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🧵 They took animation too now

Anonymous No. 938372

What even is the point of being an artist anymore, I'm just going to kill myself.

Anonymous No. 938380

Sorry chud, programming was always the superior career path.

Anonymous No. 938386

Yeah and the video itself can also be AI generated. As well as the script and voices.
Only influence people will have is on editing it.

AI can do that too.

Anonymous No. 938387

there are some people who are revolted by this push for AI. you have a hard road ahead of you, you'll need to adapt, but some people still have your back, anon.

Anonymous No. 938388

AI can't into consistency. Every frame looks like a completely different image. It's literally useless for animation apart form tAkE oN mE 2023 edit #8273498265924824325

Anonymous No. 938410

they put the tutorial behind a paywall?

Anonymous No. 938480

Nah, still not yet. Rotoscope has been around for a long time, a nicer looking rotoscope still can’t capture the “life” you need for good animation (which is ironic considering it’s coming directly from life). Richard Williams goes into detail about this in his book, but basically, animation has a lot more thought and logic put into it than just putting a really nice filter over live footage. I don’t doubt AI will eventually get there, but I think these people are going about it wrong. Still neat, but you need to get ai to understand the styles of animation rather than a particular art style, and I think that could prove a bit more challenging… but I also didn’t think SD would be as powerful as it is in just a couple months, so who knows. Maybe somebody will figure something out.

Anonymous No. 938481

you're dead wrong. There are examples out there with sd on top of an image and it looks better than any manual rotoscope.

Anonymous No. 938482

*with sd on top of a video.

Look on tik tok

Anonymous No. 938483

I agree, but it still looks rotoscoped and that’s the issue. Back when Disney was figuring out the nuts and bolts of animation they landed on rotoscoping, and much like this, they were able to get some amazing results, but eventually the actual motions got “boring”, and in their tests they had one of the best character actors they could find for their examples.

I could go into it but it gets into lecture territory. There’s a certain understanding of spacing and timing, squash and stretch, and little tricks to get the most out of a motion that life acting can’t, or very rarely can, capture, so you’ll get a really nice filter but it won’t be able to capture that “life” good animations can… again, yet. I’m sure it’ll get there, but rotoscoping img2img isn’t it.

Anonymous No. 938485

you're hating on rotoscoping. It looks like a new genre of anime. Look on tik tok.

Anonymous No. 938486

Show me. From all the examples I’ve seen it’s just next gen rotoscoping which I don’t think is going to have the lasting appeal just as it didn’t back in the day. Show me some good examples.

Anonymous No. 938487

i dont have the link anymore but im telling you - tik tok

Anonymous No. 938488

I’m trying to (I don’t use Tik Tok so maybe I’m searching wrong?) and all I’m finding are, again, rotoscoped AI animations, or horribly disjointed AI animations. If you don’t have a good example I can look at then we can’t really discuss this any further.

Anonymous No. 938499

>man applies stylized filter to image
OP: "What even is the point of being an artist anymore, I'm just going to kill myself."

You were never an artist, OP. Sorry.

Anonymous No. 938513


Anonymous No. 938536

Have you tried GitHub Copilot? It's shit. All it did was annoy me.

Anonymous No. 938540

This video was good but it would have looked so much better if it was traditionally animated. You’re fine.

Anonymous No. 938547

>AI can do that too.
no, it can't. At best it can supply you with basic scripts like the ones you find on Stackoverflow, and even then you have to proof-read.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938565

>The basedcoder will worship evil to his last moment

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938566

onions! onions! fuck you jannies. onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny onions janny nigger tranny
filter THIS

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938567


Anonymous No. 938596

>it would have looked so much better if it was traditionally animated.
it would never have been made if it had to be traditionally animated b/c of production constraints and i think that, along with demonstrating how quickly this stuff is progressing, is the point of the video.

i still think it's a bit of a jittery mess, but it's a lot less of a jittery mess than this stuff looked like a month ago. and it didn't exist last year.

honestly, i think people doing anything other than very high-end work should be concerned.

Anonymous No. 938601

>honestly, i think people doing anything other than very high-end work should be concerned.
Nope. They're not artists.

