

Anonymous No. 941231

try it, you've got nothing to lose.
it might even been a boon, small scale projects = constraints = big brain creativity

>>necessity is the mother of all inventions

Anonymous No. 941232

yes. most of their shots aren't actually super resource heavy.

you'll have to have patience (iterating on sims and wedging will take time) and like >>941231 said, have a little ingenuity and do clever things.

side note but, the stuff coming out of panoply is ugly imo.
the people who work there are beasts, but they need better art direction. xk's set ups are always relatively simple but they've consistently made top-tier aesthetics choices.

Anonymous No. 941540

so i've discovered that the conetwist constraint will read in the following attributes from prims:


i found two via a random blog and then guessed the others. am i missing something or are these not in the docs at all?

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Anonymous No. 941562

120 frames of a pyro sim with ~425 million voxels simulated in 12 minutes and renders in 1 minute (per frame without denoising).
Axiom Solver + KarmaXPU is insanely fast.
I think my old SSD is a bottleneck slowing it down - gotta test it with a faster SSD.

Anonymous No. 941563

Does anyone else feel like PRMan 24 in H19 is second rate compared to maya?

Anonymous No. 941564

In my superficial tests, PRMan failed in both Maya and Blender when I tried to use their new LAMA shader system.
Both programs immediately exited the stage when I dropped a LAMA shader into the node editor.
Houdini was the only program where I actually could play around without instant crashing to desktop.

Anonymous No. 941567

Lama works fine for me in maya 2023

Anonymous No. 941572

what gpu u on?

Anonymous No. 941573

I used Maya 2022 until recently, I just tested it again with 2023.
It doesn't work. Instant crash.
That is the pattern that I have observed with Renderman in general - its buggy and crashes a lot, no matter the DCC and because of that I have never used it.
Houdini seems a little less fucked than Maya and Blender.
But its also slow due to no XPU availability in the NC version (and no crack in sight either).
Occasionally I come back and test it a little but IMHO Renderman is fucked and cursed and I don't care about it.

Anonymous No. 941574

3060 with 12GB

Anonymous No. 941575

nice. i haven't tested volumes at all with xpu.
wasn't there an issue where volume scattering was slowing it down like crazy?

Anonymous No. 941577

no slowing down whatsoever.
I am blown away by the speed. The difference in speed to CPU Karma is several orders of magnitude.
The only downside is that the shader is somewhat limited to the normal pyro shader - there are a couple of things you can't do in the shader (but you can do these things before rendering with an volume wrangle/VOP and certain VDB tools.)

Anonymous No. 941579

>never had such crashes
user error is not software's fault anon.

Anonymous No. 941581

please explain to me in great detail how creating a node is an "user error".
BTW I am not disagreeing with your assessment, if Renderman never crashes your DCC than good for you.
I am merely communicating my experiences.
In my experience Renderman is the most unstable renderer - it makes Blender feel like Maya from 2012.

Anonymous No. 941583

NTA but its a You problem. It definetely works. I have tried it on Maya 2022 and 2023 as well as houdini 19 and blender. Lama works across all of these. Every node in the package works without issue except for houdini not having denoising and not functioning properly in IT when using solaris which is what i was referring to as it being second class citiizen. I have a paid license and pay maintenance, too.

Anonymous No. 941584

Do you know if the code base is identical between NC and paid version?
Either the NC version is also a second class of citizens, or I have exceedingly bad luck with Renderman.

Anonymous No. 941585

It worked for me just fine on NC. Paid gives you XPU if you have nvidia card with at least 12gb vram and stylized looks

Anonymous No. 941591

Weird. But if I ever spent money on a renderer it would be a license for Clarisse. Until then I am perfectly fine with Karma XPU and Arnold, Cycles even.

Anonymous No. 941594

Cycles doesn't even conserve energy, anon. You must be an amateur

Anonymous No. 941599

Energy conservation is irrelevant for stylized stuff, Anon.

Anonymous No. 941600

doesnt sound like you're doing stylized stuff anon

Anonymous No. 941607

CGeeMA destruction fx

Anonymous No. 941608

I am not on Your system, it can be anything from Your addons interfering with each other, to environment variables being messed up.

it is a (You) problem, and (You) have biased perception.
Arnold is not as stable renderer for me, if I wanted to go by my own expereinces, it woulc rash upon batch renderer's on the projects i work for.
does it mean its like that for everyone?

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Anonymous No. 941790

as a studio, switching from Arnold to Karma was life changing step. This frame from our latest production.

Anonymous No. 941813

Is it true that houdini grooming is a crash fest? Or was that just a comment meant to throw me off? Used xgen in maya, it was too unstable for anything.

Anonymous No. 941844

it was a bit crashy when i spent some time with it but if you're sensible about autosave intervals it shouldn't be a problem.
mind you xgen wasn't that crashy for me either the handful of times i used it.

Anonymous No. 941871

Looks awesome.
>as a studio, switching from Arnold to Karma was life changing step.

Please elaborate. I use Karma and like it quite a bit. I have never used Arnold but I always thought it was supposed to be hot shit, but in recent times I've read a few anecdotes about it just being shit.

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Anonymous No. 941900

Is there a high demand for Houdini Artists?
In which industry is the demand the highest?
With AI looming over our heads, is it still profitable to learn Houdini?

Anonymous No. 942347

Guys is there a vex equivalent to python's hou.Geometry.pointAttribs()? I just want a string array of all the attribute names in the geometry reliably at every cook, python is too fragile.

Anonymous No. 942348

Gonna answer this myself instead of deleting. Attribute names for every element type are stored in a intrinsic detail attribute, I can get point attributes with detailintrinsic(0, "pointattributes")

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Anonymous No. 943452

holy shit guys I'm meshing a vellum grains sim with VDB and VDB masks and it is insanely slow. Like, 40s per frame, and this is a 1000-frame animation. I'm on a tight deadline and it's tough waiting all day for it to cache only to find out there's an issue and realize I've wasted my whole day.

The bottleneck are the 3 VDB nodes wired in series, I noticed that using VDB masks slow them down to 1/10 of their speed. I tried using the compile block, lowering resolution, but it still takes a fuckton of time.

Does anyone have any optimization tips for VDB? I have to deliver this in a couple of days

Anonymous No. 943517

did everybody switch to Blender or why is this thread dead?