Anonymous No. 938611

Nah, you aren’t understanding the fundamental difference between this and traditional animation. What we have here is a next gen filter/rotoscope. It’s definitely impressive, but your eye will get bored of it, or rather, as nice as it looks, the actual animated motion has no appeal to it because in reality it isn’t actually animation. When AI can understand the actual style of animation, and the logic behind what makes an appealing animation (again, spacing, timing, squash and stretch, how many exposures to use, etc) then it’ll be a real game changer. I mean, people can still use this technology to get a really nice affect, and there’s that one popular YouTuber that found quite a bit of success rotoscoping (can’t remember his name), but this isn’t really going the direction of replacing animators just yet. I doubt it will be the img2img function that ends up doing it.

Still, give it a year or two and I’m sure we’ll see a pretty big advancement towards it. The best thing they could have possibly done is make this open source, so now people will fine tune it for things like animation and 3d modeling.

Anonymous No. 938614

>because in reality it isn’t actually animation.
anything in motion on film is animation. Not going to read your mental gymnastics

Anonymous No. 938618

I can’t tell if you’re shitposting or just weirdly sensitive to the topic. It’s bizarre either way.

Anonymous No. 938619

I hate /3/ because your posts last a month.

I remember the corridor digital guys complaining about the "old world mentality" people have, that they do have a confirmed background on directing a project, but because it is not "official broadway" no producer wants to invest on them to make a full lenght movie.
now, I always thought, if these guys made a movie, it would be absolute garbage!
these guys have no vision whatsoever. Look at their nonexistent cinematography, look at their bare bones writing, look at their straight-out-of-college actors. All their work consist of "hey guys, check out this cool effect I just learnt" a movie is much more than just special effects. SPECIALLY nowadays, which every movie is a CGI fest.

Anonymous No. 938621

But it looks like trash
Shit artists didn't replace good artists so why is this different?

Anonymous No. 938622

thank you for sparing me your further garbage.

>SPECIALLY nowadays, which every movie is a CGI fest.

Anonymous No. 938623

>It looks like a new genre of anime.
Wrong. Looks nothing like asian hands did it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938624

>it would never have been made
It literally already existed before you stupid shitskin?

Anonymous No. 938625

its fun to add racism to a post. But here's the irony : if your post wasn't solid to begin with it may make you look retarded.

Anonymous No. 938626

>Color is racism now
Meds. Now.

Anonymous No. 938627

calling someone a shitskin is racism. You have sub room temperature IQ

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938628

>calling someone a shitskin is racism.
Cope more shitskin, not my problem you're offended by color. The fact you can't even deny that's your skin color proves my point right.

Anonymous No. 938629

I’m guessing he’s a pajeet. Pajeets usually act like this.

Anonymous No. 938708

lmao go to any AI shill thread, 8 of 10 times, it's a pajeet reveal

fucking subhumans

Anonymous No. 938717

I’ve just gotten used to talking with them. They are either vehemently for or against ai, but whenever you try and have a conversation with them their responses are always slightly off, a bit aggressive, and eventually, they’ll just devolve into insults and never actually address your points. I think AI and it’s practical use is a pretty interesting topic, but trying to converse about it with angry pajeets and scorned artists is a nightmare.

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Anonymous No. 938866

Anonymous No. 938868

[ ] bwaaah muh morals
[X] A C C E L E R A T E

Anonymous No. 938871

>everything i dont like is betrayal


Anonymous No. 938872

The AI programs are made by california liberals, their entire identity is left wing politicns. They will censor the art generation AI and make it conform to their world views just as they have with movies and video games. You can offer what people want, not what they want them to have.

Just as movies and video games went to shit, so will AI art creation.

Anonymous No. 938874

If you're a creative person you'll gonna make art no matter what. We're in this for the process more than we're in it for the end product.
The art we're making is gonna change tho and so is the scale of our potential audience as a ever growing number of people will be free to pursue art.

The real issue is how anyone is ever gonna be able to sustain themselves gaining any sort of high level skills as the AI will make you stupid by
handing you ever increasingly competent results.

The silver lining here is that this is not a threat towards art as much as it's a threat to society as a whole.
The number of tasks an algorithm with natural language understanding can accomplish is immense. Whole areas of white collar administrative jobs are
threatened like not tomorrow but right here and now even with the crude variants of today compared to the ones a few generations ahead.
Down the line a majority of human effort is threatened.
>Prostitutes are prob gonna be the last ones to lose their jobs. It's only fitting how the worlds oldest profession may one day become it's last.