Anonymous No. 943532

It wouldnt be as dead if you helped me out >>943452

Anonymous No. 943770

here's that ML thing mo and paul have been teasing.

>install SD
bleh, don't care. i wish mo would move on from this shit already.

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Anonymous No. 943996

>automatically git clones entire the huggingface repo instead of just pulling the most recent checkpoint
why would you fucking do this

installation video:
>haha you need to download 50 gigs now so make some coffee
no YOU are making people download 50 gigs instead of 10, asshole

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ai ai ai ai ai ai.png

Anonymous No. 944180


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Anonymous No. 944370

A fun and provocative chat with Kim Davidson, President & CEO of SideFX Software

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Anonymous No. 944373

shilling virtual rea.. "the metaverse", unironically, in the current year?

Anonymous No. 944399

the host here is awful and doesn't really ask any interesting questions.
he's got some shit on his mind and it seems like it wouldn't have mattered who his guest was he was going to ask the same questions.
just surface level shooting the shit.
kim is based though - regularly slipping into saying ai is 'stealing' work lmao.

Anonymous No. 944666

>try to create autorig
>generate rig
>mesh doesn't deform with bone
help. ;_;

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Anonymous No. 944680

Never mind. I just read the manual (I should have done this in the first place) and resolved my issue. I didn't check the "Deform by Default" box. Everything is working now.

Anonymous No. 944703

the C menu for grooming is actually pretty nice

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Anonymous No. 944822

It is with deep sadness that I am sharing the news that our friend and colleague, Ben Mears, passed away over the weekend.

Ben joined SideFX in the spring of 2015, and during his time here was a true champion of Houdini. His unbridled enthusiasm and love for the games community and all that SideFX has to offer has always shone through. Ben was unerringly kind, good-natured, upbeat, and generous of spirit. He will be missed by both his SideFX friends and colleagues and the extensive community that he helped to build.

Kindness always wins, go hug the people you love.

Anonymous No. 945143

some new stuff from FMX including a preview of new feather tools and a simon holmedal talk:

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Anonymous No. 945144

also yes, H20 wew.

Anonymous No. 945171

Are the jabs still mandatory @ sidefx?

Anonymous No. 945203

You still waiting for the world to end in 2 weeks?
Man died in a bike accident.

Anonymous No. 945523

What does houdini have in terms of facial rigging?

Anonymous No. 945560

how long would it take someone who knows cinema4d to learn and understand this

Anonymous No. 945570

maybe a year, maybe never

Anonymous No. 945597

What's the best way to learn houdini for motion graphics? I've played around in it a bit a made a render from an entagma tut but a lot of good houdini courses are expensive so I don't want to waste a bunch of money on shit courses

Anonymous No. 945604

Are Rebelway courses worth the access to the help discord and for making reel shots or is it only to show you can work through the content per week?

Anonymous No. 945617

>get a burner sim
>make account
>search 'houdini'

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Anonymous No. 946008

>being forced to use TOPs

Anonymous No. 946077

what's the problem?

Anonymous No. 946081

it's just slow in my use case.
i'm not doing the normal thing of wedging to find good settings - in need all 100 sequences.

going to spend tomorrow rethinking my approach because this works, but not much room to experiment.

Anonymous No. 946091

what's the point of this?
Doesn't the newest houdini already have opencl support for sparse pyro simulations in the minimal pyro sparse node?

Anonymous No. 946092

Have you tried the particle fluid surface node typicall used for FLIP simulations?
It's also slow but maybe it works better.

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Anonymous No. 946138


Anonymous No. 946301

say i've got a kinefx rig created with rig doctor and orient to child is ticked on so the localtransform z axis is pointed towards the child.

now i want to rotate a joint but i want the rotation to be around the world z axis. how would i do this in a rig wrangle?

i tried initialising a new matrix, rotating that and then multiplying the localtransform but it doesn't do i want it to.

Anonymous No. 946302

never mind, figured it out:
1. create a new 3x3 matrix (used maketransform()) orient to world
2. assign it to 3@transform
2a. optionally save existing 3@transform in a temporary 3@rest_transform
3. prerotate(), 4@localtransform
3a. restore 3@transform to get local space back

basically 3@transform controls the axis around with 4@localtransform rotates and you can throw whatever you want in there, whenever you want.

Anonymous No. 946307

also, for some reason all this can't happen in a single rig wrangle?
the (pre)rotation needs to happen in a separate rig wrangle than the other steps.

Anonymous No. 946344

how much do they charge?

Anonymous No. 946439

damn, they don't even storyboard

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houdini wizard.jpg

Anonymous No. 946991

how did he translate the pixar paper into vex?

Anonymous No. 947000

>anon, its not rocket science, its maths.
all he did, was implement math equation to simulate that behaviour.
it was all outlined in the paper.

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Anonymous No. 947056

what kinda day rates can a generalist houdini artist get?


Anonymous No. 947091

that depends on experience

You are looking at 4 figs, if you are on TD's level, if not higher.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 947328

Why is the Houdini Graph Editor so bad? I'm doing simple animations on a proxy sphere to preview effects but its painful to use compared to Maya. Why is that?

Anonymous No. 947329

Why is the Houdini Animation Editor so bad? I'm doing simple animations on a proxy sphere to preview effects but its painful to use compared to Maya. Why is that?

Anonymous No. 947339

How to open blackbox HDAs sirs?

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Anonymous No. 947400

Ok programer here who immedtiatly fell in love with Houdini after watching the project Titan tools video. I'm a gamedev hobbyist so this software might be a life saver for me. I've got some questions though before I dive deep in the abyss of Houdini tutorials:

1/ I watched some of the videos from Simon Verstraete about the tools of project Titans. While I understand the completly logical use of some nodes/operations, sometimes, I feel like he does some stuff out of his ass without explaining why he needs to do them.
Is that a thing in Houdini? Where you have to just try some stuff until it works and apply the "logic" to all your HDAs? (Again I'm a neophyte)

2/ Is Houdini a viable software for a solo-dev or is it a program that HAS to be used in a team/company? My ultimate plan is to have a terrain/city/road/building HDAs that can adapt to one another (road curves need to adapt to the (actual) topology of the terrain) and later have a library of procedural HDA I can use across several projects. But I have like no idea of the amount of work it requires (not even a random guess).

3/ Forgot this one

Anonymous No. 947402

>I feel like he does some stuff out of his ass without explaining why he needs to do them.
you'd need to provide a specific example of this. it might be something basic and he's just taking for granted that you'll be able to follow or it's a fiddly parameter.

>Where you have to just try some stuff until it works
within reason; for the most part you're doing this because you don't understand a node totally or there's some complexity (like uv packing params). generally you're going to have a bad time in houdini if you're not methodical in your approach and don't know what node you need / can't code you way out of the problem.

>Is Houdini a viable software for a solo-dev
yeah sure. you probably can't solo houdini for a full project (traditional workflows for modelling, uv'ing, retopo, character anim etc are not good). blender + houdini is a good combo. indie license is very affordable and sidefx will even port your non-commercial files over one time.

Anonymous No. 947465

> you'd need to provide a specific example of this
4 videos about data tables. Starting from around 16:00, that's where I stopped understanding what he was doing. I'm not that experienced with the software either but before that, I understood everything he did (or at leat the reason he did it).
> if you're not methodical in your approach
In my learning approach or my deving approach? What do you mean by that?
And I'm only interested in the procedural modeling/Uving of Houdini, not planning anytime soon on using it on a complete workflow.

I have another question though. How well does ChatGPT with node explaination/uses and VEX code production?

Anonymous No. 947468

>Starting from around 16:00, that's where I stopped understanding what he was doing
eh i haven't seen this series, but looks like he's just making sure the right data is being read in from the right attributes into the right places. it doesn't look particularly arcane, you'll probably be able to follow once you're a bit more experienced.

>What do you mean by that?
mostly just how you build your setups.

> How well does ChatGPT with node explaination
i haven't really used it for this. stick to the documentation (which is mostly very good) or google around, there are loads of excellent tutorials.

>uses and VEX code production?
in my experience it ranges from producing mostly broken code to completely. just makes up functions that don't exist and ends up reading like pseudocode with huge holes in it. flips between C style and pythonic syntax. i'm not sure how it does for really basic stuff because i don't need it for that.
this was a while ago so i don't know if gpt 4 or bard do better.

Anonymous No. 947469

>to completely useless*

Anonymous No. 947542

Thanks for your answers

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Anonymous No. 947802

I never got gueninely excited when launching a 3D software until I discovered Houdini. Thanks for fixing my erectyle disfunction SideFx.

I'm the gamedev hobbyist from earlier and I'm starting to get a grasp of how everything works (groups, attribute, data flow) and of what labs tools I'll need on my project.
There's a thing that's still very vague to me tho, that no procedural asset tutorials covered and that's LOD when your HDAs use "static" meshes as components. Let's say I have this building generator that has walls/doors/balconies/etc that I modeled in Blender or whatever.
I make that as an HDA and build a huge building out of it from meshes imported into Unreal. How do I tell Unreal that in the LOD3, I don't want the balconies to show at all for example and just keep the walls when you're seeing it from a distance? (and that kind of stuff in general).

Anonymous No. 948546

I am a somewhat capable Houdini user who's been using it for sims, VFX, landscapes, that kind of thing. Recently I've been getting into "normal" mesh modeling and I'm wondering if I should just do everything in Houdini or if its worth learning another program.

What's even out there that best complements Houdini? Obviously for sculpting I'd use Zbrush but what about regular modeling? Blender? Maya? Just stick with Houdini?

Anonymous No. 948549

Eventually you'll transition into more and more katana

Anonymous No. 948555

i don't mind modelling in maya (because that's where i started) but blender's probably the way to go. having sculpting right there can be really handy for organic surfaces and if you want to get into hardsurface autism hopscutter is very feature rich. plus if you care about doing things legit then not paying the maya tax is nice.

uv and retopo are better in maya though.

you can do any serious polymodelling in houdini.

Anonymous No. 948556

>you cant* do any serious polymodelling in houdini.

Anonymous No. 948560

This. In reality you can but what's the point if your mesh is only a static mesh? You're only going to waste your time.

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Anonymous No. 948632

How the fuck to I disable this preview geometry on top of the last node's result?

Anonymous No. 948650

What does Katana have to do with modeling? If you're talking about layout/lighting, I predict more and more places will be dumping Katana in favor of Solaris.

Personally, I don't do enough modeling to justify learning another program. I am comfortable with doing it in Houdini and having the whole node history available is really handy. If you set up a custom radial menu for your most commonly used SOPs you can be pretty quick. You have to contend with Houdini's shitbutt viewport, but hopefully that gets rectified when they yank out the current one and replace it with the Vulkan based viewport.

Upper right above the viewport, the icon that show a sphere and ghosted cylinder and cone. Change that to Hide other Objects. If that's not it make sure there are no template flags set on another node. If that's still not it, Menu bar > Labs > Reset Viewport/

Anonymous No. 948882

>Generate mass media propaganda with CG necromancy and possess an international oligopoly on TV, Film and Games
>Oy vey beware the open source deepfakes done by a single dirty neet

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 948883


Anonymous No. 948889

reminder to ignore AI posters and AI posts

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Anonymous No. 949292


Anonymous No. 949485

>will take over fully fleshed out product

Anonymous No. 949494

i'm doing some stuff with houdini native volumes
is there such a thing as vector volume type like there is in vdb?

it's not anything i can't work around but, it is a little bit annoying write out to three volumes every time.

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Anonymous No. 949597

Rebelle: animating paintings
An existing digital painting tool called Rebelle made by Escape Motions was adapted by Imageworks within Houdini to help deliver non-photorealistic looks that simulated the movement of brushes and flow of paint. This was particularly useful in simulating watercolor and oil and acrylic looks, which were generated with Rebelle and then animated over time through Houdini.

โ€œOur effects supervisor Pav Grochola oversaw the building of a new tool called Kismet in Houdini. We even had an โ€˜inkingโ€™ team. This was the first CG animated movie Iโ€™ve ever heard of that actually had a dedicated inking team of artists that would go in and run inklines and dial inklines in sequences. With this tool, we could make it sketchy, we could make it clean, we could use it for shadows. We could attach it to lights so when they cast a shadow, the shadow would be filled with line work or markers. Some of it also integrated with the Stroke System

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Anonymous No. 950014

Made pic related before my computer screamed "stop".
I might attack a procedural street/road generator thanks to the sidefx labs tool. I'm frustrated because my laptop isn't even allowing me to open the HDAs from the Matrix: Awakens demo so I can plan my own city generator/learn stuff from it.