Programmers are drinking the copium big time if they think it ends here. Realize that no matter how brilliant you are at coding you're ultimately limited
the same way a administrative worker is. You can address what's happening in your program at one point and write code as fast as you can hammer away
at plastic keys. An AI can edit a document in as many points as it has processing power and keep a library of intricate solutions and guard against the obscurest edge-cases at all times. The career path towards being a programmer is gonna be closing fast as these systems are refined.

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Anonymous No. 938875

Oh yeah bro good luck competing with your stick figure swastika pepe's while the liberal AI is drawing glorious 16K ultra-detailed hot-as-lava tranny's who swinging their giant dicks like lasso roping kids in by the millions.

Anonymous No. 938882

Reading some of the replies here and the majority of the pinhead responses to their twitter posts announcing this and the bts of it; it is honestly baffling at how braindead and frankly unimaginative of the potential AI is going to have towards animation and even the entire process the majority of the people in this space really are.

The number of replies saying the end result looks trash as if this is the result of a multi-million $ production inspired by god himself and not just 3 rands figuring this out as they go in their spare time is sad. The fact that people think this is the final product every future project is going to look like and not just what is essentially a tech demo giving us a glimpse of all the posibilites. Mind boggling honestly.

Anyone in this space that isn't at least looking into this and learning how it works and realising what is to come with it is going to be left behind. The fact is; the tech is going to develop fast and big companies are going to be at the forefont, if you don't want to be left in the dust, embrace and at least understand it.

Anonymous No. 938896

all the idiots criticizing this are like, "oh this first generation of a new tool used by 4 guys in their garage to make a movie in two months and will revolutionize the industry isn't perfect, therefore it is bad and won't ever work" lmao

Anonymous No. 938901

It utterly amazes me how much they spout this too, actually believe it's as good as it's going to get and won't ever improve. I remember what Dall-e was doing this time last year and while people had fun with it, artists just dunked on it saying they had nothing to worry about. Then Stable Diffusion came in. Just imagine how hard these so-called 'artists' will cope then.

Anonymous No. 938902

If someone posts the word 'cope' or 'seethe' there is a 99..99999% probability they dont know what they are talking about

Anonymous No. 938903

Congratulations, you found the 0.00001% that does. And you can get more upset

Anonymous No. 938916


It's abundantly clear that within ten years, a team of five animators will be doing what requires a team of thirty today.

It's not even the first time this has happened - the move from physical animation cels to digital had the same massive jump in employee efficiency.

Deal with it. Learn the new tech or get left behind.

Anonymous No. 938929

You don't make sense. Films from the past times were far better than films from the present times.

Anonymous No. 938934

You don't make sense plays from the past times where better than films.

Anonymous No. 938935

romeo and juliet is a masterpiece

Anonymous No. 938939

You guys don't make sense storytellers from previous times where better than plays and movies.

Anonymous No. 938945

so he said that the previous gen movies were better, still within the same medium (film), yet you went into another medium (plays, novella). Curious.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 938966

That's reality anon you cannot stop progress many people tried in past like the live music industry and they fail

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Anonymous No. 938979

ILLEGAL AI: LAWSUITS should be brought against Corridor who STOLE art stills (animation/photographic cells) to repurpose it AND monetize itwithout consent or compensation to Madhouse Studios.

THE REASON the precedent of style, look, and feel, was difficult to bring lawsuits against before, was that HUMAN element and psycho-emotional micro-interpretations before A.I. would act as a filter to recontextualize the learning and application of a STYLE.

THE PROBLEM with Generative A.I. models is that the psycho-emotional 'recontextualization filter' is completely non-existent.

STYLE should be protected when A.I. is involved, because just as the COPYRIGHT OFFICE has held, human authorship offers incalculable nuances that the A.I. models cant and maybe will never implement into the work.

CORRIDOR STOLE the stills (animation cells) from the Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust film created by Madhouse Studios using stabled diffusion AI.

FINALLY, IMO this video serves as interconvertible evidence for willful and opportunistic theft of an Intellectual Property of the style, look, and feel (trade dress) of a published work...which can be cause for suit.