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Anonymous No. 950193

is it still worth learning Houdini given that AI will replace everything and everyone

Anonymous No. 950472

Anyone know if this playlist teaching PDG is still up to date or if I should go for the more recent videos? I like the way he explains every details of the PDG system but I don't know if it had a major updates/rework making this playlist obsolete?

Anonymous No. 950474

it's probably fine, but better to run through the tops section on cgwiki quickly or cross reference as you go.

Anonymous No. 950480

Ok I have another question if you don't mind. I learned making HDAs and procedural modeling, etc... enough to say I'm familiar with Houdini now.
And I went from that to PDG. Is there an in-between step I missed? For example, on a lot of videos I watched, Python was mentionned a lot but never in any of the tuts I followed, Python was used.
It's not clear to me how Python would be used in a game project.

Anonymous No. 950711

i don't python too much in hou - usually just little scripts to speed some tedious stuff up. i think i've build a panel once and used a callback script a couple of times. you probably want to have a look at this:

and these:

and dig around the labs tools. oh also, i suppose if you're need to pull in external data, clean it up, pipe it to various nodes etc python's good for things like that. python tuts for hou are a little difficult to come by - get used to looking at the docs.

Anonymous No. 950760

Is there a way to export images from houdini apprentice without the water mark?
Or to open hipnc files in another free 3d editor like blender or something.

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Anonymous No. 951283

>time to convert to volume
>realise object is > 1k units big as i connect node
>esc esc esc esc esc esc esc esc
>insufficient memory
>crash file saved to "../..."
>crash file saved after the node was connected

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Anonymous No. 951309

My first project using houdini where i feel like i know what im doing.

im begining to belive bros.... i see the light....

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Anonymous No. 951311

inspired by this. how am i doing so far?

Anonymous No. 951349

getting there. not sure how you're doing the sword, but maybe a vdb morphing approach would get better results. maybe layer in another pop sim as mask the leading edge.

Anonymous No. 951375

>Not having Houdini save sequential backups every minute.

Set your Houdini session to Manual and then load the file.

Anonymous No. 951376

This, I learned it the hard way but you HAVE to do this on every project.

Anonymous No. 951471

why not use Embergen?

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ASCII art at NASA....jpg

Anonymous No. 951773


So who tried AI inside Houdini?
Show work!

anyone using to install all dependencies automatically?

Anonymous No. 951986

Any wizards know any other way to sort attribute values than the Sort SOP? The SOP is changing the point order which adds enormous overhead to rebuild the geometry when I just want to maintain a sorted list of values.

Anonymous No. 951988

probably python, but what are you trying to do specifically?

Anonymous No. 951991

It's for a toy raytracer I'm trying to get running on the GPU with OpenCL, I need to build an acceleration structure for it. Currently, sorting the geo by it's z-curve is taking 99% of the time and I want to cut that down.

I'll dig around in the python docs, thanks.

Anonymous No. 952137

good luck, python isn't multithreaded in hou so you'll probably still get bottlenecked

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Anonymous No. 952438

Building an Anime-Centric Pipeline | Polygon Pictures | Houdini Connect

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Anonymous No. 952443

Please tell me why the fuck Houdini isn't THE standard software in every industry & in every company out there. The more I learn about it, the more I wonder. Or is one of the standard softwares?
I honestly don't get it, is there a valid/logic reason?
It's not that difficult to learn + the benefits of paying trainings for your employees is obvious.

Anonymous No. 952513

it's shit for modeling, no streamlined lookdev/texturing system, rigging overhaul is still new because they suddenly decided to change it, good fucking luck doing character finaling
FX, Cloth dynamics, Groom dev and simulation are great, Animation CAN work but again rigging is just too recent and studios already have their working pipeline in Maya and wont easily let go - thus they rather animate where they rig.
But viewport based workflow is shit and organic modeling/sculpting/painting is soul crushing.

Anonymous No. 952517

What is the point of the default OBJ context if Solaris (LOPs) is for scene management and SOPs are for modeling? Am I supposed to just ignore it?

Anonymous No. 952520

solaris and sop create nodes did not exist prior to h18. a sop create node is just a containerised obj context. sops and dops live in the obj context. it's where most people will spend 90% of their time. it is where all the tutorials would be as well.
could you just use sop creates inside solaris instead? maybe. will you probably run into a bug or 20? maybe.

Anonymous No. 952526

So we're in a confusing transition period waiting for solaris to mature and obj to die.

Anonymous No. 952530

unlikely that obj is going anywhere.
again, if you're building assets in houdini you're spending 90% of your time in obj.
a switch to solaris would mean you'd spend 90% of your time inside a subnet in solaris. you can't make traditional houdini sops work outside the sop create in a solaris network because the way data flows through nodes is fundamentally different and will never be compatible.

most houdini artists will barely touch solaris because they don't need to.

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Anonymous No. 952714

Please explain in retard words the difference between relative and absolute references and how they influence their dependencies?

Anonymous No. 952966

What's that gif from anon?

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Anonymous No. 952976

the 'address' of a node is similar to the way file paths are handled in operating systems. the bar in pic-related is the houdini address bar - same thing on a file explorer.
parameters are also part of this location structure. a null with a custom parameter 'test_parm', sitting inside a geo1 container in the obj context would have an address like

an absolute reference is this full path to the parameter all the way from the root.

in relative references when you see:
think of that as going up one subfolder/node from where you are. if you're referencing a parameter from a different node at the same level your path will start with that "../" because you're sort of jumping out of the node the parameter is in to then look at the other node.

relative references break if this hierarchy changes
so make two nodes on the same 'level' and relative reference a parameter from one (source) to the other (target)
now make a subnet and put the target node inside it
the reference breaks.
to fix it manually you need to add another "../" to 'jump' out of the subnet

Anonymous No. 952995

I'm clearly retarded, thanks man.

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Anonymous No. 954020

reinstalling houdini
maybe something will click this time

Anonymous No. 954022

Good luck anon, I'm pretty new to it and I'm trying out a fluid sim project

Anonymous No. 954095

fluid sims are the most difficult aspect of Houdini, why start there?

Anonymous No. 954103

Because I have done a few simpler tutorials already and I wanted to try out fluids, I suppose. What would you recommend?

Anonymous No. 954400

Can someone tell me how SideFx works with cracked software and cracked files and if there's a way to clean them (if they keep track of files made in cracked softwares)
In others words: Can I work on a commercial project (long term) with my cracked version of Houdini for the moment?

Anonymous No. 954414


make sure you understand the concepts for each of them because they all tie in together

Anonymous No. 954505

m8, what the fuck around you doing trying to dodge paying $250 on a commercial gig.

Anonymous No. 954587

Iโ€™m avoiding it for the moment, Iโ€™ll eventually pay for it

Anonymous No. 954590

Have fun getting blacklisted over chumpchange, idiot.

Anonymous No. 954662

no, you'll go straight to jail

Anonymous No. 954666

Come on now, Iโ€™m just asking cause I saw a gamedev on Twitch having to pay 60k to AutoDesk cause he was livestreaming while using a cracked version of Maya.

Anonymous No. 954673

low IQ, just use your brain and find out in 30 seconds instead of wondering for 3 days

Anonymous No. 954776

sidefx are not kikedesk
sidefx are goodboys

Anonymous No. 954783

Kek do you really thing it's the only I have in mind. I even forgot the question and just remember whenever I come back here. But fuck you for being an insuferrable little fag.
Ok ok, thanks. No one can truelly achieve the kikeness of kikedesk tho.

Anonymous No. 955267

Do you guys have any experience using vellum cloth to simulate soft bodies? I feel like struts might be easier to work with than tets, but I haven't really gotten around to it yet. Is cloth more performant tet softbody?

Anonymous No. 955275

Struts are more performant, there's less geo and it's a simple length constraint, not volume. But struts transfer forces only approximately and give no guarantee that volume is preserved, any apparent volume preservation is incidental cause of surface area preservation.

Anonymous No. 955334

Is there any reason to learn this program if all I wanna do is make 2d or coomer games? Trying to find a second program to mess with besides Blender.

Anonymous No. 955347

You could probably do coom simulations with Houdini

Anonymous No. 955352

my dream is to work at sidefx as a software dev on their houdini software desu.. I wonder how hard their interviews are

Anonymous No. 955355

h index 40 or above only, citationlets need not apply. you HAVE been published, right anon?

Anonymous No. 955383

sfx has tons of blind spots and are falling closer and closer to blender with every passing day

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Anonymous No. 955748

Houdini Siggraphs are up

which one is your favorite

mine is rich lord

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Anonymous No. 956137

>want to learn how to do creature muscle and skin deformations
>the only documentation is an indian guy with a thick accent

Anonymous No. 956139

Ironically studios use their own, non native houdini muscle solutions to do muscle rigs

Anonymous No. 956140

Is houdini muscle shit or what? I've seen some videos of horses running that looked pretty good.

Anonymous No. 956142

Its a nightmare which is why studios have invested heavily in their own tools

Anonymous No. 956150


Anonymous No. 956156

Good luck wasting your time with that. Lol

Anonymous No. 956161

vellum muscle tools should get some love in h20 i think.
they're in this sort of beta state right now, barely documented outside of a single example file. should be more learning material soon i think.

Anonymous No. 956162

Doesnt make sense to solve with vellum when you can much more controllably solve with FEM on gpu

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Anonymous No. 956179

Doesn't make sense for you to keep posting in a Houdini thread either, but here we are

Anonymous No. 956184

I use houdini, so here we are

Anonymous No. 956225

i want to creampie bubblepins and raise dysfunctional autistic children with her so bad brose...

Anonymous No. 956232

What Linux distro should I use with Houdini if I just want to get work done and have zero tolerance for troubleshooting & autistic bullshit?

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Anonymous No. 956472

how do I make the polybevel miter to arc like the in the picture, I followed old tutorial and stuck in this

Anonymous No. 956570

so I just found that it's called vertex splitting in older version of houdini but it's missing in 19.5 polybevel properties menu, anyone know where find it?

Anonymous No. 956595

>have zero tolerance for troubleshooting & autistic bullshit?
Don't use Linux.

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Anonymous No. 956682

houdini 20 when?

Anonymous No. 956685

2 months

Anonymous No. 956744

Does anyone find it maddening that Side hasn't made AI to make USD quicker and easier to setup / manage?

Anonymous No. 956837

what does she look like?
I love her voice

Anonymous No. 956838

John Kunz uses Linux Mint

MIX Training uses PopOs

Anonymous No. 956943

>nothing on the muscle front
>no documentation added to previous release
its over

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Anonymous No. 956958

Is there any way to paint tet strength as an attribute?

Anonymous No. 956959

Absolutely no idea. She's just a cute sounding autistic girl.

Anonymous No. 957145

Why should I use KineFx ?

Anonymous No. 957173

it's the future of rigging and animation

Anonymous No. 957175

i read someone saying the same thing - you? - which got me interested, but now i am waiting for more evidence instead of empty promises

Anonymous No. 957254

now is your queue to tell me why KineFx is the "future of rigging of animation" even though everything i see about it is sub par and background

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Anonymous No. 957322

Where can I find full HD recordings of Houdini Office Hours?

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Anonymous No. 958110

>bilibili is limited to 360p on desktop unless you send the chinks a photo of you holding your id
welp, it was nice while it lasted

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Anonymous No. 958113

I want to build a new rig for gamedev, 3D and Houdini. Where should I put the money on if mu ultimate endgoal with Houdini is to have a PDG pipeline that'll generate a procedural city with roads, blocks and building HDAs?
I have no idea of the power it'll require. I heard many people are using farms for these kind of jobs so I'm clueless. Pic unrelated.

Anonymous No. 959076

bump goddamit, I even forgot I asked this question

Anonymous No. 959079

it's hard to tell t bh. you can max out any hardware you throw at houdini.
for your case prioritise ram and cpu compute probably. i suspect reliance on gpu compute will grow over the next few years but, for right now 64 gigs of ram and the biggest cpu you can buy is a safe minimum.

Anonymous No. 959081

Ok thanks, I wanted to know if heavy procedural stuff relied more on GPU or CPU. So if I make a nice rig for "gaming" it should hold itself for Houdini?