Anonymous No. 939211

i'm literally LMAOing right now at you

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oh heavens.gif

Anonymous No. 939266

first you don't have my permission to un-alive yourself
watch this

Anonymous No. 939268

Its a filter, anon. Thats all it is.

Anonymous No. 939345

fuck off, cris.

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 939410

>Anon is romantacising Ai again
>Anon didn't even watch the behind the scenes video.
>Behind the scenes:
>dipshit Luddites think they are going to be replaced.

Anonymous No. 939436


What if it could be used as a tool? Give an idea fr how oit could look, help generate rough frames, and then artists can work on the ai's output from there? Use it not as a replacement, but a tool to help with ideas.

Anonymous No. 939437

I tried using Stable Diffusion but I just got shit results. It was literally an abomination


Anonymous No. 939439

none of this matters, employers/corpos will use this tech to save money on human labor, that's all that matters and will be inevitable regardless of any feels nonsense about real work by real people.

Anonymous No. 939455

I've been saying this for a while but loser neet doomers just don't want to hear it. In truth they want everyone to be as miserable as they are - not going to happen.
Great artists are going to continue being great artists.

Anonymous No. 939489

Imagine fearing an overglorified search engine. You were probably not gonna make it anyway.

Anonymous No. 939517

>>written by AI
the irony

Anonymous No. 939525

>You're not going to be replaced
A couple paragraphs later
>All this work that humans used to do will no longer be necessary.
don't fucking lie to my face.

Anonymous No. 939526

So now they are going to replace hobbyists making art in their basements making porn with safe, unoffending material that big corpo has approved. Now I've heard it all. Next thing up on their list is they are going to "remove" tik tok

Anonymous No. 939647

Automation will hit the already mechanical parts of the creative process.

If you're key talent who's capable of formulating a vision, expressing your ideas and leading a creative project, you get to do what you do now but far more efficiently. If you're the low IQ sweatshop pajeet manually interpolating keyframes in someone else's storyboard, you're fucked.

Anonymous No. 939649

Notice how nobody start out but being creative lead tho. The level of skills you need to acquire before you can make a living in art will be unattainable to anyone who doesn't have a willing patron to fund them since all junior positions will go *poff*.

Anonymous No. 939656

>if you work hard enough as a lip-syncer at some third world shithole contractor that doesn't even get a production credit, someone will eventually recognize your talent and promote you

Anonymous No. 939913

>run a video through two dozen filters
>add overused 'whoa! this is intense!!' lines effect
>call it anime
That's not how this works.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 939914

None care about your animation's you niggers in the west make dog shit LGBT animation's.
And you don't want to work for rice and noodles and demand more money what did you except

Anonymous No. 939990

>The AI programs are made by california liberals
no, they're made by europeans and indians

Anonymous No. 940813

>a team of five animators will be doing what requires a team of thirty today.
holy shit dude, I WISH it worked like that
look how big animation and game dev teams have become, they keep on growing

Anonymous No. 940932

It's like all the people going "AI can't do hands" smugly, as if that was a hard rule. New models already can do hands just fine.

Anonymous No. 940947

People think the jobs are just going to disappear, but that is unlikely to happen, at least not in the near future. Studios right now can't keep up with the demand for entertainment, not even close.

Sure, team sizes will shrink as you'll probably only need a handful of people working on a single project. Does that mean the rest are going to get fired? Probably not. Instead they'll form new teams, expanding the studios business more. Of course the work you do is likely going to change quite a bit from what it is now, but it's not going anywhere, as long as you keep up with the advances, and don't stagnate. End up getting fired anyway? It's going to be more and more viable to start a solo business. There's no cause for worry.

Anonymous No. 941023

Tell me about AI texturing

Anonymous No. 941028

Exactly, "used to do". Traditional animation in the
West has been dead for a while, replaced by 3D. And even anime looks like crap nowadays. There are very few people who still have the skills necessary to make good animations, and the big studios aren't hiring them anyway. So, if this AI technology really allows a single man to create an entire film by himself, I say we could witness a new golden age of animation. Think of all the great stories we're missing out on, simply because marketing teams don't consider them profitable.

Anonymous No. 941047

this is like saying CGI can't do realism in 1998. while true, this doesn't mean the technology will never improve and become consistent and usable

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Anonymous No. 941058

just do real life stuff? Traditional art never lost to digital because no war ever happened, it was just you niggers who dropped trad for digital and see where it led you?