Anonymous No. 959083

If you want to do really nice fluid sims you are going to need minimum 128gb ram and do it all on cpu to take advantage of that ram. Gpu sims are really really small

Anonymous No. 959184

gpu is arguably underutilised in houdini right now, but there are signs that's beginning to change.
however, big sims you just can do on the gpu because of memory constraints as >>959083 says.
for procedural modelling you're largely going to be leaning on your cpu, unless you have sim phases or write opencl code yourself

>So if I make a nice rig for "gaming" it should hold itself for Houdini?
depends. with gaming you can get an i5 and or an i7 and basically reach close to the top of intel performance - core utilisation in houdini in a lot better in many cases so more cores = better.
conversely getting an x3d amd chip is largely pointless because you're going to get marginal gains, so instead of getting a 7800x3d for gaming you're better of getting a 7900x non-3d instead

Anonymous No. 959185

>you just can't* do on the gpu
also, there is no gpu flip solver in houdini right now. jangafx is working on a gpu liquid solver which looks cool, but the first version won't have basic stuff like viscosity control. again, memory constraints will mean it'll be limited to small scale sims for a few years (unless you have an h100 lying around)

Anonymous No. 959191

Are they planning to do something interesting with SOPS in H20?

Anonymous No. 959197

Should I learn Houdini or Maya

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Sans titre.png

test No. 959206


Anonymous No. 959226

feather toolset looks neat
maybe we'll get the fabled, industry leading, quad remesher

Anonymous No. 959230

From what I've understood they're doing spring cleaning on the underlying architecture, so better overall performance and complete verbification, which means SOP nodes are callable as python functions without ever needing to build a network.

Anonymous No. 959256

QRD on the upcoming Vulkan viewport? Does it still look like ass or sexy like Blender?

Anonymous No. 959589

If you're a code fag, drop maya

Anonymous No. 959591

incredible amounts of coded plugins are written for maya. You don't know what you are talking about. Learn the api

Anonymous No. 959593

drop maya

Anonymous No. 959596

i do hand keyed character animation dude.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959607

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 959639

stay on maya

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959652

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ die nigga MOD No. 959654

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 960154

what are you trying to do?

Anonymous No. 960155


Anonymous No. 960245

The heaviest thing I'm gonna do is all about procedural modeling and HDAs management. During this year and maybe the next one, I'd like to create a procedural city HDA with PDG.
And I don't even know if a regular computer can handle that desu. I hea that a lot of people are using farms for this.

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Houdini 20.jpg

Anonymous No. 960254

What are your expectations?

Anonymous No. 960257

To crush their enemies, see them driven to insanity, and hear the lamentations of maya and c4d users

Anonymous No. 960258

The OCIO support is currently horrible, solaris is a absolute joke, their new tools have zero documentation and their masterclassses have no project files.

Anonymous No. 960303

works on my machine

Anonymous No. 960308

you didnt address any of my points and are just purely shilling

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Anonymous No. 960414

Heavy on the kinefx

Anonymous No. 960418

I ask why kinefx is good and people itt have no answers, just blindly saying that its the future.

Again, why is kinefx `good`? I dont get it.

Anonymous No. 960419

They are trying to siphon maya chads and they are winning.

KineFX is so powerful, crazy not to use it if you're animator or rigger

Anonymous No. 960428

>just 15 minutes for modeling updates
I swear if they don't talk about the new quad remesher I will lose my shit.

Anonymous No. 960432

>KineFX is so powerful, crazy not to use it if you're animator or rigger

see and answer >>960418

Anonymous No. 960434

agreed. really incredible set of tools. even a fool could see how revolutionary they are.

Anonymous No. 960435

you and >>960419 are one and the same and will do anything to not describe why it is good. You are just a shill.

Anonymous No. 960603

>Fianna Wong
I want to creampie that asian woman so badly.

Anonymous No. 960604

I use kinefx to easily retarget animations, add secondary animation or procgen animations.

Anonymous No. 960606

she is quintessentially canadian, chud

Anonymous No. 960609

sounds a lot like cascadeur and we all know how THAT turned out

Anonymous No. 960624

No this is different. Basically secondary animation is like floppy ears or breasts animation. Jiggle, lag and overshoot physics.

Anonymous No. 960625

I used Houdini 20 like 1 month ago when I had beta access.
It basically new sop nodes for cloud system.
New rigging framework called APEX.
New ripple solver which is so fucking quick.
SOP white water solver, sky box sop node.

Anonymous No. 960643

Tell us more about this apex

Anonymous No. 960650


You want to do character animation in an external package and import in alembic cache into houdini. Nobody and I do mean nobody wants this kinefx or apex shit. I cant fucking BELIEVE they are spending any amount of time on Apex instead of going all in on AI effects, Sidefx needs to be drug tested

Anonymous No. 960695

No, I don't, you subhuman maya faggot.
I'm not going to waste my time trying to clean up the mess that maya creates when I need to clean up animation or retarget shit.
Your pov is vfx only, because you're stuck in 2010.
Stay a brainlet and kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 960697

>using houdini for character rigging and animation
>cascadeur tier kinefx
>thinks houdini isnt a 99% vfx program

Anonymous No. 960761

Are you mentally challenged?
Ever heard of procedural modeling or animation?
You're stuck in 2010.

Anonymous No. 960763

>Building generator

Anonymous No. 960770

alright, fuck off, you've baited me enough.

Anonymous No. 960786

great, we'll be flooded with feather animations by the mograph bros for months on end

Anonymous No. 960792

>nike: air
>light like a feather, get it?
>canada goose
>feathers, get it?
>down pillows
>feathers, get it?

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Anonymous No. 960793

>Heavy on the kinefx

ultimately cascadeur proved to be useless. Kinefx is just another desperate attempt at the same thing. We need a fresh approach

Anonymous No. 960843

Why my volume in viewport is so blurry? I tried increasing limit texture to 512 and disabling volume filtering but nothing changed, compared to tutorial that I followed the difference is night and day, anyone know how to fix this?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 960847


Anonymous No. 961020


Anonymous No. 961190

>Ironically studios use their own, non native houdini muscle solutions to do muscle rigs

>i.e. glorified wrappers of a standard vellum tet solve
>which is exactly the same thing as the native hou muscle

yeah, "ironic".