Return to light child, there is always a good place for you.

Anonymous No. 942071

Snow White is still the most lifelike animation and she was rotoscoped.

Anonymous No. 942125

>what if we took anime and threw away all the things that make it great, producing an ugly live action with a filter put over it

Anonymous No. 942128

it's truly fucking over now

Anonymous No. 942319

>3 Rands
This was a professional studio creating something for profit.

Anonymous No. 942351

Dude it's just shitty over-glorified rotoscoping like wtf is wrong with some of you people is this what it takes to just straight up give up on you passions. Geez man you retards are way to easily demoralized I swear the entire site is like this just filled to the brim with a bunch of miserable fucks who subconsciously hate living. Like I know things are and seem bad but the morons on this site always play into it. As if you ironically take actual pleasure in projecting the "impending doom" like some kind of sad masochist. I swear the whole site is literally like this just bunch of dumb parrots screaming what is essentially doom porn at each other it's so fucking gay. Like okay you hate your life and you want to kill yourself or something fine suit yourself but quite spreading your own loathsome misery to everyone else it's pathetic. I'm just ranting but fuckin hell you guys are so down bad and delusional it's almost irksome. Man I got to remind myself how hopelessly neurotic this place and leave it for good. Shame as it's only mildly better than most other places that straight become intolerable on the net.

Anonymous No. 942354

it's over, yet again

Anonymous No. 942367

This is what happens when society embraces and idolizes nerds instead of bullying them into submission. They lack empathy and humanity and don't care that they will ruin everything for everyone because they are fundamentally defective individuals whose mechanism for compassion doesn't even function.

Anonymous No. 942368

its just another tiktok filter, same as everything else in this thread.


Anonymous No. 942387


It's not unfortunately. I can draw a doodle sketch and have stable diffusion run over it, pick what I like and
iterate til I've generated something that is better than anything I ever did. And I've doing this for 30 years.

Right now this is arguably already better than all of us, and at the same time it's as bad as it's ever gonna be.
I suggest you learn to work with it and enjoy the wild exploration of the limits of your imagination it enables, cuz it's never going away.

It's true it currently has poor stability replicating the same image from frame to frame but that problem is being solved as we speak.
I don't expect it to be very long before it does to 3D what it's already done to 2D.

Anonymous No. 942390

>It's not unfortunately. I can draw a doodle sketch and have stable diffusion run over it, pick what I like and
>iterate til I've generated something that is better than anything I ever did. And I've doing this for 30 years.
thats the very definition of a tiktok filter.

>Right now this is arguably already better than all of us,
give up

Anonymous No. 942399

truly fucking over
these fucks will destroy vast swathes of the industry

I fucking hate AI so fucking much, fucking talentless fucking hacks, fuck you.

Anonymous No. 942404

its just another filter. It doesnt even move the way a robot would move. *Yawn*

Anonymous No. 942411

That democratizes mocap so anyone can use it. Barrier to entry was hiring large teams and paying for equipment costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Of all the things AI automate I feel that one is something most people would feel psyched about.

>Did you work in mo-cap anon? If so my sincere condolences.

Anonymous No. 942412

>That democratizes mocap so anyone can use it.
no it doesnt.

Anonymous No. 942414

Think about it anon, these algorithms have been available to the public for a few months now and these tools have already sprouted up. How long do you think it'll be til someone makes a blender addon that does this available open source?

I agree the app itself on display there is a tiktok filter. But the underlying tech is amazingly useful to anyone doing animation work outside big budget studios.

Anonymous No. 942415

you seen this video? its disgusting.
you're good till you retire though your theoretical kids can't be artists

Anonymous No. 942416

Its only useful for hobbyists and even then, if they use this, they will remain so

Anonymous No. 942419

You're in denial. The world is running away from where you're at at a break neck pace anon and you're pretending like it's not happening.

Do you understand how incredible it is that an algorithm can determine poses from a single angle?
The advances in computer vision that enables that to be possible is like sci-fi level stuff.

This is already being coupling this with LLM's, giving them eyes and ears and the top people in the field building the technology underpinning
these cute art apps are speculating about how GPT4 might already be a form of AGI.

You're being Will Smith picking up his morning paper with the Mothership parked over downtown in the background.
Sticking your head in the sand and pretending none of this is happening won't make it go away.