Anonymous No. 961205


Anonymous No. 961221

ilm's houdini muscle solution is a glorified vellum wrapper
cinesite's houdini muscle solution is sidefx's houdini muscle solution
sidefx's houdini muscle solution is a glorified vellum wrapper

what's your point, exactly?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 961222

just implement the equations directly and forget about slowdini.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 961228

look, side muscle is very bare bones, can you agree both on tool side and documentation side? You're saying that digging a ditch with a shovel and digging a ditch with a excavator is just a glorified version. In this case the "excavator" can run on gpu, has loads of presets and proven documentation and custom tools. This is a shovel vs an excavator

Anonymous No. 961230

look, side muscle is very bare bones, can you agree both on tool side and documentation side? You cant compare it to studio version

Anonymous No. 961233

don't bother with him, m8.
it's one obsessed weirdo who posts about ziva on the board.
i think now he talks about kinefx as well for some reason lol.

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Anonymous No. 961579

Is the h20 sneak peek out yet?

Anonymous No. 961590

Of course its not.

Anonymous No. 961628

here you go senpai

Anonymous No. 961637

Maybe H21 will be better.

I think they are polishing a turd with any kind of rendering in Hou fwiw

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Anonymous No. 961639

>mfw quad remesher

Anonymous No. 961662

tell me, oh wise one, how does Vellum solver deal with thin to extremely thin triangles? With other softbody solvers in other packages I have to attempt to remove extremely thin triangles at every frame and it cant be automated and every time you try to fix the the triangles over here on frame X you get new extremely thin triangles popping up over here because everything is connected. Its fucking absurd. I want to switch to something better, but, I don't know if Vellum solver is actually better than what I am using and I am pretty heavily invested but my results are not where I want them to be

Anonymous No. 961666

I'm sure switching to something better will make you start doing things.

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Anonymous No. 961667

I don't know what you are talking about, I'm this guy

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Anonymous No. 961669

and this guy

Anonymous No. 961670

sounds like far too high resolution for your needs.
you can remove small pieces every frame with houdini standard tools, but nibbling off pieces of geometry at sim time sounds like a terrible idea

Anonymous No. 961680

NTA. For skin (cloth), vellum is XPBD so edges have a simple length constraint for stretching and triangle-to-triangle bending constraint stored on their shared edge, this setup is simple and numerically stable but cannot recover from a self-intersection if it's allowed to happen (too few collision substeps). For muscles, tets' volume constraint may be more robust, I haven't looked.

Idk if you are fixing bad triangles by full-on remeshing or simple edge flipping, but edge flipping is mathematically guaranteed to give you a numerically better mesh.

Anonymous No. 961729

mMMMmm... flesh
mmmm... sxe

Anonymous No. 961730

teach me daddy

Anonymous No. 961737

>this setup is simple and numerically stable but cannot recover from a self-intersection if it's allowed to happen (too few collision substeps).
I also can't have self collision. Well, technically, I can, but its not good. So, I am not supposed to have self C and extremely thin triangles.

What worked in a simple scene like >>961669 showed a lot of promise and I initially got excited, thinking it would be that easy to get consistent good results but it
breaks down when I have the full body doing all types of movement and then I have to sim and re sim and resim your rig at the muscle level again attempting to debug weird behavior

Anonymous No. 961777

Remove all operators and put them into SOPs. I have fixed houdini.

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Anonymous No. 961821

Stand Dong With Wong

Anonymous No. 962278

this may be a stupid question because Im a newfag, but how does houdini integrate with blender? do I model in blender first then export the model to houdini for procedural FX work? or is there a way I can use houdini nodes within blender so that I dont have to switch between the two

Anonymous No. 962282

Poorly because of GPL and Blender Foundation's steadfast refusal to provide a C++ API so Houdini Engine could be integrated with Blender. There are Python scripts that import/export geometry between Houdini and Blender, but it's sub-optimal because it's destructive.

Anonymous No. 962301

Houdini 20 Keynote

Anonymous No. 962303

>I did try to get into Houdini for an hour.
kill yourself

Anonymous No. 962315

>machine learning
>cloud tools
it's over houdinibros sesi has transformed into a tech startup

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Anonymous No. 962327

my reaction coming soon

Anonymous No. 962332

my reaction : unfortunately, i wont be cancelling my maya subscription anytime soon

Anonymous No. 962419


Anonymous No. 962581

hello houdini bros, if I get really good at houdini over the next few years and post consistently on twitter and make a portfolio website do I get a free job making big bucks? thanks

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Anonymous No. 962583

this is a retarded question, but im trying to make a cloud following a beginner tutorial and I accidentally changed some value in the volume that made my program freeze, so I pressed esc to stop whatever was happening and fix the value and now my object isnt visible in the viewport
how do I make my object visible again

Anonymous No. 962604

No one cares about your fucking Twitter, faggot. Yes to everything else. Artists got hired from across the world before social media, you know.

It could be a dozen things.
At obj level, the viewport renders whatever node has the render flag inside the geo, unless you dropped and connected an output node. You may be viewing a node which isn't the one you expect.
Or, interrupting the cooking caused a cascading hiccup along the chain and some node didn't re-cook properly.
Or maybe, your volume is there, it's just really thin now. Drop a volume visualize and increase the density scale to something stupid high.

Anonymous No. 962685

>Or maybe, your volume is there, it's just really thin now. Drop a volume visualize and increase the density scale to something stupid high.
yeah one thing was that the cloud node div size was too high so the density was so thin I couldnt see it
but for some reason yesterday no matter what node I chose render by flagging it it wouldnt show up, so something was bugged that required me to restart the program

Anonymous No. 962690

Im kind of a beginner in 3dcg and recently Ive been trying to render good looking clouds in blender for like 2 weeks
decided to take a look at houdini, within two days having never touched the program before Im rendering clouds that are 100000x better than anything I could do with blenders retarded node system
houdini just feels so much more intuitive to, all the nodes just do exactly what theyre meant to do, theres tools specific to whatever you want to create
nodes in blender feel like youre always jerry rigging something, doing things that technically work but feel unintended and would be impossible to figure out on your own as a beginner
obviously Ill still use blender for modelling but theres no way Ill ever try anything with volumes in blender again

Anonymous No. 962733

Right on. You might have caught it in the keynote but there's actually new cloud specific tools coming in H20.