Anonymous No. 942420

>Do you understand how incredible it is that an algorithm can determine poses from a single angle?

thats not what is valuable in production

Anonymous No. 942421

Your lack of imagination here is disturbing anon. Put two and two together anon. You have something that is near AGI if not actual AGI.
It has the capacity to chain complicated instructions and create new agents of itself to research and reflect from simple sentence user commands.

A year or two from now diffusion models for motion will exist where you tell a computer what to animate and based on a huge library of movement
it'll have accumulated watching over 9000 action films it'll be able to chain together long sequences of motion to depict whatever.

Anonymous No. 942422

>You have something that is near AGI if not actual AGI.
we're done here.

Anonymous No. 942423

Nah, We've only started anon. Someone has engaged the warpdrive and we're all left to navigate the blur.

If you don't know what happened over the course of just the last week in AI you're in for a rude awakening.

Anonymous No. 942424

log off from your computer

Anonymous No. 942425

Why on earth would I do that just as things are getting interesting? When was the last time you got to wake up and see how the boundaries of what's possible is expanding right before your eyes.

Anonymous No. 942432

am I missing something here? It is nothing but glorified rotoscoping. They had to have actors, down to the exact costumes present in the animation, along with the camera work exactly corresponding to the animation. Hardly the most astounding use of AI considering that there are AIs that can actually create (shitty) videos from scratch.

Anonymous No. 942447

The 'theft' of artstyle from an existing work is what everyone get hung up on as 'the smoking gun'.
But it is more that they're being shot because they got to be the messenger to a lot of people that was unaware this capability existed.
Their video made a lot of animators flinch as they realized they where staring their replacement right in the face.
Some tried to downplay it, deny it, claim it was illegal, immoral, unethical, anything they could cling to to avoid face the reality of their near obsolescence.

I'm eagerly awaiting when the wider public understands that this isn't a art thing but a entire fucking society thing.
The art side is just this cute parenthesis compared to what the LLM's are gonna do to a staggering number of jobs starting not today or tomorrow
but a couple of weeks back in a super serious 'omg this is 100% gonna happen now' type way.

We're living at the dawn of a new age like 'the industrial age' and 'information age' before this 'AI age' or whatever historians will come to call it.
There is no doubt in my mind the upheaval we will now witness in the coming decades will eclipse both of those earlier shifts in society.

Anonymous No. 942448

I'm already writing my video game scripts with ChatGPT. Then just plug all of it to RenPy, make some Midjourney graphics and ship it. ez pz

Anonymous No. 942455

Good for you anon. I have too much integrity to make use of everything I know now how to do with all the tools I'm now familiar with.
But playing around with it I realize just how fucked anyone who sticks to past ways of doing production art really is.

I have a Shoei helmet that's been sitting in my bookshelf since I no longer ride, I'm now tempted to put it on just to keep my head
from going 'fist of the north star' on me given how many times my mind has been blown the last couple of weeks while diving into this in a big way.

Anonymous No. 942466

>a dumb autorotoscope filter in which you have no control and have to have the entire, final shot ready to go stole all our jobs!
>matrix multiplication units on gpus stole all our jobs!

you're young, impressionable, and pathetic

Anonymous No. 942468

I'm a middle age, skeptic. You can't possibly know whether I am pathetic or not.
You can merely guess based on the fact I'm here on this site.

But I mean, so are you.. are you projecting something there anon mmm?

Anonymous No. 942475

why is ChatGPT4 not free?
fucking AI cunts

Anonymous No. 942484

Every prompt asked of it is computationally expensive to generate. They can't make it free without bleeding money at this point in time, it needs to become more streamlined/effective to run or computation must become cheaper.

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Anonymous No. 942485

It's truly fucking over when after effects retards can get this result within a few minutes


gif unrelated

Anonymous No. 942486

stop spamming these filters

Anonymous No. 942489

Animation BROS, it's OVER for YOU too

Anonymous No. 942490

even if you're spastic, you can create avatar level movies now

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Anonymous No. 942491

childish gambino looking for ai bros

Anonymous No. 942506

AI will eat the world

Anonymous No. 942510


Anonymous No. 942526

>every new bad thing is actually good cause its new
Hope your die of new covid strain before turning 20 to save the world from your idiocy.