Anonymous No. 962739

Congratulations anon, you are not retarded.

Anonymous No. 962788

yeah I skipped right to that part lol, looks really good Im excited

Anonymous No. 963629

Do you guys think houdini/fx artist jobs will still be in demand in 5 years?
I'm just wondering because I'm probably going into a bachelors degree of animation majoring in technical directing, it starts in 2025 and takes 3 years. My goal is to be an FX TD, but I don't really know if its worth it.

Anonymous No. 963651

is Houdini used mostly for VFX in the industry?

Anonymous No. 963654

Medical Field, Scientific Field, Motion Design, Automotive Industry. Probably other industries too.

It's on.
Houdini 20 is a go.

Anonymous No. 963676

>Houdini 20 is a go.
lets fucking go
going to spend like 10 hours fucking around with clouds now

Anonymous No. 963698

is there a crack for Houdini? does 3d/art software get cracked the same amount as audio software? if yes, is there a site like audioz but for graphics software?

Anonymous No. 963701

The Houdini crack is interesting because you download the legitimate version and use a cracked version of their certificate license server to run the program

Anonymous No. 963702

wow now your system is compromised, idiot

Anonymous No. 963714

why would you need a crack the full version is literally free

Anonymous No. 963718

There is a crack but I don't know if it works for Houdini 20 or not.

Anonymous No. 963727

isn't houdini apprentice free********?
(meaning there's like 30 catches)

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Anonymous No. 963732


What's the minimum amount of Houdini skills needed to get a job in any of those fields?

Anonymous No. 963749

I'm using it for nothing but vidya development.

Anonymous No. 963751

should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 963802

I'll do it.
Great job, anon. Me too.

Anonymous No. 963807

youre a stupid fucking nigger
how about you download the thing first before wasting everyones time
apprentice is full featured the only catch is you cant use it commercially (but even if you were to its very unlikely theyd come after you unless you blew up and were making big bucks, at which point you could just buy it anyway)
someone mentioned that ironically it has even more features than houdini indie and is closer to the full featured houdini FX

Anonymous No. 963808

>upgrade to 20 so I can use the cloud tools since Ive been obsessed with making clouds lately
>follow the keynote presenter and use cloudshapegenerate and cloudshapefromintersection
>as soon as I flag cloudshapefromintersection to view program becomes insanely laggy
>change some values, program stops responding and graphics driver crashes
>one time my screen goes completely black and I have to manually shut off pc with button

why is this happening? its just a mesh I havent even gotten to the volume generation yet
the old method of just using randomized scattered spheres never caused any issues

Anonymous No. 963822

Nvidia drivers are a fucking mess

Anonymous No. 963824

Additionally, how many times did this happen? Are you NVIDIA or AMD? Studio driver or GRD? What driver? What video card?

Anonymous No. 963826

you have a legit license, why are you not asking the sidefx devs?

Anonymous No. 963829

He could be on GRD or have bad system memory. When my memory kit turned to shit I got blackscreen errors and freezing too.

Im waiting for him to respond to >>963824.

Anonymous No. 963837

>how about you download the thing first before wasting everyones time
sry :(

Anonymous No. 963889

Im using AMD

happens every time I use the new cloudshapefromintersection node
Im using integrated graphics on a Ryzen 5 5600g with 16gb mobo RAM, driver is AMD Adrenalin 23.9.2
so the most obvious answer is "well duh youre hardware sucks"

which is probably true, I got a 3060 that came in the mail that I'll install tomorrow and hopefully that fixes it
I also noticed that when I watch task manager, it seems to crash when it hits around 8 gb of memory, so for some reason maybe its not using all my (meager) memory

still, it doesnt make sense to me why essentially a modified version of the scatter + randomise node is so difficult to cook, like even worse than actually cooking the cloud volume/vdb

the graphics driver crashing has been a persistent problem, but again hopefully when I switch to Nvidia soon thatll be fixed

Anonymous No. 963905

If you are using houdini to do simulations (and clouds are a simulation) you need to get 128gb memory. You can get this for $200. AMD has worse drivers than intel and nvidia for both cpu and gpu and igpu. Nobody else on odforce or sidefx forums is saying that clouds are breaking their systems

Anonymous No. 963967

simulations is one way to do clouds but you can also just model static clouds rocedurally and houdini just released a bunch of new nodes specifically for this
thats what Im doing right now
I installed that 3060 and it seems to be fine now (but even still takes a hot second to cook the cloudshapefromintersection node)
even before on my igpu it was fine working with volumes as long as I kept the volume div size above a certain threshold
you larpers are so dramatic

Anonymous No. 963975

>static clouds

Anonymous No. 963995

Im using it to produce static images so its actually exactly what I need
and static clouds can look better than simulations which often look too smokey

Anonymous No. 964018

you look at any cloud irl and its completely gone and transformed into some other shape in 5 min. Cope.

Anonymous No. 964109

you are so retarded

Anonymous No. 964125

I'm happy that I got houdini. I can't wait to learn how to rig and how to use vex.
Have been fucking with the light mixer, material linker and the karma sky environment node a lot since it came out. It's so useful and fun.

Anonymous No. 964138

>rigging and animating in houdini

Anonymous No. 964157

And you can't do anything to stop me, you little kike faggot

Anonymous No. 964159

you'll never make it

Anonymous No. 964208

>Earning 17k a month
Get on my level, scrub

Anonymous No. 964392

Did they remove the rendering resolution limit and watermark, can you write files in whatever format you want now or has there always been a work around those things or what?

Image not available



Anonymous No. 964393

Well well well, nevermind

Anonymous No. 964394

>Pretends they're smart
>Pretends they even know how to simulate
>Pretends they even open Houdini regularly

Anonymous No. 964397

yeah the work around is to earn $250 a year, which you get working 2 days literally at mcdonalds

Anonymous No. 964404

So Anon's wrong then

Anonymous No. 964407

no, hes not wrong, you are just poor in an age where cgp has died

Anonymous No. 964467

1. He's wrong
2. lol

Anonymous No. 964470

define "wrong". Everything you should be doing, you can do for free. If you want more features, get literally any job and work it for 2 days. The end.

Anonymous No. 964516

>"Full Featured"
>If you want more features